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    1. What are some healthy convenience foods/recipes?

      I've been making an effort to eat healthier but sometimes putting in the effort is hard--especially when tough life situations arise. What are some foods and recipes I can have on hand that are...

      I've been making an effort to eat healthier but sometimes putting in the effort is hard--especially when tough life situations arise.

      What are some foods and recipes I can have on hand that are dead simple yet nutritious?

      Below are some guidelines of what I'm looking for. I'm open to any ideas, but the main feature is that it has to be EASY:

      • No prep or very low prep
        • If prep is needed, can be made in a large batch and stored as individual servings
      • Few ingredients
      • Prepackaged foods are an option (so if there's a great protein bar out there or something I'm totally open to it)
      • Instant pot is a cooking option (so if you've got any good pressure cooker dump recipes, let me have them!)

      Any recommendations?

      15 votes