111 votes

Three Cheers for Tildes: App updates and feedback (April 2024) — Version 1.0 is out for Android!

This is a recurring topic for the Three Cheers for Tildes mobile app, which is currently in alpha testing.

I'll summarize the previous month's updates at the start of each topic, so people can read the updates and then hit Ignore if they don't care about more frequent updates and user feedback.


Three Cheers version 1.0 is out for Android! (Mar 25, 2024)

  • Submit topics!
  • Added donation option in Settings
  • Share links from other apps to create a Tildes submission
  • Edit topic text
  • Delete topics
  • Require minimum Android 7.1.1
  • Fixed refreshing feed after login/logout

Android v1.0.2 (Apr 13, 2024): Validate submission tags, fix submit UI bugs, fix comment UI bugs with horizontal rules.
Android v1.0.1 (Apr 1, 2024): Fixed crashes on home feed


iOS v0.11.3 (Mar 28, 2024): Fixed UI bugs and crashes on large iPhones (Pro Max series), particularly when using the in-app WebView browser.

iOS v0.11.2 (Mar 8, 2024): Fixed crashes in Inbox under the Comments tab.

Android and iOS v0.11.0 (Mar 3, 2024)

  • Added sort options for topics
  • Tap username on comment, and topic OP, to view profile
  • View markdown of topic OP
  • Fixed minor UI bugs
  • (Android) Fixed wrong profile showing via bottom tab, after logging into a different account

Last month's topic: March 2024


Where to get it

Android version on Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.talklittle.android.tildes

iOS version on TestFlight: https://testflight.apple.com/join/mpVk1qIy


  1. [4]
    Reiterating my thoughts from last week: Thank you to everyone for your emotional support, and bug reports and feature requests. Version 1.0 is a big milestone for the app. Finally adding the...
    • Exemplary

    Reiterating my thoughts from last week: Thank you to everyone for your emotional support, and bug reports and feature requests. Version 1.0 is a big milestone for the app. Finally adding the ability to submit topics!

    iOS version 1.0 is a work in progress.

    To the people who've already donated using the new donation feature: Thank you very much for your generosity! It means a lot that people are sticking with the app and putting in a few bucks to say thanks.
    The aggregate amount of money is really very small, in case anyone was wondering. But on an individual level I know how big of a deal it is to pull the trigger on giving your money away. I really do appreciate it a lot. Thank you again!

    46 votes
    1. imperator
      Link Parent
      Thank you. I've been using it exclusively for probably 2 months now and it's great. Your RIF app was the one and only app I ever used for reddit so it's kind of sweet to get to use this one here....

      Thank you. I've been using it exclusively for probably 2 months now and it's great. Your RIF app was the one and only app I ever used for reddit so it's kind of sweet to get to use this one here. Appreciate the simplicity and hard work.

      19 votes
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      I might be too dense to find it, so there’s a good chance I’m overlooking it: where’s the donate option in iOS?

      I might be too dense to find it, so there’s a good chance I’m overlooking it: where’s the donate option in iOS?

      8 votes
      1. talklittle
        Link Parent
        Thanks for asking. There is no donation option on iOS yet; I plan to add it in the 1.0 release.

        Thanks for asking. There is no donation option on iOS yet; I plan to add it in the 1.0 release.

        7 votes
  2. [2]
    Love the app. I appreciate all the work you put in for something you know will never actually be financially worth it. As soon as I saw the update had a donation feature I kicked you some money....

    Love the app. I appreciate all the work you put in for something you know will never actually be financially worth it. As soon as I saw the update had a donation feature I kicked you some money. Thanks!

    12 votes
    1. talklittle
      Link Parent
      Thank you for the donation and kind words!

      Thank you for the donation and kind words!

      2 votes
  3. GravySleeve
    Thanks for working so hard on this! I've been using it since release and somehow I still didn't recognize your username while on the minecraft server! No issues at all with the app so far, so keep...

    Thanks for working so hard on this! I've been using it since release and somehow I still didn't recognize your username while on the minecraft server! No issues at all with the app so far, so keep up the great work!

    8 votes
  4. swchr
    Three Cheers is a fantastic app, really makes Tildes a fantastic mobile experience. Thank you so much for the developments!

    Three Cheers is a fantastic app, really makes Tildes a fantastic mobile experience. Thank you so much for the developments!

    5 votes
  5. [4]
    Thanks for creating the app, could a custom amount be added as a donation option.

    Thanks for creating the app, could a custom amount be added as a donation option.

    4 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      Thanks for asking. I don't think I can add a custom donation amount using in-app purchases. Google does let you buy multiples of $1 or $5 though. I don't know if it's worthwhile to add a sub-$1...

      Thanks for asking. I don't think I can add a custom donation amount using in-app purchases. Google does let you buy multiples of $1 or $5 though. I don't know if it's worthwhile to add a sub-$1 option.

      2 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Ah not op. I was thinking something like buying cheers! instead of $ numbers. Like some apps have those Buy me a coffee IAPs. Three Cheers equals $5 IAP.

        Ah not op. I was thinking something like buying cheers! instead of $ numbers. Like some apps have those Buy me a coffee IAPs. Three Cheers equals $5 IAP.

        2 votes
        1. talklittle
          Link Parent
          That's a fun idea. I might have to think about small perks to offer donors. In case the mindblowing "thank you" animation isn't enough.

          That's a fun idea. I might have to think about small perks to offer donors. In case the mindblowing "thank you" animation isn't enough.

          4 votes
  6. [5]
    Great app and thanks for the work you put into it. It works. I don't know I others feel this way or it's been mentioned before but I feel like the "back" button should be moved to the bottom left...

    Great app and thanks for the work you put into it. It works.

    I don't know I others feel this way or it's been mentioned before but I feel like the "back" button should be moved to the bottom left instead of the top left. The reach is a bit straining and not natural. Maybe swipe would be even better.

    3 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      This is Android feedback right? Android devices usually have a hardware Back button at the bottom, so I kept the in-app back button in the familiar top position. Some Android phones let you turn...

      This is Android feedback right? Android devices usually have a hardware Back button at the bottom, so I kept the in-app back button in the familiar top position.

      Some Android phones let you turn on a swipe-to-go-back gesture in system settings. Here are instructions.

      8 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        Actually no, sorry I didn’t specify. I’m on iOS. But thanks for answering.

        Actually no, sorry I didn’t specify. I’m on iOS. But thanks for answering.

        2 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          I believe swipe works to go back on iPhone. If you swipe from the far left edge of the screen. Some screens in the app don't support that though. Like when a dialog pops up from the bottom. Is...

          I believe swipe works to go back on iPhone. If you swipe from the far left edge of the screen.

          Some screens in the app don't support that though. Like when a dialog pops up from the bottom. Is there any particular screen you have in mind where you would hope swiping to be added?

          3 votes
          1. elcuello
            Link Parent
            You know what I actually does already. I’m an idiot. Thanks and sorry!

            You know what I actually does already. I’m an idiot. Thanks and sorry!

            3 votes
  7. [2]
    I think I figured out the cause of a small cosmetic bug: the text of comments that have a horizontal line are a slightly different (darker) shade in dark mode. An easy way to find examples of this...

    I think I figured out the cause of a small cosmetic bug: the text of comments that have a horizontal line are a slightly different (darker) shade in dark mode.

    An easy way to find examples of this would be to look at many of @nacho's comments. It's hard to notice the difference in their own, but the difference is more clear when seen in a chain of comments.

    3 votes
    1. talklittle
      Link Parent
      Wow good eye! I'll look into this bug. Thanks for the report!

      Wow good eye! I'll look into this bug. Thanks for the report!

      2 votes
  8. [9]
    I found a bug, sort of maybe, several times I tried to submit a post from the app but couldn't. I just got an error with no explanation. I think I was submitting an invalid tag (had a " - " in it)...

    I found a bug, sort of maybe, several times I tried to submit a post from the app but couldn't. I just got an error with no explanation. I think I was submitting an invalid tag (had a " - " in it) but I'm not sure if that was the issue the first time. Unclear if there's a way to make that error message be more specific or give a short list of things to try to fix if it's just generic.

    3 votes
    1. [6]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      If I had to guess that would probably be it. Tags only support alphanumeric (a-Z, 0-9) characters, spaces or underscores (which effectively act as the same thing), and periods.

      If I had to guess that would probably be it. Tags only support alphanumeric (a-Z, 0-9) characters, spaces or underscores (which effectively act as the same thing), and periods.

      3 votes
      1. [5]
        Link Parent
        that's my best guess too, but there was no way to tell that when submitting through the app!

        that's my best guess too, but there was no way to tell that when submitting through the app!

        1 vote
        1. [4]
          Link Parent
          Yeah, could probably do with a warning in the app similar to the one that shows up on Tildes site when you input invalid tag characters when trying to submit topics (if that was indeed the cause),...

          Yeah, could probably do with a warning in the app similar to the one that shows up on Tildes site when you input invalid tag characters when trying to submit topics (if that was indeed the cause), @talklittle.

          2 votes
          1. [3]
            Link Parent
            If there's no way for the app to tell why the post won't go through - the 'bad' tag gets flagged when you input it on the website but not the app - even just a "check these common issues to...

            If there's no way for the app to tell why the post won't go through - the 'bad' tag gets flagged when you input it on the website but not the app - even just a "check these common issues to resolve the error" could be useful.

            2 votes
            1. [2]
              (edited )
              Link Parent
              IIRC a similar sort of thing happened on Surfboard, another of the 3rd party apps, where it errored out in the app when trying to submit text topics, but still posted that topic, which caused...

              IIRC a similar sort of thing happened on Surfboard, another of the 3rd party apps, where it errored out in the app when trying to submit text topics, but still posted that topic, which caused people to click submit repeatedly and post the same thing over and over. So at least @talklittle's app just errored out cold, but didn't submit the topic anyways, and so didn't end up causing a wave of duplicate posting. :P

              2 votes
              1. DefinitelyNotAFae
                Link Parent
                I mean, we only have one pun thread so hopefully 😅

                I mean, we only have one pun thread so hopefully 😅

                1 vote
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      Thanks for the bug report. The tags were likely the problem. The app can do better checking for valid tags before trying to submit. Thanks @cfabbro for clarifying which characters are valid.

      Thanks for the bug report. The tags were likely the problem. The app can do better checking for valid tags before trying to submit.

      Thanks @cfabbro for clarifying which characters are valid.

      2 votes
      1. cfabbro
        Link Parent
        No worries. And glad to help. :)

        No worries. And glad to help. :)

        3 votes
  9. PelagiusSeptim
    One little quirk I noticed in the app, on edited comments it shows only the time of the most recent edit, not the original posting time.

    One little quirk I noticed in the app, on edited comments it shows only the time of the most recent edit, not the original posting time.

    3 votes
  10. [2]
    App is great so far! The only request I have is to add a Dracula theme. Haha

    App is great so far! The only request I have is to add a Dracula theme. Haha

    2 votes
    1. talklittle
      Link Parent
      I might add theme options eventually since people like to have that option. Don't know when though.

      I might add theme options eventually since people like to have that option. Don't know when though.

      3 votes
  11. [2]
    Is there a search functionality in the android App? I could only find the option to search Topics and not posts.

    Is there a search functionality in the android App?
    I could only find the option to search Topics and not posts.

    1 vote
    1. talklittle
      Link Parent
      There is no search functionality currently. As you said, you can filter groups, but cannot search for topics or comments. (The website does have search.)

      There is no search functionality currently. As you said, you can filter groups, but cannot search for topics or comments. (The website does have search.)

      2 votes
  12. [2]
    Apologies for the bump on the old post, but I can't find anything newer so I hope this is alright. I'm in the middle of attempting to de-google my life and have started playing with GrapheneOS and...

    Apologies for the bump on the old post, but I can't find anything newer so I hope this is alright.

    I'm in the middle of attempting to de-google my life and have started playing with GrapheneOS and CalyxOS. I can still download Three Cheers via Aurora but it's not the cleanest experience. All this to ask:

    Have you considered releasing the Android version via F-Droid at all? Why or why not?

    1000% appreciate all the work you put in here, the app is excellent!

  13. [3]
    Loving the app! It’s gotten me back into Tildes this last week instead of using Reddit. My one complaint is the in app browser doesn’t use my content blockers. I didn’t realize how bad the web had...

    Loving the app! It’s gotten me back into Tildes this last week instead of using Reddit. My one complaint is the in app browser doesn’t use my content blockers. I didn’t realize how bad the web had gotten with ads and videos autoplaying and repeatedly taking over my screen until I started using this app.

    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      If relying on browser extensions, the best way is to use your default browser instead of the in-app browser. Android: Settings -> Browser type -> External browser iOS: Settings -> Prefer external...

      If relying on browser extensions, the best way is to use your default browser instead of the in-app browser.

      Android: Settings -> Browser type -> External browser

      iOS: Settings -> Prefer external browser

      1 vote
      1. Joshua
        Link Parent
        I like to keep my browsing habits separated into different safari profiles so it’s a worse option overall when I’m mindlessly scrolling through tildes as it ends up ruining my YouTube algorithm by...

        I like to keep my browsing habits separated into different safari profiles so it’s a worse option overall when I’m mindlessly scrolling through tildes as it ends up ruining my YouTube algorithm by opening a link in the wrong profile which is why I set it to use the in app browser. Is there any way to integrate an Adblocker at all? I remember Apollo didn’t have this issue when opening links in app.

        1 vote