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    1. As a DM, I kinda hate Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

      I hate that enemies have so low armor class. In earlier editions, you had to be tactical, use flanking manoeuvres and charge attacks, prepare the right support spells, maybe even pick the Weapon...

      I hate that enemies have so low armor class. In earlier editions, you had to be tactical, use flanking manoeuvres and charge attacks, prepare the right support spells, maybe even pick the Weapon Specialization feat for your favourite weapon. In 5e, no need; just stand wherever, roll an attack, you'll probably hit. In addition to removing much of the tactics from the game, this makes it basically impossible for enemy spellcasters to use duration spells. Good luck succeeding on 4 concentration checks per turn.

      I hate that enemies' proficiency bonus is based on their challenge rating. No high-attack low-damage monsters here. Don't worry; the tank in your party will never need healing, any level-appropriate monster needs to roll ridiculously high on the dice to hit them! Everyone else just stay in the back and lob your bloody cantrips, and the battle will be over in 3 turns.

      I hate that attack cantrips do as much damage as a weapon attack (or more). Why even have weapons at all, when your cantrips do more damage than a longsword, with better range than a crossbow.

      I hate that cantrips scale with character level. No need to learn anything new for the rest of the game, your trusty Eldritch Blast will be your most powerful attack throughout. Especially when you get access to Greater Invisibility and don't need to rely on your bloody familiar for advantage on attack rolls.

      I hate that familiars can do help actions in combat. Advantage every turn! And since they're no longer a class feature but a spell, they're also available to fighters and rogues, no multi-classing necessary. And unlike in earlier editions there are no real consequences of losing your familiar. All you lose is 10 gp worth of incense to get them back, a pittance at higher levels.

      I hate that a long rest fully restores hit points. No need to ever stay in one place for longer than 8 hours, no need to conserve spell slots to do end-of-the-day healing, heck; no need for a healer at all really! And it gets worse when they reach 3rd level and get access to Leomund's Tiny Hut, and don't even need to find a safe spot to camp.

      I hate that wild shape is basically useless in combat, due to challenge rating restrictions and the lousy selection of beasts in the Monster Manual.

      I hate that the only logical combat use of Polymorph is turning into a dinosaur. Prepare for the inevitable discussion around the table: Can my character turn into a tyrannosaurus rex, even if they've never seen one? No? But, uuuuuh, they saw a picture of one in a book at the library!

      I hate that you can use Counterspell to counterspell someone else's attempt at counterspelling your own spell.

      I hate that any character can use any skill. No need for a rogue, just hand those Thieves' Tools to the character with the highest Dexterity, they'll get that door open.

      The worst thing is that this game went through lots and lots of play-testing before it was released. The developers must have known about all of these issues and chosen not to change them, meaning that none of these are bugs; they're all features! This is how the developers intended the game to be!

      Did I forget any of your peeves about the game? Add them in the comments. Alternatively, comment with what you love about 5e, let's add some positivity to this rant.

      13 votes
    2. How do you organize your gaming library?

      I'm currently reorganizing my Steam library, as I do every other year or so, and I'm curious as to how people here organize things (or not). Do you have certain categories or a taxonomy you put...

      I'm currently reorganizing my Steam library, as I do every other year or so, and I'm curious as to how people here organize things (or not). Do you have certain categories or a taxonomy you put your games into? What are the benefits and limitations for the way you've chosen?

      13 votes
    3. Stadia game suggestions?

      We don’t have a console and I’m a full time Linux user so gaming hasn’t been the best of experiences for me. Today a Chromecast Ultra and two controllers arrived on our doorstep that my wife...

      We don’t have a console and I’m a full time Linux user so gaming hasn’t been the best of experiences for me.

      Today a Chromecast Ultra and two controllers arrived on our doorstep that my wife apparently ordered and wow is it awesome.

      Zero input lag, 1080p with the option to go 4K, and some solid options for games that are playable instantly.

      So far we have The Division 2, Grid, Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, Destiny 2, Monopoly, and a couple other indie games. There are some big titles coming - I’m most excited for FIFA and Madden - but I’m looking to find out if you guys have any suggestions for games.

      We are looking for some fun two player action.

      Also, if anyone else on here has Stadia, I’ll add you!

      13 votes
    4. The entire plot of The Last of Us 2 and one major cutscene has been leaked

      This is an image which contains spoilers for the entirety of The Last of Us 2, proceed at your own risk A major cutscene also got leaked. This is a link to that cutscene. Proceed at your own risk....

      This is an image which contains spoilers for the entirety of The Last of Us 2, proceed at your own risk

      A major cutscene also got leaked. This is a link to that cutscene. Proceed at your own risk.

      It seems that QA testers were promised bonuses when the game was going to launch, but with the indefinite delays, those bonuses obviously got pushed back. Considering that the menu language of the cutscene is Portuguese (I think), I wouldn't be surprised if someone from South America, where QA probably got outsourced to (Naughty Dog is infamous for their bad work culture) was depending on that bonus, especially with the covid situation.

      I don't know how to handle this situation discussion-wise right now. If you want to spoil yourself for whatever reason (maybe not planning on buying the game, whatever) and discuss the plot of TLOU2, please mark everything as spoilers (you can use sections to hide sensitive info). Everyone else, tread lightly.

      EDIT: Actually, a lot more cutscene got leaked, here's the links in the section:








      10 votes
    5. Tildes' Game Backlog Burner Event: Final Update Thread

      What is this? See here for full details on the event. Post Your Update How did your week go? What books did you get through? How did you feel about them? What's up next for you? Also, given that...

      What is this?

      See here for full details on the event.

      Post Your Update

      • How did your week go?
      • What books did you get through?
      • How did you feel about them?
      • What's up next for you?

      Also, given that this is the last update thread:

      • How was the month overall?
      • Did you enjoy the event?
      • Any breakthroughs, standouts, or lessons learned?
      • If we did something like this again, what would you change or want to see?
      9 votes
    6. Give me advice to check my completionist tendencies

      I find with a lot of video-games, particularly RPGs, I have trouble just doing a casual playthrough. I just can't really stop myself from chasing down every quest marker, so if anyone has advice...

      I find with a lot of video-games, particularly RPGs, I have trouble just doing a casual playthrough. I just can't really stop myself from chasing down every quest marker, so if anyone has advice about how I can keep my playstyle focused on stuff I actually enjoy, I'd love to hear it.

      I've found what ends up happening is I will play a game long after the point where the core gameplay loops are fun or challenging for me. This negatively impacts my impressions of games I play. It's like, chewing a stick of gum for way WAY too long. My jaw is sore, it tastes like cardboard. But I. Just. Keep. Going. I don't go into dumb collect-a-thons as much, so I'm not the worst at this, but I end up chasing every side-quest, every "do thing to befriend party member," and so on. Basically everything that counts as "content."

      To be clear, I definitely blame the game designers for this. They stretch 30 hour games to 60 with a bunch of filler. And with open-world systems, it's just really hard to tell what's important and what isn't which just triggers my FoMO about missing something cool or plot critical.I just want some strategies on how to work around the bullshit and not have to bother with padding content.

      12 votes
    7. Tildes' Game Backlog Burner Event: Week 3 Update Thread

      What is this? See here for full details on the event. Post Your Update How did your week go? What games did you get through? How did you feel about them? What's up next for you? (Optional!)...

      What is this?

      See here for full details on the event.

      Post Your Update

      • How did your week go?
      • What games did you get through?
      • How did you feel about them?
      • What's up next for you?

      (Optional!) Focuses for Week 4 (Last Week!)


      Let's burn through these backlogs!

      9 votes