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    1. Large overview of game design/development information, tools and other things

      https://twitter.com/TychoBolt/status/1182541355337289728?s=20 Found this on twitter, user TychoBolt compiled this list. There's a lot of information on many topics, as well as a ton of links to...


      Found this on twitter, user TychoBolt compiled this list. There's a lot of information on many topics, as well as a ton of links to tools that aid in level design, narrative and more.

      He also compiled this 122-paged guide on level design; full of tips and tricks for designing levels. I've looked through it for a bit and found quite a lot of interesting information, so I'd reckon this is a valuable asset to anyone developing/designing games.

      PDF available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fAlf2MwEFTwePwzbP3try1H0aYa9kpVBHPBkyIq-caY/preview?pru=AAABcufoPRw*FOD948Ah7NzrIiGTixO_PQ

      7 votes
    2. Let's do a deep dive into the itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality together!

      The Bundle itch.io's Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality is a collection of indie media content offered up as a fundraiser for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and Community Bail...

      The Bundle

      itch.io's Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality is a collection of indie media content offered up as a fundraiser for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and Community Bail Fund. The minimum purchase is $5 which gains you access to 1637 items from 1304 different creators. The bundle has raised over $5 million dollars so far and is a genuinely incredible show of support and solidarity from the gaming community for the Black Lives Matter movement.

      Here is the previous Tildes topic about it, here is a subreddit for it, and here is a community spreadsheet cataloging its contents.

      The Content

      The bundle is primarily video games, but it also has tabletop games, game assets, books, music, and tools. It is an intimidatingly large amount of content, and much attention has been called to some of the collection's highlights and standout titles: 1 2 3 4 (if you find other lists, let me know and I'll link them here).

      I'm thinking it would be neat for us on Tildes to explore and highlight some of its less well-known content. The people who have made their creations available in this bundle have done so generously and in support of a great cause, so this is a way that we can show some appreciation for them by bringing some attention to their work. It is also possible to re-purchase games that you already own on itch.io and add tips to that purchase, so you can also monetarily support any devs you choose should you feel inclined to do so.

      The Event

      Using whatever selection methods or criteria you like, dive into an item/multiple items from the bundle and then report back here about it. There is a handy website that lets you filter the whole set of items, and it also has a very useful "pick a game" button that selects a game at random from the batch.

      However you choose something, let us know what you've chosen, what it was, what your experience was like with it, and whether or not you recommend it. Format your entries however you like but please Bold the Titles of Items so people can scan the thread more easily!

      Feel free to submit multiple entries to the topic as you explore the bundle. I'm thinking that with a few of us doing this over a couple of days, we can cover a lot of ground and surface some interesting and easily overlooked content.

      Our Selections

      I'll keep a table of the highly recommended things we surface here. To select something to be included here, mention in your writeup that it qualifies for "Tildes' Choice" status, and I'll add it to the list!

      Title Creator Type Recommender
      Us Lovely Corpses d Marie Visual novel kfwyre
      Cardinal Chains Daniel Nora Pure puzzle game kfwyre
      25 votes
    3. Haven't gamed on a PC for ten years. Built a gaming rig. What games do I install?

      I've been out of PC gaming for at least 10 years. Although I have a PS4 and I loved playing God of War 4 and Witcher 3. Through what might only be described as a mishap, I've ended up building a...

      I've been out of PC gaming for at least 10 years. Although I have a PS4 and I loved playing God of War 4 and Witcher 3.

      Through what might only be described as a mishap, I've ended up building a computer with a kickass GPU. 3700X, RX 5700XT, 2TB Gigabyte Aorus NVMe. The works.

      Build's half done, I plan on dual booting hackintosh & windows 10 -- the latter I haven't used in many years as well, I'm a UNIX guy.

      What should I even install on this thing? I've been very disconnected from the gaming industry and I've no idea what games are new or good or cool to show off what my hardware can do

      19 votes
    4. Tildes' "Shop-from-Home" Game Giveaway Event

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the "Ignore" feature to hide it! What Is This? Times are tough for a lot of us out there. I'm hoping...

      Important: This will be a noisy thread. If you do not wish to see it in your feed, please use the "Ignore" feature to hide it!

      What Is This?

      Times are tough for a lot of us out there. I'm hoping we can make things just a little bit easier by spreading some free entertainment to those that need/want it.

      This is a giveaway thread for games. Most games will be on the Steam platform for PC, though any platform is eligible.

      How Does It Work?


      Each person that wants to give away games can open up their own "shop" in a top-level comment, showcasing the games they have available to give away.

      Each "shopkeep" can set their own rules for giveaways (e.g. first come, first serve; limit 2 per customer; answer a riddle to get a game; tell me about your favorite band; etc.). Feel free to have some fun with this! You can use my "shop" as an example for how to make yours, though your offering certainly doesn't have to be that involved. I got a little bit too excited and kinda went all out for this. :)


      Shoppers, or people wanting to take advantage of the giveaways, can wander the bazaar, checking out with the vendors who have items that interest them. You do NOT have to giveaway anything in order to accept games! These are giveaways, given freely, not trades! That said, a shopkeep might ask you for a story or some wisdom in exchange. Please indulge them!


      Giveaway rules are set by individual gifters, but there are handful of guidelines everyone should follow:

      1. No grey market keys! Only giveaway games from reputable sources. If you're not sure what this means, please ask.
      2. Requests for games should be done in the thread, but if the gift is a key, those should be delivered by PMs only. Please don't post keys publicly, even obfuscated ones.

      Isn't there a Tildes Steam group for giveaways?

      There is, but not for much longer. The group is cumbersome to keep invite-only, which limits its membership, and we now have the ignore thread feature here on Tildes which we did not have when I first made the group (and I didn't want people bothered by noisy topics like giveaways). I will be closing the Steam group soon and moving giveaways back on-site to threads like this one. I feel that's better for the community, and makes participation far easier.

      47 votes