3 votes

What programming/technical projects have you been working on?

This is a recurring post to discuss programming or other technical projects that we've been working on. Tell us about one of your recent projects, either at work or personal projects. What's interesting about it? Are you having trouble with anything?


  1. trim
    Decided to do a bit of zig, so implementing my two standard little applications that I do for every new language I decide to try out. A Conway's Game Of Life simulation, and an escape the robots...

    Decided to do a bit of zig, so implementing my two standard little applications that I do for every new language I decide to try out.

    A Conway's Game Of Life simulation, and an escape the robots game.

    Then zig can join rust and go in the pile of languages I won't use again

    3 votes
  2. [2]
    At the beginning of the year I decided to start tracking my alcohol intake in the hopes of decreasing it. I began tracking it with a printout calendar and I was coloring in each day with a...

    At the beginning of the year I decided to start tracking my alcohol intake in the hopes of decreasing it. I began tracking it with a printout calendar and I was coloring in each day with a different color corresponding to the # of drinks. Green = 0, Yellow = 1-3, Orange = 4-5, Red = 6+. This was going well until the 11th when my kids needed crayons and I gave them the crayons I'd set aside for this project. And I haven't consistently kept the calendar up to date since. And to be fair, the crayons were theirs. Also, my calendar is a bit more red than I'd prefer, but there are plenty of green days and I did, because of the calendar, opt to drink less on a few nights that I did drink. So that's progress!

    Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice work, I've been struggling a bit with our stack, which is React, Typescript, and ChakraUI. Nothing too insane, but I felt I needed some extra curricular work to help me learn some of the advanced concepts faster. Plus it is nice to write code without it being code reviewed. So I decided to build a web app version of the calendar printout idea. I started super late last night, so only got about as far as display the entire year as a calendar, but I'm hope to add some functionality to it tonight. It also occurred to me that while I love to drink and play video games, I absolutely cannot drink and write code at the same time. So in a way, this project's mere existence serves as a short-term alcohol deterrent.

    It's a very simple project that shouldn't take very long, so my hope is that I might actually finish a side project for a change! Will share demo links once there's something worth demoing.

    1 vote
    1. sunset
      Link Parent
      Use a digital calendar, that way you don't need crayons and you can also export/generate statistics over longer periods to track what's happening month to month and so on!

      Use a digital calendar, that way you don't need crayons and you can also export/generate statistics over longer periods to track what's happening month to month and so on!

      1 vote
  3. lynxy
    3D printing! So much 3D printing- most of it with somewhat sub-par results. I'm really struggling to consistently get parts out of the Elegoo Neptune 4 Plus I've had for a few months now (I don't...

    3D printing! So much 3D printing- most of it with somewhat sub-par results. I'm really struggling to consistently get parts out of the Elegoo Neptune 4 Plus I've had for a few months now (I don't think I'll ever buy a bedslinger again..). Even having replaced the bed springs with silicone spacers, which seems to have fixed the bed in place better. Bed irregularities, Y-axis slip, and the capacitive end-stop on the Z axis seems to result in an amount of ephemeral-ity. But I'm getting there slowly.

    The main project at the moment is to print IKEA SKADIS compatible arms for the MITTLED range of led strips. I'm trying to hang the lights above the work-desk, but at a reasonable distance from the pegboard so as to avoid casting shadows of whatever else I hang on it. I'm pretty much there, but if I'm honest I was pretty much there a week ago too, and I'm just caught up on my perfectionism.

    1 vote