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    1. Tildes Pop-Up Movie Event: Twenty-Twenty Vision

      Pop-Up Event: Twenty-Twenty Vision Community Task: Our goal is, as a community, to watch movies and fill in the following chart below that spans an entire century of film: from the 1920s to 2020s!...

      Pop-Up Event: Twenty-Twenty Vision

      Community Task: Our goal is, as a community, to watch movies and fill in the following chart below that spans an entire century of film: from the 1920s to 2020s!

      Choose an empty decade, watch a movie (any movie!) from it, and report back here when you're finished. Tell us why you chose that movie and what you thought about it.

      I'll fill in the chart as we go, and once we have collectively watched at least one movie from each decade, we will have completed the Pop-Up and it will be closed!

      Decade Movie User
      1920s Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) @brews_hairy_cats
      1930s Freaks (1932) @PantsEnvy
      1940s London Belongs to Me (1948) @mycketforvirrad
      1970s Mes Petites Amoureuse (1974) @TooFewColours
      1980s Possession (1981) @JXM
      1990s Heat (1995) @JXM
      2000s The Dark Knight (2008) @LukeZaz
      2020s Bros (2022) @kfwyre

      Time Period: The Pop-Up remains open until the chart is filled!

      Uh, what is this exactly?

      It's a temporary event aimed at getting members of the Tildes community to individually participate in something built around a common theme or goal.

      Check out the previous Pop-Ups for other examples:

      Ludonostalgia! for ~games
      Feelin' 22 for ~music

      18 votes