25 votes

What are three things you're feeling positively about today?

I try to do this exercise with myself sometimes and then... forget. But thought it'd be a fun thread.

(Also, obligatory reminder that Tildes is also public and all comments are available without login, so keep things uh, vague enough.)


  1. [3]
    (edited )
    CJ came to my island and I sold him all my fish. I'm nearly a millionaire again in Animal Crossing after spending my millions of bells on upgrades. The last time I played was during the lockdown....
    1. CJ came to my island and I sold him all my fish. I'm nearly a millionaire again in Animal Crossing after spending my millions of bells on upgrades. The last time I played was during the lockdown. There's a lot of new stuff now.

    2. My cat likes me.

    3. My cat came to cuddle this morning.

    13 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I was so confused for a second, got San Andreas flashbacks too. I want to get into Animal Crossing but just can't for some reason

      CJ came to my island and I sold him all my fish

      I was so confused for a second, got San Andreas flashbacks too.

      I want to get into Animal Crossing but just can't for some reason

      2 votes
      1. PossiblyBipedal
        Link Parent
        Animal Crossing honestly isn't all that fun. It is relatively boring at times. But it's a good game for when you just want to do something while trying to get your brain to relax. At least it is...

        Animal Crossing honestly isn't all that fun. It is relatively boring at times. But it's a good game for when you just want to do something while trying to get your brain to relax.

        At least it is for me. I've been pretty stressed and overwhelmed, so I take breaks from time to time to lie down and play Animal Crossing and breathe. It keeps the brain occupied enough that it doesn't run off thinking about other stressful things, but mindless enough that you don't really have to tire your brain out while resting.

        And it's also entertaining enough to keep me playing while resting, but boring enough that I can put it aside easily and go back to work once my self imposed break is over.

        There's also basically a lot of different things you can do depending on your mood or energy level. Renovating your island takes more brainpower while fishing is a nice calming one where.. Well. You fish.

        I don't ever dive in the game. Because to get the sea creatures from diving, it requires you to actively chase it and grab it before it swims away. That's too much tension! I just was to sit and wait for a fish to grab my bait.

        So erm, this is both an endorsement and not an endorsement for the game. Because as a game, it's pretty boring. As a calm distraction from stress, it's great.

        2 votes
  2. BusAlderaan
    When I woke up this morning, I asked my wife how she was feeling and she said she was for sure getting sick, so I got our dogs ready to take their daily trip to the dog park and came in to say...

    When I woke up this morning, I asked my wife how she was feeling and she said she was for sure getting sick, so I got our dogs ready to take their daily trip to the dog park and came in to say goodbye to my wife. She was surprised and very appreciative, because it was her day to do it. It's a small inconvenience, but it does eat up the little time I have before work.

    She text me and thanked me for helping her without request, she is a therapist and talks with wives all the time about how little their husbands do to help them, how upset they get when extra effort is requested, and I'm just really thankful for that. I regularly feel like a bad partner and her constantly having a contrast of how bad it could be has been such a help in making me feel like enough for her.

    12 votes
  3. Halfdan
    There was a bug in the game I'm working on, but I just found the cause. (The 500 meter ground collision shape caused the VR body to jitter) The book I'm reading ("The Beautiful Decay") is good...
    1. There was a bug in the game I'm working on, but I just found the cause. (The 500 meter ground collision shape caused the VR body to jitter)
    2. The book I'm reading ("The Beautiful Decay") is good fun.
    3. My mood is good today.
    8 votes
  4. zipf_slaw
    The weather! 2) The projects I'll get done today (not even 7am and I've already replaced the shop's porch light with one that has a GFCI outlet so I can plug in the bug zapper and tools for...
    1. The weather! 2) The projects I'll get done today (not even 7am and I've already replaced the shop's porch light with one that has a GFCI outlet so I can plug in the bug zapper and tools for tractor maintenance - garden/greenhouse projects will take the day, though). 3) Haircut day!
    6 votes
  5. [6]
    I'm almost done reading The Secret History by Donna Tartt, it's good but I'm ready for it to be over and read something else. I'm planning on making a nice french toast casserole for mother's day...
    1. I'm almost done reading The Secret History by Donna Tartt, it's good but I'm ready for it to be over and read something else.

    2. I'm planning on making a nice french toast casserole for mother's day tomorrow.

    3. I'm also planning on doing some gardening! It's really nice outside.

    6 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      I had to google this immediately to go on my must-try-this-recipe list.

      a nice french toast casserole

      I had to google this immediately to go on my must-try-this-recipe list.

      2 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        My family has been making what we've called "caramel french toast" for my entire life but with slices of just regular white bread. I want to make the same but with a brioche instead and elevate it...

        My family has been making what we've called "caramel french toast" for my entire life but with slices of just regular white bread. I want to make the same but with a brioche instead and elevate it a bit more. I'm pretty sure the caramel is a brown sugar mix, nothing crazy. Should be interesting!

        1. Plik
          Link Parent
          We used to do butter, brown sugar, and water heated in a pan when we ran out of syrup....honestly it tasted better than any non-maple syrup.

          We used to do butter, brown sugar, and water heated in a pan when we ran out of syrup....honestly it tasted better than any non-maple syrup.

          1 vote
    2. tomf
      Link Parent
      I had the same feeling with The Secret History. :)

      I had the same feeling with The Secret History. :)

      1 vote
  6. BajaBlastoise
    Got to see the aurora for the first time last night and I'm lucky enough to live in a place where you can see it with the naked eye, let alone the awesome pics you can get. Grandma's cancer...
    1. Got to see the aurora for the first time last night and I'm lucky enough to live in a place where you can see it with the naked eye, let alone the awesome pics you can get.
    2. Grandma's cancer treatment has been going very well. Pretty much every domino condition they were worried about is completely the opposite and she's pretty much entirely cancer free.
    3. I'm finally in a place where I have a solid workout routine and am seeing some real progress.

    Pretty good week when I put it all down in writing.

    6 votes
  7. umlautsuser123
    For me, my 3: It is a beautiful spring day! I was dogsitting for a bit and am happy to have the weekend mostly to myself now. It is cool going on a lot of walks and worrying about someone else's...

    For me, my 3:

    • It is a beautiful spring day!
    • I was dogsitting for a bit and am happy to have the weekend mostly to myself now. It is cool going on a lot of walks and worrying about someone else's pooping habits but I'm glad to have the quiet to get in the flow.
    • I've been reading a lot of newsletters and got tired of it so did round #2384 of trying to find a Google Reader replacement that hit the right note with me. I am trying Feeeed. Both this and Reeder (which I may try next) seem to have really cool engineers behind them, I'm encouraged by their apparent commitment to privacy. In the case of Feeeed, you can see the Arc mindset in some of the things the dev tried (like putting birthdays in your feed, and being anti-doomscroll). I've been thinking about one day making my own little app and I like that these people have.
    5 votes
  8. BeardyHat
    My flight from London to home in the States was painless and I got to read a whole lot during it. Ended up finishing the book I was on and starting a new one. I'm still riding high and feeling...
    1. My flight from London to home in the States was painless and I got to read a whole lot during it. Ended up finishing the book I was on and starting a new one.

    2. I'm still riding high and feeling great after experiencing Bovington Tank Museum, something I realistically thought I'd never be about to do. I also got a cool hoodie out of it.

    3. Just hanging out with my wife all week and getting to be people again. Family helped us so much watching our kids for an entire week so we could take this vacation. We were busy every day, but it was so nice just to be a couple and do everything on our own time and on our own whim. We had some stressful times during the week, but even if we had stress or anxiety, we didn't have any conflict and were able to just be present with each other.

    Bonus: it would have been nice to have more time on vacation, but it's also very nice to finally be home. I'm excited to sleep in my own bed and I got the best greeting one for possibly hope for from my youngest child.

    5 votes
  9. first-must-burn
    I recently started several part time contracts, so the past two weeks have been navigating my normal stay-at-home-dad stuff plus meetings and work, and juggling all of it has gone pretty well. It...

    I recently started several part time contracts, so the past two weeks have been navigating my normal stay-at-home-dad stuff plus meetings and work, and juggling all of it has gone pretty well. It actually seemed like I had more time for personal projects because the need to structure things cuts out a lot of small chunks of time where I might not really do anything.

    4 votes
  10. Wafik
    I'm excited about the conversation I had with a recruiter yesterday. She thought I would be a better fit for a higher role and suggested setting up a meeting with the boss for that role to start...
    1. I'm excited about the conversation I had with a recruiter yesterday. She thought I would be a better fit for a higher role and suggested setting up a meeting with the boss for that role to start networking. I've never had a recruiter do that before.

    2. The current financial situation is strong, which allows me to stop worrying about money and just live.

    3. My wife is an awesome person and I'm just excited for work to end so I can go home and see her.

    4 votes
  11. patience_limited
    (edited )
    I saw the rheumatologist and got labs done this week. He thinks I've achieved the desired low disease activity with current meds, no more signs of toxic side effects, and things should be stable...
    1. I saw the rheumatologist and got labs done this week. He thinks I've achieved the desired low disease activity with current meds, no more signs of toxic side effects, and things should be stable for a while. The improvement feels miraculous. I rocked weightlifting yesterday, all my lifts up 5 - 10% in weight or duration, and I woke up feeling good, without aches.

    2. After rainstorms early this morning, it turned into an utterly glorious spring day. I got to spend time driving around lovely countryside with my ever-patient spouse, who's barely seen me all week. The cherry and pink crabapple trees and other flowers are in full bloom, the vistas are too stunning for words.

    3. We found a couple of new secondhand stores and got some really great bargains on nice spring/summer clothes.

    Bonus: Got a shout-out at work for solving a problem that allowed success in a high-profile project, and future similar projects. That's helping to resolve job security worries.

    4 votes
  12. Raspcoffee
    Going to cook very fancy tomorrow for my mother, I already have a few ideas that I'm looking forward to making. The weather, climate change doom feelings aside, it's been really nice today. This...
    1. Going to cook very fancy tomorrow for my mother, I already have a few ideas that I'm looking forward to making.
    2. The weather, climate change doom feelings aside, it's been really nice today.
    3. This video that popped up in my feed today of NASA's new rocket engine. That stuff is insane, and it may well make heavier spaceflights possible.
    3 votes
  13. vord
    Had a great day playing outside with the kids Checked another home repair off the todo list Gonna finally watch Dune 2 tonight if I'm not exhausted come kid bedtimes.
    1. Had a great day playing outside with the kids
    2. Checked another home repair off the todo list
    3. Gonna finally watch Dune 2 tonight if I'm not exhausted come kid bedtimes.
    3 votes
  14. Spydrchick
    1: Saw the aurora last night, maybe will again tonight. 2: My brand new Speed Queen washer is the fucking bomb diggity. 3: Finished a bunch of details in the laundry/entry. It looks really nice.

    1: Saw the aurora last night, maybe will again tonight.

    2: My brand new Speed Queen washer is the fucking bomb diggity.

    3: Finished a bunch of details in the laundry/entry. It looks really nice.

    3 votes
  15. TBDBITLtrpt13
    Following roughly a decade of unsuccessful dating and virtually exclusively remaining single without even having any potential prospects, I've not only met someone I like enough to buy a ring...
    1. Following roughly a decade of unsuccessful dating and virtually exclusively remaining single without even having any potential prospects, I've not only met someone I like enough to buy a ring (which I have) but she's truly so much better than anything I could've ever hoped for. Planning on popping the question in late June/early July and I already know what her answer will be since we talk about it all the time

    2. I got to play with my niece and nephew (both toddlers) when my family got together for Mother's Day today and they were pretty consistently laughing the whole time

    3. I've managed to surround myself with friends over the last few years that genuinely seem to care about me and what's going on in my life, and they're all active positive influences on me.

    3 votes
  16. lou
    (edited )
    Today was my wife's first mothers day. I cooked for her including desert. I also got balloons. It was pretty silly and she was so happy. Our kid also liked the balloons. He was particularly calm...
    1. Today was my wife's first mothers day. I cooked for her including desert. I also got balloons. It was pretty silly and she was so happy. Our kid also liked the balloons. He was particularly calm and happy today.

    2. I met a soon to be father on a WhatsApp group for my city. We talked about that stuff and I'm looking forward to maybe having another father to talk about fatherhood. My current friends are either disinterested or emotionally immature.

    3. I'm feeling positive about the new basketball that I bought. There's a pair of basketball hoops in my condo -- it's pretty old and unmaintained. Nothing official, but usable. The problem is that it's in a very visible area and people make me anxious. Hopefully I'll manage my desire to be invisible and shoot some hoops. My rational brain knows no ones cares enough to even look at me, but I feel watched. I may ask my psychiatrist to give me some clonazepam just because of that. He does that sometimes when I have a specific need. It's not something I should take regularly.

    3 votes
  17. MoralImperative
    I’ve been playing Animal Well and really enjoying it. Despite all the Eurovision controversy, I enjoyed a lot of the acts this year. Spain, Ireland, and Ukraine were great. I also liked the more...
    1. I’ve been playing Animal Well and really enjoying it.
    2. Despite all the Eurovision controversy, I enjoyed a lot of the acts this year. Spain, Ireland, and Ukraine were great. I also liked the more folksy songs from counties like Estonia and Armenia.
    3. The weather is crappy outside but all my chores are done, I can relax today before getting back into the work week tomorrow.
    1 vote