27 votes

A symbol for the fediverse ⁂


  1. [14]
    I don't really see the appeal. The reason @ and # are somewhat ubiquitous is because 1) multiple services and communities already use them for referencing other users or tagging things. Facebook,...

    I don't really see the appeal. The reason @ and # are somewhat ubiquitous is because 1) multiple services and communities already use them for referencing other users or tagging things. Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, old school forums, new school chat apps like Discord and Slack--basically every social network under the sun, including fediverse networks like Mastodon; and 2) they're mapped to a key on your keyboard so it's easy to type while writing posts/messages/tweets/whatevers.

    ⁂ has neither of those things going for it. Although from the article it seems they're not suggesting it as a replacement for @ or #, but an addition to it? In which case I still don't see the appeal. What is this for? Where would you use it?

    40 votes
    1. [11]
      Link Parent
      Yeah, the point about the already mapped keys on a keyboard is the bigger issue in my eyes. Inserting unusual symbols is a royal pain, with the degree of pain depending on the device. Windows...

      Yeah, the point about the already mapped keys on a keyboard is the bigger issue in my eyes. Inserting unusual symbols is a royal pain, with the degree of pain depending on the device. Windows keyboards basically require memorizing the unicode number, and I am 99% sure that Apple doesn't have that symbol as part of their default set when you hold the option key. Android keyboards can have more options, but I was just editing the Heliboard keyboard symbols to be more similar to Swiftkey and this symbol isn't anywhere on it.

      As the site says, it's "ready to copy and insert anywhere." Which is the main way to type it, which makes it a pain because you'd have to repeatedly copy/paste it. Actually, first you'd need to find it in order to copy it.

      And that doesn't even guarantee it will show up. I remember years ago on a chat, someone said the cross symbol when I'd type option-T on my Macbook (dagger?) didn't show up for them. That's a symbol that's included on a major keyboard by default, so I'm not too hopeful this one would be supported by all/most fonts.

      Besides all that, the whole point of the @ and # symbols are that they have a functional use. Having to copy/paste this symbol every time makes it too cumbersome to assign an actual function, and without a function, there's just not much point for it besides a logo or branding.

      21 votes
      1. [10]
        Link Parent
        Fwiw I believe most fonts have been updated with many more of those symbols than they used to be. I haven't seen a bunch of squares from an iPhone in years. Doesn't mean it's easy to type though...

        Fwiw I believe most fonts have been updated with many more of those symbols than they used to be. I haven't seen a bunch of squares from an iPhone in years.

        Doesn't mean it's easy to type though

        †‡ these were both behind the asterisk on my Gboard at least

        3 votes
        1. [9]
          Link Parent
          Before clicking on that Wikipedia link above your comment, I would have said the same, but the triple dagger (at least, I assume that’s what the third symbol is based on context) doesn’t appear...

          I haven't seen a bunch of squares from an iPhone in years

          Before clicking on that Wikipedia link above your comment, I would have said the same, but the triple dagger (at least, I assume that’s what the third symbol is based on context) doesn’t appear for me. iPhone SE (3rd generation 2022) on iOS 17.5.1 (so not the latest, but only one update behind at the moment)

          5 votes
          1. [5]
            Link Parent
            I have an android and it's also a box for me so I assume mobile fonts in general have dropped that one? Not sure.

            I have an android and it's also a box for me so I assume mobile fonts in general have dropped that one? Not sure.

            2 votes
            1. [4]
              Link Parent
              I'm on android and all three of those daggers show for me.

              I'm on android and all three of those daggers show for me.

              5 votes
              1. [3]
                Link Parent
                Well I'm a dummy @throwdobaggins Because I clicked the picture not the link before All 3 display for me

                Well I'm a dummy @throwdobaggins

                Because I clicked the picture not the link before

                All 3 display for me

                4 votes
                1. [2]
                  Link Parent
                  Ahaha that is fantastic! I can completely see that play out in my mind too 😆

                  Ahaha that is fantastic! I can completely see that play out in my mind too 😆

                  1 vote
                  1. DefinitelyNotAFae
                    Link Parent
                    I was like, duh the picture didn't work on my computer either... oh... imgur.

                    I was like, duh the picture didn't work on my computer either... oh... imgur.

                    1 vote
          2. [3]
            Link Parent
            Doesn't appear for me either (Windows 10, Firefox).

            the triple dagger

            Doesn't appear for me either (Windows 10, Firefox).

            1 vote
            1. [2]
              Link Parent
              Weird, it does appear for me and I'm also on Widows 10, Firefox.

              Weird, it does appear for me and I'm also on Widows 10, Firefox.

              1. SteeeveTheSteve
                Link Parent
                Interesting, you'd think we'd have the same thing. ⹋ just looks like a box with 2E4B in it. Looks like Firefox mostly uses system fonts unlike Chrome which is self contained. I wonder if something...

                Interesting, you'd think we'd have the same thing. ⹋ just looks like a box with 2E4B in it.

                Looks like Firefox mostly uses system fonts unlike Chrome which is self contained. I wonder if something is glitched on my computer or if a program you installed added a font to windows that has that symbol?

                1 vote
    2. SteeeveTheSteve
      Link Parent
      I got the idea it would be used similar to an emoticon and as a general symbol that's a bit more flexible than the current one. Not for use in tagging, which would find a hard time of being...

      I got the idea it would be used similar to an emoticon and as a general symbol that's a bit more flexible than the current one. Not for use in tagging, which would find a hard time of being adopted.

      The current one is just an image. Using a unicode character would make it far more flexible and if it becomes popular it'll find its way into a prominent spot in standard emoticon lists.

      4 votes
    3. Macha
      Link Parent
      I guess this is more akin to the RSS icon, or how websites often indicate twitter links with a bird silhouette.

      I guess this is more akin to the RSS icon, or how websites often indicate twitter links with a bird silhouette.

      1 vote
  2. SteeeveTheSteve
    I like it. It wouldn't be the first symbol used online that requires copy/paste and would be easier to use than unique pictures. With enough use, it'll be added to the standard emoticon list....

    I like it. It wouldn't be the first symbol used online that requires copy/paste and would be easier to use than unique pictures. With enough use, it'll be added to the standard emoticon list. Members could set things up to convert something like [Fedi] into ⁂ as well.

    I would hope Meta's symbol didn't come to represent the Fediverse. It depicts them being the center and everything revolving around them. They have no other goal than to figure out how to best use the Fediverse to make money by making themselves the center of it all. People left the likes of Facebook and Zombie Twitter for a reason, they'll never be anything more than a hostile neighbor of the Fediverse.

    6 votes
  3. [4]
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't three symbols arranged in a triangle like that a universal symbol of distress? They say it's a typographical symbol used in astronomy, but I think it's probably...

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't three symbols arranged in a triangle like that a universal symbol of distress? They say it's a typographical symbol used in astronomy, but I think it's probably best to avoid anything that might be construed as a distress signal when used outside a specific scientific context.

    4 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I am not sure what symbol you are thinking about, but it certainly isn't this one. Googling it doesn't yield any results about it being used as such. When looking at distress signalling in...

      I am not sure what symbol you are thinking about, but it certainly isn't this one. Googling it doesn't yield any results about it being used as such. When looking at distress signalling in general, there are some references to things done in three.

      This is oddly categorized under a black forest (Schwarzwald) category, making me think it is either specific to that area or for use in hiking?

      The recognized mountain distress signals are based on groups of three, or six in the UK and the European Schwarzwald. A distress signal can be three fires or piles of rocks in a triangle, three blasts on a whistle, three shots from a firearm, or three flashes of light, in succession followed by a one-minute pause and repeated until a response is received. Three blasts or flashes is the appropriate response.

      This includes a triangle, but is far from the only thing and certainly doesn't seem to be a universal symbol.

      Long story short, I don't think most people will easily confuse it with symbols for distress.

      8 votes
      1. Promonk
        Link Parent
        Yeah, that's what I was thinking of. It's also why SOS was chosen as the Morse distress signal, as it's three bursts of three: . . . – – – . . .

        A distress signal can be three fires or piles of rocks in a triangle...

        Yeah, that's what I was thinking of. It's also why SOS was chosen as the Morse distress signal, as it's three bursts of three: . . . – – – . . .

        2 votes
    2. TangibleLight
      Link Parent
      I've never heard of such a symbol of distress. I'm sure some exists, and I'm curious to know what it is, but surely it's not universal. Offhand the most similar things I can think of are the...

      I've never heard of such a symbol of distress. I'm sure some exists, and I'm curious to know what it is, but surely it's not universal.

      Offhand the most similar things I can think of are the biohazard and ionizing radiation warning symbols - they both have that three-fold symmetry - but IMO they're hardly similar to ⁂.

      4 votes
  4. [2]
    What a weird take. Cue the regular Fediverse arguments - it's opaque to the layman, needlessly confusing, the only thing you'll find there are discussions about the Fediverse itself, 90% the users...

    What a weird take. Cue the regular Fediverse arguments - it's opaque to the layman, needlessly confusing, the only thing you'll find there are discussions about the Fediverse itself, 90% the users will still be at the mercy of whoever runs their instance, so is it really true freedom... but like, level with me here, author. The Threads-provided icon for the Fediverse isn't "incorrect". Clearly, the middle planet in that icon depicts not the biggest instance, but the instance you're on, and you can see others around it. Just seems like they had to dunk on Meta because that's customary (and to be honest, I get it), but that feels really hypocritical to me. Meta makes Threads, an ad-free and very gently moderated Twitter clone with excellent feed controls, and adds Fediverse sharing as a token of good will, and half the Fediverse refuses to federate with it. I guess sharing is caring, unless you don't like that group over there.

    The symbol itself is fine. I just don't think we need another thing to mention to the platonic ideal of my dad when I explain Mastodon to him.

    4 votes
    1. heraplem
      Link Parent
      Come now, we've seen how this goes. Threads is "good" right now because it needs to attract people. If it becomes popular enough, it will eventually put the squeeze on its users; if it doesn't, it...

      Meta makes Threads, an ad-free and very gently moderated Twitter clone with excellent feed controls, and adds Fediverse sharing as a token of good will, and half the Fediverse refuses to federate with it.

      Come now, we've seen how this goes. Threads is "good" right now because it needs to attract people. If it becomes popular enough, it will eventually put the squeeze on its users; if it doesn't, it will shut down. This is the exactly what is meant by "enshittification."

      (I suppose Threads could just stay "good" and serve as a source of LLM training data. Whether that truly makes it good is a question of perspective.)

      3 votes
  5. [5]
    Wait, this isn't even ∴? It's a completely different symbol? (⁂ vs. ∴) What a stupid idea.

    Wait, this isn't even ∴? It's a completely different symbol? (⁂ vs. ∴)

    What a stupid idea.

    3 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      The mathematics crowed might not like people stealing ∴, while ⁂ is nearly obsolete. ∴ is also boring and ⁂ looks like stars! Who doesn't like stars? 🤩

      The mathematics crowed might not like people stealing ∴, while ⁂ is nearly obsolete. ∴ is also boring and ⁂ looks like stars! Who doesn't like stars? 🤩

      6 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        I say this as a mathematician by training, so you know I love the math folks, but we stole entire alphabets and then just sort of started overloading every other shape we could find. We're the...

        I say this as a mathematician by training, so you know I love the math folks, but we stole entire alphabets and then just sort of started overloading every other shape we could find. We're the English language of characters. 😂

        10 votes
        1. SteeeveTheSteve
          Link Parent
          Shhhh, it's long past the statutes of limitations! 🤫

          we stole entire alphabets

          Shhhh, it's long past the statutes of limitations! 🤫

          4 votes
      2. updawg
        Link Parent
        I mean, it is a cooler version, but it's a version literally (figuratively) no one has ever seen.

        I mean, it is a cooler version, but it's a version literally (figuratively) no one has ever seen.

        1 vote
  6. hungariantoast
    Whoops forgot to include it when I first posted, but here's the Mastodon post (from two years ago) where this idea got started: https://social.wake.st/@liaizon/108974105137722178 Personally I like...

    Whoops forgot to include it when I first posted, but here's the Mastodon post (from two years ago) where this idea got started:


    Personally I like ⁂. It would be very convenient and nice to have a widely recognized symbol for the fediverse with a Unicode codepoint, so I hope this catches on.

    2 votes
  7. first-must-burn
    Legitimate thoughts that happened in my brain while reading this topic: if the Fediverse can have a symbol, Tildes should have a symbol too. What should it be? .... Oh wait.

    Legitimate thoughts that happened in my brain while reading this topic: if the Fediverse can have a symbol, Tildes should have a symbol too. What should it be? .... Oh wait.

    19 votes
  8. [8]
    It would be really nice if Tildes federated at least somewhat to allow me to follow it on Mastadon/Lemmy.

    It would be really nice if Tildes federated at least somewhat to allow me to follow it on Mastadon/Lemmy.

    3 votes
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      You can do it using old-school federation: post a link to whatever Tildes post you want to share! I don’t think it’s very common, though.

      You can do it using old-school federation: post a link to whatever Tildes post you want to share!

      I don’t think it’s very common, though.

      17 votes
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        Even better, if you just want to follow Tildes from one central place, it supports RSS!

        Even better, if you just want to follow Tildes from one central place, it supports RSS!

        8 votes
        1. [3]
          (edited )
          Link Parent
          To expand on this, in theory, someone could write a bit of code to automatically repost every Tildes topic to a fediverse account. Then people could subscribe and there could be a fediverse...

          To expand on this, in theory, someone could write a bit of code to automatically repost every Tildes topic to a fediverse account. Then people could subscribe and there could be a fediverse conversation about each link.

          But I'm unconvinced anyone really wants that. It would be better to create a fediverse account and selectively repost whichever links from Tildes you think are most interesting. Anyone can do this - it's just link sharing. We do it all the time, reposting links found on Hacker News or Google News or some blog or wherever. Most communities don't want you to cross-post all the links from another website indiscriminately, because it's rather spammy.

          A trickier question for integration is how conversations should work. Who do you want to participate and what do they need to know?

          If you want to have conversations where anyone in the Fediverse can easily participate, a fediverse account is appropriate place to post a link. You're opting into the shared context of the fediverse and out of the shared context of Tildes, though.

          It's unclear if there's a way to have a web forum with its own moderation that also allows anyone in the fediverse to just reply, and it would be unfair to the people who reply, because they didn't opt-in to Tildes moderation. They don't know anything about our rules and conventions.

          On the web, "it's a different website" is the traditional way to clearly distinguish between different places. The fediverse blurs those boundaries in a somewhat confusing way, which results in disputes over how to do moderation; often different websites block each other.

          Having a different URL, a different UI, a different sign-in are indications that you're posting to a different place with its own rules. A community needs some kind of gateway, a sign saying "welcome to Smallville" or whatever, or it doesn't feel like a different place.

          7 votes
          1. [2]
            Link Parent
            I like the fediverse for what it is, which right now is a hot mess. Conflicting moderation policies, unpredictable reactions to posts or comments based on how the content percolates through,...

            I like the fediverse for what it is, which right now is a hot mess. Conflicting moderation policies, unpredictable reactions to posts or comments based on how the content percolates through, general hatred of the Reddit repost bot. It's the wild west, at least outside of heavily moderated spaces like beehaw, who have to defederate to staunch the communities most at odds with their policies.

            Which isn't a criticism of the fediverse at all. It is what it is. But it isn't Tildes. And I wouldn't Tilde's to become like the fediverse.

            10 votes
            1. 0xSim
              Link Parent
              Strange, that isn't my experience at all with the fediv-- Ah yes, Lemmy. Only populated by hardcore reddit deserters who think this is not reddit. They're kinda right though, it feels like a...

              I like the fediverse for what it is, which right now is a hot mess. Conflicting moderation policies, unpredictable reactions to posts or comments based on how the content percolates through, general hatred of the Reddit repost bot.

              Strange, that isn't my experience at all with the fediv--

              It's the wild west, at least outside of heavily moderated spaces like beehaw,

              Ah yes, Lemmy. Only populated by hardcore reddit deserters who think this is not reddit. They're kinda right though, it feels like a distillate of reddit.

    2. IarwainBenAdar
      Link Parent
      Im here because its NOT federated.

      Im here because its NOT federated.

      12 votes
    3. creesch
      Link Parent
      If you just want to follow tildes from a central place, there is support for RSS feeds. Other than that I don't really see why Tildes should be federated. Even more so because signup is still...

      If you just want to follow tildes from a central place, there is support for RSS feeds.

      Other than that I don't really see why Tildes should be federated. Even more so because signup is still limited. I am not quite sure how the federation protocols work here, but I am pretty sure that the consensus is that if you federate that others in the network can interact with you.

      7 votes
  9. [2]
    Can the dots be red like the predator shoulder laser?

    Can the dots be red like the predator shoulder laser?

    5 votes
    1. Spydrchick
      Link Parent
      This is the correct answer.

      This is the correct answer.

      1 vote