Welcome to the ‘Poohniverse’: ‘Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey’ team to unite Pooh, Bambi, Tinkerbell and more in low-budget horror crossover
After watching NakeyJakey (YouTube hot boii) do a series on games he thinks should bang (two games that should combine their best elements to create an entirely new game). I was wondering what two games do you think should bang.
My two are Dark Souls and World of Warcraft
I'd kill for a game with the scale, community, and lore of World of Warcraft combined with the combat and difficulty of Dark Souls. - but not something like Monster Hunter
Imagine Dark Souls type combat with full raiding parties filled with clerics, casters, rangers, tanks, barbarians, etc... fighting against a legion of the undead. Or doing dungeons, etc...
That's just my dream
What two games do you think should bang?