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  • Showing only topics in ~news with the tag "politics". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. "Robodebt" class action to continue, despite the Australian government waiving outstanding debts and promising to repay anybody who paid an unsound debt

      Yesterday, the Australian government announced it will pay back $721m as it scraps Robodebt for Centrelink welfare recipients. But the class action lodged against the robodebt scheme will...

      Yesterday, the Australian government announced it will pay back $721m as it scraps Robodebt for Centrelink welfare recipients.

      But the class action lodged against the robodebt scheme will continue, because "the Government still needs to answer to claims of compensation and claims of damages and inconvenience and distress that this system has caused".

      7 votes
    2. "Can Biden beat Trump?"

      What the polls say about a Biden v Trump matchup (The polls say yeah so... yeah. Admittedly this is a repeat of 2016 and Ukraine will basically be the same thing as Clinton's emails and nothing is...

      What the polls say about a Biden v Trump matchup
      (The polls say yeah so... yeah. Admittedly this is a repeat of 2016 and Ukraine will basically be the same thing as Clinton's emails and nothing is truly guaranteed.)

      Can Biden beat Trump? The truth is he's just as risky as Bernie
      (Neither of them is a guaranteed win. If there was a safe choice, it wasn't one of these 2.)

      Stop saying Biden is the 'most electable'. Trump will run rings around him. (No. And not because of his record or gaffes, but because he is an establishment politician and Ukraine will leave the same impression on Biden as Clinton's emails. Are you people insane? Have you forgotten 2016?)

      15 votes