29 votes

Funny, crazy and silly mods

Just a random thought as a friend browses Nexus Mods. What are some of the funniest, craziest and wildest mods you've come across? I see plenty of talk about QoL mods and the like, but I feel like there's a lot of fun stories to be had with forgetting you modded some enemy to look like the Cookie Monster or custom weapons that shoot fish.


  1. [2]
    My favourite mod of all time is called Island In Chaos (I think it was originally called Crazy Civilian AI?) for the game Just Cause 2 The idea is kinda simple: 1) increase the maximum vehicles...

    My favourite mod of all time is called Island In Chaos (I think it was originally called Crazy Civilian AI?) for the game Just Cause 2

    The idea is kinda simple: 1) increase the maximum vehicles cap, 2) every driving vehicle pops in (or spawns in) at its top speed, and 3) cops/military now react to speeding civilians like they react to the protagonist speeding: that is, they try to shoot out the tyres.

    The AI for cars already has drivers panicking at gunfire and attempting to either swerve out of the way of being aimed at, or speeding up to get away, or slamming on the brakes and trying to do a U-turn.

    The emergent behaviour is that heavy semi trucks still try to make that sharp turn onto the side street, but with no brakes and little traction, they just end up going sideways through the oncoming traffic. Meanwhile, drivers and pedestrians are perpetually freaking out at exploding cars or nearby gunfire from the military, and cars start swerving all over the place making it much worse, and meanwhile you’ve constantly got planes (from tiny hobby planes to enormous cargo and jumbo jets) plummeting from the sky or crashing into each other in the air.

    Just Cause is already a game primed for chaos like this, but it’s usually caused by the player which means there’s a cap on just how chaotic things can get. This mod essentially removed the cap for how much could be happening, which in my opinion made the missions/storyline basically impossible, but the gameplay itself so much more fun.

    31 votes
    1. ShroudedScribe
      Link Parent
      That sounds like a good time! I wonder if anyone has made it compatible with the multiplayer mod for JC2. That would be an entirely new level of crazy.

      That sounds like a good time! I wonder if anyone has made it compatible with the multiplayer mod for JC2. That would be an entirely new level of crazy.

  2. [13]
    Kind of a mod, but at some point Blizzard released an audio editor for StarCraft. We also had a new mix, so we stayed up recording stupid sounds that replaced the noises the Protoss made. For...

    Kind of a mod, but at some point Blizzard released an audio editor for StarCraft. We also had a new mix, so we stayed up recording stupid sounds that replaced the noises the Protoss made. For example, instead of the noise any building makes with a probe starts warping them in, we set it to a voice recording of us saying "building warping in" in a stupid voice. Then my friends brother went to play and was super confused when all the sounds were changed and we thought it was the funniest shit ever.

    16 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      I remember playing Counter-Strike with all mouth sound effects. Literal "tap tap tap" when running and "TAKATAKATAKATA PEW PEW" when shooting

      I remember playing Counter-Strike with all mouth sound effects. Literal "tap tap tap" when running and "TAKATAKATAKATA PEW PEW" when shooting

      10 votes
      1. Wafik
        Link Parent
        Hah, that sounds silly as hell. I'm here for it

        Hah, that sounds silly as hell. I'm here for it

        2 votes
      2. chocobean
        Link Parent
        Joke: In the midst of a battle, side A discovered they have run out of bullets. So Commander A told his dudes to just get out there with a stick and yell PEW PEW PEW at the enemy. An hour later,...


        In the midst of a battle, side A discovered they have run out of bullets. So Commander A told his dudes to just get out there with a stick and yell PEW PEW PEW at the enemy. An hour later, one of the dudes are carried back in a stretcher but without apparent wounds.

        What happened?

        I got run over by a guy muttering 'Tankity-tank'

        2 votes
    2. [5]
      Link Parent
      This unlocked a long forgotten memory of modifying Doom wad files. I remember one in particular that made the Imp say "Hey big boy" in a suggestive voice whenever it was near. The demons would...

      This unlocked a long forgotten memory of modifying Doom wad files. I remember one in particular that made the Imp say "Hey big boy" in a suggestive voice whenever it was near. The demons would also wander around saying "Where are my pants?". Pre-teen me thought that was the most hilarious thing ever. :D

      5 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        On the subject of audio replacement, I loved the April Fools/resource pack reveal that Minecraft did in partnership with Element Animation, where all the sounds in the game were replaced with a...

        On the subject of audio replacement, I loved the April Fools/resource pack reveal that Minecraft did in partnership with Element Animation, where all the sounds in the game were replaced with a villager just saying the name of the sound effect.

        Walking across my base and just hearing “gravel, gravel, gravel, stone, stone, grass” in that goofy villager voice was hilarious!

        6 votes
        1. Mendanbar
          Link Parent
          "There is water here!" 🤣

          "There is water here!" 🤣

          2 votes
        2. CannibalisticApple
          Link Parent
          I'm just imagining falling into lava and a voice saying deadpan "lava lava lava" each time you take burn damage.

          I'm just imagining falling into lava and a voice saying deadpan "lava lava lava" each time you take burn damage.

      2. Wafik
        Link Parent
        That's fantastic. Grade 9 me would have approved.

        That's fantastic. Grade 9 me would have approved.

        1 vote
    3. [2]
      Link Parent
      Not a mod exactly, but it reminds me of the time I replaced every sound event in Windows with a wav file of the two minute runway speech from Independence Day. This was probably windows 95, so...

      Not a mod exactly, but it reminds me of the time I replaced every sound event in Windows with a wav file of the two minute runway speech from Independence Day. This was probably windows 95, so there were a lot more sound events than there are in more modern operating systems.

      After about 20 minutes of trying to use the computer, my dad came into my room and my friends and I were all laughing. He just said, "TURN IT OFF."

      3 votes
      1. Wafik
        Link Parent
        Love it, glad to see many people have the ideas about how to troll someone.

        Love it, glad to see many people have the ideas about how to troll someone.

        1 vote
  3. [4]
    (edited )
    I don't know if they count as "mods" exactly, but Halo 3 custom games were pretty whacky and tons of fun. My favorite was "jenga", where all the players (except one) would spawn on top of a tall...

    I don't know if they count as "mods" exactly, but Halo 3 custom games were pretty whacky and tons of fun. My favorite was "jenga", where all the players (except one) would spawn on top of a tall tower of precariously balanced crates and barrels, hanging over the edge of the map. There was no way for players on the tower to jump back into the map, so falling off the tower was certain death.

    Then, the last player spawned nearby on the map below. They had a gravity hammer and could push their own set of respawning physics objects (crates, barrels, forklifts, traffic cone) into these accelerators that would launch them at the tower. Each physics object had its own weight and impact on the tower. Barrels flew fast and were great at "sniping" individual players off the tower. Forklifts were slow and heavy, but could knock entire sections of the tower away.

    Eventually, the entire tower would be blasted apart, and all that would remain were the special floating "anchor" objects that had kept the tower in the air. Players who were skilled or lucky enough could survive until they had only these tiny platforms to stand on, at which point they had basically "won". At that point though, another crate or forklift launch would be impossible to dodge.

    Another fun game mode was "trash compactor". Similar to jenga, it was a physics-based game of trying to kill players by flinging objects at them. For trash compactor, all the players except one spawned at the end of a long, narrow tunnel. The last player spawned on top of the tunnel, and could push physics objects down into the entrance of it. There the objects would be accelerated and hurled down the tunnel, in an attempt to crush the other players. The objects would despawn and respawn slowly, so the tunnel could get clogged up, and players could end up hiding in safe spots among the debris. The player up top spawned with a gravity hammer and strengthened shields, so they usually would try to finish the match by jumping into the tube themselves to kill whoever was left. This gave the players in the tunnel a chance to win the match by killing the trash compactor-er.

    The last two I vividly remember were "duck hunt" and "fat man".

    Duck hunt had a single player spawn up in a tower with a sniper rifle and infinite ammo. All the other players spawned at the start of a race course with lowered health and no shields, so they would die in one shot. The sniper would be able to shoot the racers through openings at various points along the course, but were themselves very weak and easily killed by the plasma swords the racers carried. So as the sniper, you wanted to shoot all the players before they reached you.

    Fat man had one player spawn with a gravity hammer, plasma sword, and super strengthened shields and health, but their movement speed was set to 25%. All the other players had limited health to make them die quickly, but either had normal or even enhanced movement speed. The goal was for the fat man to chase the players through a course of tight corridors, eventually cornering them at the end of the course and eliminating them all. The goal for the players was to shoot the fat man until he died, which took forever.

    Important to note: in Halo 3, you could lock onto and lunge at enemies from a very far distance with a melee weapon, and this lunge ignored movement speed. So, if the fat man got close enough, he could lunge at players with his gravity hammer or plasma sword and kill them, despite his slow speed.

    I played about three times as many custom games of Halo 3 than I did of regular multiplayer. Fun times. Forge mode was probably the greatest thing Bungie ever did. I wish more games would give players such well designed and easily accessible sandbox tools like Forge mode.

    Keeping with the theme of "whacky and tons of fun but not quite mods":

    gestures broadly at Garry's Mod

    Any Source game should have at least a few silly mods.

    It's been years since I did a playthrough of Left 4 Dead 2 with friends, but I still remember all the player characters being pop-tarts, the zombies being battle droids and orcs, my flashlight shining a glowing troll face, the tank being Shrek, the smoker was Marge, and so, so much more.

    Or for Insurgency, I installed a mod that gave all the characters googly eyes.

    16 votes
    1. Tardigrade
      Link Parent
      As to your last point recently my friends and I booted up l4d2 for a run through and hadn't thought that it'd still have all our mods so the first half hour or so was spent laughing and sharing...

      As to your last point recently my friends and I booted up l4d2 for a run through and hadn't thought that it'd still have all our mods so the first half hour or so was spent laughing and sharing screens at the chaos we'd left when we'd last played.

      3 votes
    2. smiles134
      Link Parent
      Halo 3 custom games were such an important part of high school for me. I would go over to my best friend's house every night after school because he lived next door and we'd join a party with 3-5...

      Halo 3 custom games were such an important part of high school for me. I would go over to my best friend's house every night after school because he lived next door and we'd join a party with 3-5 of our other friends and just fuck around on those all night. There were two games we designed ourselves that we loved, one called Swordfight and the other called High Speed Chase.

      Swordfight was on a map in foundry with explosive crates literally everywhere and ramps at the center of the map with gravity cannons. Then there were a few vehicles lining the back wall. You played on teams of two, and the scoring was whacky, like assassinations were ten points, suicides were -8 points, killing the leader gave you an extra 5 points (and the leader would be highlighted on the map), grenade sticks were +15, etc. Then to top it off everyone had 300% movement speed and like 50% gravity and you spawned with a sword. So you'd get 8 people flying around this square map and you'd be moving so quickly that running into an explosive crate would set it off. Lots of fun, lots of chaos.

      High Speed Chase was an infection mode on a desert map where the zombie moved at 300% and was invisible but spawned with a sword and the humans moved at like 75% and spawned around a bunch of vehicles. You had to jump in a warthog or ghost and try to splatter the zombies to stay alive.

      1 vote
    3. Tmbreen
      Link Parent
      Me and my roommate actually got into some minor enemy spawn coding and behavior stuff with Halo 3 a year ago. Turned the entire campaign in shielded sword flood, that was great fun.

      Me and my roommate actually got into some minor enemy spawn coding and behavior stuff with Halo 3 a year ago. Turned the entire campaign in shielded sword flood, that was great fun.

  4. Mendanbar
    I've never played, but I remember there was a Randy Savage Mod for Skyrim. I always thought that was pretty funny. My favorite collection of crazy mods I've played is Uncle Genny's 100% Organic &...

    I've never played, but I remember there was a Randy Savage Mod for Skyrim. I always thought that was pretty funny.

    My favorite collection of crazy mods I've played is Uncle Genny's 100% Organic & Free-Range Modpack for Minecraft. It's a somehow cohesive collection of some of the weirdest mods. Highly recommend any modded Minecraft players try it at least once.

    15 votes
  5. moocow1452
    This Mod was marketed as more of a realism mod for Skyrim, but if it's someone's first experience to Skyrim, it works well as a prank. What happens? A more realistic experience means that there...

    This Mod was marketed as more of a realism mod for Skyrim, but if it's someone's first experience to Skyrim, it works well as a prank.

    What happens?

    A more realistic experience means that there are no dragons, so no Alduin to interrupt your execution. Roll credits.

    12 votes
  6. [2]
    Way back on the original Xbox (with modchips), there were in-game memory editors that would let you modify game files on the fly. My friend and I each had modded Xboxes so we would regularly do...

    Way back on the original Xbox (with modchips), there were in-game memory editors that would let you modify game files on the fly.

    My friend and I each had modded Xboxes so we would regularly do 8-player Halo CE matches at each other's houses with a bunch of friends over. One of our favourite mods was to modify what projectile the shotgun launched, as each object was counted individually - around 10 per shot I believe. So you could set it to 10 pistol bullets and it would have all the attributes of a pistol shot (high damage, precision, etc).

    Naturally we made the only logical choice and set the shotguns rate of fire to maximum, unlimited ammunition with no reloading, and each projectile was replaced with a rocket.

    Pure insanity would ensue, typically resulting in someone's Xbox crashing after a few minutes of chaos but every second was filled with gut wrenching laughter. We'd often combine it with other things like low gravity, adding banshees into multiplayer levels, spiderman mode to scale vertical walls, etc.

    Good times, I do miss the thrill of not only having to mod your game, but the entire console itself with delicate soldering.

    11 votes
    1. Macil
      Link Parent
      I remember hanging out with friends around a modded xbox using Halo cache editor and trying different tweaks. We figured out it was funny if you raise the force for grenades really high because...

      I remember hanging out with friends around a modded xbox using Halo cache editor and trying different tweaks. We figured out it was funny if you raise the force for grenades really high because then they launch everything with line of sight to them (including vehicles and other players) across the map.

  7. [4]
    Ultimate Skyrim
    7 votes
    1. MuffinManSTL
      Link Parent
      I was definitely looking for this one haha

      I was definitely looking for this one haha

      3 votes
    2. Mendanbar
      Link Parent
      "surprise werewolf attack. I should have expected this!" I lost it at that part. This was the laugh I needed this morning. 😂

      "surprise werewolf attack. I should have expected this!"

      I lost it at that part. This was the laugh I needed this morning. 😂

      1 vote
    3. chocobean
      Link Parent
      I wasn't sure if I remember what that was but yup. Choo Choo!

      I wasn't sure if I remember what that was but yup. Choo Choo!

      1 vote
  8. ShroudedScribe
    This craziness wasn't directly caused by a mod, but instead supported by it. There's a mod for Fallout: New Vegas called "A Tale of Two Wastelands." It allows you to use the same character across...

    This craziness wasn't directly caused by a mod, but instead supported by it.

    There's a mod for Fallout: New Vegas called "A Tale of Two Wastelands." It allows you to use the same character across Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and switch between the game worlds at nearly any time.

    I didn't bother switching between them, I just played 3 first, then jumped into New Vegas. And let me tell you, I was way overpowered. I went for a strong dumb melee build and could cause wild amounts of destruction with the swing of a super sledge. It made the game much more interesting for sure.

    6 votes
  9. JRandomHacker
    My favorite very-specific-mod is one for Mass Effect 2 that does nothing but remove a single line of dialogue, just for FemShep. It's at the very beginning of the Archangel recruitment mission,...

    My favorite very-specific-mod is one for Mass Effect 2 that does nothing but remove a single line of dialogue, just for FemShep. It's at the very beginning of the Archangel recruitment mission, where the Batarian merc recruiter makes a sexist comment when FemShep walks in the room. On the any% speedrun route, this line is the only difference between playing FemShep and BroShep, so this mod avoids one route being slower than the other for no good reason.

    6 votes
  10. semsevfor
    Two of the best mods I ever played were for the original Jedi Knight (Dark Forces 2) way back in the day. One was a Goldeneye mod that mostly just added the guns from Goldeneye, but it also had a...

    Two of the best mods I ever played were for the original Jedi Knight (Dark Forces 2) way back in the day.

    One was a Goldeneye mod that mostly just added the guns from Goldeneye, but it also had a watch which replaced your lightsaber so you always had it on you. The watch would fire a grappling hook at wherever you were looking and pull you towards it super fast. It was so. Much. Fun. The ridiculous physics you could pull off with it were awesome. You could swing around maps like Spiderman. The best one was I was playing on a fan map (my brothers and I downloaded a bajillion of them and played on together) where there was a huge pit in the middle going down to a lower area with some air vents that would push you up it as the normal way to go up and down without fall damage. I somehow timed the grapple perfectly so when I jumped down the pit right in the middle with no air and grappled to the ceiling at the top of the pit, the physics worked out perfectly so I got pulled back up exactly before hitting the ground (and dying from damage) and grabbed the powerful weapon that was sitting on the ground. It was a perfect Spiderman moment, it was beautiful.

    The other mod was a chicken mod which replaced all the weapons with chicken related weapons. One was a frying pan where you threw an egg as a projectile, another was a rubber chicken you just checked and grabbed another I think there was one where you held a chicken and squeezed it to shoot eggs out its butt.

    So much fun, so many good memories.

    6 votes
  11. [2]
    I wouldn't call this exceptionally silly, but I stumbled upon this Valheim fishing mod the other day: https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/218. This 12-second video demonstrates the silly thing...

    I wouldn't call this exceptionally silly, but I stumbled upon this Valheim fishing mod the other day: https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/218.

    This 12-second video demonstrates the silly thing it does: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3b0l2-Ia6I

    At the risk of spoiling the surprise, it's based on a brief skit that I enjoyed from my childhood. I'm sure many of you close to my age (42) will recognize it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUusX1Js6R0

    5 votes
    1. CannibalisticApple
      Link Parent
      That voice sounds so strangely ethereal in the mod. I think I'd be spamming it just because it's almost mesmerizing xD

      That voice sounds so strangely ethereal in the mod. I think I'd be spamming it just because it's almost mesmerizing xD

      2 votes
  12. Froswald
    One of the simplest mods I've come across for what it does (it's a change of a single variable in an .ini IIRC) is Carmageddon for GTAIV. It adjusts the friction for vehicles to a negative value...

    One of the simplest mods I've come across for what it does (it's a change of a single variable in an .ini IIRC) is Carmageddon for GTAIV. It adjusts the friction for vehicles to a negative value instead of positive, which means that instead of cars being affected by a constant value of deacceleration on a surface, they get that same value of acceleration. It's great

    5 votes
  13. gil
    I remember having fun turning my friends into chickens on Counter-Strike 1.6. Also, not mods, but I miss having fun cheat codes in old games. Like Goldeneye on N64 that had a "Paintball Mode" and...

    I remember having fun turning my friends into chickens on Counter-Strike 1.6.

    Also, not mods, but I miss having fun cheat codes in old games. Like Goldeneye on N64 that had a "Paintball Mode" and "Big Head Mode" or NBA Jam with so many secret characters you could unlock.

    5 votes
  14. MechanicalMagpie
    Oh man. divine punishment for mentioning arrows to the knee daedric punishment for sweetroll related insults Uncle sheo's helpful hints and one that I don't remember the name of and that I don't...

    Oh man.

    and one that I don't remember the name of and that I don't think was ported to Skyrim SE, but I think it added an effect to the wabbajack and gave it some percent chance that you'd cast an AOE spell that just ...rained down giant cheese wheels upon everything in the vicinity. Including you. Not that I died by giant cheese wheel multiple times or anything 😂

    4 votes
  15. Mendanbar
    Another long lost memory unlocked! Back when Quake death match was big, the game let you customize your character with custom skins. It would somehow be available for everyone in the match through...

    Another long lost memory unlocked!

    Back when Quake death match was big, the game let you customize your character with custom skins. It would somehow be available for everyone in the match through some upload trickery. The coolest part was that you could change the model along with the skin, and everyone else could see that too.

    So at first everyone was finding ridiculous stuff as their avatars. One pair was running around as murderous bananas in pajamas. Another found a model of starscream as a robot that would actually transform into a jet when you crouched!

    But then someone realized that If you change your model, you also alter your hitbox. Fast forward 20 minutes when everyone was playing as a tiny ammo box and wielding rail guns. 😂

    What a blast.

    4 votes
  16. Stranger
    I installed a lot of mods on Skyrim to increase immersion and realness. It changes the game from high fantasy action RPG into wilderness survival sim. Realistic hunger, sleep, diseases, exposure...

    I installed a lot of mods on Skyrim to increase immersion and realness. It changes the game from high fantasy action RPG into wilderness survival sim. Realistic hunger, sleep, diseases, exposure to the elements, hunting, etc. Mods to increase the flora and fauna, increase the number of NPCs in towns, increase the types of lore-friendly armor and clothing.

    And yet, no matter how much I try to make it immersive, I can never go without the fancy swearing mudcrabs and the Trololo trolls.

    2 votes