We moved into a vacant house in the Japanese countryside (and only pay $300/year for rent)
@TVアニメ「はたらく魔王さま!」公式㊗️第2期制作決定!!: 【速報】TVアニメ地上波放送より約8年......あのフリーター魔王さまが満を持して帰ってくる!!!! 🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟 --- 『はたらく魔王さま!』 ------ 待望のTVアニメ第2期制作 --- --- 大・決・定です‼️‼️ --- 🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟👉https://t.co/9MlrWcv6EX 🗣#maousama pic.twitter.com/WfPYiDQFsI
I mostly like action and comedy anime, but I've been trying to branch my tastes out and get into some more genres. What do you like outside of comedy and action (especially SOL, but I'm really looking for any good suggestions)?