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    1. Food Escapades & Curry Fridays ! Classic Indian Green Curry / Chicken Handi

      Hello hello, sorry for being a bit late recently with these, been real tired hahah. Alas, I am still keeping the tradition and making these once a week, every Friday ! It's my little escape time,...

      Hello hello, sorry for being a bit late recently with these, been real tired hahah. Alas, I am still keeping the tradition and making these once a week, every Friday ! It's my little escape time, anyways :P Since I missed the writeup for last week, I'll be putting both on the same post for extra goodies for the fellow readers of this !

      June 5th:

      this week for my curry dish I have prepared a green indian curry ! Which, frankly, I didn't know existed in this form before.... If you know me, you know there are two foods that I really hate the most when raw, those being cilantro and yoghurt. So, when my dad sent me a green curry based on cilantro and yoghurt, I was a bit skeptical at first. I mean, surely combining both of my least hated ingredients together would make for a sensory disaster ! But, to my surprise, eating this was not as much of a pain as I thought it was going to be. No no, instead of being an awful pile of green mush, it ended up being quite nice chicken with a rich and tasty green sauce on top. Honestly, one of the most confusing and fun times of my life ! Cooking it was a bit of a hassle tho, since it did smell awful for me. But it was well worth it ! :P

      Picture of the dish: https://imgur.com/a/LNV3nAl
      Recipe: https://www.scrambledchefs.com/classic-indian-green-curry/

      June 12th:

      Hello hello, sorry for being a bit late recently with these, been real tired hahah. Alas, I am still keeping the tradition and making these once a week, every Friday ! It's my little escape time, anyways :P

      This week, I have prepared a dish I found on the channel Get Curried: Chicken Handi! It's a dish traditionally made in a special pan called a Handi, which I do not own! So I just used my trusty dutch oven pot. The recipe was a pretty simple curry, consisting of a mostly cream/yoghurt based sauce with a little tomato, varied spices, onion, and of course, chicken ! I think by it's own it was a pretty good recipe, but for me, what made it stand out was the fact that I used ghee for the first time in one of these. Took me 6 months to finally do it, but I bought a tub of ghee for this just to try it out. And...
      Oh My God.

      Ghee was an absolute game changer !!! The nutty, creamy flavour really propelled this dish into fantastic territories I didn't even know were possible ! I haven't been this ecstatic for a single ingredient in a while, but god damn. I truly believe ghee to be irreplaceable after this experience, I'll have to see if it impacts other dishes I've made a lot or not. But safe to say, this was such a great addition to my cooking ingredients. Will have to use again.

      On another note, here's a little anecdote about the whole cooking process from that day. Dad and I went to buy some yoghurt to make naan (which turned out quite amazing in the end), and he saw a tub of yoghurt that was on sale. Quite cheap, too. So without hesitation, he bought it. Once we got back home, he realized it was skim yoghurt, which wouldn't make for the best naan, but it's alright anyways. Once he started kneading the dough, he soon quickly realized that he had gotten... Vanilla yoghurt. So now, we had a whole batch of sugary naan dough which would definitely not work well with our curry and no yoghurt left for anything. In retrospect that was quite funny, lol.
      He did end up going for some yoghurt, though. We ended up making some pretty great naan, as I said before :P

      Anyhoo, great recipe that I'd REALLY recommend doing, especially if you're using ghee! But maybe don't use too much, we made the mistake of adding a bit much, which made a really big grease pool on top, which could be unappetising. But hey, you ain't hearing me complain about it :P

      Picture of the dish: https://imgur.com/a/uEi00Q9
      Recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO0issT0Rmc
      Question of the day: what foods have had a "click" in your lifetime? Perhaps something you have once hated, but then suddenly just finally understood. It's happened to me a few times, curious to see if anyone else has gotten that feeling hahahah.

      Have a great day and STAY SAFE ! <3
      Tomi, your friendly neighbourhood marshmallow~

      7 votes
    2. Food Escapades & Curry Fridays ! Bon Appetit's Chana Masala

      hello hello dear friends ! I am here once again a little late on my curry posting this week... the whole world is just so in shambles right now! It's a bit of a heavy subject so I'll refrain from...

      hello hello dear friends !

      I am here once again a little late on my curry posting this week... the whole world is just so in shambles right now! It's a bit of a heavy subject so I'll refrain from talking too much about it, but it's certainly affected me personally if I am honest. Might be a factor in why I decided for something so simple this week hahaha.

      Anyways, we've got another Chana Masala this week ! Yes yes, the third week I do this recipe, and it's still quite a kicker ! This time, I used a recipe from the trusty ol' Bon Appetit, which was honestly probably the easiest one of all the ones I have made. Just put some tomatoes on some onions and add curry powder and chickpeas and BLAMO ! a delicious, hearty meal ! It's still crazy to me that such things like this exist... It took me like, what, a few minutes to dice and brown an onion ? then wait 20 minutes ? and then I get to have such a nice and happy time with my parents eating at the table together and cherishing moments together... all from something as simple as this! it really is a marvel, I tell ya.

      Picture of the dish: https://imgur.com/a/MORtjiv
      Recipe: https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/chana-masala
      Question of the day: What is a food that you absolutely adore that is also quite healthy ?

      Have a great day and STAY SAFE ! <3
      Tomi, your friendly neighbourhood marshmallow~

      6 votes
    3. Food Escapades & Curry Fridays ! Bon Appetit's Katsu Curry

      Hello hello people ! Hope you are all doing well today :) This week, I have prepared possibly the most complex dish I have in this whole curry thing I started at the beginning of the year ! (side...

      Hello hello people ! Hope you are all doing well today :) This week, I have prepared possibly the most complex dish I have in this whole curry thing I started at the beginning of the year ! (side note, it really has been 5 months I've been making a curry dish every friday huh? that's insane hahahah) A Katsu Curry completely by scratch ! The process started on Wednesday, where I had to make a broth with a few spices, beef stock and mushrooms ! It took me a while to find some shiitake mushrooms... they always come in huuuge portions and I only needed a little bit lol. Now I have a bunch of shiitake mushrooms lyin around and I dunno what to do with them ! I guess I'll see :P After making the broth I chilled it for 2 days until friday where I started the curry prep. Curry was quite a simple dish to make, but the fun part was making katsu to go with it. Definitely a combination of flavours that go real well together ! As for the curry, it's a weird tasting thing. It definitely tastes like curry, but almost tastes like it in a branded way, you know? It's like the taste of a generic "Curry" dish. From my understanding that was kind of the point, but still, find it rather odd.. not that it's any bad though ! You can't really go wrong with curry powder :P I found that curry with calrose rice is actually quite phenomenal... calrose has such a distinct texture that it's barely even replaceable with any type of rice. Delish ! Overall, I think everything melded in together quite well and made for a real good sensory experience. I do think I could've salted the curry a little more, but my parents said it was fine so I left it as is hahahah. Definitely recommend this one if you have the patience to make a broth a few days early !

      Picture of the dish: https://imgur.com/a/EwrKmqR
      Recipe: https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/katsu-curry
      Question of the day: What do you think is the best accompanying dish (i.e. crunchy bread, naan, rice...) ever? What do you usually have alongside your dishes?

      Have a great day and STAY SAFE ! <3
      Tomi, your friendly neighbourhood marshmallow~

      11 votes
    4. Food Escapades & Curry Fridays ! Tesco Real Food's Chicken korma recipe

      this week's curry was a simple chicken korma recipe I made that I found on tesco foods' website, last place I'd expect to get a recipe for a curry hah. I'm quite happy with this experience because...

      this week's curry was a simple chicken korma recipe I made that I found on tesco foods' website, last place I'd expect to get a recipe for a curry hah. I'm quite happy with this experience because it's the first time in a while I've had significant leftovers after eating one of these, which means I totally ate less than I usually do. In fact, we had leftovers for over 2 more breakfasts left ! It makes me happy because I'm trying to lose a bit of weight out here... means I'm doing the good first step :P Anyhow, as it comes for the recipe, it was a quite simple recipe with not a lot of complexity to the spice mix. I do believe the added 'extra spices' it tells you to add at the bottom are real crucial for it to be extra delicious comparatively to what it would've been with just the main spices. One thing I did have to change tho was the usage of Chicken drumsticks instead of breasts as the recipe calls for, which ended up being alright as well. Honestly chicken dishes can pretty easily interchange the cut of chicken without it affecting the quality of the dish much, which is pretty great ! Another touch I found quite appealing was the use of toasted flaked almonds as a garnish, the crunchiness of the almonds made for a real nice textural contrast. Overall a simple dish and pretty by the books I think, but that doesn't mean it's any bad ! Def recommend if you're in the mood for something simple.

      Picture of the dish: https://imgur.com/a/L7Ix8T9
      Recipe: https://realfood.tesco.com/recipes/chicken-korma-curry.html

      Question of the day: Any recent culinary discoveries you'd think people should know more about?

      Have a great day and STAY SAFE ! <3
      Tomi, your friendly neighbourhood marshmallow~

      10 votes
    5. Food Escapades & Curry Fridays ! Ultimate Chicken Curry (Tamatar Murghi) from 'Indian Cooking Unfolded'

      So this week I made another serious eats curry (which I actually think comes from another cook book but whatever I found it on serious eats hahahah) and it was a pretty simple chicken curry with a...

      So this week I made another serious eats curry (which I actually think comes from another cook book but whatever I found it on serious eats hahahah) and it was a pretty simple chicken curry with a tomato and cream based sauce. It tastes a lot like a pseudo butter chicken made at home that I found to be quite great! Also, I might've accidentally made it a little more spicy than I imagined it would've been.. which to me is such a lovely accident! I've been liking spiciness in my food a lot more lately and I always feel underwhelmed by low hotness levels in my food.... So whenever I get to eat something super spicy it feels really great ! So, if you follow this recipe properly and make it a teeny bit spicier, I think you'll have a nice night :P overall quite the stellar recipe. I do believe it would go quite amazing with some naan which I didn't make ... So I'd recommend that too !!

      Picture of the dish: http://imgur.com/gallery/3rZxujG
      Recipe: https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2013/08/raghavan-iyer-ultimate-chicken-curry-from-indian-cooking-unfolded.html

      Question of the day: do you prefer your food spicy or not spicy?

      Have a great day and STAY SAFE ! <3
      Tomi, your friendly neighbourhood marshmallow~

      7 votes
    6. Has anyone had any new cooking adventures during the quarantine?

      I know it sounds like a weird question to ask, but I feel like everyone is much more likely to be cooking at home at the moment. I know that Bon Appetit gets a lot of love around here and there’s...

      I know it sounds like a weird question to ask, but I feel like everyone is much more likely to be cooking at home at the moment.
      I know that Bon Appetit gets a lot of love around here and there’s been a few times where I’ve just watched one of their videos and said, “That looks good...I should just make that for dinner tonight. I’ve got the time!” I did that a few days ago with their Lamb Dumpling recipe and it came out amazing.

      I’m currently using my leftover lamb and pork mixture to make a rice dish.

      I’ve also been working on perfecting my cast iron pizza cooking skills.

      10 votes
    7. Food Escapades & Curry Fridays ! Rogan Josh + Bonus Shakshuka

      good day Tildees ! sorry for not posting according to schedule recently... been having a hard time doing most things in my life so it's a bit easier to leave this to a side for a bit. But alas,...

      good day Tildees ! sorry for not posting according to schedule recently... been having a hard time doing most things in my life so it's a bit easier to leave this to a side for a bit. But alas, here I am with another weekly post! I like this community a lot, so I'll try and keep posting to at least keep in touch with the people here, it's great fun :)

      Anyways, today I will present two dishes I made last week: Rogan Josh and Shakshuka !

      The Rogan Josh recipe had so so many spices in it! I know that's basically the whole curry gimmick lol, but it's still quite shocking. Lotsa powders n whole spices I had to put here... Which ended up making for a quite nice flavour profile ! Not sure if it's quite authentic enough or whatever, but I found it nice !

      Then the shakshuka came along which honestly blew my mind. I've been eyeing shakshuka for a while, kept seeing it on a really funny advertisement I used to get often and it looked quite tasty. Obviously, seeing as there was a Kenji recipe available for it, I had to try that one out ! Very delicious end product... nice contrast between the pepper and tomato flavours ! though I like my food a little spicier usually :P I've been discovering that red chili flakes are probably my new favourite condiment hahahah.... red chili flakes and black pepper go on basically everything for me nowadays !! they're such a great flavour boost, I love em to bits.

      Anyways, good recipes! I recommend them; quite simple and delicious for any meal of the week :)

      Picture of Rogan Josh: https://imgur.com/a/YZ3DeX8
      Rogan Josh Recipe: https://imgur.com/a/zA87PnR
      Picture of Shakshuka: https://imgur.com/a/nxPa2ad
      Shakshuka Recipe: https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2016/09/shakshuka-north-african-shirred-eggs-tomato-pepper-recipe.html

      Question of the day: Who is your favourite chef and why?

      Have a great day and STAY SAFE ! <3
      Tomi, your friendly neighbourhood marshmallow~

      10 votes