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    1. Moviepass finally unlocked the new Mission Impossible

      I already canceled moviepass. Their new rules of only 3 movies a month plus getting "up to" 5 dollars off on more movies was a kick to the kidneys. The blacking out of mission impossible was...

      I already canceled moviepass. Their new rules of only 3 movies a month plus getting "up to" 5 dollars off on more movies was a kick to the kidneys. The blacking out of mission impossible was absolutely it for me.

      Anyone keeping it or have you already canceled? My sub lasts until the 15th. Hopefully I'll be able to see christopher robin and a few others before then.

      4 votes
    2. Should we allow movie trailer posts?

      EDIT: Alright, this ended up veering off in the direction that I was hoping it wouldn't. My apologies if I pushed things in the wrong direction from the outset. I want to make very clear from the...

      EDIT: Alright, this ended up veering off in the direction that I was hoping it wouldn't. My apologies if I pushed things in the wrong direction from the outset.

      I want to make very clear from the outset of this post that I am not calling anyone out for posting this type of content, and I do not want to criticize any individuals for making such posts. This is intended to be a high level discussion of what general types of content are worthwhile here, to see if we can define some of the community specific goals about relevant content. And I know this comes at the risk of being yet another meta post about tildes content (feel free to move this post elsewhere if others think it is better suited, I mainly chose to post here to work on being more community specific about our goals).

      This question comes up because a quick glance at the current ~movies page shows a whole bunch of movie trailer posts. The majority of them have zero discussion. Of the ones that do have discussion, most of that is pretty low effort. So part of the question to address is: do movie trailer posts ever generate good discussion in the first place? Looking at reddit, the answer is almost always no, and the posting of movie trailers is often a race among karma farmers with little actual interest in what they are posting. Part of the problem I see there is that it primarily leads towards a discussion of the movie itself rather than the trailer. Since the movie hasn't come out yet when the trailer is posted, that discussion is entirely speculative, and leads to some sticky situations like with the Ghostbusters remake, where more outrage was generated over the female leads casting than any discussion of the film's own merits.

      There are, very occasionally, trailers that are in and of themselves interesting pieces of artistic expression; so part of me says that a universal ban on trailers being posted would be overkill. But in those cases it may be beneficial to enforce that the discussion should focus on the presentation of the trailer itself. Though countering my own argument, trailers are fundamentally designed to draw attention towards the movie, so perhaps isolated discussion does not make sense. But that would again point to a desire to simply omit all trailers being posted. Possibly unless it is for a movie that has already been released, in which the trailer could serve as merely a marker to open discussion on the movie itself.

      So what does everyone else think? I'm totally okay if everyone says they like seeing the movie trailers on here, but I thought it would be a good time to discuss it.

      12 votes
    3. Can anyone explain The Apparition?

      I just went to see the Apparition (recent French film about a journalist investigating visions of the madonna). I couldn't make head or tail of it. Has anyone got a coherent theory of what was...

      I just went to see the Apparition (recent French film about a journalist investigating visions of the madonna).

      I couldn't make head or tail of it. Has anyone got a coherent theory of what was going on, or is it just a shoal of red herrings that doesn't make any sense?

      3 votes
    4. A question about Jedi

      Do Jedi study warfare and tactics? I know they study dueling, but do they also look at more large-scale battles? I was thinking about the Clone Wars revival today and I was kinda wondering why the...

      Do Jedi study warfare and tactics? I know they study dueling, but do they also look at more large-scale battles? I was thinking about the Clone Wars revival today and I was kinda wondering why the Republic entrusted their military power to what were essentially warrior monks. Was it just a case of “there’s literally no one else”?

      12 votes
    5. Teen Titans Go! To the Movies is a great movie for superhero nerds

      Even if you're only lightly aware of superhero movie tropes and the criticisms of the genre in general, you will have a lot of gags to laugh at. I know a lot of people my age (20s-30s) will be...

      Even if you're only lightly aware of superhero movie tropes and the criticisms of the genre in general, you will have a lot of gags to laugh at.

      I know a lot of people my age (20s-30s) will be reluctant to see the movie if they were fans of the original Teen Titans show and haven't watched Teen Titans Go! (which I think is fair). But those are the people who will enjoy it the most.

      It is a kids' movie, no doubt about it. But I'd put it in the vein of the Lego Movie, which still had a lot to offer if you're an adult.

      6 votes
    6. So what are you guys' opinions or hopes/fears of Disney aquiring the rights to X-Men?

      For me personally I'm excited because I really like what they've done with the MCU. It's not perfect but I think they've done a fine job so far and would prefer them to have a go at the X-Men (and...

      For me personally I'm excited because I really like what they've done with the MCU. It's not perfect but I think they've done a fine job so far and would prefer them to have a go at the X-Men (and FF) franchise. As a long time fan the movies have been hit and miss with the Fox X-Men for me so far. For example:


      First Class


      The Wolverine

      Don't care for whatsoever:

      Wolverine Origins

      So really Fox did okay with the rights but not as good as they could have. The Fantastic Four specifically movies are laughable. Hell the Roger Corman flick was better than it's successors. I didn't even bother with the most recent as you could tell it was slap dashed together.

      So what do you guys think?

      9 votes
    7. A silent leap in Broadway (and theatre)

      Every now and then we get a change in a traditional medium that has the potential to completely change the medium itself. In TV, we went from black and white to colour to 3D, and now to VR. In...

      Every now and then we get a change in a traditional medium that has the potential to completely change the medium itself. In TV, we went from black and white to colour to 3D, and now to VR. In theatre, we've been seeing more use of screens, and other technologies.

      In the last few years, Broadway saw two amazing game-changers - Hamilton, and Deaf West's revival of Spring Awakening. Hamilton, honestly needs its own post.

      Deaf West, as their name suggests, casts deaf actors with other actors supplying their voices. American Sign Language is incorporated into the dialogue, songs and choreography. It adds a whole new dimension to existing works and allows the theatre medium to be enjoyed by a more inclusive audience.

      I really hope to see productions like this more.

      Thoughts? Anything new or old brought to theatre that you love? Any changes you'll like to see?

      3 votes
    8. Any HDTGM listeners?

      Yo! Where’re my balcony monsters at? If you listen to the How Did This Get Made podcast, what’d you think of the Blues Brothers 2000 podcast from Friday?

      3 votes