114 votes

Cards Against Humanity sues SpaceX, alleges “invasion” of land on US/Mexico border


  1. [11]
    For those who forgot, back in 2017 CAH got 150,000 people to donate $15 so they could buy a parcel of land on the US-Mexico border in Texas to prevent Trump from building the wall. I doubt they...

    For those who forgot, back in 2017 CAH got 150,000 people to donate $15 so they could buy a parcel of land on the US-Mexico border in Texas to prevent Trump from building the wall. I doubt they ever expected things to come to that point back then though, for a large variety of reasons, but it was a fun publicity stunt.

    Yet now, Elon and SpaceX built and dumped stuff on that very land. So they're following through with their promise.

    You can also read more details and see photos of the carnage on their official website for this lawsuit: https://www.elonowesyou100dollars.com/

    63 votes
    1. sparksbet
      Link Parent
      This was the best line of the whole thing (and it had some stiff competition).

      P.S. We will also accept Twitter.com as compensation.

      This was the best line of the whole thing (and it had some stiff competition).

      53 votes
    2. Interesting
      Link Parent
      I was one of the people who bought that pack in 2017; I submitted my request for a share of any winnings. It was totally worth the $15 just for the laugh my email gave me today.

      I was one of the people who bought that pack in 2017; I submitted my request for a share of any winnings.

      It was totally worth the $15 just for the laugh my email gave me today.

      30 votes
    3. [6]
      Link Parent
      If you read the actual law-suit, it states that based on this historical nature of the site, and the nature of CAH's business, they basically have no decision EXCEPT to sue, and make it a very...

      If you read the actual law-suit, it states that based on this historical nature of the site, and the nature of CAH's business, they basically have no decision EXCEPT to sue, and make it a very public farce.

      And it sucks to be SpaceX, because there's no right move here, except to do the absolutely right thing, and return the land to its natural state, or pay up $15M

      28 votes
      1. [5]
        Link Parent
        "It sucks to be SpaceX" is a weird response to them committing crimes and essentially destroying someone else's land because they're used to bullying landowners in that area. I guess it sucks to...

        "It sucks to be SpaceX" is a weird response to them committing crimes and essentially destroying someone else's land because they're used to bullying landowners in that area. I guess it sucks to have the case against you be so obvious because you're used to using your superior funds and size to bully the people you're taking advantage of, but it sucks in a pretty deserved way.

        25 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          I think that 'sucks to be SpaceX' was intended to be more of a: 'sucks to be you, bro' or, in Philly parlance: SpaceX fucked around, and gonna find out.

          I think that 'sucks to be SpaceX' was intended to be more of a: 'sucks to be you, bro' or, in Philly parlance:

          SpaceX fucked around, and gonna find out.

          20 votes
          1. sparksbet
            Link Parent
            Ah fair, that's absolutely an attitude I can get behind! That's one of.those things where tone of voice totally changes how I perceive it, so it's probably just a "hard to read tone in text" type...

            Ah fair, that's absolutely an attitude I can get behind! That's one of.those things where tone of voice totally changes how I perceive it, so it's probably just a "hard to read tone in text" type misunderstanding.

            8 votes
        2. [2]
          Link Parent
          Trespass is sometimes a crime (I don't know about Texas laws). Nobody's being charged with a criminal offense, though. I think they could move their stuff, clean it up a bit, and it would probably...

          Trespass is sometimes a crime (I don't know about Texas laws). Nobody's being charged with a criminal offense, though. I think they could move their stuff, clean it up a bit, and it would probably be okay.

          3 votes
          1. sparksbet
            Link Parent
            I'm not really interested in litigating any sort of nitpicking about whether their actions are literally criminal. I'm using "crime" a bit less formally than that and it's orthogonal to the point...

            I'm not really interested in litigating any sort of nitpicking about whether their actions are literally criminal. I'm using "crime" a bit less formally than that and it's orthogonal to the point I'm making in my comment.

            13 votes
    4. [2]
      Link Parent
      What an improbable series of events.

      What an improbable series of events.

      15 votes
      1. Deely
        Link Parent
        Improbable, but very amusing.

        Improbable, but very amusing.

        7 votes
  2. [3]
    I'm just glad they also refuse to call it that letter.

    Just look at it! He fucked it.

    How did this happen? Elon Musk’s SpaceX was building some space thing nearby, and he figured he could just dump his shit all over our gorgeous plot of land without asking. After we caught him, SpaceX gave us a 12-hour ultimatum to accept a lowball offer for less than half our land’s value. We said, “Go fuck yourself, Elon Musk. We’ll see you in court.”

    If you’re an original 2017 CAH Saves America subscriber and you want to increase the pressure on Elon, here’s a thing you can post on Twitter (the platform he wants you to call “X” for his own sexual gratification):

    In 2017, I paid Cards Against Humanity to protect a pristine plot of border land from Trump’s racist wall. But then an even richer, more racist billionaire—Elon Musk—stole my land and dumped his shit all over it. @ElonMusk owes me $100. #ElonOwesMe100Bucks www.ElonOwesYou100Dollars.com

    Or if you’re not a subscriber, but you still think Elon Musk is a charity-embezzling, conspiracy-peddling eugenicist manchild who trades horses for in-flight handjobs, post this:

    In 2017, 150k people paid Cards Against Humanity to protect a pristine plot of border land from Trump’s racist wall. But then an even richer, more racist billionaire—@ElonMusk—stole their land and dumped his shit all over it. Fuck that! www.ElonOwesYou100Dollars.com #ElonOwesMe100Bucks

    I'm just glad they also refuse to call it that letter.

    39 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Apparently I've missed out on some scandal. What's this about?

      who trades horses for in-flight handjobs

      Apparently I've missed out on some scandal. What's this about?

      10 votes
      1. MimicSquid
        Link Parent
        He offered a flight attendant a horse for some sexual assistance.

        He offered a flight attendant a horse for some sexual assistance.

        22 votes
  3. redwall_hp
    (edited )
    I'm sensing a pattern of behavior when it comes to getting permission to do things.

    I'm sensing a pattern of behavior when it comes to getting permission to do things.

    31 votes
  4. [3]
    I've long since stopped playing the game, or indeed long since stopped having enough physically close by friends to be able to play. But man, what a wonderful time it was, and I'm so glad these...

    I've long since stopped playing the game, or indeed long since stopped having enough physically close by friends to be able to play. But man, what a wonderful time it was, and I'm so glad these guys are still at it. I hope this sparks a come back and a whole new generation of kids get to be part of being petty in the best way.

    27 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I'm still a big fan of the hole they dug on Black Friday. Absolutely useless and a waste of resources, yet somehow a great form of satire too.

      I'm still a big fan of the hole they dug on Black Friday. Absolutely useless and a waste of resources, yet somehow a great form of satire too.

      25 votes
      1. Maxi
        Link Parent
        The puns around that event were hilarious!

        The puns around that event were hilarious!

        6 votes
  5. [3]
    I’ve long since stopped enjoying CAH as a game, but every now and again I see that they’re in the news for something or other, and every time it makes me think that I really like their politics.

    I’ve long since stopped enjoying CAH as a game, but every now and again I see that they’re in the news for something or other, and every time it makes me think that I really like their politics.

    26 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      If they come out with a Old People Who Used To Be Cool (Or So They Thought) type party card game that's less....gross? I would buy them and play with folks. More Apples to Apple's than CAH I...

      If they come out with a Old People Who Used To Be Cool (Or So They Thought) type party card game that's less....gross? I would buy them and play with folks. More Apples to Apple's than CAH I guess. Would love it if some of the more benign cards from CAH are included, like my perennial favourite, "Bees!"

      13 votes
      1. WiseassWolfOfYoitsu
        Link Parent
        Along with "Bigger, Buzzier Bees" and "The Biggest, Buzziest Bees", just to keep some of the old spirit alive ;)

        Along with "Bigger, Buzzier Bees" and "The Biggest, Buzziest Bees", just to keep some of the old spirit alive ;)

        6 votes
  6. [6]
    I think we need an explanation of what SpaceX is doing on the literal border. They could be building facilities anywhere in Texas… it was a deliberate choice to be there in particular. I can’t...

    I think we need an explanation of what SpaceX is doing on the literal border. They could be building facilities anywhere in Texas… it was a deliberate choice to be there in particular. I can’t imagine there’s any practical scientific or business purpose, so what does that leave? Knowing Elon I’m inclined to think it’s some kind of political stunt, grift, or both. It smells awfully fishy, regardless.

    9 votes
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      Rocket launches are the most efficient when they’re closer to the equator and launch towards the east, because the Earth’s spin gives them a boost. Also, you want a lot of ocean to the east, in...

      Rocket launches are the most efficient when they’re closer to the equator and launch towards the east, because the Earth’s spin gives them a boost. Also, you want a lot of ocean to the east, in case it blows up. And you also want it in a remote area with few neighbors and cheap land.

      In the US, that means Florida’s east coast is a good spot and that’s why the US has rocket launching facilities on Cape Canaveral. The Texas gulf coast also works, and the further south the better, and it helps that they have few neighbors, though there is a nearby town that’s not happy about it.

      So it’s a pretty good location for rocket launches. I doubt there is anywhere in the US that’s perfect.

      30 votes
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        Hawaii? Though manufacturing the components there would be improbable, the launches themselves would be great.

        Hawaii? Though manufacturing the components there would be improbable, the launches themselves would be great.

        1 vote
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Considering environmental sensitivity as well as native Hawaiian resistance to building large telescopes, I don't think it would work for any of the major Hawaiian islands. Texas is not as...

          Considering environmental sensitivity as well as native Hawaiian resistance to building large telescopes, I don't think it would work for any of the major Hawaiian islands. Texas is not as concerned with such things. Maybe an uninhabited island somewhere in the Hawaiian chain would work, but it's a long way by ship. Shipping is cheap but slow.

          12 votes
          1. vord
            Link Parent
            At the distances involved, it would be probably just be cheaper to 'liberate' Mexico. Or less Imperialistically, partner with Brazil.

            At the distances involved, it would be probably just be cheaper to 'liberate' Mexico.

            Or less Imperialistically, partner with Brazil.

            5 votes
        2. sparksbet
          Link Parent
          SpaceX is already violating environmental regulations in Texas, thank god they aren't based in Hawaii. Also, Hawaii isn't actually that much closer to the equator, only about 10 degrees, which...

          SpaceX is already violating environmental regulations in Texas, thank god they aren't based in Hawaii.

          Also, Hawaii isn't actually that much closer to the equator, only about 10 degrees, which means there's less benefit from launching there to balance out how much more costly and logistically difficult it would be.

          11 votes