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    1. Fishing - angling for others hooked on the hobby AND folks who want to try

      Do you Fish? Do you eat them or let 'em go? How'd you get into it and what were the confusing bits? Memory of a good time or lessons you wished someone taught you? Do you want to try but haven't...

      Do you Fish? Do you eat them or let 'em go? How'd you get into it and what were the confusing bits? Memory of a good time or lessons you wished someone taught you?

      Do you want to try but haven't ever been? Did you fish as a kid and never again? What would make it easier for you to give it a go? Tried your city's "learn to fish" programs? What if you had someone else clean and cook it?

      If your experience or interest limited to digital fish only, what's your thoughts on why every game and its predecessor has fishing mini-games? It's the dangnabbit armageddon but let's pause and fish for a bit first. Wild.

      inspired by this super cool thread on treasure hunting kind of fishing,

      19 votes
    2. Fiber crafters of Tildes?

      I'm a knitter, cross stitcher, and general nerd. I can't actually create at the moment due to probable carpal tunnel, but I would love to see my fellow fiber artists of any and all genders speak...

      I'm a knitter, cross stitcher, and general nerd. I can't actually create at the moment due to probable carpal tunnel, but I would love to see my fellow fiber artists of any and all genders speak up.

      As for me, it's more about the process than the product! I love Grandmother's Favorite dishcloths as a mindless knitting stim, or cross stitching on a project until my hands hurt.

      ETA: I'm not trying to ignore everyone. I'm really excited with the responses I'm getting. I'm just fighting some serious pain this morning. I'll try to reply to folks as soon as I can think!

      ETA2: This got bigger than I had hoped! I don't think I can catch up and reply to everyone, but I do appreciate reading everyone's experiences! Thanks for humoring me today.

      46 votes
    3. Lego - what do you do with it afterwards?

      Hey there LEGO enthusiasts - wondering what you all do with kits after you build them? I really enjoy building LEGO (especially large complicated sets) but I don't want LEGO models taking over my...

      Hey there LEGO enthusiasts - wondering what you all do with kits after you build them? I really enjoy building LEGO (especially large complicated sets) but I don't want LEGO models taking over my house and getting dusty. What do you do?

      42 votes
    4. What are you 3D printing now? What setup do you have? What issues are you running into?

      I'm personally a little busy for 3d printing at the moment - but I love to see and be inspired by what others are doing. I know this is text based, but I'm also interested in what issues you are...

      I'm personally a little busy for 3d printing at the moment - but I love to see and be inspired by what others are doing. I know this is text based, but I'm also interested in what issues you are running into. I find it useful to see examples of what common problems and solutions others are running into.

      I've got an "old" Prusa MK3S that is still going strong for me. When I get the time again I've got a few projects lined up: a brain, a mask, and a fluid desk sculpture that I'm excited to get printing.

      What have you been printing lately?

      28 votes
    5. Anyone into painting (more specifically watercolors?)

      Just curious. I've been trying to understand watercolors better. What I love about watercolors: so much expression, so much freedom. It also seems like a uniquely frustrating medium; understanding...

      Just curious. I've been trying to understand watercolors better. What I love about watercolors: so much expression, so much freedom. It also seems like a uniquely frustrating medium; understanding how much water is needed, how water reacts with certain papers, different types of brushes, etc. (I should mention it's the only painting I do, so maybe this stuff isn't unique to watercolor.)

      Curious if there's any other watercolor enthusiasts here. Care to share your experiences, or tips for a novice?

      15 votes
    6. Any homebrewers/winemakers here? If so, what have you been making recently?

      I have 3 gal of blackberry wine aging on oak cubes in a carboy right now. Relatively new to the hobby but my best so far have been elderberry wine (full bodied and tannic, kind of like a...

      I have 3 gal of blackberry wine aging on oak cubes in a carboy right now. Relatively new to the hobby but my best so far have been elderberry wine (full bodied and tannic, kind of like a Cabernet), and apple wine from store-bought juice (dry and crisp). This fall I'm planning on sourcing some locally grown Pinot Noir and trying my hand at making a "real" wine for the first time.

      15 votes
    7. Has anyone built a backyard greenhouse before? I'm looking for inspiration, tips, and critiques!

      I'm in zone 4b so it gets frigid here in winter, I'm thinking wood burning stove and I bought the thickest double walled plastic panels for the roof that I could find. I'm just finishing an...

      I'm in zone 4b so it gets frigid here in winter, I'm thinking wood burning stove and I bought the thickest double walled plastic panels for the roof that I could find. I'm just finishing an insulated slab and I'm about to start framing. Please share with me any photos, plans, or guidance you might have! I have no idea what I'm doing!

      21 votes
    8. Geocachers in the house?

      Hello Tildes geocachers! Found any good caches lately? Going in any good trips? Going to the Greater Bay Area Mega at the end of the month? I would love to know, and meet you online! I’d love to...

      Hello Tildes geocachers! Found any good caches lately? Going in any good trips? Going to the Greater Bay Area Mega at the end of the month? I would love to know, and meet you online! I’d love to learn more about any interesting caches you’ve found lately and maybe we can discuss puzzles and challenges here.

      32 votes
    9. Any boxers out there that can give me some starting tips?

      So I got a 1.20m, 30kg punching bag, and hung it on the upper floor. I don't have boxing gloves yet but my friend suggested I just use cloth bandages on my hands. I'm looking for a boxing gym near...

      So I got a 1.20m, 30kg punching bag, and hung it on the upper floor. I don't have boxing gloves yet but my friend suggested I just use cloth bandages on my hands. I'm looking for a boxing gym near me. I'm open to any striking art but I've done taekwondo before and I'd really like to concentrate on boxing now. I can throw basic punches. I've been watching some videos on boxing basics and I think it's awesome. Anything I could start working on for myself?

      I'm already confident in self-defense. I don't have any specific reason to do it other than boxing looks fun. It's something I've been meaning to get into for years.

      I'm not in shape at all.

      Tips are welcome!

      13 votes
    10. Any retrocomputing fans in the house?

      First and foremost: I'm not certain whether this belongs in ~hobbies or ~comp. As I consider this a hobby, this seemed like the more appropriate spot, but I'm more than happy to move/repost in...

      First and foremost: I'm not certain whether this belongs in ~hobbies or ~comp. As I consider this a hobby, this seemed like the more appropriate spot, but I'm more than happy to move/repost in ~comp.

      So for the past few years, I've really been hit by the computer nostalgia bug. It originally started as me just wanting to dive back into MUDs, and the whole retrocomputing fascination probably came from me wanting to recreate the "good ole' days" where I would pull up the Windows 98 terminal app and connect to my favorite MUD.

      Now I've got a room in my house dedicated to this old, esoteric hobby that happens to take up a lot of space. Admittedly, I don't know a TON about hardware but I've been having a blast tinkering around on old machines. It's even more fun to see how I can push the limits of the computers given a few modern tweaks here and there.

      Here's what I've currently got sitting up in the Upstairs Museum of Retrocomputing:

      • A Compaq Prolinea 5/75 Pentium - this was given to me by a friend who had it sitting in the basement. To my surprise, everything was still in working order and it fired right up (Windows NT 4.0!) on the first try. Of course, I ripped out the old barrel clock battery and put in something safer. I'd say I tinker with this one the most on the software side, while still trying to keep the hardware as close to original as possible.
      • A Compaq Prolinea 3/25s 386 - I just picked this bad boy up and am working on getting an OS installed. It had some damage from a leaky clock battery but I don't believe anything was irreversible. I'm not too confident in the whopping 4 MB of memory, but I'm planning on installing Windows 3.11 on this one.
      • A Tandy TRS-80 CoCo 2 - It works, but I haven't spent a ton of time with it because I don't have an old TV or monitor with a coax connection. I'd love to figure out how to create my own cartridge with a homebrew version of Zork or Adventure.
      • A Power Mac G5 - It's not ancient, but I think it's still worthy of being in the museum. I haven't had a chance to play around with it yet because I don't have the right video cable. I'll get around to it eventually.
      • A Generic Pentium 4 - I actually found this one at a Goodwill store. This one fired right up and had a copy of Windows 2000 installed, including all of the old work files that the person left intact. This one has been the easiest to mod because it's somewhat closer to modern and uses a common form factor. So I've plugged in a new OS, new ethernet, etc. At some point the technology starts to blur and you start questioning why you aren't just using a modern computer.

      What's next on my list? I'd like to start playing around with computers/OSes that I'm unfamiliar with. I grew up in a DOS/Mac OS 7-10/Windows world, so I'd love to get my hands on a NeXt, BeOS, etc. or even an Apple II.

      But first I need to get the damn 386 running again.

      14 votes
    11. Work trip to Palo Alto, CA - Seeking recommendations

      In a few weeks, I'll be making a short trip (3 days) to Palo Alto, working in the Stanford Medical Center area. I'm hoping for some local or experienced insight into "don't miss" destinations for...

      In a few weeks, I'll be making a short trip (3 days) to Palo Alto, working in the Stanford Medical Center area.

      I'm hoping for some local or experienced insight into "don't miss" destinations for food, culture, history, and sight-seeing. It's likely I'll only have Sunday afternoon and weekday evenings free, so the personal tour may have to be more focused than local guides might otherwise suggest.

      My home area has great food, but I'm really starving for Eastern cuisines. I'm willing to go beyond what a corporate travel budget permits if there's truly extraordinary, "can't get anywhere else" dining available.

      Your insights are greatly appreciated!

      14 votes
    12. AI-assisted co-DM'ing personal novels

      Curious to see and talk with others about using AI to dynamically write personal novels as a hobby, a form of choose-your-own-adventure where you can offload part of the creativity and majority of...

      Curious to see and talk with others about using AI to dynamically write personal novels as a hobby, a form of choose-your-own-adventure where you can offload part of the creativity and majority of the grunt-work involved with writing onto the AI.

      I started around half a year ago with Novel AI, yet when my stories would reach around the 15,000 word count the context management required due to the 2k token limit caused for a a net negative experience. A few months ago I experimented with ChatGPT at its 4k token limit, but the major cons of the limited ability to edit the content combined with the "always happy" bias hard-wired in made it short lived. That is until I discovered the variant site, Open AI Playground in Chat mode. It isn't free, but the first $5 are free as a trial. (And technically they mention it isn't for entertainment purposes and to use it responsibly)

      Using the Playground I've written a 41,000, 23,000, and 21,000 (in-progress, plan is to hit 6 digits) word count personal stories/novels/adventures thus far. Using the co-DM system of bouncing with the AI to suggest creative alternatives (e.g. "List 10 twists that could occur next in the story"), adding creative embellishments (e.g. "Describe the city in detail, using epic high-fantasy influence"), and many other tips it's kept me hooked on some wild adventures across my favorite genre(s), tailored to me.

      OpenAI just released a GPT 3.5 Turbo 16k model for the Playground, lol. Absolutely obliterating NovelAI's 2k and the previous 4k limits. You could fit a significant portion of an entire novel and it'd take into account every sentence said. It'd probably take a pretty penny to use even half the context window, but could be useful for more critical moments of my novels.

      9 votes
    13. Aquariums - Is there a difference in tank configuration between freshwater and saltwater?

      I'm an amateur fish keeper who is looking at buying a new 4ft tank setup. While on the hunt for a nice looking cabinet and tank combination, I've noticed that most freshwater setups are designed...

      I'm an amateur fish keeper who is looking at buying a new 4ft tank setup.

      While on the hunt for a nice looking cabinet and tank combination, I've noticed that most freshwater setups are designed for a canister/ hang on back / in tank filter, whereas saltwater is almost always designed as a sump configuration despite the same physical tank size and capacity.

      Is there a reason freshwater tank setups are less likely to be sold in a sump configuration? Does salt benefit more from an overflow style of filtration then freshwater does? Should freshwater be pulling water for filtration from lower in the tank because there's likely slower water movement and therefore debris will settle on the substrate?

      As a quick example, AquaOne have a "freshwater" range, and a "marine" range. They are available in comparable physical sizes, but the freshwater tanks are not drilled for sumps whereas the marine are. No matter how fancy / big you go in the freshwater configuration, you never have the option of a sump.

      Freshwater list: https://aquaone.com.au/2015-04-16-04-47-04/2015-04-16-06-00-17/coldwater-tropical

      Marine list: https://www.aquaone.com.au/2015-04-16-04-47-04/2015-04-16-06-00-17/marine-aquariums

      14 votes
    14. Indoor climbers, what gear are you rockin?

      Pun intended. I'm just getting into bouldering / top roping and need to start my gear hunt. What do you recommend? What things do you stay away from? Right now I'm just climbing indoors with no...

      Pun intended.

      I'm just getting into bouldering / top roping and need to start my gear hunt. What do you recommend? What things do you stay away from? Right now I'm just climbing indoors with no real plans to go outdoors yet.

      5 votes
    15. Watercooling PCs & modding computer cases?

      I tried looking around a bit but couldn't find anyone that was interested in this. For me it had been on my radar for years through various forums, but I only built my first watercooled PC in...

      I tried looking around a bit but couldn't find anyone that was interested in this. For me it had been on my radar for years through various forums, but I only built my first watercooled PC in 2020. For that I designed and manufactured my own case and now I am working on a second one! It's become a fun hobby that's taught me CAD and more about manufacturing in general.

      So I was curious if anyone else is into the same thing here? It's probably a bit more niche than the mechanical keyboard thread I saw!

      3 votes
    16. Deep thoughts on tattoos and tattooing culture

      This is my first post so please let me know if I'm doing anything incorrectly! I'm not very clear on how tags work... Apologies. I'm curious if there are many tattoo enthusiasts around. I love...

      This is my first post so please let me know if I'm doing anything incorrectly! I'm not very clear on how tags work... Apologies.

      I'm curious if there are many tattoo enthusiasts around. I love both talking about and looking at tattoos. I have found that more visual-focused places like Instagram or even Reddit don't really allow much conversation on the nuances of the industry, its artists, artistry, criticisms, and so on.

      I am a heavily tattooed woman, which is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I'm happy in my own body. A curse because being fetishized makes me uncomfortable.

      I both love and hate tattoos entering more into the mainstream. As that as happened, artistry has come leaps and bounds alongside it.

      Anyone have any deep thoughts on tattoos and modern tattoo culture?

      32 votes
    17. Home and garden: Boring “watch grass grow” thread

      (This is my first tildes thread please be gentle) Hello, saw in another thread there was one person interested in boring hobbies of what we're up to so, brace yourselves! This is going to be a...

      (This is my first tildes thread please be gentle)

      Hello, saw in another thread there was one person interested in boring hobbies of what we're up to so, brace yourselves! This is going to be a thread of me talking to my greenhouse plastic walls about literally watching grass grow, waiting for paint to dry and putting a puzzle together.

      Would love to hear about your gardening and home inside/outside/building/demolishing/decorating efforts!

      Maybe a sort of memorial thread for plants that died under our care. RIP little dudes.

      37 votes
    18. Any skydivers here?

      I love to skydive even though I'm relatively new. It's given me lots of motivation to lose weight and the community so far is great! As a trans woman in the US South who jumps in the South, I've...

      I love to skydive even though I'm relatively new. It's given me lots of motivation to lose weight and the community so far is great! As a trans woman in the US South who jumps in the South, I've found them to be incredibly accepting and welcoming, and there's nowhere I'd rather be than hanging out at the drop zone on a pretty day!

      Anyone else like to skydive?

      8 votes
    19. Best products to bring back to Europe from the US

      I'm a US citizen living in Berlin, and I'm currently back in the US (Northeast Ohio specifically) for a family wedding. We've got a lot of extra room in our suitcases, so I want to bring stuff...

      I'm a US citizen living in Berlin, and I'm currently back in the US (Northeast Ohio specifically) for a family wedding. We've got a lot of extra room in our suitcases, so I want to bring stuff back that's hard(er) to get ahold of in Germany. I figured this is a good place to ask for any recommendations from others who live in Europe or have experience traveling!

      As an example, here are some of the common recs I've seen in threads on r/germany:

      • bulk OTC meds like aspirin and tylenol (not hard to find in Germany but cheaper in the US)
      • brown sugar
      • double-acting baking powder
      • Frank's red hot sauce (maybe other hot sauce as well, Germans are not a spicy people)
      • Ranch dressing (I've heard the powdered kind is better bc it's easier to pack?)
      • Adobo seasoning (probably other Latin American ingredients too but this one specifically is a must-buy even for my white ass)
      • specific brands of candies & junk food not available in Germany (though ime this category is the easiest to find at US-themed international stores, albeit at high prices)
      • Levi's jeans for some reason (I don't really get this one tbh but I always see Germans saying it in threads)

      I know for sure I'll get home and immediately regret not having purchased something. Anyone with experience traveling between these two continents, please let me know if you think of something missing from this list!

      16 votes
    20. Anyone here in or familiar with Denver and the surrounding area? Going on a trip and have zero idea what to do as a non-tourist...

      Ok, so the "Going on a trip and have zero idea what to do as a non-tourist..." isn't entirely true like it was in my post about NYC last year, but everyone was extremely helpful and threw out...

      Ok, so the "Going on a trip and have zero idea what to do as a non-tourist..." isn't entirely true like it was in my post about NYC last year, but everyone was extremely helpful and threw out suggestions I wouldn't have even thought about looking for. So here I am again to bug you wonderful people for Tildes Travel Guide 2: Electric Denver Boogaloo

      Same as before, staying for a week, I do have a rental car this time (trying to decide between the comfort of a Lexus or sportiness of an Alfa Romeo, damn car guy indecisiveness) so transport is less of an issue, anything that you'd suggest to see/do?

      13 votes
    21. Wildflower plantings

      I've recently been trying to get an area of my yard to grow with perennial wild flowers. For 2 years straight, I plant seeds and nothing comes up. I'm starting to think that the seeds the store...

      I've recently been trying to get an area of my yard to grow with perennial wild flowers. For 2 years straight, I plant seeds and nothing comes up. I'm starting to think that the seeds the store sells are just a scam. Even when I tried to germinate them in potting soil, nothing grew. Anyone here have any sort of advice?

      21 votes
    22. Treasure hunting

      Anyone metal detect or coin roll hunt? Or magnet fish? I do both, ive coin roll hunted for a year, and I just started metal detecting a month ago I'm in canada, which has pros and cons for metal...

      Anyone metal detect or coin roll hunt? Or magnet fish?

      I do both, ive coin roll hunted for a year, and I just started metal detecting a month ago

      I'm in canada, which has pros and cons for metal detecting, a con would be all our modern coins are made of plated steel, so they both sound bad when you swing over them, and the rot beyond use in not that long time

      A pro though is we have 1 and 2 dollar coins, in the states you might go a year before swinging over a Sacajawea dollar, but in canada you might find multiple loonies on the first time out

      In a bit over a month, of metal detecting I found 2 sterling rings, a silver dime(it was a fresh drop not ancient) and a sterling earring, the earring was gold plated, I was hoping I found gold till I saw the 925 and makers mark, looked on the makers website and it was all gold plated sterling

      Coin roll hunting I recently hit the jackpot of the year most definitly, four whole rolls of silver dimes, thats $380 and only cost me $20 to aquire

      14 votes
    23. Anyone here familiar with Scotland?

      I am in Scotland for a little vacation with a friend, and am looking for recs! We are mainly in Edinburgh, but have a car and are open to just about anything! I don't really mess with touristy...

      I am in Scotland for a little vacation with a friend, and am looking for recs! We are mainly in Edinburgh, but have a car and are open to just about anything! I don't really mess with touristy stuff, but am willing to try if you think its worthwhile! Also will be here for the rest of the week! We are planning on going to the gardens for sure, but other than that don't really have a whole lot planned. I would like to go to Galloway at night and see the milky way though. I love the scenery so I don't mind a short drive. Thanks :)

      16 votes
    24. How NOT to travel America - Two Brits travel Boston to Miami by any means necessary

      GeoWizard's latest series of How NOT to Travel just wrapped up, so I figured now would be a good time to post it all. Here are all the episode, for those interested in watching them: Two Brits...

      GeoWizard's latest series of How NOT to Travel just wrapped up, so I figured now would be a good time to post it all. Here are all the episode, for those interested in watching them:

      Two Brits travel Boston to Miami by any means necessary 🇺🇸🇺🇸 (How NOT to Travel America #1)
      We purchased a sh*t boat from craigslist and sailed down long Island (How NOT to travel America #2)
      We shot some B-Ball in West Philly, and angered a Brooklyn gangster (How NOT to Travel America #3)
      Our hilarious quest to get on Dance Cam at the Baseball (How NOT to Travel America #4)
      Two British guys hike through rural Virginia (How NOT to Travel America #5)
      We bought an old car from a stranger at a taco stand (How NOT to Travel America #6)
      Two brits drive into hurricane Ian, and cause carnage on jet skis (How NOT to Travel America #7)

      Or if you prefer, here's a playlist of every episode

      p.s. The previous How NOT to Travel Europe series is also great.

      9 votes
    25. Visiting DC, any recommendations?

      I’m going to be in Washington, D.C. for the next week (give or take a day). I’ll be staying in Arlington, VA and plan on utilizing public transportation while I’m there. Any unconventional...

      I’m going to be in Washington, D.C. for the next week (give or take a day). I’ll be staying in Arlington, VA and plan on utilizing public transportation while I’m there.

      Any unconventional recommendations or things I should know?

      13 votes