40 votes

Let's do something different: What are your favorite video game OSTs?

I've accumulated a bunch of songs over the years that I put into my video game playlist and realized that I love a lot of soundtracks. From popular franchises, I love listening to Zelda music (even the BotW OST has A LOT of memorable gems) and Kingdom Hearts music.

Some other favorite series I have, in no particular order (along with attached songs I like from them):

Please feel free to share any that you are passionate about.


  1. [2]
    Faster Than Light and Cave Story are two of my favourites. The music is always such an integral part of those games for me.

    Faster Than Light and Cave Story are two of my favourites. The music is always such an integral part of those games for me.

    15 votes
    1. Silbern
      Link Parent
      +1 for FTL. Really nice for a small indie game, it fits the mood very well, and I love the variety between sectors. Even better in the expanded version that they added more tracks to the official...

      +1 for FTL. Really nice for a small indie game, it fits the mood very well, and I love the variety between sectors. Even better in the expanded version that they added more tracks to the official OST :D

      Damn hard game though...

      4 votes
  2. [4]
    Dark Souls and Dark Souls 3 NieR:Automata Life is Strange Some of my favorites above. Agree a ton with your Kingdom Hearts pick.

    Dark Souls and Dark Souls 3
    Life is Strange

    Some of my favorites above. Agree a ton with your Kingdom Hearts pick.

    12 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I got a lot of songs from Life is Strange in my Indie playlist, actually! Sweet suggestions, though, I'll give them a listen. I never got around to Automata since it kept crashing on my PC at the...

      I got a lot of songs from Life is Strange in my Indie playlist, actually! Sweet suggestions, though, I'll give them a listen. I never got around to Automata since it kept crashing on my PC at the intro boss, but I'll get back into it someday.

      4 votes
      1. Cleb
        Link Parent
        Life is Strange introduced me to a few artists I love now, mostly Sparklehorse and Syd Matters. Automata is wonderful and I hope you can get around to experiencing it in the future, and I hope you...

        Life is Strange introduced me to a few artists I love now, mostly Sparklehorse and Syd Matters. Automata is wonderful and I hope you can get around to experiencing it in the future, and I hope you like these whenever you listen to them!

        2 votes
    2. clerical_terrors
      Link Parent
      I think Dark Souls 3's OST was a massive improvement over Dark Souls 1. While both were good the choruses in DS3 gripped me more. The first time I heard Vordt's theme sent shivers down my spine.

      I think Dark Souls 3's OST was a massive improvement over Dark Souls 1. While both were good the choruses in DS3 gripped me more. The first time I heard Vordt's theme sent shivers down my spine.

      1 vote
  3. [3]
    Riiiight there with ya on KH and LoZ. Bastion was phenomenal, for one to add to the list.

    Riiiight there with ya on KH and LoZ.

    Bastion was phenomenal, for one to add to the list.

    8 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Always promote Bastion. Such a good game.

      Always promote Bastion. Such a good game.

      6 votes
      1. SaucedButLeaking
        Link Parent
        Transistor, from the same studio, also has a great soundtrack

        Transistor, from the same studio, also has a great soundtrack

        4 votes
  4. [3]
    I don't know how I didn't see it here but Halo ODST's soundtrack is amazing. Another one that comes to mind is Transistor. That was such a beautifully made game.

    I don't know how I didn't see it here but Halo ODST's soundtrack is amazing.

    Another one that comes to mind is Transistor. That was such a beautifully made game.

    7 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I still watch the live action trailer every now and then, so much emotion for a 2 and a half minute video game teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRMUYpH7bQk

      I still watch the live action trailer every now and then, so much emotion for a 2 and a half minute video game teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRMUYpH7bQk

      2 votes
      1. Thansyn
        Link Parent
        That had me feeling like a hyped up kid in school again waiting for it to get released. That game didn't get as much love as it deserved.

        That had me feeling like a hyped up kid in school again waiting for it to get released. That game didn't get as much love as it deserved.

        1 vote
  5. [3]
    The Diablo II OST is incredible and is the only video game OST that makes it up there with my other favorite albums. Absolutely iconic dark ambient.

    The Diablo II OST is incredible and is the only video game OST that makes it up there with my other favorite albums. Absolutely iconic dark ambient.

    5 votes
    1. delicate_cauliflower
      Link Parent
      Probably because I spent so many hours playing it again and again, but I think the overall atmosphere of the original Diablo is the best of the series. This includes the OST...

      Probably because I spent so many hours playing it again and again, but I think the overall atmosphere of the original Diablo is the best of the series. This includes the OST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXUcwprvldc
      But I'm probably biased due to Diablo being one of my first video games. In '96 I was 6 years old and my father just bought our first pc :)

      2 votes
    2. clem
      Link Parent
      Thanks for sharing--I'm listening to this version right now and am quite impressed. It's been a long time since I've played Diablo II, and I forgot how great this music was!

      Thanks for sharing--I'm listening to this version right now and am quite impressed. It's been a long time since I've played Diablo II, and I forgot how great this music was!

      1 vote
  6. [3]
    I contend the Pokemon and Zelda series has some of the best OSTs. Less commonly known ones, I'd say the Civilization series (especially 4+), Scott Pilgrim, Hacknet / Silicon Zeroes / Shenzen I/O...

    I contend the Pokemon and Zelda series has some of the best OSTs. Less commonly known ones, I'd say the Civilization series (especially 4+), Scott Pilgrim, Hacknet / Silicon Zeroes / Shenzen I/O (they're all in the same category), Donkey Kong Country, the entire Command & Conquer series, and the Smash Bros series (which tbf is just a collection of good tracks from other games, but still, as a whole OST) are all really, really good. Video Game OSTs are my favorite genre and I tried to give some variety here, but I could list games all day if you want :D

    4 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbFO6rB0Rcw My favorite song from Scott Pilgrim :) Thanks for the other suggestions though! Definitely enjoy DKC and Smash. Got any specific songs you'd recommend...


      My favorite song from Scott Pilgrim :)

      Thanks for the other suggestions though! Definitely enjoy DKC and Smash. Got any specific songs you'd recommend for Civ? I haven't played any but I'll do myself a favor one day and get on them.

      1 vote
      1. Silbern
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        For Civilization V, I'd say Denmark, Polynesia, Ottomans, and Korea have the best war themes, while Indonesia, Shoshone, Mongolia, and especially China have the best peace themes. The whole...

        For Civilization V, I'd say Denmark, Polynesia, Ottomans, and Korea have the best war themes, while Indonesia, Shoshone, Mongolia, and especially China have the best peace themes. The whole soundtrack is beautifully orchestrated though, as is the background music for each general region of civilizations (which YouTube unfortunately doesn't have afaik). Highly recommend listening through if you're bored and want to try something new :D

        Edit: seems this got edited out by mistake, but it's really cool you've heard of the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack, few people seem to have and it really doesn't get enough love. I particularly like Maki ya and Rock Club, but the entire soundtrack is a home run :D

        2 votes
  7. [2]
    Transistor OST, honestly I've never played the game but I dig the soundtrack. Cuphead OST if you dig classy big-band jazz

    Transistor OST, honestly I've never played the game but I dig the soundtrack.
    Cuphead OST if you dig classy big-band jazz

    4 votes
    1. kaitlyn
      Link Parent
      Hearing the Transistor OST in its intended setting gives it a lot more power, I think. Hearing In Circles during the encounter with Reisz has stuck with me for many years.

      Hearing the Transistor OST in its intended setting gives it a lot more power, I think. Hearing In Circles during the encounter with Reisz has stuck with me for many years.

  8. Anthippe
    Morrowind, Deus Ex, Monkey Island 2

    Morrowind, Deus Ex, Monkey Island 2

    3 votes
  9. [4]
    Doom. Enough said.

    Doom. Enough said.

    3 votes
    1. [2]
      Comment deleted by author
      Link Parent
      1. planNine
        Link Parent
        Yes! In fact, I saw it a couple of days ago and was just amazed with the amount of effort and dedication that went into it.

        Yes! In fact, I saw it a couple of days ago and was just amazed with the amount of effort and dedication that went into it.

    2. SleepyGary
      Link Parent
      Doom was such a masterpiece, from the music to how they managed throwback nostalgia gameplay while adding a popular modern progression system that wasn't offensive to the easter eggs and fourth...

      Doom was such a masterpiece, from the music to how they managed throwback nostalgia gameplay while adding a popular modern progression system that wasn't offensive to the easter eggs and fourth wall breaking head nods. Basically a perfect 10 out of 10 game imo.

      Also the Quake OST by NIN holds up imo.

      1 vote
    3. firstname
      Link Parent
      Mick Gordon is an AMAZING music producer. I love the doom soundtrack and i do not even listen to metal. It is close to perfect. To make things even more clear why Mick Gordon might be the best...

      Mick Gordon is an AMAZING music producer. I love the doom soundtrack and i do not even listen to metal. It is close to perfect.

      To make things even more clear why Mick Gordon might be the best music producer within the gaming industry currently is that he has such range. He also made much of the soundtrack for the new Prey. Which is a totally different setting, a space station to be exact for those unaware. And he nails that one to. Also a super good game ost.

  10. [3]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      What's your fav song?

      What's your fav song?

      1 vote
      1. J-Senior
        Link Parent
        Ghosts and Glass from the end of Reach. It fits so well

        Ghosts and Glass from the end of Reach. It fits so well

        1 vote
  11. azazo9
    Doom. Any of the Doom games really, but Doom 2016 stuck out most to me. Also Life is Strange stuck out quite a bit when i first played.


    Any of the Doom games really, but Doom 2016 stuck out most to me. Also Life is Strange stuck out quite a bit when i first played.

    3 votes
  12. [4]
    I'm going to be that guy and say Jet Set Radio, even years later I'm still in love with it's beats.

    I'm going to be that guy and say Jet Set Radio, even years later I'm still in love with it's beats.

    3 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I have songs from both JSR and JSRF on regular rotation. They're tough to classify in terms of genre but they are great.

      I have songs from both JSR and JSRF on regular rotation. They're tough to classify in terms of genre but they are great.

      1. clerical_terrors
        Link Parent
        I know right? It's not lo-fi hip-hop but some you could definitely argue as chill-hop.

        I know right? It's not lo-fi hip-hop but some you could definitely argue as chill-hop.

    2. Zelos
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Yup. You beat me to it. It's so unique and amazing. The genres are everywhere, but it still has a cohesive sound. Its a very good day whenever new music triggers JSFR vibes

      Yup. You beat me to it. It's so unique and amazing. The genres are everywhere, but it still has a cohesive sound.

      Its a very good day whenever new music triggers JSFR vibes

  13. EsteeBestee
    The Mass Effect 1-3 soundtracks. For me, nothing even comes close to touching this. It was the perfect soundtrack to a perfect trilogy of games.

    The Mass Effect 1-3 soundtracks. For me, nothing even comes close to touching this. It was the perfect soundtrack to a perfect trilogy of games.

    3 votes
  14. [2]
    Since I don't see it mentioned yet, Furi has an absolutely amazing electronic soundtrack. It's what drew me to look at the game in the first place.

    Since I don't see it mentioned yet, Furi has an absolutely amazing electronic soundtrack. It's what drew me to look at the game in the first place.

    3 votes
    1. firstname
      Link Parent
      The soundtrack brings some of the best work out of a couple of the producers behind the tracks of Furi i think. Its absolutely excellent not only because its good music, but also fits the game so...

      The soundtrack brings some of the best work out of a couple of the producers behind the tracks of Furi i think. Its absolutely excellent not only because its good music, but also fits the game so very well and pumps your veins full of adrenaline when fighting those bosses.

  15. Octofox
    viva pinata Has a beautiful orchestral sound track that I just love. So much skill went in to this one

    viva pinata Has a beautiful orchestral sound track that I just love. So much skill went in to this one

    3 votes
  16. somewaffles
    God of War had an absurdly good soundtrack. I also have always loved Bloodbournes, the pieces Work so well to creep you out. We use it a lot in our D&D campaigns.

    God of War had an absurdly good soundtrack. I also have always loved Bloodbournes, the pieces Work so well to creep you out. We use it a lot in our D&D campaigns.

    2 votes
  17. [2]
    In no particular order, final Fantasy (VII because of Cid's theme, Cosmo Canyon, overworld theme, aeris' theme and of course one winged Angel), bioshock 1 and infinite, Kingdom hearts, Tropico,...

    In no particular order, final Fantasy (VII because of Cid's theme, Cosmo Canyon, overworld theme, aeris' theme and of course one winged Angel), bioshock 1 and infinite, Kingdom hearts, Tropico, smash Brothers, Ocarina of Time, and katamari damacy.

    2 votes
    1. Shiga
      Link Parent
      Love the VII OST, but Cosmo Canyon is definitely super high up there. I had the pleasure of seeing Distant Worlds, Final Fantasy's orchestral concert for their 30th anniversary last Winter. When...

      Love the VII OST, but Cosmo Canyon is definitely super high up there. I had the pleasure of seeing Distant Worlds, Final Fantasy's orchestral concert for their 30th anniversary last Winter. When Cosmo Canyon came on, it was pure bliss.

      And the conductor made Uematsu come on stage to sing One Winged Angel with the choir, haha.

      2 votes
  18. m-l
    Deus Ex: Human Revolution One of my all-time favorite games and soundtracks :)

    Deus Ex: Human Revolution

    One of my all-time favorite games and soundtracks :)

    2 votes
  19. Cetera
    While it's completely different to any music I would listen to outside of playing it, the music of DOOM (2016) is super intense and really does enhance the game. From memory they used some funky...

    While it's completely different to any music I would listen to outside of playing it, the music of DOOM (2016) is super intense and really does enhance the game. From memory they used some funky extended range guitars (like one with 9 strings, and some extended range base guitars too). There's also this spectrograph easter egg.

    2 votes
  20. GrafZahl
    I am older and have fond memories of Battlefield Vietnam

    I am older and have fond memories of
    Battlefield Vietnam

    2 votes
  21. PogChamp
    Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos and it's expansion pack The Frozen Throne. Honorable mention to the soundtracks of Warcraft 3's 'sequel', World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade and...

    Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos and it's expansion pack The Frozen Throne.

    Honorable mention to the soundtracks of Warcraft 3's 'sequel', World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade and World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.

    Did I mention I like Warcraft? :)

    2 votes
  22. [3]
    A good OST is when nostalgia is not an important factor of why you like it, no? I like Hitman OSTs, but every game only a few songs pop out, the others I play only because they were there and it...

    A good OST is when nostalgia is not an important factor of why you like it, no?
    I like Hitman OSTs, but every game only a few songs pop out, the others I play only because they were there and it feels weird without them
    Super Mario World has good composition kink, even listening to it without playing you just wander around the theme over and over again, with different arrangements. simple but solid
    Stephen Rippy in AOE and AOC is, like the name implies, the king. Everything I do in life has a bit of this two albums

    2 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Perhaps, but you needn’t limit yourself. If you’ve got some personal favorites to talk about, I’m sure many of us can enjoy it too. I can personally agree with SMW, though. It is likely my...

      Perhaps, but you needn’t limit yourself. If you’ve got some personal favorites to talk about, I’m sure many of us can enjoy it too.

      I can personally agree with SMW, though. It is likely my favorite Mario soundtrack.

      1 vote
      1. titofrito
        Link Parent
        I don't play so much now, so all OSTs are like old records, so I'm limited to that. The most recent I've played was Celeste, an example of a soundtrack (and a game) that transcends nostalgia. As...

        I don't play so much now, so all OSTs are like old records, so I'm limited to that. The most recent I've played was Celeste, an example of a soundtrack (and a game) that transcends nostalgia.
        As for Jesper Kyd and Hitman, the Silent Assassin choirs from the main title are intense, and I am really fond of all the orchestration, it's powerfull, it could be suited for an army moving, but it's just for one man. 47 makes a decision is a really good one. The japanese score is a bit off
        Bloodmoney is a really diferent game and so is the soundtracks, but man, when Rocky Mountain starts playing you know you are in deep shit

        also remembered time splitters 2 and future perfect

        1 vote
  23. duckoverflow
    I love the Kingdom Hearts OST. Two of my favourites are Night of Fate and the Hollow Bastion Theme. All of the tracks in the game really set the tone and capture the feeling of whatever world you...

    I love the Kingdom Hearts OST. Two of my favourites are Night of Fate and the Hollow Bastion Theme. All of the tracks in the game really set the tone and capture the feeling of whatever world you are in.

    2 votes
  24. Thansyn
    I don't know how I didn't see it here but Halo ODST's soundtrack is amazing. Another one that comes to mind is Transistor. That was such a beautifully made game.

    I don't know how I didn't see it here but Halo ODST's soundtrack is amazing.

    Another one that comes to mind is Transistor. That was such a beautifully made game.

    2 votes
  25. [2]
    Haven't seen anyone mention it, but The World Ends With You had a fantastic soundtrack

    Haven't seen anyone mention it, but The World Ends With You had a fantastic soundtrack

    2 votes
    1. Shiga
      Link Parent
      Ah, my fault for forgetting to! TWEWY was the first video game OST I ever took a deep dive to listen to. I actually don’t have it in my video game playlist but in my main songs.

      Ah, my fault for forgetting to! TWEWY was the first video game OST I ever took a deep dive to listen to. I actually don’t have it in my video game playlist but in my main songs.

  26. Heichou
    Wow has nobody said Shovel Knight? Vert is a retro music god and that OST for that game is so grandiose and impressive. High Above The Land is a standout track for me. The beginning sounding like...

    Wow has nobody said Shovel Knight? Vert is a retro music god and that OST for that game is so grandiose and impressive. High Above The Land is a standout track for me. The beginning sounding like the music is being cut into by a propeller is a very nice touch. I highly recommend this game and OST

    2 votes
  27. [4]
    I personally love the Skyrim soundtrack. It's probably my favorite game soundtrack so far.

    I personally love the Skyrim soundtrack. It's probably my favorite game soundtrack so far.

    2 votes
    1. SaintOfIllusion
      Link Parent
      I listen to the Skyrim OST on repeat at work. It never gets old and makes work seem more meaningful.

      I listen to the Skyrim OST on repeat at work. It never gets old and makes work seem more meaningful.

      1 vote
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      I greatly enjoy the Dovahkiin theme, but what other songs from the game would you recommend?

      I greatly enjoy the Dovahkiin theme, but what other songs from the game would you recommend?

      1. Nhiryn
        Link Parent
        Personally, all of the ambiance music. Usually, most people don't notice it, but I find that it adds so much more to what seems like a vast world where you can do whatever you want.

        Personally, all of the ambiance music. Usually, most people don't notice it, but I find that it adds so much more to what seems like a vast world where you can do whatever you want.

        1 vote
  28. [2]
    (edited )
    I'm gonna go with Sim City 3000 because it's the only one I listen to often. This is my favorite track, but here's the full thing. It is amazing fuel for productivity.

    I'm gonna go with Sim City 3000 because it's the only one I listen to often. This is my favorite track, but here's the full thing. It is amazing fuel for productivity.

    2 votes
    1. Durinthal
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Thanks for reminding me I actually need to download that for background music while working. I occasionally remember to listen to a track or two (usually Broadway) but all of it's good.

      Thanks for reminding me I actually need to download that for background music while working. I occasionally remember to listen to a track or two (usually Broadway) but all of it's good.

      1 vote
  29. DaleMorgan
    Really surprised no one has said Crypt of the Necrodancer, the game was built around its soundtrack and it holds up super well outside of the game.

    Really surprised no one has said Crypt of the Necrodancer, the game was built around its soundtrack and it holds up super well outside of the game.

    2 votes
  30. Durinthal
    Secret of Mana remains one of my favorites; Hiroki Kikuta did wonders with the SNES sound chip.

    Secret of Mana remains one of my favorites; Hiroki Kikuta did wonders with the SNES sound chip.

    2 votes
  31. eyehigh
    Stellaris offers a somewhat repetitive OST, but the recent additions with the Distant Stars pack are really varied and great. I think they brought on board a new composer, so that explains the new...

    Stellaris offers a somewhat repetitive OST, but the recent additions with the Distant Stars pack are really varied and great. I think they brought on board a new composer, so that explains the new sound.

    Link to one of the new tracks: One Galaxy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4n9HnX-xV0

    2 votes
  32. kaitlyn
    Celeste's Lena Raine worked on (the vast majority of) the hackmud OST. I recommend the game, too. ;)

    Celeste's Lena Raine worked on (the vast majority of) the hackmud OST.

    I recommend the game, too. ;)

    2 votes
  33. lunarwire
    (edited )
    Wing Commander II. Wing Commander has been my favorite video game franchise of all time and every time I listen to any of the music (including the Privateer series) it just brings me back....
    • Wing Commander II. Wing Commander has been my favorite video game franchise of all time and every time I listen to any of the music (including the Privateer series) it just brings me back.
    • Mechwarrior II: 31st Century Combat. I got the game for free when I bought my Matrox Mystique back in the day. This Timothy Seals remaster is amazing.
    • Tyrian 2000. Gencore Maelstrom all the way! I used to run setup.exe just to listen to the jukebox.
    2 votes
  34. trazac
    I'll go against the grain a bit. All of the Bit.Trip games are excellent. Rez and it's HD remaster have awesome electronic soundtracks. Tempest and its spiritual successor Space Giraffe have...

    I'll go against the grain a bit. All of the Bit.Trip games are excellent. Rez and it's HD remaster have awesome electronic soundtracks. Tempest and its spiritual successor Space Giraffe have really good '80s style music. Sword and Sorcery EP is great, like playing a video game that is a song.

    1 vote
  35. papasquat
    Grim Fandango by far. There are a lot of great videogame OSTs, but none that come close to achieving what Grim did.

    Grim Fandango by far. There are a lot of great videogame OSTs, but none that come close to achieving what Grim did.

    1 vote
  36. cahaseler
    I have a special place in my heart for the Guild Wars soundtracks. Jeremy Soule is awesome - he did a lot of the Elder Scrolls stuff too iirc.

    I have a special place in my heart for the Guild Wars soundtracks. Jeremy Soule is awesome - he did a lot of the Elder Scrolls stuff too iirc.

    1 vote
  37. Nobodk
    Mine is definitely the first dark souls ost. It's been 3 years since my first time playing it but it keeps giving me goosebumps everytime I listen to it. And especially Gwyn's theme.

    Mine is definitely the first dark souls ost. It's been 3 years since my first time playing it but it keeps giving me goosebumps everytime I listen to it. And especially Gwyn's theme.

    1 vote
  38. mcpeen
    In my opinion, the best OSTs come from two men: Koji Kondo (Mario series, Zelda series) and Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy series). I could easily be convinced that I only see those two composers as...

    In my opinion, the best OSTs come from two men: Koji Kondo (Mario series, Zelda series) and Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy series). I could easily be convinced that I only see those two composers as the greatest because of those game series' role in my life at a pivotal stage - puberty.

    Between Zelda's Lullaby, Rosalina's Observatory, Fisherman's Horizon, and the FFVII Theme, it's hard to pick a favorite game or OST.

    For me, there's something about the way the Japanese composers capture a singular emotion, so that as the player you're able to feel exactly what they want you to feel. I don't think other composers nail it so efficiently, even with broader sound palettes.

    1 vote
  39. Cornflayk
    I probably spend too much time listening to the Touhou OSTs. Not to mention the endless amount of fan-made variants.

    I probably spend too much time listening to the Touhou OSTs.

    Not to mention the endless amount of fan-made variants.

    1 vote
  40. [2]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. Shiga
      Link Parent
      Hah, glad you enjoyed the discussion! Hyperlinking is as simple as putting a bracket around a body of text, followed by the link in parentheses. [Sample text](sample URL)

      Hah, glad you enjoyed the discussion!

      Hyperlinking is as simple as putting a bracket around a body of text, followed by the link in parentheses.

      [Sample text](sample URL)

  41. Halfdeaf
    My favorite would have to be Journey. Such a good score and integral to the ambiance of the game. Civ 4 is a close second. I played thousands of hours and never turned of the in game music....

    My favorite would have to be Journey. Such a good score and integral to the ambiance of the game.

    Civ 4 is a close second. I played thousands of hours and never turned of the in game music. Usually it's off before I hit 100.

    Honourable mentions: Doom, Sword and Sorcery and FTL, actually I never turned of that soundtrack either.

    1 vote
  42. Mechangel
    "Night in the Woods" and "Machinarium" both have lovely soundtracks.

    "Night in the Woods" and "Machinarium" both have lovely soundtracks.

    1 vote
  43. Sedasoc
    One that I haven't seen mentioned yet that might be a little less popular, but Golden Sun 1 and 2. Those games are masterworks and the soundtrack they pulled off with midi tracks are spectacular.

    One that I haven't seen mentioned yet that might be a little less popular, but Golden Sun 1 and 2. Those games are masterworks and the soundtrack they pulled off with midi tracks are spectacular.

    1 vote
  44. PopeRigby
    Doom 2016 (other ones are good too, but 2016's is amazing) Dark Souls 3 Warframe Wolfenstein (specifically New Order and Old Blood) Uncharted series
    • Doom 2016 (other ones are good too, but 2016's is amazing)
    • Dark Souls 3
    • Warframe
    • Wolfenstein (specifically New Order and Old Blood)
    • Uncharted series
    1 vote
  45. crdpa
    Megaman 2 and 3 Final Fantasy VII Persona 4 Grim Fandango Thimbleweed Park
    • Megaman 2 and 3
    • Final Fantasy VII
    • Persona 4
    • Grim Fandango
    • Thimbleweed Park