whyarentihigh's recent activity

  1. Comment on What games do you most wish had a remake, or a sequel or both? in ~games

    I'm still waiting for Dungeon Keeper 3

    I'm still waiting for Dungeon Keeper 3

  2. Comment on There are more galaxies in the Universe than even Carl Sagan ever imagined in ~space

    It's truly staggering how big the universe it. Way too big to comprehend.

    It's truly staggering how big the universe it. Way too big to comprehend.

    2 votes
  3. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~science

    there are MANY MANY studies that show that eating red meat leads to cancer, high cholesterol, diabetes. There is also the climate change aspect. Animal ag is responsible for more greenhouse gases...

    there are MANY MANY studies that show that eating red meat leads to cancer, high cholesterol, diabetes.

    There is also the climate change aspect. Animal ag is responsible for more greenhouse gases than ALL of the transport industries combined.

    Animal agriculture is a cancer on the Earth, basically is what i'm saying

    10 votes
  4. Comment on Indefinite solitary confinement in New York is finally put to the test in ~society

    God, ten years in solitary. I couldn't imagine such a torture. How is it legal :/

    God, ten years in solitary. I couldn't imagine such a torture. How is it legal :/

    5 votes
  5. Comment on Star Trek: Picard | Teaser in ~tv

    Looks interesting. The trailer didn't really give away much, is it's hard to say whether I will see it or not

    Looks interesting. The trailer didn't really give away much, is it's hard to say whether I will see it or not

  6. Comment on Terminator: Dark Fate | Official trailer in ~movies

    Honestly, it looks as god awful as t3 and genesis. I think it's a hard pass from me

    Honestly, it looks as god awful as t3 and genesis. I think it's a hard pass from me

  7. Comment on (Someone else, please add a comment here so that I get a notification) Testing if unread comment counter includes comments that I already replied to via notifications in ~test

    no. don't tell me what to do. you're not my real mom

    no. don't tell me what to do. you're not my real mom

    1 vote
  8. Comment on For those willing to comment, how has medication affected your mental health? in ~health

    it's been quite hit or miss for me. Some have worked well, some have worked for a while and then stop working, and others have been downright hell. The regiment i am on now was working for quite a...

    it's been quite hit or miss for me. Some have worked well, some have worked for a while and then stop working, and others have been downright hell.

    The regiment i am on now was working for quite a while, but in the last few weeks, I have been so unbelievably depressed.

  9. Comment on What have you been watching/reading this week? in ~anime

    Link Parent
    Sure. Basically it's about a police officer of the magic world who is searching for his kidnapped kid. He has a sidekick sarcastic demonic dog, who's hardly ever sober. The books are really good...

    Sure. Basically it's about a police officer of the magic world who is searching for his kidnapped kid. He has a sidekick sarcastic demonic dog, who's hardly ever sober. The books are really good reads and I can't put them down.

  10. Comment on Secure, open-source alternative to Google Keep in ~tech

    Link Parent
    There is a mobile client. It's not available on the google store, so you have to sideload it. It's available here: https://github.com/theSoenke/Paperwork-Android/releases/tag/v0.1 In terms of the...

    There is a mobile client. It's not available on the google store, so you have to sideload it. It's available here: https://github.com/theSoenke/Paperwork-Android/releases/tag/v0.1

    In terms of the actual app, sadly it doesn't get much love anymore, but it still functions perfectly well

  11. Comment on What have you been watching/reading this week? in ~anime

    I'm finally getting around to reading the sequel to poison City, clockwork City. Its about magic and witchcraft and whatever. The first one was really good

    I'm finally getting around to reading the sequel to poison City, clockwork City. Its about magic and witchcraft and whatever. The first one was really good

  12. Comment on Secure, open-source alternative to Google Keep in ~tech

  13. Comment on Any homeserver operators out there? in ~tech

    Sort of. I self-host most of what i use, but I do it on VPS's, not on a server in my house, as it's cheaper to run a VPS than a server at home. I have email, a wiki, IRC, pi Hole, image hosting,...

    Sort of. I self-host most of what i use, but I do it on VPS's, not on a server in my house, as it's cheaper to run a VPS than a server at home.

    I have email, a wiki, IRC, pi Hole, image hosting, DNS, and some other stuff that i can't remember right now

    1 vote
  14. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    I'm looking for some new heavy/death metal bands, if anyone has any recommendations. I'm thinking bullet for my valentine, asking alexandria etc. Anyone have any good recs?

    I'm looking for some new heavy/death metal bands, if anyone has any recommendations. I'm thinking bullet for my valentine, asking alexandria etc. Anyone have any good recs?

  15. Comment on Australia to spend nearly $7 billion buying unmanned military planes from America in ~society

    They can spend $7b on planes, but they can't increase newstart. Typical.

    They can spend $7b on planes, but they can't increase newstart. Typical.

  16. Comment on What have you been reading? in ~books

    I read a book called Poison City, and am going to eventually start the sequel, Clockwork City. They are about a magic police force, and a particular detective in said magical police force who is...

    I read a book called Poison City, and am going to eventually start the sequel, Clockwork City.

    They are about a magic police force, and a particular detective in said magical police force who is searching for the killer of his daughter. He has a sidekick, his demonic talking dog, Dog, and his Revenant boss. Together they battle and fight for their lives while trying to search for the killer of his kid.

    The first book was awesome. I hold high hopes for the second.

    2 votes
  17. Comment on In your opinion, why is there something instead of nothing? in ~talk

    Wow man. Can i have some of whatever you've been smoking? Seems like good shit

    Wow man. Can i have some of whatever you've been smoking? Seems like good shit

    1 vote
  18. Comment on Daily Tildes discussion - Haunted by Data in ~tildes.official

    I don't have any criticisms, just wanted to say that I like where Tildes is going in this regard. Obviously we can only take your word at it and what you're doing, but you seem like a trustworthy...

    I don't have any criticisms, just wanted to say that I like where Tildes is going in this regard. Obviously we can only take your word at it and what you're doing, but you seem like a trustworthy kind of person.

    5 votes