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    1. Any troubleshooting recomendations for cable internet?

      I recently moved apartments and I'm leaving my beloved Google Fiber behind for some Spectrum cable internet that's included with the apartment (and I don't have any other choice). The issue is, it...

      I recently moved apartments and I'm leaving my beloved Google Fiber behind for some Spectrum cable internet that's included with the apartment (and I don't have any other choice). The issue is, it seems like I keep randomly losing connection and because I'm using my own router (but their modem) the Spectrum tech support hasn't been super helpful. For example, this morning I woke up and internet on my phone wasn't working, on my desktop I could ping stuff but it took ~20 seconds for the first packet to go through, but my router could ping things instantly. DNS was working if I got it from my router, but I have two PiHoles that I use for DNS with the router (running Unbound) as upstream. Rebooting the modem actually fixed it in that case, but I'll still have momentary drops here and there.

      Anyone have any ideas of things to check? I've thought about going to Lowe's and buying one of those coax cable testers but I'm not really sure if that'd help much.

      EDIT: For what it's worth, I live in Texas and there was a massive windstorm yesterday... and I think it's possible that that was the issue 🤦‍♂️ I haven't definitely confirmed that, but it seems to be stable since the wind stopped and the wind did cause at least a couple of outages in the area.

      7 votes
    2. Home network support: Setting up a network switch

      I moved into a new apartment and was surprised to see that all my rooms have CAT 5 Ethernet ports in the wall. However, cue my disappoint when I try to naively plug my router and machine in two...

      I moved into a new apartment and was surprised to see that all my rooms have CAT 5 Ethernet ports in the wall. However, cue my disappoint when I try to naively plug my router and machine in two separate ports to find that the ports don't actually work. After searching various forums, I found that I have to:

      1. Locate the panel where all the ethernet ports connect
      2. Wire them to an ethernet switch.

      I found the panel but all the wires look like this:


      I'm not sure what I need to do from here to plugging into my network switch. Any guides or advice would be extremely helpful. I don't need every port connected to the switch, only one or two. None of these look labelled so I might have a difficult time isolating which cable runs where.

      And about the network switch... Any qualms about using an old router that has the AP turned off?

      10 votes