6 votes
On the modern prevalence of ghosting - Social disappearing acts reflect the deepening inhumanity of a technology-addled, coldly transactional world
33 votes -
The Rhythm of the Road – Ogmios School of Zen Motoring (2020)
6 votes -
Zen Motoring to Glastonbury Festival
7 votes -
Am I having a discussion with an AI? If not am I an idiot? A mean person?
4 votes -
"Pyke notte thy nostrellys." A 15th-century guide on children's manners has been digitized for first time
10 votes -
Why don’t westerners eat off one plate?
14 votes -
The New Yorker on Linus Torvalds & Abusive Behavior
7 votes -
Tildes effect
For the past few months I felt less and less inclined to engage in conversation on Reddit and other discussions platforms. The risk of any expression being met with a (severely) negative response...
For the past few months I felt less and less inclined to engage in conversation on Reddit and other discussions platforms. The risk of any expression being met with a (severely) negative response is just too great. I don't know if it was always like this and that I just don't find it worth it any more or if there is an actual trend of people being more of an asshole more of the time to each other online.
I've only joined Tildes a couple of days ago, and enjoy most of my time here. I've also noticed that I'm now more active again on other platforms. It's made me want to express myself again. I put more effort in my contributions. I'm not necessarily getting more pleasant responses, but there are fewer negative ones, I think.
Does this sound familiar to any of you?
50 votes