What is the collective term for Tildes users?
Tildes->Tildoes? Tillies? Tilbros?
Just curious if there was a consensus on it in some previous discussions?
Tildes->Tildoes? Tillies? Tilbros?
Just curious if there was a consensus on it in some previous discussions?
I'm a fan of just doing things simply and going with "users"
I like this as well, reminds me of TRON. @Deimos fights for the users!
EDIT: Can we also call any bots that are made “programs”?
Instead of using the vote button as an "I agree"-button I reply to you stating that I agree with you. It's nice and simple.
Obviously, tildoes! :D
But I've also never been known for my maturity, sooo....
Beat me to it, fellow tildo.
I was in your court once. I was there to talk to my friend, the wind.
"Tilders" is the one I'm partial to
Almost like "builders". I like it.
God I hope it is
While I'd rather we just do as the top comment suggests and simply call users “users”. If I had to pick, I'd much prefer this one over “tildoes”. Anything but “tildoes”. Please.
I've seen ~ers and I like it.
No very easy to type on most keyboards, though.
Recursion is fun
Maybe the next one will break the 13 day all time record for longest period of time before existential crisis about what tildes users should be called!
I'm personally hoping we can break 10
You might be interested in these previous discussions:
What will Tildes users be called?
So, what should our demonym be?
What is a group of Tildes users called?
"Tilders" seems to be an obvious option.
I think there were some previous threads discussing this, the word Tilders was used quite a lot. I like the word Tildees, pronounced exactly how it's spelt.
Oooh I like this idea. Tildes is a big ocean, we are all waves in that ocean. Sounds like something off /r/im14andthisisdeep
But it sort of ties in with the concept of the hivemind and people just acting like a mindless mob, brigading... Their actions being dictated by a different entity than themselves, like waves. Don't like it.
Ox -> Oxen, Box -> Boxen, Tildes users -> Tildoxen
May I suggest "tildenizens"? Might be too many syllables though.
Who said tildos?
I second both tildren and tillies.