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  • Showing only topics in ~talk with the tag "casual". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. What was your fondest memory of a community on the internet ?

      Hey guys, The whole idea of this website reminds me a lot of the forums I used to spend hours on as a kid, when those websites were just a place for people to talk about stuff and that was it, and...

      Hey guys,

      The whole idea of this website reminds me a lot of the forums I used to spend hours on as a kid, when those websites were just a place for people to talk about stuff and that was it, and that made me wonder, what was YOUR experience of that same era ?

      Can't wait to hear your stories :)

      40 votes
    2. How far ahead are you thinking?

      Every couple of days or once per week in those moments where you automatically think of and attempt to plan for the future, how far ahead are you thinking, and what about?

      13 votes
    3. What are you thankful for?

      Hello everybody! As the Americans here are probably aware, this week is our holiday for Thanksgiving. One of the traditional parts of the holiday (at least as I've always practiced it) is...

      Hello everybody! As the Americans here are probably aware, this week is our holiday for Thanksgiving. One of the traditional parts of the holiday (at least as I've always practiced it) is everybody writing a list of the things they're thankful for in their life and over the past year. Especially since this is our first Thanksgiving together since Tildes was founded, I was wondering if you'd like to contribute such a list. :)

      17 votes
    4. Any SCP fans on Tildes?

      For those who've not heard of it, the scp wiki is a community-based collaborative writing effort based around "anomalous" objects/beings and the efforts of the SCP Foundation to contain them and...

      For those who've not heard of it, the scp wiki is a community-based collaborative writing effort based around "anomalous" objects/beings and the efforts of the SCP Foundation to contain them and protect the general public. Users can submit and vote on articles about SCPs, written in the style of research/containment notes. Some popular entries are SCP-173, SCP-87 and SCP-682, alongside a few more abstract and lighter entries.

      Anyone want to share some SCP entries they've enjoyed reading? SCP-3515 is the most recent I've read and I'd definitely recommend it.

      30 votes
    5. If you could start a conversation about anything you'd like, what would it be?

      We've all got our interests and things we spend a lot of time thinking about, but often they require either an external or internal catalyst to spark a comment or a post in and of itself. What...

      We've all got our interests and things we spend a lot of time thinking about, but often they require either an external or internal catalyst to spark a comment or a post in and of itself.

      What would you like to talk about? What interests or preoccupies you? What do you think is neat, or terrible?

      26 votes
    6. Do you wear glasses?

      I'm nearsighted and I have a -1.25 rx. I don't need to wear them all the time, but I love it when everything is well defined.

      22 votes
    7. What's a good habit that you're proud of? What's a bad one that you want to change?

      thought it would be interesting to hear some of your guys' habits in day to day life. feel free to answer only one of the questions if you feel uncomfortable or anything :) these are mine: the...

      thought it would be interesting to hear some of your guys' habits in day to day life.
      feel free to answer only one of the questions if you feel uncomfortable or anything :)

      these are mine:
      the good habit is definitely walking for 20 minutes every day.
      and the bad one is not sleeping enough.

      27 votes
    8. What do you look forward to in your week?

      This can be anything, I'll accept "relaxing in front of the TV with a drink" as an answer. Personally I've grown fond of Wednesdays, because that's when I sometimes get me a sandwich from my...

      This can be anything, I'll accept "relaxing in front of the TV with a drink" as an answer.

      Personally I've grown fond of Wednesdays, because that's when I sometimes get me a sandwich from my favorite place, and Sundays because that's when I often go to play board-games with some old friends.

      Do you have something you look forward to in your week? Or maybe some advice for people who are looking for something to look forward to?

      26 votes
    9. What is the most flagrant example of conceited "bullshit" you've ever encountered?

      Today I stumbled upon a pdf of Peter Arnell's redesign of the Pepsi logo, touted by a person on twitter as "the height of human bullshit". And it reminded me of the time I worked at a small...

      Today I stumbled upon a pdf of Peter Arnell's redesign of the Pepsi logo, touted by a person on twitter as "the height of human bullshit". And it reminded me of the time I worked at a small start-up company, where these kinds of overblown but substantially empty ideas were common currency.

      So I'm wondering: do any of you have any funny or interesting stories of encounters with these kinds of things.

      21 votes
    10. The ten pills

      hey everyone! found this interesting post on /r/6perks, and i wanted to share it here and see what ideas get shared. You wake up in a chemist's lab. In front of you is a table with 10...

      hey everyone! found this interesting post on /r/6perks, and i wanted to share it here and see what ideas get shared.

      You wake up in a chemist's lab. In front of you is a table with 10 different-coloured pills. You may only choose 3. A warning label notifies you that taking more than 3 will cause instant combustion.

      Which do you choose, and why?

      🔵 Future Pill 🔵

      You can see 10 years into the future or any time sooner, whenever you want. You can see any part of the world.

      🔴 Xray Pill 🔴

      You gain the ability to see through anything as far as you can normally see. Works at any layer.

      🔸 Fly Pill 🔸

      You can fly. You start at a slow speed and require time to speed up to a maximum of 100mph (161kph). You are not immune to low oxygen or harsh temperatures.

      🌿 Drug Pill 🌿

      You gain the ability to automatically be affected by any drug that exists as much as you want, no bad side effects.

      ❤ Sex Appeal Pill ❤

      Anyone you want is instantly attracted to you, you are cured of and immune to STD's. Anyone who you "do" also becomes immune, and son on. Cure the world?

      💠 Disease Immune Pill 💠

      Gives you the ability to become immune to all harmful diseases.

      💰 Money Pill 💰

      You don't become rich, nor have infinite money, but it's like you do. Every time you want to do or have something, your bank account/wallet has exactly as much money as you need.

      💮 Wish Pill 💮

      Gives you the ability to wish for one of two things: any existing object to be teleported in front of you, or for you to be teleported wherever you want. Can only be used once a week. You get a free return ticket if you teleported somewhere. You cannot wish for other pills.

      ♠️ Death Pill ♠️

      Gives you the ability to have any person of your choice killed, with no risk of consequence. Can only be used once every 5 weeks.

      🌟 Painproof Pill 🌟

      You are tougher than Wolverine after drinking green tea or eating spinach. You can still get hurt but you have Olympian-like physique, the skills of the greatest martial artists in the world, you are twice as fast, and your wounds regenerate very quickly.

      17 votes
    11. What are your plans for the best holiday of the year, Halloween?

      I freaking love Halloween. The costumes, the candy, the temperature, the pumpkins, and the whole aesthetic. I'm just testing the waters here to see how everyone else here feels about it and what...

      I freaking love Halloween. The costumes, the candy, the temperature, the pumpkins, and the whole aesthetic. I'm just testing the waters here to see how everyone else here feels about it and what ya'lls plans are.

      EDIT: haha, while my title is technically correct I meant "best" holiday, not next

      16 votes
    12. Hey everybody!

      How's it going? I feel like I don't ask enough people that question. In the replies to this post, just put down whatever's on your mind. We can have a convo or I can just look at some words and...

      How's it going?
      I feel like I don't ask enough people that question.
      In the replies to this post, just put down whatever's on your mind. We can have a convo or I can just look at some words and think "Wow, so this is the life of another guy?"

      24 votes
    13. What are the "scents of your people?"

      Hello dear people, This post was inspired by @wise's post "What are the sounds of your people" But I'd like to hear you describe the scent, aroma, fragrance, or any kind of smell that you...

      Hello dear people,

      This post was inspired by @wise's post "What are the sounds of your people"

      But I'd like to hear you describe the scent, aroma, fragrance, or any kind of smell that you associate with yours. Maybe there's some overlap with ~food, but it's not just limited to foods and drinks. I think pretty much anything deep in our memories might be tied to the impressions of scents. Maybe it's the soil after night rain, the interior of a car, the book aroma of a library, or a pet, a person... let me know.

      I'll be posting mine as a comment.

      16 votes
    14. Hey tilda swintons - what would you do if you were awarded $130,000,000 in post-tax lottery money?

      you head to the gas station to catch a 6-pack and maybe a bag of chips or some rillos. you pass the cashier a twenty, and they mention your change will get you a couple lottery tickets. you're in...

      you head to the gas station to catch a 6-pack and maybe a bag of chips or some rillos. you pass the cashier a twenty, and they mention your change will get you a couple lottery tickets. you're in a good mood and we all hate coins, so you just tell 'em you're down and to choose random numbers.

      a week later, you wake up and see the winning lottery numbers on the news.

      hopeful curiosity turns into a flooring disbelief as you pause the tv and check the numbers four times over.

      you scramble to find and unlock your phone, heading straight to google.

      "winning lottery numbers"

      "how to tell if you won the lottery"

      "lottery number checker"

      everything checks out.

      "how to claim lottery winnings"

      you go to claim your prize, and you can choose between $130,000,000 in post-tax cash now, or $210,000,000 spread equally over the next 30 years.

      which do you choose? what do you do with it?

      25 votes
    15. You are given a small machine that spits out a single chocolate chip cookie every two seconds. The machine will never stop producing cookies. How do you save the world?

      If the cookies never stop being produced, then it is logical to assume that, if unchecked, uneaten cookies will eventually choke the earth, leaving us uninhabitable. What is your plan, and how...

      If the cookies never stop being produced, then it is logical to assume that, if unchecked, uneaten cookies will eventually choke the earth, leaving us uninhabitable. What is your plan, and how long do you think we'll last in this cookie apocalypse?

      As for some general rules, the machine is impossible to break, and it can inexplicably produce cookies infinitely without having to refill on ingredients.

      27 votes
    16. What was the best change you ever made in your life?

      I'm going to be a little bit more broad on my response. It wasn't a matter of just a one-time thing or action, but a philosophy. I have a personal rule of mine to change something major about...

      I'm going to be a little bit more broad on my response. It wasn't a matter of just a one-time thing or action, but a philosophy. I have a personal rule of mine to change something major about myself at least once a year, and that could range from a job or to taking up a new hobby.

      Since taking up on this idea, this thought, I've felt better as I can see changes happening, and looking back from exactly a year ago to the date there's a lot to be impressed by. By following this new tradition I feel better as I can see constant improvement, and self-motivation to adapt, and evolve as a person.

      What was the best change you ever made in your life?

      41 votes
    17. Introductions | August 2018

      Hi all! I'm new to Tildes and thought it'd be a great idea to get to know the other Tildes users. Just post something about yourself. Maybe where you're from, what you do for a living, a hobby you...

      Hi all!
      I'm new to Tildes and thought it'd be a great idea to get to know the other Tildes users.

      Just post something about yourself. Maybe where you're from, what you do for a living, a hobby you have, anything!

      50 votes
    18. What is something you've never done, that most people probably have?

      I've never broken a bone! I've probably had minor fractures before and played it off when stubbing my toe for example, but as far as I know, I've never broken a bone. Tildes, tildites, tilidians?...

      I've never broken a bone! I've probably had minor fractures before and played it off when stubbing my toe for example, but as far as I know, I've never broken a bone.

      Tildes, tildites, tilidians? What is something you've never done?

      24 votes
    19. What negative trait or quality in a person do you find attractive?

      Something that I believe others would find to be a negative trait or personality is a person with a sense of dark and morbid humour. I tend to use dark humour a lot more than I should and...

      Something that I believe others would find to be a negative trait or personality is a person with a sense of dark and morbid humour. I tend to use dark humour a lot more than I should and sometimes have to be pretty careful around who I say it. Having friends who can take in jest with the things I say without any repercussions is great, otherwise they wouldn't last that long as friends!

      What do you consider a negative trait, quality, factor, and that you find attractive?

      7 votes
    20. Happy 4th to those in the states, family huh 🥃

      Just got in a huge argument with my aunts and uncles who are engineers (I am as well) who don't believe climate change is real. Or as my chemical engineering aunt and my emissions engineering aunt...

      Just got in a huge argument with my aunts and uncles who are engineers (I am as well) who don't believe climate change is real. Or as my chemical engineering aunt and my emissions engineering aunt put it "I don't believe carbon dioxide is a pollutant"

      What are your guys family gathering stories?

      13 votes
    21. Who was the most influential teacher in your life? And how did they influence you?

      We're finishing up the graduation season which has me thinking about some of the impactful teachers in my life. Who's someone that made a big impact on you? What lessons did they teach you or...

      We're finishing up the graduation season which has me thinking about some of the impactful teachers in my life. Who's someone that made a big impact on you? What lessons did they teach you or passions did they instill?

      7 votes
    22. Introductions | May 2018, part 2

      Hi everyone! I'm @Vibe aka /u/drkgodess on Reddit where I mod a couple of small subs. The original Introductions thread got kind of long so I'm starting a new one. What brings you to ~ ?

      37 votes
    23. Shall we have a jokes thread?

      Based on what I saw, and that user's follow up post, it doesn't seem like jokes are an unwelcome idea per se, but rather the goal is to promote discussion over low effort meme posts and one liners...

      Based on what I saw, and that user's follow up post, it doesn't seem like jokes are an unwelcome idea per se, but rather the goal is to promote discussion over low effort meme posts and one liners (I wholly support this), so shall tildes, tell me some of your favorite jokes! Dad jokes, mom jokes, dark (not racist) jokes, long and short form, what are your favorites? I prefer darker humor myself, but I'm not sure what's appropriate quite yet as far as this community is concerned...

      11 votes
    24. Introductions | June 2018

      Hey I'm @Ten and I'm an... oh wait, wrong forum. Anyways I've already introduced myself before but I wanted to start a new one so all of the new people can get in and feel welcome. I'm Ten,...

      Hey I'm @Ten and I'm an... oh wait, wrong forum.

      Anyways I've already introduced myself before but I wanted to start a new one so all of the new people can get in and feel welcome.

      I'm Ten, formerly /u/TheLetter10 and other accounts for ~8 years on Reddit. I'm 34, am disabled, trans and really messed up. I was interested in ~Tildes because I miss the early days of Reddit before it got really bogged down by memes and poor "Reddit Policy". I stream on Twitch under (original name) theletterten and can usually be found around the whole internet under that or variation of that. I have so far invited three really cool people to Tildes and I can't wait to meet more of you <3

      Also shoutout to my good friend @icecapman10

      Edit June 3rd, 151am: I have read every single comment so far and I love the different types of people we've got here! Love them!

      54 votes
    25. Introductions | May 2018, part 3

      I saw that the 2nd thread by @vibe was dying so I decided to post a new one. Howdy, my name is Odin, or /u/alibyte. I go by alibyte on absolutely everything (except here). I moved here because I...

      I saw that the 2nd thread by @vibe was dying so I decided to post a new one.

      Howdy, my name is Odin, or /u/alibyte. I go by alibyte on absolutely everything (except here). I moved here because I was sick of the blatant political bias on Reddit and the massive echo chamber it became. I'm looking forward to the future of this place :)

      37 votes