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    1. Tell me a story about a game you're playing

      This is different from the what have you been playing thread, which is more of an objective reporting of what we've been doing. I instead want to hear a story about your gameplay. Tell me about a...

      This is different from the what have you been playing thread, which is more of an objective reporting of what we've been doing. I instead want to hear a story about your gameplay. Tell me about a discovery you made, the journey of one of your characters, an achievement you're working towards, a funny mishap, a close match, a puzzle that you got stuck on, a realization you had as a player, a glitch that ruined a save, etc.

      It can be about anything noteworthy, interesting, exciting, funny, disappointing -- whatever you think makes for a good story. Also, while I'm intending for this to be mostly current -- for games we're playing right now -- feel free to share a great story from times past if you like.

      10 votes
    2. Which gaming account should I get/setup for my teen daughter?

      Here's the background... So, I tend not to play video games at all any more (not for at least 15 or 20 years). My teen daughter wants to get a Playstation gaming console...but it seems less about...

      Here's the background...
      So, I tend not to play video games at all any more (not for at least 15 or 20 years). My teen daughter wants to get a Playstation gaming console...but it seems less about playing and more about socializing with her friends. Her friends - while i promised my partner not to call them 'idiots' - are not really the best decision-makers and they're quite affluent (and we definitely are not affluent), so their poor choices usually never impact them. (I think it is less about being teens, and more about them being rich, entitled poor decision makers, because my daughter and a few other poorer friends are actually good kids who know that we can not get all the things.) Here's an example: all of my daughter's rich friends will ask their parents to buy them widget X, and so of course my daughter wants one so she can connect with these rich teens. For these rich kids, after they inevitably abandon widget X, there is no issue; they merely drop them off in one of the rooms in their mini-mansions. But for me, i can not always afford to buy widget X and then have my daughter abandon stuff in our little, meager but love-filled house. (Please if possible let's avoid the topic of how I'm raising my daughter, because all of the parents of us poorer kids in town have the exact same issues with our kids.) Now, we come to the part about my daughter wanting a playstation...I don't mind saving up for a PlayStation - especially if she'll use it...However, since she really only wants it to socialize with her rich friends via a couple of games, i was thinking on getting a PC/gaming rig (not as expensive as PS or some sort of AlienWare) instead of the dedicated gaming console, but still plenty usable for some games...So that, after some time if she abandons it (because for example her friends have migrated to other avenues of socializing), i can always re-purpose the machine. In my mind it seems a more worthwhile investment. (I'm a software guy mostly, but over the decades, almost every machine i have/own has been franken-built by me...so i know just enough hardware.) Now, if I go the route of a PC/gaming rig, can i just sign her up for online gaming accounts like PlayStation Network, and that will suffice for her to use her PC but still connect, say via PSNetwork, with her friends playing PS games?? (To help, i should clarify the games these teens play are fortnight, minecraft, and grand theft auto...I think GTA does not support in game chat/comms with friends, though i could be wrong.)

      So, is it possible for me to sign up my daughter on an online gaming account - like PS Network - that would allow her to communicate with hr friends? And, if so, which gaming network should I set up an account, PS Network, Steam, etc.??? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!!!

      15 votes
    3. What are the most iconic video game sound effects you can think of?

      I heard someone with the Sonic "ring loss" chime as their text message alert today and it instantly brought a smile to my face. Just wondered what other sound effects would be most nostalgic for...

      I heard someone with the Sonic "ring loss" chime as their text message alert today and it instantly brought a smile to my face. Just wondered what other sound effects would be most nostalgic for you if you were to hear it in a similar situation, as there are many games/franchises/systems I have little to no experience with.

      19 votes
    4. Do you feel bad for playing games on easy?

      I’m a very incompetent gamer and won’t access much of the content if I use regular difficulty. That makes me feel like a cheater and a lazy bastard. I know that’s silly but I grew up with the...

      I’m a very incompetent gamer and won’t access much of the content if I use regular difficulty. That makes me feel like a cheater and a lazy bastard. I know that’s silly but I grew up with the Super Nintendo. Our generation has certain values!

      18 votes
    5. Onslaught TD / belated RIP

      There was a flash game I used to really enjoy called Onslaught2 Tower Defense. http://onslaught.playr.co.uk/ I remember it had a unique combo-mechanic which I've never seen replicated since. Over...

      There was a flash game I used to really enjoy called Onslaught2 Tower Defense.


      I remember it had a unique combo-mechanic which I've never seen replicated since.

      Over the years, I've often wondered about these games I used to spend so much time with, what their developers got involved in later and expected to eventually discover a developer who got started making a flash games that I used to enjoy.

      Tonight, I was curious enough to revisit this game and decided to dig a little bit in order to learn about the developer's current work. I found his website linked on his newgrounds profile. The site references the game and a bunch of other services - it looks like a time capsule. Googling the name on that blog, I discovered that he passed away in 2011.


      RIP Gaby, I wish I could have seen what you might have done.

      6 votes
    6. What's a free RPG platforms to play with my virtual girlfriend?

      As some of you may know, I now have a virtual girlfriend. I also suffered an automobile accident. So yeah I'm kinda fucked and my movements are restricted. That's not something I planned, but it...

      As some of you may know, I now have a virtual girlfriend. I also suffered an automobile accident. So yeah I'm kinda fucked and my movements are restricted.

      That's not something I planned, but it happened and we're getting out of things to do. There's not a lot going on our lives to talk about either. But we love each other (I think?) and wanna spend time together online.

      She's an actress and there will be another player friend, so RPGs are likely a good idea and she's very open to it. I think she wants to be some kind of cool illusion witch, so the scenario will have to be medieval. I'm also a fan of RPGs and narrated games on the Cthulhu universe. Not the kind of thing I'd use to woo a woman.

      All my games have been presential. I know of the existence of Roll20, but (1) it looks big and comprehensive and I'm super lazy (2) I think I could probably go with something way simpler. I don't care much about maps, miniatures, or anything advanced. I'd be DMing and games are abstract by nature. A super simple system like Risus (but maybe a bit complex) might be okay, or probably a very slimmed-down version of the Storytelling System. I'm open to suggestions regarding system, I'd just like to point out that I am literally ADHD so most things people consider light and easy to follow are a nightmare for me. On the other hand, I'm a very creative master a player and this helps me quite a bit when it comes to interpretation!

      I need a system that :

      • is free without caveats (or just a minimal and not at all annoying caveat)
      • store character sheets and calculate their evolution
      • performs rolls
      • is online, lightweight (our machines are quite weak) and possibly mobile friendly
      • simple and easy to use for someone with zero experience in RPGs (her)
      • has no video or audio capabilities. Seems unnecessary since we're always on WhatsApp.
      9 votes