5 votes
Fifty shades of white: The long fight against racism in romance novels
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‘Crisis,’ a Poem by W. H. Auden
5 votes -
Free short story vending machines delight commuters
12 votes -
French Novel, a poem by Richie Hofmann
4 votes -
James Patterson donates $1.25 million to classroom libraries
9 votes -
Creating the Innocent Killer: Ender's Game, Intention, and Morality
13 votes -
Oh no! The depressing truth about the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory workers
9 votes -
What are you reading these days? #16
What are you reading currently? Fiction or non-fiction, any genre, any language! Tell us what you're reading, and talk a bit about it. Past weeks: Week #1 · Week #2 · Week #3 · Week #4 · Week #5 ·...
What are you reading currently? Fiction or non-fiction, any genre, any language! Tell us what you're reading, and talk a bit about it.
Past weeks: Week #1 · Week #2 · Week #3 · Week #4 · Week #5 · Week #6 · Week #7 · Week #8 · Week #9 · Week #10 · Week #11 · Week #12 · Week #13 · Week #14 · Week #15
21 votes -
Romance and erotica is the top revenue-generating literary category in the US, accounting for more than half of all mass-market paperbacks sold
8 votes -
Hugo finalists for 2019 Hugo Awards and 1944 retro Hugos
4 votes -
What is your favourite audiobook?
Some books are adapted to the medium of audiobooks better than others. A mediocre narrator can taint what is otherwise a great story. Likewise, an outstanding narrator can uplift what is an...
Some books are adapted to the medium of audiobooks better than others. A mediocre narrator can taint what is otherwise a great story. Likewise, an outstanding narrator can uplift what is an average story.
For me, His Dark Materials is the best audiobook I've listened to. It's read by the author, and has a full cast of (fantastic) voice actors for each character, it brings the story to life so wonderfully. To the point that even if I read the book now, I hear a good amount of the voice cast speaking for each character.
If you haven't heard it, I can recommend it! Honourable mention goes to Stephen Fry reading the Harry Potter series.What is your favourite audiobook?
14 votes -
Amazon and Viola Davis to adapt Octavia Butler's novel, Wild Seed
6 votes -
What are you reading these days? #15
What are you reading currently? Fiction or non-fiction, any genre, any language! Tell us what you're reading, and talk a bit about it. Past weeks: Week #1 · Week #2 · Week #3 · Week #4 · Week #5 ·...
What are you reading currently? Fiction or non-fiction, any genre, any language! Tell us what you're reading, and talk a bit about it.
Past weeks: Week #1 · Week #2 · Week #3 · Week #4 · Week #5 · Week #6 · Week #7 · Week #8 · Week #9 · Week #10 · Week #11 · Week #12 · Week #13 · Week #14
16 votes -
The greatest lesson you've learned from classical fiction?
I am currently enjoying a very thought-provoking semester of American Literature. Prior to this class, I wouldn't have considered fiction as useful in my everyday life, as opposed to something...
I am currently enjoying a very thought-provoking semester of American Literature. Prior to this class, I wouldn't have considered fiction as useful in my everyday life, as opposed to something like a self-help book. What I've found is exactly the opposite, and I have found novels such as Great Expectations to be even more influential than anything I've ever read.
So I ask you all, what is the greatest lesson you've learned from classical fiction?
12 votes -
Best works from the Beat Generation?
Hello ! I've been interested in reading some works from famous Beat Generation authors like Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, Carolyn Cassady, Allan Ginsberg, etc. I have yet to read any of their...
Hello !
I've been interested in reading some works from famous Beat Generation authors like Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, Carolyn Cassady, Allan Ginsberg, etc.
I have yet to read any of their works but I'm not quite sure where to start. I've been thinking of 'On the Road' by Kerouac but the reviews I've been reading have been mixed. It doesn't seem like it's for everybody, especially considering the writing style. I've also been thinking of 'The Dharma Bums', also by Kerouac since it seems to be more spiritual, which is something that really resonates with me.
Anyway, if you have any recommendations/opinions I'd be more than happy to hear them. Thanks !!!
12 votes -
The rise of robot authors: Is the writing on the wall for human novelists?
4 votes -
Can anyone help me remember a sci-fi short story about disintegrating weapons and nuclear winter?
I'm trying to recall a short story I read about 10 years ago in English class in school. It would probably be fair to call it "sci-fi", but I'm not sure how important that is. What I remember: the...
I'm trying to recall a short story I read about 10 years ago in English class in school. It would probably be fair to call it "sci-fi", but I'm not sure how important that is.
What I remember: the story was set in the midst of an escalating arms race, Cold War-style, and the characters were chiefly military personnel (I think).
At some point, a chief actor obtains technology that is designed to (from memory) "disintegrate all weapons (certain materials/metals?)" within a vicinity.
I believe the technology is then used, and what ensues is a world-enveloping nuclear winter. I'm not sure how the weapons disintegration tech leads to a nuclear winter. It's also quite possible that I'm conflating two separate stories I read in that class.
Anyone have any idea what short stories I could be thinking of? This would be at the very latest pre-2010 stuff, and knowing my English teacher (old bloke from Yorkshire) probably 20th century. Probably.
7 votes -
What are you planning to read this year?
What do you want to read in 2019? For me, I've not read nearly enough Terry Pratchett, so I think I'm going to devour a lot of his works. I've promised my daughter that we're going to read the...
What do you want to read in 2019?
For me, I've not read nearly enough Terry Pratchett, so I think I'm going to devour a lot of his works. I've promised my daughter that we're going to read the Hobbit together when we finish her current bedtime story (so excited for this). There's a lot of non-fiction in my want to read list as well, Homo Deus, and Other Minds spring instantly to mind.35 votes -
“The Arisen” - A short story by Louisa Hall about fact, fiction, and libraries
3 votes -
Campaigners hail 'seismic shift' in diversity of US children's books
6 votes -
When 80 famous writers published their first (and last) books. OR: who has had the longest career.
4 votes -
C S Lewis’s story has already been told: why we don’t need a new Narnia book.
8 votes -
My Father’s Stack of Books
7 votes -
Fifteen books that influenced top UX and UI influencers
3 votes -
James Kelman on the Booker, class and literary elitism
4 votes -
What books are best experienced through a physical copy?
I am well aware of the ongoing ebooks vs. physical books debate, and I have no interest in kindling that fire here. Instead, I am seeking recommendations for books that are arguably better in...
I am well aware of the ongoing ebooks vs. physical books debate, and I have no interest in kindling that fire here.
Instead, I am seeking recommendations for books that are arguably better in physical form due to their makeup. House of Leaves is a perfect example, with its textual trickery essentially requiring physical pages. Coffee table books also fit the bill, for example. Some textbooks and reference books technically do as well, though I'm not interested in recommendations in those areas unless you have something in mind that's an absolute standout.
20 votes -
Why Alexandre Dumas, author of The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers, considered his magnum opus to be a 1,150-page cookbook
4 votes -
Top ten books about building cities. From Mary Beard’s Roman history to Kim Stanley Robinson’s science fiction, Jonathan Carr chooses the best writing about citizens’ eternal challenges
3 votes -
What author has the best worldbuilding?
It's a simple question, or is it? How would you measure best? Complexity? Realism? Creativity? Detail? I think it's fairly obvious that Tolkien has set the gold standard of all worldbuilding, but...
It's a simple question, or is it? How would you measure best? Complexity? Realism? Creativity? Detail?
I think it's fairly obvious that Tolkien has set the gold standard of all worldbuilding, but more recent authors like GRRM, Brandon Sanderson and JKR or the late Terry Pratchett have also created beloved worlds.
Some, like GRRM, are apparently more interested in complex worldbuilding itself rather than finishing their novels while others like JKR use the worlds more as a window dressing without keeping it fairly consistent. Is it alright if the Wizarding World is inconsistent if it serves the plot? How complex can Westeros become before it gets in the way of the story?
I think that GRRM and JKR are both extremes on the spectrum. When reading The Song of Ice and Fire, I felt like GRRM needed a proper editor to reign him in while JKR managed to build a fantastical world in 7 books which, upon closer inspection, makes no sense. On the other hand you have Terry Pratchett, who with the Discworld was clearly more interested in creating a parody of the real world, but still managed to make it very interesting and unique.
21 votes -
Books for someone who wants to get back into reading
So I haven't read any books since my senior year, where the ones I did were for book essays. That was about 3 years ago. I was, however, a fanatical reader in my formative years, all throughout...
So I haven't read any books since my senior year, where the ones I did were for book essays. That was about 3 years ago. I was, however, a fanatical reader in my formative years, all throughout elementary school. I read lots of Fantasy like Harry Potter, the Magyk series, Skullduggery Pleasant, Percy Jackson, stuff in that vein. As of late, my ADD addled brain has decided to let go a tad and I want to get back into reading
This might be very vague but I'll try my best. I'm looking for books similar to (or maybe kinda detached from, if you think a tangential connection is sufficient enough to warrant an outlier) the books I mentioned earlier. I'm also very open to Sci-Fi, but I like world/race exploration the most. Interesting Alien species and odd planets/phenomena. I prefer novels where the author has a good grasp on the English language, with some wit or neat descriptors, but Tolkien-esque long-in-the-tooth verbosity wears me out after a while. I recall greatly enjoying some Halo novels as well.
This is getting a little long in the tooth, but lastly, if there's anything even remotely comparable to the SCP Foundation collection of stories, I'm way into it. I've also been picking up and putting down House Of Leaves for a while, and it has some neat stuff, but it rambles quite often. Not so much that I want to put it down, but it makes me restless trying to get to the meat but having to wade through the writer's extraneous verbose ramblings. I don't know if this will give enough info but I'll greatly appreciate anything thrown at me!
22 votes -
Oops! Famously scathing reviews of classic books from The Times’s archive.
8 votes -
How the New York Public Library fills its shelves (and why some books don't make the cut)
5 votes -
The 32 most iconic poems in the English language.
11 votes -
Reading in the Age of Constant Distraction
15 votes -
What are the best science fiction short stories, novellas, and novelettes you have ever read?
I developed a taste for short science fiction and would love to know which stories you lovely Tilda Swintons like the most!
29 votes -
What are you reading these days? #14
What are you reading currently? Fiction or non-fiction, any genre, any language! Tell us what you're reading, and talk a bit about it. Notes: I could not start the thread yesterday on Friday like...
What are you reading currently? Fiction or non-fiction, any genre, any language! Tell us what you're reading, and talk a bit about it.
Notes: I could not start the thread yesterday on Friday like I used to, I'm sorry for the delay.
Past weeks: Week #1 · Week #2 · Week #3 · Week #4 · Week #5 · Week #6 · Week #7 · Week #8 · Week #9 · Week #10 · Week #11 · Week #12 · Week #13
16 votes -
Researching a book before you read it?
I'm reading The Constant Gardener by John LeCarre and looking in Wikipedia for date of publication (2001) ran across the fact that it was loosely based on a true story. Now, it turns out I'm a...
I'm reading The Constant Gardener by John LeCarre and looking in Wikipedia for date of publication (2001) ran across the fact that it was loosely based on a true story. Now, it turns out I'm a frequent fan of such 'maybe almost true life books' and especially movies. Usually the extent of the 'trueness' of the movie is revealed at the end of the story.
It's often rewarding and adds to the emphasis of the story, which in itself interesting. But do any readers here avoid getting background on a story before reading? Do you think this is a type of spoiler? And does knowledge of a book being based on real events affect your opinion of the book in any way?
And finally, does anyone else often turn to Wikipedia, before or after reading a story to gain insight on its background?
7 votes -
Five emerging Australian authors talk about writing their breakthrough novels
7 votes -
I made a 2,000-word analysis of Robert Heinlein’s "All You Zombies" (with visuals!)
12 votes -
What's the deal with Proust?
I've never read Marcel Proust, and I know very little about his work. But every serious reader of literature I know absolutely gushes over him, but never seems to be able to explain what's good...
I've never read Marcel Proust, and I know very little about his work. But every serious reader of literature I know absolutely gushes over him, but never seems to be able to explain what's good about it or what the books are even about.
The scarce pop-culture references I see to his work (like in "Little Miss Sunshine") seems to cast an affection for Proust as kind of a mark of being an unmoored and depressive romantic.
So is he worth reading? The full collection of "Remembrance of Things Past" is nearly $100, so that's not a trivial amount to invest. Is there a recommended/definitive translation or edition I should read? What should I keep in mind or be open to if I do try giving it a shot?
By that last question I mean like, I'd have hated "Catcher In the Rye" if I wasn't told ahead of time to approach it from the mindset of a 15 year old boy. Or I kind of hated 'Madame Bovary" but when explained to me that this was Flaubert's exercise in trying to make people see themselves in an adulteress, a generally reviled archetype, and this was groundbreaking for the time lets me at least appreciate it for accomplishing what it's set out to do. Are there any literary contexts like I this should have in my head before I delve in?
11 votes -
What book had a most unexpected twist you really didn't see coming?
For me it would have to be The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. I won't give it away here, but I really didn't see it coming when the twist hit.
13 votes -
What is a book that has changed you?
It does not need to be the most important, just a book that has truly changed you. My personal pick is Albert Camus' "The Rebel"; it provided structure for a lot of nebulous thoughts that were...
It does not need to be the most important, just a book that has truly changed you. My personal pick is Albert Camus' "The Rebel"; it provided structure for a lot of nebulous thoughts that were floating around in my head.
27 votes -
Where do you purchase your books online?
This is kind of a meta question I suppose, but I was wondering: where do folks here purchase books online? (As an aside, I check out books from the library often and I would highly recommend that...
This is kind of a meta question I suppose, but I was wondering: where do folks here purchase books online?
(As an aside, I check out books from the library often and I would highly recommend that you do too, but there are certain books that I want to keep, highlight, and write on. The library usually doesn’t sell these.)
13 votes -
Is there a book that you'd like to see made into a movie or series?
This is a general, "what books have themes or content that would make for great movies" question. Graphic novels are included here. Could have posted in ~talk or ~movies, but I'm seeking the...
This is a general, "what books have themes or content that would make for great movies" question. Graphic novels are included here.
Could have posted in ~talk or ~movies, but I'm seeking the opinions of dedicated readers, who've had the thought in considering a story, "I'd really like to see the visuals for this", or "a movie/series adaptation could expand on these themes".
Also, what were your biggest disappointments in the rendering of a book into a movie/TV series?
My picks:
Ursula Le Guin, The Dispossessed. Can't say that it's likely to get the nuanced treatment it deserves, but an even-handed visualization of socialist vs. capitalist societies is overdue, and it's got spaceflight and FTL information transfer.
Warren Ellis, Transmetropolitan. Not that he's ever going to grant the rights, but this one's a no-brainer for American cinema - brash, loud, splashy, violent, with bigger-than-life characters and themes.
James Tiptree, Jr. (a/k/a Alice Sheldon), Her Smoke Rose Up Forever. I'd love to see a short series based on this collection.
China Mieville - anything from the New Crobuzon books. The baroque ruin backgrounding the scenes, and the panoply of characters, should make for amazing cinema; a little judicious editing will be needed to make the stories work for the screen.
[Obscure] Norman Spinrad's Bug Jack Barron, subject to timely and relevant updates for 21st Century media. There's a great theme about how selective presentation of video clips and the editor's viewpoint influences the story being told.
K.W. Jeter, Farewell Horizontal, this one's gonna have great visuals, trust me.
John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, remade as a story about border migration.
Joe Haldeman, The Forever War - man, is it ever time for this one in the U.S.
Dan Simmons, Hyperion - the World Tree, the Shrike, and plenty of other opportunities for fine visuals.
Salman Rushdie, Haroun and the Sea of Stories. Another candidate for an anthology series; perfect for animation.
Tibor Fischer, The Thought Gang - it's a heist story, but also a comedy and a satire. Kind of amazed no one has made it into a movie before.Biggest recent disappointment - The adaptation of Richard Morgan's Altered Carbon. Edited to completely discard the political messaging and amplify the sex/violence. Turgid, poor special effects, and gruesome acting.
21 votes -
Don Winslow: Think of it this way. Mexico has a US drug problem
7 votes -
Fifty literary cameos in '90s movies
4 votes -
What are you reading these days? #13
What are you reading currently? Fiction or non-fiction, any genre, any language! Tell us what you're reading, and talk a bit about it. Notes: I could not start the thread yesterday on Friday like...
What are you reading currently? Fiction or non-fiction, any genre, any language! Tell us what you're reading, and talk a bit about it.
Notes: I could not start the thread yesterday on Friday like I used to, I'm sorry for the delay.
Past weeks: Week #1 · Week #2 · Week #3 · Week #4 · Week #5 · Week #6 · Week #7 · Week #8 · Week #9 · Week #10 · Week #11 · Week #12
23 votes -
The Autarky (Self-Sustainability) Library
6 votes -
Last Lines of a Few Great Books
4 votes