36 votes

‘Furiosa’ fires up Cannes with six-minute standing ovation for Anya Taylor-Joy and teary Chris Hemsworth


  1. gowestyoungman
    Just a comment that the '6 minute ovation' in the title is not really an indication of the quality of a Cannes film. Ive read more than one article that says that long ovations are now pretty much...

    Just a comment that the '6 minute ovation' in the title is not really an indication of the quality of a Cannes film. Ive read more than one article that says that long ovations are now pretty much standard and expected at most big flicks at Cannes and whether its 4 minutes or 6 or 8 is more an indication of a crowd that desperately hopes for its own self aggrandizement and recognition when their turn comes, than an indication of a superb film.

    Having said that, I dont care. I'll go because its got fantastic special effects and I could stare at Anya Taylor-Joy for two hours just because she's intriguingly beautiful.

    26 votes
  2. [13]
    Just saw it last night in the imax. Incredible. Best movie experience I’ve had in a long time, and the popcorn was stale. I can’t understand why this movie is bombing. It’s awesome from the first...

    Just saw it last night in the imax. Incredible. Best movie experience I’ve had in a long time, and the popcorn was stale. I can’t understand why this movie is bombing. It’s awesome from the first frame to last. The sound of the vehicles is amazing too, the brutality is oppressive but not grotesquely presented, the ending very satisfying.

    12 votes
    1. [9]
      Link Parent
      It's bombing? imdb and tmdb both rate it very highly and the r/movies thread on it is very positive too. I went with 3 friends and no one of us liked it, but that's a personal opinion.

      It's bombing? imdb and tmdb both rate it very highly and the r/movies thread on it is very positive too. I went with 3 friends and no one of us liked it, but that's a personal opinion.

      2 votes
      1. thumbsupemoji
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        They mean that not enough people are going to see it to be considered successful/a “hit”—$118M total so far against a budget of $168M, and it was supposed to be one of the first “big” movies of...

        They mean that not enough people are going to see it to be considered successful/a “hit”—$118M total so far against a budget of $168M, and it was supposed to be one of the first “big” movies of the summer. No relation to how good it is haha, although often good reviews can help pump those numbers up—a lot of people since covid are prob like me, it looks good and I’ll watch it. On my TV. For little to no money. Because that’s what I’ve got.

        Edit: did watch, was good. Not as good as Fury Road, more like a direct-to-video 90s disney sequel to Fury Road, to the point that I was surprised when I read that George Miller did this one too. But still fun.

        13 votes
      2. [6]
        Link Parent
        Bombing = not making any money. I’m curious that if you like action, scifi, or post apocalyptic movies, which you would say stand out?

        Bombing = not making any money. I’m curious that if you like action, scifi, or post apocalyptic movies, which you would say stand out?

        4 votes
        1. [5]
          Link Parent
          Sorry, could you please rephrase the question? I don't understand.

          Sorry, could you please rephrase the question? I don't understand.

          1. [4]
            Link Parent
            You said that none of you liked Furiosa. I’m just curious, why you went to see it, whether you generally like scifi, apocalyptic, or action films, and if so, which movies from those genres you do...

            You said that none of you liked Furiosa. I’m just curious, why you went to see it, whether you generally like scifi, apocalyptic, or action films, and if so, which movies from those genres you do like. No judgment-and nor argument. I’m just curious.

            3 votes
            1. [3]
              Link Parent
              Oh, we went to see it coz we all loved Mad Max Fury Road. I generally like action and sci-fi but I can enjoy any genre if the movie is decent, as such my favourite movies are a disjointed list....

              Oh, we went to see it coz we all loved Mad Max Fury Road. I generally like action and sci-fi but I can enjoy any genre if the movie is decent, as such my favourite movies are a disjointed list.

              Action: Mad Max Fury Road, Greyhound, Dredd (2012), Sicario, Civil War

              Scifi: Bladerunner 2049, Ex Machina, Jurassic Park

              Apocalypse movies are probably those that I watch the least out of these, can't name one that I've recently seen, probably 2012 lol.

              3 votes
              1. [2]
                Link Parent
                For sure agreed on Sicario, what a great film. That final line still haunts me: "You should move to a small town, somewhere the rule of law still applies. This has become a land of wolves, and you...

                For sure agreed on Sicario, what a great film. That final line still haunts me: "You should move to a small town, somewhere the rule of law still applies. This has become a land of wolves, and you are not a wolf."

                1. Grzmot
                  Link Parent
                  Sicario is probably the best thriller I've ever seen. The level of tension that movie produces was only rivaled by Baby Driver's second and third act for me.

                  Sicario is probably the best thriller I've ever seen. The level of tension that movie produces was only rivaled by Baby Driver's second and third act for me.

      3. crazydave333
        Link Parent
        Furiosa has absolutely bombed at the box office, regardless of reviews. But when it comes to movies, having high reviews definitely affects the long-tail a movie can have. A poorly performing, but...

        Furiosa has absolutely bombed at the box office, regardless of reviews.

        But when it comes to movies, having high reviews definitely affects the long-tail a movie can have. A poorly performing, but critically acclaimed movie will likely sell more over the years than something that was a box office smash, but then quickly fades away from public consciousness.

        I personally thought Furiosa was a quality movie. I took my daughter to see it last Monday and I am very happy I got to see it on large RPX screen and I think in the future, lots of people will regret not seeing it on a big screen. It wasn't the perfect movie in my opinion, but it is one of the few movies that becomes better the more you think about it, rather than worse. And my fourteen year old was tarding out the other night because she saw War-Rigs in Fortnite, based on the movie.

        Furiosa is a movie that is going to gain it's audience over time, rather than in just some crazy blast on opening weekend.

        3 votes
    2. [3]
      Link Parent
      If I hadn't gone to see it opening night and had heard any word of mouth, I wouldn't have gone to see it. The short explanation is that Fury Road is my favorite movie, and I was excited to explore...

      If I hadn't gone to see it opening night and had heard any word of mouth, I wouldn't have gone to see it. The short explanation is that Fury Road is my favorite movie, and I was excited to explore the world that was hinted at in that movie, and I don't feel that Furiosa lived up to that or provided a remotely comparable experience.

      I don't know if that's a factor in why it's not doing as well as expected, but I wouldn't be surprised.

      1 vote
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        That’s so interesting. I wonder if this is a generational thing? Although i got no nostalgia tingles and i thought the scene with mad max felt shoehorned and was glad it was so brief. I liked fury...

        That’s so interesting. I wonder if this is a generational thing? Although i got no nostalgia tingles and i thought the scene with mad max felt shoehorned and was glad it was so brief. I liked fury road a lot (it was the first film i watched on my 4k tv). But vastly preferred furiosa. Loved all the first three.

        1. GenuinelyCrooked
          Link Parent
          I've never seen the other Mad Max movies, and I don't really care to, so nostalgia wasn't a factor for me. If it was for you I could see that making a big difference.

          I've never seen the other Mad Max movies, and I don't really care to, so nostalgia wasn't a factor for me. If it was for you I could see that making a big difference.

  3. cloud_loud
    The deadline article said it was 8 minutes, so someone’s clock is wrong. It’s currently 83 on MC. Which is more than I expected since I thought it’d get the same reception as Three Thousand Years...

    The deadline article said it was 8 minutes, so someone’s clock is wrong. It’s currently 83 on MC. Which is more than I expected since I thought it’d get the same reception as Three Thousand Years of Longing which I liked more than most.

    6 votes
  4. [3]
    (edited )
    Just saw it. Personally it’s a good movie but not nearly as good as fury road and will always suffer for the comparison. The elephant in the room at first is the CGI instead of practical effects....

    Just saw it. Personally it’s a good movie but not nearly as good as fury road and will always suffer for the comparison.

    The elephant in the room at first is the CGI instead of practical effects. Personally I’m ok with it as there’s no way ANYTHING like Fury Road gets made again, so I’ll take what I can get, and Furiosa is acceptable.

    I do find it disappointing that the costume/set/color was seriously off though. Everything in Fury Road looks dirty. Way way way too often in Furiosa it looks too clean. The difference between very high quality cosplay and actual costume design.

    As for the movie bombing, yeah I would have bet money on that if I got to see it early. The story is special only in that it’s got a few ambitious ideas in something that knows to get out of its own way. The acting is great. None of that is why fury road did so well.

    You could replace almost every line in fury road with someone’s most hated politician speaking and it still would’ve done better because the spectacle is just that amazing. Expecting a film where you have to CGI 3 dogs hopping out of a non moving truck to pull in crowds because the previous film, which did once in a life time practical effects and the equivalent of a circ show, did well is just absurd.

    5 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      The only super wonky CGI I saw in Furiosa was the fire effects, which definitely looked like a cheap post-prod add on. It was also clear that many of the actions scenes used more compositing than...

      The only super wonky CGI I saw in Furiosa was the fire effects, which definitely looked like a cheap post-prod add on. It was also clear that many of the actions scenes used more compositing than Fury Road did.

      But otherwise, the action scenes did get a whole bunch right. Whether it was done with computers or not, the geography of the action was always clear, and it never turned into a cartoon. Even with the enhanced role of CGI in the production, Furiosa never devolved into the laziness the Marvel movies have been mired in for at least a decade now.

      3 votes
      1. Eji1700
        Link Parent
        Feels like it's a few levels. For background, i'm usually pretty CGI immune compared to my friends. They all complain about the de-aging in various movies like Tron2, and I barely even noticed....

        Feels like it's a few levels. For background, i'm usually pretty CGI immune compared to my friends. They all complain about the de-aging in various movies like Tron2, and I barely even noticed.

        With that said:

        1. Almost every single major set piece has LOTS of CGI. It's not bad CGI, but it's more noticeable than usual because of course Fury Road did almost everything with practical effects.

        2. At the very least there's a scene later with dementus dogs where they are 100% CGI, which blew my mind because in that scene yes they needed to CGI the dogs likely for safety reasons, but they could have used a green screen or some clever editing to at least have the close up be real dogs and THEN cut to CGI ones. There were a few other cases where I found it so jarring, and again, i'm the one everyone says "you seriously weren't bothered by that?" to.

        1 vote
  5. [14]
    I saw the first of these movies. It was interesting as it's own thing about from the Mad Max movies. In my opinion, it was not a Mad Max movie.

    I saw the first of these movies.

    It was interesting as it's own thing about from the Mad Max movies. In my opinion, it was not a Mad Max movie.

    3 votes
    1. [11]
      Link Parent
      Can you share why? I grew up having watched the first two Mad Max movies, and Fury Road seemed to fit right in to me?

      Can you share why? I grew up having watched the first two Mad Max movies, and Fury Road seemed to fit right in to me?

      10 votes
      1. [10]
        Link Parent
        Very little Max in the movie. It doesn't feel like the original Mad Max movies.
        1. Very little Max in the movie.
        2. It doesn't feel like the original Mad Max movies.
        2 votes
        1. [9]
          Link Parent
          I dont see how Fury Road is much different than Road Warrior or Thunderdome. He’s a guy that stumbles into other people’s stories and helps them out. He does the same with Furiosa.

          I dont see how Fury Road is much different than Road Warrior or Thunderdome. He’s a guy that stumbles into other people’s stories and helps them out. He does the same with Furiosa.

          15 votes
          1. [8]
            Link Parent
            Lacks the vitality of the old Mad Max movies, IMHO

            Lacks the vitality of the old Mad Max movies, IMHO

            1 vote
            1. [5]
              Link Parent
              I just gotta disagree there, Fury Road is in a constant state of motion. It’s essentially one continual chase scene.

              I just gotta disagree there, Fury Road is in a constant state of motion. It’s essentially one continual chase scene.

              18 votes
              1. BashCrandiboot
                Link Parent
                I don't have a horse in this race, but might as well throw my opinion in the ring. I haven't seen any of the originals. Only Fury Road. I had to turn it off about 75% of the way through. Was not a...

                I don't have a horse in this race, but might as well throw my opinion in the ring. I haven't seen any of the originals. Only Fury Road. I had to turn it off about 75% of the way through. Was not a huge fan of the dialogue, but was able to get past it.

                It was the pacing that really started to bother me, particularly because of the constant motion you describe, but also it was a very rhythmic plot. This happens. Then this happens. Then this happens.

                Couple that with the bad chroma key and I just really had no interest in finishing it. It was pretty obvious which shots were done in studio and which were on location, and that just takes me out of it.

                The trailers for Furiosa give me the same vibe. I'm fine with green screen, but at least try to add some immersion. In the trailers it seems like they just slap some gaussian blur on the LED volume and call it good. Its just not for me, and I can't really understand the universal praise whatsoever. I only ever hear good things, but I can't agree.

                4 votes
              2. [3]
                Link Parent
                No point in arguing over subjective tastes. Fury Road just sort of felt flat to me.

                No point in arguing over subjective tastes. Fury Road just sort of felt flat to me.

                2 votes
                1. [2]
                  Link Parent
                  I agree, there isn't much point in arguing over subjective tastes, but you did open up your subjective taste to critique and cloud_loud seems to be right, your reasons for thinking less of it seem...

                  I agree, there isn't much point in arguing over subjective tastes, but you did open up your subjective taste to critique and cloud_loud seems to be right, your reasons for thinking less of it seem baseless. Other than there being no Max.

                  12 votes
                  1. BeanBurrito
                    Link Parent
                    A casual thread on the Internet inviting people to shoot the shit about a movie franchise -- not a PhD defense. :-)

                    A casual thread on the Internet inviting people to shoot the shit about a movie franchise -- not a PhD defense. :-)

                    6 votes
            2. [2]
              Link Parent
              So, can you elaborate or put it another way, because I felt like I needed a shower and a nap after Fury Road - in the best way - and I’m trying to see what you mean.

              So, can you elaborate or put it another way, because I felt like I needed a shower and a nap after Fury Road - in the best way - and I’m trying to see what you mean.

              4 votes
              1. BeanBurrito
                Link Parent
                In which order? :-)

                I felt like I needed a shower and a nap after Fury Road

                In which order? :-)

                1 vote
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      Agree to disagree. I’ve been actually afraid to go back and rewatch 1-3 because FR was a frigging masterpiece IMO. I’m sure they probably don’t hold up as well as my teen-self remembers.

      Agree to disagree. I’ve been actually afraid to go back and rewatch 1-3 because FR was a frigging masterpiece IMO. I’m sure they probably don’t hold up as well as my teen-self remembers.

      5 votes
      1. Eji1700
        Link Parent
        It’s a pretty unique series with each film barely being connected to the others, but yeah they don’t exactly age well. I think FR will always be an action classic. The rest have appeal for being...

        It’s a pretty unique series with each film barely being connected to the others, but yeah they don’t exactly age well.

        I think FR will always be an action classic. The rest have appeal for being different and campy

        4 votes
  6. [2]
    Hot Damn. I was super skeptical about this movie. Following up a masterpiece like FR is so often disappointing, and for whatever reason the trailer didn’t do it for me. Hope it’s great.

    Hot Damn. I was super skeptical about this movie. Following up a masterpiece like FR is so often disappointing, and for whatever reason the trailer didn’t do it for me.

    Hope it’s great.

    1. BusAlderaan
      Link Parent
      For me, the trailer didn't do it because it just looked like a ton of green screen and stage lighting. But I'll check it out, regardless, I love Mad Max.

      For me, the trailer didn't do it because it just looked like a ton of green screen and stage lighting. But I'll check it out, regardless, I love Mad Max.

      3 votes
  7. [2]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. tesseractcat
      Link Parent
      It's probably better to watch Fury Road first, wait a bit, and then watch Furiosa. Although if you were committed to a marathon it would be cool to watch Furiosa -> Fury Road, though I don't think...

      It's probably better to watch Fury Road first, wait a bit, and then watch Furiosa. Although if you were committed to a marathon it would be cool to watch Furiosa -> Fury Road, though I don't think that would be the best first viewing.

      2 votes