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  • Showing only topics in ~tech with the tag "youtubers". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. Recommend lesser known YouTube channels that make well designed videos

      Would love to watch videos that are well designed edited, especially done so in an original manner but have a low subscriber count (less than 75k subscribers?). The content could be vlogs, video...

      Would love to watch videos that are well designed edited, especially done so in an original manner but have a low subscriber count (less than 75k subscribers?). The content could be vlogs, video essays, travel, design!

      62 votes
    2. Good, quality YouTube channels?

      Hey everyone, It’s my first post here so my apologies if I mess something up. Recently I’ve been refreshing my YouTube homepage constantly because I feel like it’s either: A.) Suggesting me things...

      Hey everyone,

      It’s my first post here so my apologies if I mess something up.

      Recently I’ve been refreshing my YouTube homepage constantly because I feel like it’s either:
      A.) Suggesting me things I’ve already seen before
      B.) Suggesting me things I have no interest in

      So I’m going to go straight to the source and find some good YouTuber Channels I may have not heard of.

      I primarily enjoy gaming critiques, history topics & natural disaster docs (kind of random I know), videos detailing scammers (SBF, Elizabeth Holmes, etc) but I don’t limit myself to these, I’m pretty much open to anything as long as it’s entertaining and/or informative… preferably both.

      YouTubers I currently watch:

      • NeverKnowsBest
      • LiamTriforce
      • Knowing Better
      • Internet Historian
      • Ordinary Things
      • RennsReviews
      • Scott The Woz
      • SAWS
      • ADoseOfBuckley
      • DAngelo Wallace

      Any recommendations are seriously appreciated. I don’t limit myself to a specific genre, but longer form content is definitely preferable.

      120 votes
    3. Who are your favourite content creators, and what do they do?

      So I've been watching a lot of Youtubers the past year or so, and I'm about to run out of content! So I'm curious what you all are enjoying? I'll start of course - some channels I really like:...

      So I've been watching a lot of Youtubers the past year or so, and I'm about to run out of content! So I'm curious what you all are enjoying? I'll start of course - some channels I really like:

      Contrapoints - rarely uploads nowadays but makes great videos about social issues, especially trans and queer issues as she is herself lesbian and transgender.

      Perun - weekly 1-hour videos consisting of analysis of military economics, primarily about the Ukraine conflict. He also branches out though, and has done great videos on China's military's modernisation, and the German military's procurement processes, to give some examples.

      World War Two - you may remember him from The Great War, this is Indy Neidell and co. who goes through the Second World War in chronological order. It is very in depth as they do it week by week, so this is the most thorough documentary on the war available.

      Skip Intro - analysis of TV shows, particularly his Copaganda series is very interesting, in which he goes on deep dives of different TV shows' portrayal of police and how, most of the time, this portrayal is very dishonest.

      Climate Town - very informative and funny content about the climate crisis. Lots of things impacting the climate that you wouldn't have ever thought of before.

      Jenny Nicholson - makes videos about her own interests, fandoms, nerd culture etc. Very funny but rarely uploads.

      Edit: Thanks everyone for the recommendations and discussion! Lots of stuff to sift through now, thank you!

      26 votes
    4. Sam Denby on how well negativity works on YouTube

      @Sam (from Wendover): One thing I hate is just how well negativity works. Of our top 10 performers over the past year, eight (in my view) include direct or indirect negativity in the title/thumbnail. (A🧵) pic.twitter.com/tqIz9v6CTh

      10 votes
    5. Positive Youtube channels?

      What are your favorite youtube channels to watch when you're in the mood for something positive and uplifting? No genre restrictions or anything, just something that really oozes the joy and...

      What are your favorite youtube channels to watch when you're in the mood for something positive and uplifting? No genre restrictions or anything, just something that really oozes the joy and passion that the creator has.

      I'll throw this one out there to start: Bicycle Touring Pro. He makes wonderful, slow paced and positive documentaries about his solo and group travels on his bike around the world. If you ever want to just zone out for a moment, throw this on and you just might be inspired.

      25 votes