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  • Showing only topics in ~games with the tag "ask". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. Year in Review: Games of 2022

      What were your highlights for the year? What were the best things you played? What surprised you? What let you down? Reflect back on the year and talk about anything and everything related to your...

      What were your highlights for the year? What were the best things you played? What surprised you? What let you down?

      Reflect back on the year and talk about anything and everything related to your gaming experiences in 2022. You do NOT have to limit it to 2022 releases -- anything you played this year counts.

      Meta note: Yes, I know this is still a tad on the early side, but I'm trying to space these posts out between groups so that they don't step on each others' toes. I also plan to post this to ~books, ~movies, ~television. I'm not active in ~anime, so if someone wants to take up the mantle for that group (or any others you feel need a Year in Review post), go for it!

      7 votes
    2. Help me find vehicle customization video games

      Hi, lately I've been thinking a bunch about Phantom Crash, which I played on an XBox. It was a mecha battle arena game. It had two main modes (three if you count skipping through interminable...

      Hi, lately I've been thinking a bunch about Phantom Crash, which I played on an XBox. It was a mecha battle arena game. It had two main modes (three if you count skipping through interminable conversations with NPCs). First, you'd take your mech into an arena and blow people up. Then you'd go to your garage, spending your winnings on upgrading your mech.

      The degree of customization you could achieve was striking. There were big options like wheels / legs / hover platform, and a variety of energy / mass / missile weapons. You could get different aim assist chips that had meaningfully different characteristics. You could tune almost any piece of equipment to be lighter or heavier, and a heavier gun really felt more powerful in the arena.

      TBH the actual combat was only alright, but we loved the game anyway.

      Are there any other games out there that have this kind of feedback loop? Playable today is best, but I'd also go down an internet archaeology hole.

      8 votes
    3. What's your unpopular opinion or idiosyncrasy about video games or games in general?

      Asking about games of any kind. Do you enjoy something a lot of people seem to despise? Do you dislike some aspect of gameplay everyone cherishes? What beloved games do you find utterly boring?...

      Asking about games of any kind.

      Do you enjoy something a lot of people seem to despise? Do you dislike some aspect of gameplay everyone cherishes? What beloved games do you find utterly boring? What games and mechanics are underestimated in our view? In what way games nowadays are worse than before? Conversely, do you think people look at the past with rose-tinted glasses?

      I wanna know!

      23 votes
    4. Looking for a very specific kind of submarine video game

      Maybe you guys can help me out since I found a lot of games that are kinda like this but not quite. It doesn't need to be a full-blown simulation, but it needs to be convincing. What I want is a...

      Maybe you guys can help me out since I found a lot of games that are kinda like this but not quite.

      It doesn't need to be a full-blown simulation, but it needs to be convincing.

      What I want is a game that puts me inside a submarine, looking at screens full of radar and sensor information, and letting me control the sub in a realistic manner, only with the information provided in the control room. It's okay if the game jumps to an external view just to show the ultimate consequence of conflict, but mostly, I should be in the sub looking at screens.

      Is there such a game?

      Ideally, I play on the Xbox. My laptop is a potato, so it's only good for very old or otherwise lightweight games (technically speaking, this could easily be a command line game... like naval htop). Other kinds of naval simulation are good for this thread.


      7 votes
    5. Racing / driving games: What do they get right? What do they miss?

      I was playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with my kid the other day and it was a blast. Nintendo have really nailed this game, especially in the balance of accessible enough for beginners to have fun but...

      I was playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with my kid the other day and it was a blast. Nintendo have really nailed this game, especially in the balance of accessible enough for beginners to have fun but hard enough for people to have a challenge too.

      My other favourite game (although I haven't played it for a while) is Sega Rally Championship on Sega Saturn. This game has 4 tracks (one of which needs to be unlocked) and 3 cars (and again, one of these needs to be unlocked). The tiny number of cars and tracks means that you get to do the same corners over and over. This might sound tedious, but when you hit the corner just right you know it. You can get a sense of mastery over it. I've spent many hours playing games in the Gran Turismo series, and I really enjoy them, but fair play some of the tracks and cars are just shovelled into the game and you don't spend much time with them

      In the first Gran Turismo the licensing tests were properly hard. They weren't messing around. Getting bronze requires people to read the manual and understand what the point of the test is. Getting all gold is an actual challenge for experienced players. I feel like the tests (at least, the bronze levels) got easier in later games. The UK soundtrack was small but pretty good.

      My final mention is the Burnout series. I loved the crash junctions. I'm not sure the open world of Paradise was fun - it meant spending a lot of time driving across a map to get to the start line of various events. I feel the same way about many games - I'd rather just have a menu of levels and what I need to do to complete them (GoldenEye, SNES PilotWings, BlastCorps are all good examples) than have this stuff obscured by the open world. Burnout on the Nintendo DS was a genuinely awful game. I think Burnout Dominator was my favourite in the series.

      So, what do driving games get right? What do they miss? What interesting game mechanics do you enjoy?

      7 votes
    6. Did Real Time Strategy games die? Why?

      There were a few years when RTS was a popular genre with games like Total Annihilation, Age of Empires, Command and Conquer, and Starcraft being very popular examples. But these games have mostly...

      There were a few years when RTS was a popular genre with games like Total Annihilation, Age of Empires, Command and Conquer, and Starcraft being very popular examples.

      But these games have mostly died out, and I was wondering if maybe I'm just not aware of modern RTS variants, or if there are good reasons why these games died off.

      Like, are Tower Defence games a form of RTS?

      Are there any RTS games where teams play against each other, so 2v2 rather than 1v1?

      17 votes
    7. Anyone know if there’s a way to just read text adventure games?

      I found out about these types of games about three years ago. I attempted playing Zork I, as well as this other film where you’re trying to get inside something and apparently it turns into a time...

      I found out about these types of games about three years ago. I attempted playing Zork I, as well as this other film where you’re trying to get inside something and apparently it turns into a time travel game where you meet The Beatles (and if someone knows the title of that game I would really appreciate it because I’ve forgotten).

      I’ve been fascinated by some of these games. Big problem though, is that I suck at video games in general, and these text adventure games are particularly brutal. I saw some video about Zork, which were great, but for some of them (like the aforementioned time travel game) don’t have videos. So is there a way to just read it like a book. I’ve found guides on how to complete the games, but even those leave me lost and confused.

      9 votes
    8. Let’s talk visual novels

      (Inspired by this conversation thread) Any and all thoughts on visual novels are welcome. Some potential questions for jumping off points: What are your thoughts on the VN genre/format? What are...

      (Inspired by this conversation thread)

      Any and all thoughts on visual novels are welcome. Some potential questions for jumping off points:

      What are your thoughts on the VN genre/format?

      What are some of the best VNs you’ve played/read?

      What would you recommend to someone who’s new to VNs and wants to try one out?

      How do you think VNs compare to games, literature, and other interactive fiction?

      14 votes
    9. Recommend chill/background games for my second monitor?

      Sometimes I like to multitask while I'm having a chill. Basically I'm looking for a game that doesn't require my full attention so that I can play while I'm watching youtube or a stream. Lately...

      Sometimes I like to multitask while I'm having a chill. Basically I'm looking for a game that doesn't require my full attention so that I can play while I'm watching youtube or a stream. Lately I've been playing Stellaris on easier difficulties to scratch this itch, but even on minimum time settings a Stellaris game takes multiple hours. Something with a 30-60 minute gameplay loop would be perfect.

      Thanks for your suggestions!

      14 votes
    10. Does anybody have advice for getting better at racing sims? (Both circuit and rally)

      I’ve always enjoyed rally games but only recently decided to buy a wheel (just a used Logitech G29) and also decided to give F1 22 a shot. I feel like I’m okay-ish at DiRT Rally 2.0 and WRC 10 but...

      I’ve always enjoyed rally games but only recently decided to buy a wheel (just a used Logitech G29) and also decided to give F1 22 a shot. I feel like I’m okay-ish at DiRT Rally 2.0 and WRC 10 but atrocious at F1 22. How do I actually learn to be better instead of constantly making mistakes?

      9 votes
    11. What are some good ultra-low-spec computer games?

      So my TV is broken (so no Xbox) and my laptop is a potato. Well, not a total potato, it has an i54210 1.7ghz CPU with integrated Intel HD 4400 graphics. It's a Linux machine, but since Proton I...

      So my TV is broken (so no Xbox) and my laptop is a potato. Well, not a total potato, it has an i54210 1.7ghz CPU with integrated Intel HD 4400 graphics. It's a Linux machine, but since Proton I fully expect to be able to play many low spec games.

      I'm looking into some low spec games. I got Papers Please and liked it a lot. For something meatier I was thinking Baldurs Gate Enhanced, but I fear that I might have a hard time with the outdated mechanics. I had a hard with the original Fallout for that reason... I loved it back in the day, but it was just too clunky for my current tastes.

      21 votes
    12. What are your favorite any% speedrun videos?

      I like watching speedrunning videos, especially ones where they break the game in really interesting and novel ways. Every now and then when I'm bored I search "any% speedrun" on YouTube, but......

      I like watching speedrunning videos, especially ones where they break the game in really interesting and novel ways. Every now and then when I'm bored I search "any% speedrun" on YouTube, but... the search results feel gamed by clickbaity Top 10 videos, Soulslike games, and the latest hyped up title of the month.

      So I thought I'd ask if you guys have any videos to share. Maybe even like, favorite GDQ videos or favorite niche games you like. Stuff like that?

      Here's what I've got:

      • Sethbling's "4 Different Mario Credits Warps in Under 15 Minutes" -- Specifically for the Super Mario Land 2 speedrun. I really love how the game's code and RAM gets interpreted as level data, and he has to navigate the garbage sprites to get to a point where it will trigger a debug flag to load the credits.
      • Luigi's Mansion any%: Something about the OOB route here is so spooky and interesting to me. It's a 3D game, but fixed perspective, so you don't get the freedom of movement you would in a game like Super Mario 64. That makes any OOB tricks really funky, with Luigi skewing oddly and going off camera in a way that forces the runner to intuit and feel out where to go. It's neat!
      12 votes
    13. What are some good mobile games which doesn't require dragging?

      This may seem like an odd request and I'm not sure if I can properly explain this, but for some reason I dislike games that require me to drag things with my fingers. I prefer games that allow me...

      This may seem like an odd request and I'm not sure if I can properly explain this, but for some reason I dislike games that require me to drag things with my fingers. I prefer games that allow me to "click" stuff using my finger as a mouse, like Go (baduk), checkers, and other board games. Any genre. Any suggestions on Android? Thanks!

      9 votes
    14. What's a game that you wish you could play again for the first time? Why?

      Going off of my recent Outer Wilds thread (spoiler warning on that topic), what are some games that you wish you could play again for the first time? What about the game makes you feel that way?...

      Going off of my recent Outer Wilds thread (spoiler warning on that topic), what are some games that you wish you could play again for the first time? What about the game makes you feel that way?

      Feel free to talk about spoilers, but please flag them! The easiest way is to drop them in a details block. Markup below in case anyone needs to copy/paste:

      Spoilers go here!
      10 votes
    15. Please spoil Outer Wilds for me

      Note: Outer Wilds, not The Outer Worlds. If you do not want the game spoiled for you, please do not read any further into this topic. I have given the game two honest tries, and I've stopped each...

      Note: Outer Wilds, not The Outer Worlds.

      If you do not want the game spoiled for you, please do not read any further into this topic.

      I have given the game two honest tries, and I've stopped each time. I like what the game is offering, but I don't like playing it.

      What I'm wanting isn't just a traditional "spoiler" -- I can look up the plot and lore and details and such -- I'm more wanting to know about the full experience of playing the game. People talk about this game with the same awe and cultishness with which people talk about The Witness (which I loved). I saw a few glimpses of something that in my time in the game (e.g. the Quantum Tower puzzle). I've read so many comments warning me to not learn about the game and people wishing that they could play it again for the first time, that I know there's definitely something more here.

      Unfortunately, I'm not the player to discover that more.

      Thus, I'm hoping someone here can take me on their journey through the Outer Wilds instead. Tell me about what the game was like for you, how it unfolds, and, most importantly, what is it that makes people talk about the game the way that they do.

      13 votes
    16. Looking for game thread

      Looking for someone to play games with? Post your region, platform, active hours, and games you're looking to find friends for to find matches!

      13 votes