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    1. Two short films about potters

      These two videos about potters are lovely. They're long (well, 20 minutes and 30 minutes) so the people get a chance to speak. There's no jump cuts, no weird edits. You get to spend some time with...

      These two videos about potters are lovely. They're long (well, 20 minutes and 30 minutes) so the people get a chance to speak. There's no jump cuts, no weird edits. You get to spend some time with these quiet, reserved, people as they go about their craft.

      Everything in Batterham's studio is covered in clay. Including, sadly, probably his lungs by the sound of him.

      Anne Mette Hjortshøj - Paying honest attention

      "Danish potter, Anne Mette Hjortshøj lives and works on the small island of Bornholm, situated in the Baltic Sea. ...

      Our documentary gives a gentle and revealing insight into one of Denmark's leading potters. It follows Hjortshøj's daily life; collecting clay from the local beach for her glazes, throwing and making pots in her studio, and talking about the firing of her two chamber wood-fired salt kiln and its role in producing the decorative aspects of her work. We learn of her influences both within and outside of the Danish potting tradition and the inspiration she takes from the nature of the island.

      Her pots are characterised by a quiet dignity, entirely in tune with her surroundings and with the greatest respect for both beauty and function."

      Richard Batterham - Independent Potter

      A 30-minute documentary about one of the UK's finest potters. ... Batterham's domestic stoneware is highly collectible - but made for everyday use. Here he shares his philosophy and demonstrates his art, from mixing the clay to glazing the finished item and much in-between. Batterham died on 8th September 2021

      (I tried to tag this with Anne Mette Hjortshøj's name but tags didn't like the unicode.)

      10 votes