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    1. Comment label testing

      Please comment and tag below so we can test the comment tags. Since I can't tag my own comments I need at least two other people to tag the comments.

      12 votes
    2. Test word count again

      Spicy jalapeno pork belly salami filet mignon swine. Buffalo fatback ball tip sirloin. Beef ribs short ribs rump short loin. Short loin filet mignon pig kevin tenderloin t-bone. Short ribs pork...

      Spicy jalapeno pork belly salami filet mignon swine. Buffalo fatback ball tip sirloin. Beef ribs short ribs rump short loin. Short loin filet mignon pig kevin tenderloin t-bone.

      Short ribs pork belly brisket ham hock kielbasa tenderloin prosciutto sirloin turkey fatback hamburger shoulder porchetta cupim cow. Hamburger andouille rump biltong doner, jerky fatback beef ribs pig sausage. Chuck pork chop shankle burgdoggen ham hock hamburger. Short loin tail meatball, biltong boudin sausage alcatra pork chop landjaeger tri-tip ball tip sirloin ham turkey jerky. Bacon chuck andouille flank short ribs.

      Shankle prosciutto ribeye swine, pancetta rump shoulder. Meatloaf short ribs picanha bacon leberkas. Porchetta kevin pastrami, brisket strip steak andouille salami pancetta landjaeger ground round shankle swine ribeye. Ham hock flank doner, strip steak chicken sausage leberkas capicola corned beef ground round. Venison chuck strip steak, salami bacon picanha ground round ham ribeye chicken flank buffalo. Alcatra jowl chicken, bacon ham hock tongue venison drumstick porchetta pancetta pork biltong.

      1 vote
    3. bumpin experiment

      [Verse 1] Have you ever met a girl that you tried to date But a year to make love she wanted you to wait Let me tell ya a story of my situation I was talkin' to this girl from the U.S. nation The...

      [Verse 1]
      Have you ever met a girl that you tried to date
      But a year to make love she wanted you to wait
      Let me tell ya a story of my situation
      I was talkin' to this girl from the U.S. nation
      The way that I met her was on tour at a concert
      She had long hair and a short miniskirt
      I just got onstage drippin', pourin' with sweat
      I was walkin' through the crowd and guess who I met
      I whispered in her ear, "Come to the picture booth
      So I can ask you some questions to see if you are a hundred proof"
      I asked her her name, she said blah-blah-blah
      She had 9/10 pants and a very big bra
      I took a couple of flicks and she was enthused
      I said, "How do you like the show?" She said, "I was very amused"
      I started throwin' bass, she started throwin' back mid-range
      But when I sprung the question, she acted kind of strange
      Then when I asked, "Do ya have a man," she tried to pretend
      She said, "No I don't, I only have a friend"
      Come on
      I'm not even goin' for it, this is what I'm goin' sing

      You, you got what I need
      But you say he's just a friend
      And you say he's just a friend, oh baby
      You got what I need
      But you say he's just a friend
      But you say he's just a friend, oh baby
      You got what I need
      But you say he's just a friend
      But you say he's just a friend

      [Verse 2]
      So I took blah-blah's word for it at this time
      I thought just havin' a friend couldn't be no crime
      'Cause I have friends and that's a fact
      Like Agnes, Agatha, Germaine, and Jack
      Forget about that, let's go into the story
      About a girl named blah-blah-blah that adored me
      So we started talkin', getttin' familiar
      Spendin' a lot of time so we can build up
      A relationship or some understanding
      How it's gonna be in the future we was plannin'
      Everything sounded so dandy and sweet
      I had no idea I was in for a treat
      After this was established, everything was cool
      The tour was over and she went back to school
      I called every day to see how she was doin'
      Every time that I called her it seemed somethin' was brewing'
      I called her room, a guy picked up, but then I called again
      I say, "Yo, who was that?" "Oh, he's just a friend"
      Don't gimme that, don't ever gimme that
      Jus' bust this

      You, you got what I need
      But you say he's just a friend
      And you say he's just a friend, oh baby
      You got what I need
      But you say he's just a friend
      But you say he's just a friend, oh baby
      You got what I need
      But you say he's just a friend
      But you say he's just a friend

      [Verse 3]
      So I came to her college on a surprise visit
      To see my girl that was so exquisite
      It was a school day, I knew she was there
      The first semester of the school year
      I went to a gate to ask where was her dorm
      This guy made me fill out a visitor's form
      He told me where it was and I was on my way
      To see my baby doll, I was happy to say
      I arrived in front of the dormitory
      "Yo, could you tell me where is door three?"
      They showed me where it was for the moment
      I didn't know I was in for such an event
      So I came to her room and opened the door
      Oh, snap! Guess what I saw?
      A fella tongue-kissin' my girl in her mouth
      I was so in shock my heart went down south
      So please listen to the message that I send
      Don't ever talk to a girl who says she just has a friend

      3 votes
    4. tset

      header ~test ~testicle noticks- ###### *backticks*testicks proticks *^*upticks v downticks

      1 vote
    5. test

      test test test test 123 abc\ndef foo bar This wouldn't\nnormally work

      2 votes
    6. Comment deletion test

      I will make two top level comments. I will reply to comment 2 with comment 3. Then I will delete both top level comments.

      1 vote
    7. .

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed suscipit et ligula ut tempor. Nam a aliquam nunc, eget dapibus sapien. Donec a dolor semper, posuere magna id, consectetur diam. Cras...

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed suscipit et ligula ut tempor. Nam a aliquam nunc, eget dapibus sapien. Donec a dolor semper, posuere magna id, consectetur diam. Cras vitae ex sit amet eros volutpat luctus. Nunc quis purus ut ante ullamcorper dictum. Fusce sapien dolor, molestie sed iaculis tincidunt, euismod quis ipsum. Sed vitae facilisis elit. Etiam tristique eros et purus dignissim, id ultrices turpis blandit. Aliquam efficitur sodales condimentum. Nulla facilisi. Quisque elementum consequat malesuada. Nunc porttitor suscipit urna, nec pharetra massa malesuada quis. Nullam pellentesque vel dolor et interdum. Nunc semper dolor sed velit fermentum, at tincidunt nibh vestibulum. Sed commodo varius lobortis. Curabitur vehicula convallis ipsum eget ultrices.

      Sed eleifend varius venenatis. Proin tincidunt odio sapien, vel imperdiet metus maximus quis. Etiam eget mi efficitur, finibus diam at, maximus felis. Mauris tristique urna sed ipsum pulvinar, id suscipit elit iaculis. Suspendisse consequat tristique quam, ullamcorper ultricies arcu volutpat nec. Vivamus convallis orci sed mi efficitur sagittis. Nulla vehicula nisi aliquet odio finibus faucibus. Phasellus ultricies, nunc at tincidunt tempor, sapien libero egestas dui, eleifend aliquet sem turpis tristique sapien. Integer maximus vehicula eros eget gravida. Cras id gravida ligula. Donec ligula dolor, viverra nec odio aliquam, hendrerit euismod lectus. Sed luctus justo varius maximus dictum. Morbi scelerisque, nunc sed sollicitudin aliquet, leo tortor molestie tellus, eget scelerisque felis enim eget nisl. In at sollicitudin eros, vel egestas augue. Morbi libero arcu, posuere accumsan mattis in, condimentum sit amet nulla.

      In ultrices orci a nisi finibus consectetur. Aenean nec tellus metus. Donec at sapien ac ipsum eleifend condimentum. Donec sit amet pretium ante. Quisque nec velit convallis, sagittis felis nec, auctor ipsum. Aliquam id fermentum ipsum, sit amet feugiat ligula. Morbi pharetra dictum bibendum. Duis tortor felis, sodales vel mattis et, sollicitudin sed orci. Proin pharetra est vel dolor lobortis mollis. Phasellus in velit egestas, finibus nisl a, viverra massa. Suspendisse finibus leo lorem, sed aliquet nulla tincidunt id. Proin et egestas purus. Suspendisse vitae accumsan tortor. Donec sem lectus, pulvinar sed mollis a, pharetra quis tortor. Proin faucibus pellentesque eros sed imperdiet.

      In mattis sapien quis sapien viverra, eu pharetra tortor egestas. Nam suscipit mi quam, et interdum orci vulputate eget. Cras vulputate pharetra risus vitae dictum. Suspendisse rhoncus, massa non rutrum commodo, velit purus aliquet urna, at pretium mauris lacus et magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed semper urna sed neque convallis, tristique semper nisl malesuada. Aenean vel augue ac dui faucibus pellentesque. Nam enim enim, vestibulum sit amet ultrices ut, ultricies eu turpis. Donec lobortis laoreet ex.

      Suspendisse id tristique metus. Phasellus convallis orci augue, non mattis justo mattis at. Phasellus congue ac mauris vitae egestas. Vestibulum euismod mauris et facilisis blandit. Donec elementum dignissim velit, eu commodo sem vulputate sed. Maecenas ornare tortor at sodales vestibulum. Vivamus commodo dapibus eros non tincidunt. Maecenas nec molestie mauris. Aliquam nibh neque, mattis et dignissim quis, mollis vel lectus. Quisque quis tempus nisl, pharetra imperdiet lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus semper porttitor dolor nec luctus. Proin sed nulla nec enim euismod sagittis ac lacinia diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam dapibus rutrum odio scelerisque malesuada. Integer pellentesque efficitur enim quis pretium.

      Nulla facilisi. Nullam venenatis metus elit, vitae maximus sem scelerisque sed. Curabitur a lobortis erat. Ut efficitur eu nulla vitae bibendum. In enim purus, pharetra sit amet orci et, ornare finibus arcu. Sed non felis diam. Morbi ultricies ante sed est blandit fermentum. Morbi dui metus, posuere at odio vel, sagittis condimentum justo. Donec at iaculis risus. Integer eleifend nisl sit amet malesuada posuere. Praesent sagittis, velit eleifend tincidunt iaculis, diam nulla luctus erat, ut sodales odio elit in leo. Donec iaculis ex tortor, eget suscipit turpis maximus eget. Vivamus vitae bibendum risus, in malesuada nisl. Integer tempus libero eu mi luctus malesuada. Donec finibus odio nibh, sit amet gravida eros consequat dignissim. Sed ultrices neque est, et ullamcorper tellus mattis et.

      In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam nec maximus nisl, quis consequat est. Pellentesque ullamcorper, nibh eget condimentum cursus, lacus ex lacinia tortor, quis bibendum felis odio sit amet risus. In eros massa, commodo ultricies lorem imperdiet, vestibulum gravida sapien. Phasellus fringilla ullamcorper mauris, id bibendum nibh ullamcorper ac. Quisque posuere ullamcorper imperdiet. Maecenas vulputate posuere metus, et rhoncus mi. In ac enim vel nulla ullamcorper tincidunt. Mauris non dolor commodo, congue felis at, lacinia nunc. Vestibulum dapibus mi non mauris facilisis rutrum. Quisque maximus ultrices purus, et suscipit enim volutpat nec. Cras vitae orci a nisi laoreet pellentesque eget sed nunc. Nullam consectetur mi sed hendrerit blandit. Praesent dapibus dolor felis, consequat vestibulum neque imperdiet id. Donec tincidunt condimentum condimentum.

      Integer ut mauris aliquam neque pulvinar tempor at ac metus. Nulla eu ligula tristique, pretium dui ac, euismod urna. Proin eu elementum nisl. Nulla pharetra eros ut nulla posuere, eu gravida diam viverra. Aliquam quam magna, mattis in euismod id, auctor non tortor. Etiam molestie luctus velit a iaculis. Etiam erat arcu, consectetur eu aliquam in, pretium ac nisi. Pellentesque et blandit massa. Nulla pulvinar gravida sem, et sagittis neque interdum vitae. Maecenas finibus sagittis pharetra. Aliquam condimentum, risus et dapibus placerat, nisl ex scelerisque massa, sed rutrum arcu ante quis nibh. Donec ultricies pretium dui quis porta. Nullam eleifend orci eu tellus imperdiet porttitor. Sed vestibulum ante purus, sit amet consectetur neque dapibus id. Suspendisse aliquam bibendum lacinia. Etiam pulvinar in leo quis ullamcorper.

      Pellentesque consectetur magna libero, eu eleifend velit mollis et. Phasellus lobortis ante vel nulla sollicitudin, fringilla egestas eros facilisis. Aenean eget justo id ante luctus porttitor. Integer maximus fringilla diam ac volutpat. Donec posuere mollis dignissim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed maximus metus vel auctor congue. Nam in dui ac nulla cursus eleifend. Vestibulum non imperdiet enim. Cras bibendum vestibulum maximus. Etiam quis efficitur dolor. Donec congue at elit vitae vehicula. Morbi eget pulvinar magna. Aliquam mattis nibh nec lorem feugiat egestas. Curabitur ut dui nulla. Sed non rutrum sapien.

      Cras nec viverra metus. Ut tincidunt in erat eu pellentesque. Fusce vestibulum neque nec arcu pellentesque pellentesque. Sed faucibus nisl vehicula, rhoncus enim hendrerit, elementum enim. Pellentesque lacinia, ex eu venenatis sollicitudin, nunc erat aliquet turpis, quis finibus turpis metus nec tellus. Mauris fringilla molestie ligula, vel mattis lectus scelerisque ac. Fusce quis volutpat dolor. Mauris maximus in est quis blandit. Donec rutrum, quam a porttitor sagittis, nunc risus pretium justo, eget porta nulla mauris nec ante. Ut vitae purus sed eros tempus accumsan. Aenean scelerisque, risus in mattis finibus, nulla ligula venenatis sapien, vitae tristique lorem augue tempus libero. Sed volutpat rutrum quam et dictum. Suspendisse vehicula lorem nisi, vitae mattis velit posuere id. Sed id convallis neque.

      1 vote
    8. blockqotes

      full quotes: paragraph one paragraph two per-paragraph quotes: paragraph one paragraph two

      2 votes
    9. Test Post

      Testing Edit: Does it show if you edit a post? Edit 2: Perhaps there is a ninja edit grace period like there is on reddit?

      2 votes
    10. Testing one two

      Testing some HTML tags for funsies. header 1 header 2 header 3 header 4 header 5 header 6 <u>underline</u> <mark>highlight</mark> <small>small</small> <big>big</big> superscript subscript...

      Testing some HTML tags for funsies.

      header 1

      header 2

      header 3

      header 4

      header 5
      header 6











      <abbr title="expanded abbreviation">abbreviation</abbr>

      • unordered
      • list
        • nested
          • twice
      1. ordered
      2. list
        1. nested
          1. twice
      3 votes
    11. test

      The "Game of the Year" Award The "VR Game of the Year" Award PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Monster Hunter: World Kingdom Come: Deliverance Hitman 2 Assassin's Creed Odyssey The Elder Scrolls V:...
      The "Game of the Year" Award The "VR Game of the Year" Award
      The "Labor of Love" Award The "Best Developer" Award
      The "Best Environment" Award The "Better with Friends" Award
      The "Best Alternate History" Award The "Most Fun with a Machine" Award
      2 votes