TallUntidyGothGF's recent activity

  1. Comment on Remembering DanBC in ~talk

    I already miss reading his posts. Rest well.

    I already miss reading his posts. Rest well.

    6 votes
  2. Comment on The mask of humanity fall from capital in ~creative

    i thought they could be nice lyrics so i messed around for a few minutes. sorry for the bin level quality, it's just a voice note on iphone internal mic because i couldn't find the connector...

    i thought they could be nice lyrics so i messed around for a few minutes. sorry for the bin level quality, it's just a voice note on iphone internal mic because i couldn't find the connector dongle thing to plug my microphone in lol http://anglesmorts.org/Audio_09_13_2024_10_59_48.mp3

    6 votes
  3. Comment on Is WoW: The War Within worth it for a mostly solo player? in ~games

    mmmm, the comments here are making me want to pick it back up! It's heartening that the new expansion is good for solo play, and I usually most enjoyed those aspects of the game anyway (or at...

    mmmm, the comments here are making me want to pick it back up! It's heartening that the new expansion is good for solo play, and I usually most enjoyed those aspects of the game anyway (or at least the lower pressure multiplayer things). I've tried it again at various points in the past few years but it has felt impossible to get into again without people to play with (friends I used to play with no longer do). Even outside of needing a group for certain things, I think there's something about needing people to kind of share the overall experience with, even if it's just chatting as you're each doing stuff alone/occasionally meeting up to do things. That's something I really miss. Maybe we could start a little Tildes cluster?

    1 vote
  4. Comment on PinkNews CEO recorded calling trans issues "contentious" on the basis it jeopardises ad revenue in ~lgbt

    (edited )
    The pathology of Pink News is strongly related to how most local UK papers have been replaced by centrally managed firehoses of pointless, ad-infested, ai-generated, algo-pandering, biscuit-cutter...

    The pathology of Pink News is strongly related to how most local UK papers have been replaced by centrally managed firehoses of pointless, ad-infested, ai-generated, algo-pandering, biscuit-cutter clickbait trash -- with a vaguely local theme. Pink News is this way, but with a vaguely queer theme. It's like the 'queer' club in my city. It's not FOR queer people, it's wearing queer as a skin. It's sick.

    13 votes
  5. Comment on Denmark's minister of equality: There are limits to what rights trans people should have in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    grim - it feels like they're intentionally trying to create the incidents to produce political ammo for transphobes . it's like the "larry the bearded nurse" (or whatever tf it is this week) myth...

    grim - it feels like they're intentionally trying to create the incidents to produce political ammo for transphobes . it's like the "larry the bearded nurse" (or whatever tf it is this week) myth that transphobes in the UK spout, but they uh, decided to make it real? 'art' indeed šŸ™„ are they going to dress as a helicopter next? high-larious.

    3 votes
  6. Comment on Denmark's minister of equality: There are limits to what rights trans people should have in ~lgbt

    downer tag and transphobia tag would be appreciated on this and other similar articles . as a citizen of the cursed isle, i have been trying to avoid this kind of thing recently. since i'm here,...

    downer tag and transphobia tag would be appreciated on this and other similar articles . as a citizen of the cursed isle, i have been trying to avoid this kind of thing recently. since i'm here, does anyone have any background on the artist person they are talking about in the first part? is it a situation of someone claiming to be a woman to troll? or just a gnc trans person in the public eye?

    6 votes
  7. Comment on BBC exit poll predicts Labour landslide in UK in ~news

    Link Parent
    I think it still falls under managed decline - one of the major reasons for this, I think, is that Labour essentially promises a continuation of austerity-style public spending policy. However, as...

    I think it still falls under managed decline - one of the major reasons for this, I think, is that Labour essentially promises a continuation of austerity-style public spending policy. However, as I mentioned in the top level comment, I think there is something to be gained from a reduction in overall incompetence and therefore occurrence of major unforced error type events (of which there have been very many in the last set of governments), so that is indeed a positive!

    21 votes
  8. Comment on BBC exit poll predicts Labour landslide in UK in ~news

    Link Parent
    I understand that you want to feel positive about what may seem like a move in the right direction, and that it does not feel good when someone rains on what feels like good news. However, I do...

    I understand that you want to feel positive about what may seem like a move in the right direction, and that it does not feel good when someone rains on what feels like good news. However, I do not enjoy the implication that I'm just playing a 'typical Internet' cynic set piece by expressing my feelings about it - this is a real thing that affects me and many other people.

    I want good news as much as you do. I really do not see it as good news. Put simply, it's nominally a massive move to the less conservative party, but it comes at the cost of the less conservative party becoming far more conservative - critically, now, with far less opposition from any other less conservative party.

    21 votes
  9. Comment on BBC exit poll predicts Labour landslide in UK in ~news

    It's good, I guess. In my view, to achieve this, Labour has had to compromise themselves so deeply that they aren't especially substantively different from the Tories anymore. I think there's a...

    It's good, I guess. In my view, to achieve this, Labour has had to compromise themselves so deeply that they aren't especially substantively different from the Tories anymore. I think there's a small consolation that, repugnant as the government will remain, they will at least be slightly less incompetent? Scarily, I think that it's actually too late to arrest the death spiral in a meaningful way, at this point.

    Also not to keep harping on about it, but in any case both Labour and the Tories explicitly agree 'fuck trans people,' so for me it's hard to feel excited or happy about any of it. I voted Green and then saw literally hours later a quote from the co-leader praising the Cass review, its opinions, recommendations. The Greens! Just can't fucking win.

    48 votes
  10. Comment on Just wanna talk about drinking less in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Itā€™s still a fair bit cheaper I think; my partner and I typically buy a 12 pack of 330ml NA beers a week for about 10-12Ā£. Thing is you usually just have one at a time, so we donā€™t drink more than...

    Itā€™s still a fair bit cheaper I think; my partner and I typically buy a 12 pack of 330ml NA beers a week for about 10-12Ā£. Thing is you usually just have one at a time, so we donā€™t drink more than that. I think it has been quite effective, we would drink quite a lot before just casually, and end up spending a lot of money on it. Thereā€™s something about it being a kind of ā€˜adultā€™ drink that you drink slowly, after work, and has relaxation vibes I guess.

    You can get into buying all kinds of fancy brands though, and some folks with severe addictions do describe them being a kind of trigger of gateway back to drinking, or something they can start to show obsessive or addictive behaviour towards of itself. Still probably worth trying though.

    2 votes
  11. Comment on What was it like choosing your own name? in ~lgbt

    I loved the "mostly vibes" response from @em-dash. To add something that I don't think anyone else mentioned (amongst a lot of wonderful comments): I was lucky enough to be able to trial a few...

    I loved the "mostly vibes" response from @em-dash. To add something that I don't think anyone else mentioned (amongst a lot of wonderful comments): I was lucky enough to be able to trial a few names out with my partner before any wider reveal or implementation. This exercise was worthwhile because I guess you mostly hear other people saying it. There were a few names I came up with that looked good on paper but just didn't suit me when said aloud.

    I was also influenced by wanting a balance between something that wasn't too cutesy and something that people could not interpret as a masc name (though it still somehow happens occasionally ?šŸ˜‚?šŸ˜‚?)

    2 votes
  12. Comment on How do I fix my (stupid) use of excessive punctuation? in ~humanities.languages

    My advice is to write shorter sentences. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with writing simple declarative sentences. I used to overuse dashes and most of the time these could be replaced with two sentences....

    My advice is to write shorter sentences. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with writing simple declarative sentences. I used to overuse dashes and most of the time these could be replaced with two sentences.

    Another observation is that paragraphs naturally collect ideas together, and have a conventional form that walks a reader through that collection. If you learn and leverage this, you wonā€™t need to explicitly string everything together with punctuation.

    As for books, I recommend the classic Strunk & White: Elements of Style. Itā€™s also a fun read for how snooty the authors are about the whole subject.

    15 votes
  13. Comment on UK becomes first country to outlaw easily guessable default passwords on connected devices in ~tech

    Link Parent
    in the UK, my experience is that wifi routers you get with an internet provider will now come with a randomly assigned network name and password. however, the admin username and password for the...

    in the UK, my experience is that wifi routers you get with an internet provider will now come with a randomly assigned network name and password. however, the admin username and password for the router management interface will generally be some standard default.

    6 votes
  14. Comment on A brief rundown of some of the flaws of the Cass review in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    thanks for clarifying, i don't think you bore any ill will. it can be really difficult to discuss these topics in a fair way. i think part of the reaction was probably that your initial framing of...

    thanks for clarifying, i don't think you bore any ill will. it can be really difficult to discuss these topics in a fair way. i think part of the reaction was probably that your initial framing of the report in your comment, noting its recommendations and justifications as something like 'generally correct' (I don't know, and can't look up, the wording!) came across as naive, both to the general societal context of the report, and more specifically to the previous discussion about it here (though it was linked to, and i remember you noted that most people here were against the ban on puberty blockers). this initial framing led to the discussion basically rehashing points that were discussed in detail in the previous discussion.

    to start with, it's stressful to deal with conversations that target you as a subject, that point towards questioning your existence or cast aspersions on a class you are part of. on top of that, it's further stressful to have to repeatedly explain yourself with respect to basic misconceptions or constantly repeated talking points. you feel a duty to have to respond and dispel the misinformation that concerns you, and therefore exhaustion with doing it again and again. although it is not the case here, this kind of thing also forms components of intentional misinformation campaigns; gish gallop, bullshit asymmetry, concern trolling, etc. these are the reasons that even innocent naivety on these subjects can meet with relatively strong reactions from, well, the subjects.

    i don't necessarily think that it should have been deleted, but for my part at least, i can just say that a) it didn't feel like a high quality thread, to see the conversation on the topic being restarted from an earlier, less nuanced point of view, and b) it's frankly scary to see (especially people here) taking the report and reporting around it relatively uncritically and at face value

    8 votes
  15. Comment on A brief rundown of some of the flaws of the Cass review in ~lgbt

    (edited )
    I have been staying mostly out of these discussions because they are just exhausting. But to provide some context on why yesterday's thread was likely deleted: someone pointed out beforehand that...

    I have been staying mostly out of these discussions because they are just exhausting. But to provide some context on why yesterday's thread was likely deleted: someone pointed out beforehand that it felt like a painful continuation of the previous discussion, which I agreed with. It felt to me like a 'here, look at this report, your arguments are wrong!,' with a reset to the beginning point of the previous discussion, even though the content of the review did not invalidate the arguments made in the previous thread - we already knew the substance of the review at this time anyway. It is like being hit with the same stick repeatedly while trying to stay calm and explain again and again why they are not justified in hitting you with a stick. I understand that probably wasn't the intent of the poster.

    Anyway, I saw this article on The Guardian this morning. I don't agree with the Cass review about choices on puberty blockers and I'm not sure how much charity to give it and Cass over its other failings and implications. It really depends on a very blinkered good-faith reading that discounts the context of what it is being used to conceive. For example the consideration of holistic health, mental health, etc, sounds good, and correct, but in reality it would seem that the plan for the new centres has been to implement some form of 'gender exploration therapy,' developed by groups that strongly disagree with affirmative care, and which is therefore essentially conversion or 'desistance' therapy, of which a big component is to attempt to attribute other issues as the sole cause of the gender incongruence.

    In any case, it's worth noting that the bulk of the report does decry failings that the patients and wider community agree strongly with. Quite an indictment of British media (and the NHS I guess) that it's primarily being treated as a vindication of the very worst views.

    14 votes
  16. Comment on Fedi Garden to instance admins: ā€œBlock Threads to remain listedā€ in ~tech

    (edited )
    A bit off topic, but I have been considering returning to some form of microblogging. Are there any recommended servers from Tildes folks? A lot of the tech ones seem fine, like tech.lgbt (which...

    A bit off topic, but I have been considering returning to some form of microblogging. Are there any recommended servers from Tildes folks? A lot of the tech ones seem fine, like tech.lgbt (which even covers two areas of interest), but I crave subject diversity. Fedi Garden gives me the same sensation as being trapped on a character create screen. Am I overthinking it on account of federation? Last I tried it many many years ago the federation was quite janky so there was still quite a bit of ā€˜home server advantageā€™

    11 votes
  17. Comment on There is no evidence that CBD products reduce chronic pain, and taking them is a waste of money and potentially harmful to health, new research finds in ~health

    Meanwhile the evidence for efficacy of cannabis products containing THC seems strong, and usually show better efficacy with greater ratio of THC to CBD. I think the principle that the medical...

    Meanwhile the evidence for efficacy of cannabis products containing THC seems strong, and usually show better efficacy with greater ratio of THC to CBD. I think the principle that the medical establishment is working under is that psychoactive = bad, but I suspect it turns out that for many indications the beneficial effects of cannabis are not entirely separable from its psychoactive effects. I think this is also true of opioids.

    26 votes
  18. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    This weekend I'm going to climb the '7 peaks of Edinburgh' in one day as part of a birthday celebration. I'm skipping my usual long run this week to keep the extra capacity, though I don't think...

    This weekend I'm going to climb the '7 peaks of Edinburgh' in one day as part of a birthday celebration. I'm skipping my usual long run this week to keep the extra capacity, though I don't think it should be toooooo bad - Arthur's Seat is the highest hill and that's I think second in the list - actually I climbed that once a while ago with the kind of hangover that gets all over and inside your muscles and cardiac capacity, and it was well do-able if unpleasant (amazing views though). Hardest part is probably going to be waking up early and keeping pace; the hills themselves don't take too long to climb, but we're going to be walking between them, which is the majority of the projected time/distance. Also hoping for good weather but prepared for otherwise šŸ« 

    2 votes
  19. Comment on A pill to make exercise obsolete (2017) in ~health

    I can see the public health argument, but similar to considerations regarding the realisation of AGI (or even AI deployed to replace many functions that we enjoy and fulfil us, e.g. art), I start...

    I can see the public health argument, but similar to considerations regarding the realisation of AGI (or even AI deployed to replace many functions that we enjoy and fulfil us, e.g. art), I start to wonder - what is the point of being alive?

    2 votes
  20. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    My last post here a few months ago was about how I was recovering from a knee injury and finally able to run again. Well I've been slowly increasing back up the weekly kilometre-age (that just...

    My last post here a few months ago was about how I was recovering from a knee injury and finally able to run again. Well I've been slowly increasing back up the weekly kilometre-age (that just doesn't roll off the keyboard, does it?), and it's been going well since then. I've been very careful to increase load slowly and do plenty of strengthening exercises so it doesn't happen agai. I'm not too far from where I was, but still at a reduced level of fitness...

    Anyway, last Sunday my partner was away, so I decided to go for a long trail run to do my first half marathon distance run since The Injury. I picked a nice hiking route that goes out of my city across some right-of-way paths and then across a local RSPB reserve (bird sanctuary) - the weather had not been too bad though there had been a little rain in the last few days, so I thought, maybe there will be a little mud in places, but it will be fine. It was not fine. It was unexpectedly raining the entire time, and the whole trail starting from about 4km was basically SWAMP (perfect distance to start after getting my buy-in), and I ended up covered in mud up to my calves. I wasn't even wearing trail-running shoes, just my usual trainers! Some of it was next to unpassable. I'm honestly surprised I finished it. It was simultaneously terrible, comical, and great fun.

    Since that day I've seen a lot about how the last 12 months in the UK have been especially rainy, and there are now a lot of problems with the ground being completely waterlogged in various areas.

    4 votes