49 votes

World Health Organization advises against use of artificial sweeteners


  1. Levantus
    Link to guideline: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240073616 The news outlets will likely blow this out of proportion (including the one I linked to), but WHO is indeed at this point...

    Link to guideline: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240073616

    The news outlets will likely blow this out of proportion (including the one I linked to), but WHO is indeed at this point recommending not to switch to artificial sweeteners for weight loss purposes and found that any progress in that regard is usually short-lived. There is also somewhat of a risk increase in mortality longer-term. The evidence is not overwhelming but enough to make the guideline update. Interesting read to be sure for those who have the time to look into the actual document.

    21 votes
  2. [4]
    (edited )
    Worth noting is that this advisory appears to only apply to non-sugar sweeteners, and not low-calorie sugars or sugar alcohols....

    Worth noting is that this advisory appears to only apply to non-sugar sweeteners, and not low-calorie sugars or sugar alcohols.

    The recommendation applies to all people except individuals with pre-existing diabetes and includes all synthetic and naturally occurring or modified non-nutritive sweeteners that are not classified as sugars found in manufactured foods and beverages, or sold on their own to be added to foods and beverages by consumers. Common NSS include acesulfame K, aspartame, advantame, cyclamates, neotame, saccharin, sucralose, stevia and stevia derivatives.

    The recommendation does not apply to personal care and hygiene products containing NSS, such as toothpaste, skin cream, and medications, or to low-calorie sugars and sugar alcohols (polyols), which are sugars or sugar derivatives containing calories and are therefore not considered NSS.


    16 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      Non sugar sweeteners have been shown to screw with your gut's microbiome. https://beta.elsevier.com/connect/artificial-sweeteners-can-affect-your-gut-bacteria-researchers-find?trial=true

      Non sugar sweeteners have been shown to screw with your gut's microbiome.


      2 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Aspartame definitely messes with my stomach. Too much can give you the runs as well. That famous Amazon review of the sugar free gummy bears is accurate.

        Aspartame definitely messes with my stomach. Too much can give you the runs as well. That famous Amazon review of the sugar free gummy bears is accurate.

        1. alcimedes
          Link Parent
          lol, I know exactly which one you're talking about. Hasboro sugar free gummies.

          lol, I know exactly which one you're talking about. Hasboro sugar free gummies.

  3. [14]
    Anecdotal but this sure is counter to my experience. All while drinking about 1L of Diet Coke every day, I lost 125 lbs and kept it off for over 8 years and lost my diabetes as well. I still drink...

    Anecdotal but this sure is counter to my experience. All while drinking about 1L of Diet Coke every day, I lost 125 lbs and kept it off for over 8 years and lost my diabetes as well. I still drink it although I'm probably about half-a-liter a day now.

    9 votes
    1. [13]
      Link Parent
      Yeah. I get the concept of people being more used to sweetness, or it increasing appetite, or all that jazz, but at the end of the day if you replace sugar soda with diet soda and change nothing...

      Yeah. I get the concept of people being more used to sweetness, or it increasing appetite, or all that jazz, but at the end of the day if you replace sugar soda with diet soda and change nothing else about your diet you're gonna be intaking fewer calories and that'll lead to weight loss, all else remaining equal.

      5 votes
      1. [12]
        Link Parent
        Other side of that coin: When I started a keto diet years ago to try to lose weight, I wanted something to replace the "reaching for a sandwich" mechanism I had developed at the time. I started...

        Other side of that coin: When I started a keto diet years ago to try to lose weight, I wanted something to replace the "reaching for a sandwich" mechanism I had developed at the time. I started drinking diet coke. What a mistake.

        It displaced my developed taste for water and I now don't enjoy "just drinking water" anymore. I developed an addiction to coca cola itself which has been difficult to shake off. I associate it with food so it doesn't actually remove any hunger if anything it increases it. All of these behavioural changes have made my life worse and my wallet lighter.

        I believe sweeteners are a fantastic sugar replacement (within reason), but they're also an easy way of picking up a nasty addiction. I would compare them to vapes in that regard.

        4 votes
        1. [11]
          Link Parent
          Weird how that works huh. I replaced smoking with vaping and because I felt like I could vape in my house I ended up vaping way more(vs how much I smoked). I did end up quitting smoking and vaping...

          Weird how that works huh. I replaced smoking with vaping and because I felt like I could vape in my house I ended up vaping way more(vs how much I smoked). I did end up quitting smoking and vaping so in the end I do think it helped me but it's an easy trap to fall into. When it comes to vapes, just don't touch them if you're not already a smoker.

          5 votes
          1. anxieT-rex
            Link Parent
            I switched from smoking herb to a dry herb vape and had a similar experience. Was saving money and not buying as much at first, then started feeling like I could just vape in the house or any ol...

            I switched from smoking herb to a dry herb vape and had a similar experience. Was saving money and not buying as much at first, then started feeling like I could just vape in the house or any ol time because it didn't smell so much. It can definitely be really hard to retrain habits. The human brain really like routine.

            1 vote
          2. [2]
            Link Parent
            Excellent to hear you stopped the vaping, I am in the process now, it's exceedingly difficult. I was cigarette free for about a year and bought a jewel, they are so strong and packed with...

            Excellent to hear you stopped the vaping, I am in the process now, it's exceedingly difficult. I was cigarette free for about a year and bought a jewel, they are so strong and packed with nicotine. So yeah, might see if patches are covered with my insurance.

            1 vote
            1. NachoMan
              Link Parent
              Yes it's rough. I personally tapered down the strength of the nicotine. Still not sure if that's better vs cold turkey but I made it work. What helped me when I put the vape away was fidget toys,...

              Yes it's rough. I personally tapered down the strength of the nicotine. Still not sure if that's better vs cold turkey but I made it work.

              What helped me when I put the vape away was fidget toys, I chewed liquorice root(the wood like stuff, not sure if it's a thing in other places) and working out. These might also help in combination with patches. Anyway I wish you good luck, I'm sure you'll get there, it's worth it!

          3. [7]
            Link Parent
            I've always felt like the nicotine in vapes just doesn't stay in your system as long after use, necessitating more frequent usage for similar satisfaction of craving. I don't know why that is...

            I've always felt like the nicotine in vapes just doesn't stay in your system as long after use, necessitating more frequent usage for similar satisfaction of craving. I don't know why that is exactly but I have an uneducated armchair theory about it being absorbed faster vs being bound up in a more solid or viscous medium that might stick in your lungs and continue to leech it out into your system.

            1. [5]
              Link Parent
              This is above my paygrade but I know that the more old school eliquids contain freebase nicotine vs the newer nicotine salts. I've never used the salts but they're supposed to be absorbed must...

              This is above my paygrade but I know that the more old school eliquids contain freebase nicotine vs the newer nicotine salts. I've never used the salts but they're supposed to be absorbed must faster giving that peak feeling a cigarette does. Whereas the freebase is more like a gentle slope. For me that made a big difference, vaping velt subtler so I think that's why you start chain vaping. Ah I'm glad I got over the nicotine it really made a big difference especially when working out and my hay fever has been much better. Not gone but my nose isn't blocked as much anymore which is great.

              1 vote
              1. [4]
                Link Parent
                Congrats on kicking the habit; I've never quite been able to manage it. Was on the patch for like 2 years before picking vaping back up. I've been able to reduce my intake quite a bit in times...

                Congrats on kicking the habit; I've never quite been able to manage it. Was on the patch for like 2 years before picking vaping back up. I've been able to reduce my intake quite a bit in times past but any attempt to make a full stop becomes disastrous in one way or another. Nicotine just seems to help immensely with managing my ADHD symptoms whether I'm taking any other medication for it at the time or not.

                2 votes
                1. [3]
                  Link Parent
                  Thanks, yes I have ADD too so I know the struggle. What helped me was getting older. It sucks for the most part but it does have some upsides. Oh and I started working out like a madman. And I...

                  Thanks, yes I have ADD too so I know the struggle. What helped me was getting older. It sucks for the most part but it does have some upsides. Oh and I started working out like a madman. And I wasn't always nice to the wife. Dopamine is a weird thing man. But all is good now. You'll get there some day don't give up yet.

                  1. [2]
                    Link Parent
                    Idk man I turn 40 this year :P

                    Idk man I turn 40 this year :P

                    1. NachoMan
                      Link Parent
                      Then you're almost there lol ;)

                      Then you're almost there lol ;)

            2. buzziebee
              Link Parent
              I did a trip to Thailand recently and vapes are illegal there so I smoked for a few weeks. I ended up chain smoking like a chimney as I'm so used to microdosing nicotine during the day now. Being...

              I did a trip to Thailand recently and vapes are illegal there so I smoked for a few weeks. I ended up chain smoking like a chimney as I'm so used to microdosing nicotine during the day now. Being used to having that fix any second of the day makes it harder to go without. My lungs are way better now I'm back on the vape though.

  4. [7]
    Theydidnt mention the one I currently use xylitol, and one I'm considering using neotame They probably "dont work" because the type of people to use them probably eat badly aswell, I think its a...

    Theydidnt mention the one I currently use xylitol, and one I'm considering using neotame

    They probably "dont work" because the type of people to use them probably eat badly aswell, I think its a correlation

    Although a sweet taste will cause some insulin spike, and they may also leave you feeling hungry

    2 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      Occasionally I’ll pick up a pack of candy with Xylitol. If I’m not careful and strict, it causes some serious bowel movements. I guess that kind of a natural deterrent against eating too much...

      Occasionally I’ll pick up a pack of candy with Xylitol. If I’m not careful and strict, it causes some serious bowel movements. I guess that kind of a natural deterrent against eating too much though huh?

      2 votes
      1. guilty-dust-9065
        Link Parent
        Yeah, that’s the big downside of too much xylitol. The other being, if your pet accidentally gets it that it could kill them.

        Yeah, that’s the big downside of too much xylitol. The other being, if your pet accidentally gets it that it could kill them.

        4 votes
      2. Gopher
        Link Parent
        Withme I get no bad bowel movements if I use it every day in a row, but if I dont take it for a few days, the first use after a break I'm running to the toilet

        Withme I get no bad bowel movements if I use it every day in a row, but if I dont take it for a few days, the first use after a break I'm running to the toilet

        1 vote
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      I think they did actually mention xylitol indirectly, since it's a "polyalcohol and a sugar alcohol". From the article (emphasis mine):

      I think they did actually mention xylitol indirectly, since it's a "polyalcohol and a sugar alcohol". From the article (emphasis mine):

      WHO’s recommendation does not apply to personal care and hygiene products containing non-sugar sweeteners - such as toothpaste, skin cream, and medications - or to low-calorie sugars and sugar alcohols (polyols)

    3. Habituallytired
      Link Parent
      I switched to xylitol gum from aspartame gum (I rarely chew gum anymore) after I realized the aspartame was giving me migraines. I chewed gum throughout high school and had migraines almost every...

      I switched to xylitol gum from aspartame gum (I rarely chew gum anymore) after I realized the aspartame was giving me migraines. I chewed gum throughout high school and had migraines almost every day. One time I drank a diet soda because the other option was hose water (it was teenagers being teenagers) and I had the worst migraine of my life, it was a head and gut migraine with blinding light sensitivity, nausea and smell sensitivity. That’s how I realized aspartame was what was giving me these “minor” migraines all the time.

  5. lou
    Oh no, not my sucralose!

    Oh no, not my sucralose!