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  • Showing only topics with the tag "drinks". Back to normal view
    1. Let's talk about drinks

      Some questions to get us started: Do you drink water? Does it taste like anything? Coffee or tea? What kind? Do you put milk in it? Do you drink the alcoholic beverages? What's your drink of...

      Some questions to get us started:

      • Do you drink water? Does it taste like anything?
      • Coffee or tea? What kind? Do you put milk in it?
      • Do you drink the alcoholic beverages? What's your drink of choice?
      • Do you drink the carbonated beverages? What's your fizzy drink of choice?
      • Do you drink the fruits or the veggie or the smoothie? How you drink it?
      • Do you make a Drinky McDrinky Drink, what is it, how do you make it so I can drink it?
      • Does the word drink sound funny now?
      14 votes
    2. A layperson's introduction to Homebrewing

      Whats this about? @wanda-seldon started a thread over at ~science in hopes of generating more user created content. My plan is to post some introductions myself, in fields like mechanical...

      Whats this about?

      @wanda-seldon started a thread over at ~science in hopes of generating more user created content. My plan is to post some introductions myself, in fields like mechanical engineering and automation (is anyone interested in it anyways?). But until I feel like I would do it proper, I figured I'd try something similar with a much lower barrier of entry. I'll write about some hobbies of mine, in a way that goes more indepth about the process, but still shallow enough to function as an introduction. And if folks are interested in more in-depth stuff or pointers on where to go, I'll take care of that.

      So on todays topic, homebrewing. What is it, why would you bother, and what's actually involved in it?

      What's Homebrewing?

      Put simply, homebrewing is the art of making beer yourself. It's not really that complicated to be honest.

      Why Homebrewing?

      • It's (relatively) cheap.

      If you got a few basic kitchen items (pots, ladle, cups, etc), you already have most items needed for brewing a small quantity. A few additional tools will be required, like a food grade plastic container, a water lock, etc. but if you treat them proper they can be used for years after years. Ingredient cost is neglible.

      • Quality.

      A common reaction many have with homebrewed beer is how thick and rich in flavour it is, compared to your average supermarket beer. Especially if your experience is with light beers (in which case I believe Monty Python said it best, it's fucking close to water). It's like comparing that sad pie you can buy in the cooler section, compared to something fresh out of the oven with the sweetest fruits and crispiest crust.

      • Easy to learn, hard to master.

      If your goal is to make a good beer, you only need two "skills". Good working hygiene and patience. Beyond that, any complication you want to add is up to you. You can start with a simple ale and work your way towards horribly complicated recipes that seem more like a chemistry exam than a hobby.

      Whats actually involved in it?

      So what do you actually do? I'll keep it short, even though I could write a book if I wanted to cover everything. Brewing is made out of three phases. The actual brewing, the fermenting and the bottling.


      You mix malts (and/or barley, wheat, oats, etc) with water, which you will draw a wort from. The wort will be the basis of your beer. A wort is a bit like a tea from a tea mix in this sense. Also it's sickly sweet (so taste test on your own risk). The sugar from the malt will be what is turned into alcohol during fermentation. In a similar way, that we use fruit sugar for wines/ciders or honey for mead.

      Fun fact: In Sweden and Norway, elks drunk on rotten (fermented) fruit they eat from the ground is a rare but real phenomena.

      Once you have a wort, the wort is boiled up and hops are supplied. Usually hops are divided in two categories. Bitter hops and aroma hops. Though that has more to do with when you add hops in the brewing process. The hops add flavour primarily from the oils (which give the fresh and fruity taste) and the resin (which gives the bitter taste). The resin takes a certain amount of boiling time to properly release, so hops added early in the process will contribute to bitterness.

      The liquid is then cooled and stored in a container with a bit of yeast. That marks the start of the fermentation period.


      Fermentation is fairly straight forward. Yeast loves sugar. And will keep eating it until most is gone. Alcohol, is a byproduct of this process.


      Once fermentation is (nearly) done, the beer is transferred into bottles. After a few days of waiting, a pressure should have built inside your bottles which will create the nice bubbliness we know from beers. Toss on a label if you wan't to brag and want to make sure that graphical designer education was not for naught.

      Swell, how do I get into it?

      How do you get into it? Technically speaking, you could start with no-mash brewing. Though I would recommend against it, as it takes out the charm of actually brewing, since you just add water and call it a day. Alternatively, there are several good sources on this. The american homebrewers association for instance have a good quick guide for some instructions. Though if you wan't to go serious about it, I recommend to read up on the specific processes, and what influences them.


      Does it sound interesting? Bring a buddy, and make a day of it. Make your own labels too if you wan't to brag to friends and family. If you have questions, I will answer anything. Need help setting up or want a plan, I can help with that too.

      Edit: Would recommend reading @piratepants comment in the comment section. It expands a lot of the things mentioned here, and goes a lot more into the actual processes while brewing. If you got this far, it's worth continueing.

      24 votes
    3. Review of some Vahdam’s Masala Chai teas

      Masala chai (commonly and somewhat falsley abbreviated to just “chai”) literally means “spice mix tea” – and this is what this review is about. I got myself a selection of Vahdam’s masala chais...

      Masala chai (commonly and somewhat falsley abbreviated to just “chai”) literally means “spice mix tea” – and this is what this review is about. I got myself a selection of Vahdam’s masala chais and kept notes of each one I tried. Some came in the Chai Tea Sampler and others I either already bought before or were a free sample that came with some other order.

      Classical CTC BOP

      CTC BOP is usually cheaper than more delicately processed whole leaves. Although the common perception is that it is of lower quality than e.g. FTGFOP or even just FOP or OP for that matter, the fact is that they simply a different method with a different outcome. You can get away with breaking cheaper leaves, though, than whole.

      Also bare in mind that while BOP is the most common broken leaf grade, there are several more.

      It makes for a stronger brew and a more robust flavour– ideal for breakfast teas. The down-side is that it can coat your tongue. But if you want to recycle it, the second steep will be much lighter.

      Original Chai Spiced Black Tea Masala Chai

      The quintessential masala chai – the strength of the CTC BOP, paired with the classic mix of spices. A great daily driver and a true classic, but for my personal taste a tiny bit too light on the spice.

      Ingredients: CTC BOP black tea, cardamom, clove, cinnamon, black pepper

      Double Spice Masala Chai Spiced Black Tea

      Same as India’s Original Masala Chai above, but with a bigger amount of spice. Of the two I definitely prefer this one.

      Ingredients: CTC BOP black tea, cardamom, clove, cinnamon, black pepper

      Fennel Spice Masala Chai Spiced Black Tea

      Due to the fennel, the overall taste reminds me a lot of Slovenian cinnamon-honey cookies[^medenjaki], which we traditionally bake for Christmas. The odd bit is the cookies do not include the fennel at all, but most of the other spices in a classic masala chai (minus pepper). I suppose the fennel sways it a bit to the sweet honey-like side.

      In short, I really liked the fennel variation – could become firm winter favourite of mine.

      Ingredients: CTC BOP black tea, fennel, cardamom, clove, cinnamon, black pepper

      [^medenjaki]: The Slovenian name is “medenjaki” and the closest thing the English cuisine has to offer is probably gingerbread.

      Saffron Premium Masala Chai Spiced Black Tea

      When I saw the package I thought that saffron was more of a marketing gimmick and I would only find a strand or two in the whole 10g package. But no! The saffron’s pungence punches you in the face – in a good way. It felt somewhat weird to put sugar and milk into it, so strong is the aroma.

      Personally, I really like it and it does present an interesting savoury twist. It is a taste that some might love and others might hate though.

      Ingredients: CTC BOP black tea, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, saffron, almonds

      Earl Grey Masala Chai Spiced Black Tea

      I am (almost) always game for a nice spin on an Earl Grey. In this case, the standard masala complements the bergamot surprisingly well and in a way where none of the two particularly stand out too much.

      The combination works so well that it would feel wrong to call it a spiced-up Earl Grey or a earl-grey’d masala chai. It is a pleasantly lightly spiced, somewhat citrusy and fresh blend that goes well with or without milk.

      Ingredients: CTC BOP black tea, bergamot, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, black pepper

      Cardamom Chai Masala Chai Spiced Black Tea

      Now, this one is interesting because it only has two ingredients – black tea and cardamom. While not as complex in aroma as most others, it is interesting how much freshness and sweetness a quality cardamom pod can carry.

      I found it equally enjoyable with milk and sugar or without any of the two.

      Ingredients: CTC BOP Assam black tea, cardamom

      Sweet Cinnamon Massala Chai Black Tea

      Similar to their Cardamom Chai, it is a masala chai with very few ingredients. The cinnamon and cardamom get allong very well and while it lacks the complexity of a full masala/spice mix, it is a very enjoyable blend.

      Recommended especially if you like your masala chai not too spicy, but sweet.

      Ingredients: CTC BOP Assam black tea, cardamom, cinnamon

      Ortodox black

      What is described with “orthodox” usually means a whole leaf grade, starting with OP. These are much weaker than CTC, but therefore bring out the more delicate flavours. It is a bigger challenge therefore to make sure spices do not push the flavour of the tea too much into the back-seat.

      Because the leaves are whole, as a rule you can get more steeps out of them than of broken leaves.

      Assam Spice Masala Chai Spiced Black Tea

      The more refined spin on the classic masala chai – with whole leaves of a quality Assam, it brings a smoothness and mellowness that the CTC cannot achieve. Because of that the spices are a bit more pronounced, which in my opinion is not bad at all. The quality of the leaf also results in a much better second steep compared to the CTC.

      Most definitely a favourite for me.

      Ingredients: FTGFOP1 Assam black tea, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, black pepper

      Tulsi Basil Organic Masala Chai Spiced Black Tea

      I have not had the pleasure of trying tulsi[^basil] and regarding masala chais, this is a very peculiar blend. The taste of the Assam is quite well hidden behind the huge bunch of herbs. In fact, for some reason it reminds me more of the Slovenian Mountain Tea than of of a masala chai.

      In the end, the combination is quite pleasant and uplifting.

      What I found fascinating is that it tastes very similar both with milk and sugar, and without any of the two.

      Ingredients: organic Assam black tea, tulsi basil, cinnamon, ginger, clove, cardamom, black pepper, long pepper, bay leaves, nutmeg

      [^basil]: For more about tulsi – or holy basil, as they call it in some places – see its Wikipedia entry.

      Darjeeling Spice Masala Chai Spiced Black Tea

      As expected, the Darjeeling version is much lighter and works well also without milk, or even sugar. Still, a tiny cloud of milk does give it that extra smoothness and mellowness. It is not over-spiced, and the balance is quite well. The taste of cloves (and perhaps pepper) are just slightly more pronounced, but as a change that is quite fun. It goes very well with the muscatel of the Darjeeling.

      Ingredients: SFTGFOP1 Darjeeling black tea, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, black pepper


      Maharani Chai Spiced Oolong Tea

      Despite the fancy abbreviation, IMHO the oolong tea itself in this blend is not one you would pay high prices as a stand-alone tea. Still, I found the combination interesting. If nothing else, it is interesting to have a masala chai that can be drank just as well without milk and sugar as with them.

      Personally, I found the spice a bit to strong in this blend for the subtle tea it was combined with. I actually found the second steep much more enjoyable.

      Ingredients: SFTGFOP1 Oolong tea, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, black pepper


      Kashmiri Kahwa Masala Chai Spiced Green Tea

      A very enjoyable and refreshing blend, which I enjoyed without milk or sugar. The saffron is not as heavy as in the Saffron Premium Masala Chai, but goes really well with the almonds and the rest of the spices.

      When I first heard of Kashmiri Kahwa, I saw a recipe that included rose buds, so in the future I might try adding a few.

      Ingredients: FTGFOP1 green tea, cardamom, cinnamon, saffron, almonds

      Green Tea Chai

      As is to be expected, the green variety of the Darjeeling masala chai is even lighter than its black Darjeeling counterpart. The spice is well-balanced, with cinnamon and cloves perhaps being just a bit more accentuated. This effect is increased when adding milk.

      It goes pretty well without milk or sugar and can be steeped multiple times. Adding either or both works fine as well though.

      Quite an enjoyable tea, but personally, in this direction, I prefer either the Kashmiri Kahwa or the “normal” Darjeeling Spice masala chais.

      Ingredients: FTGFOP1 darjeeling green tea, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, black pepper


      • BOP]: Broken Orange Pekoe
      • FOP: Flowery Orange Pekoe
      • OP: Orange Pekoe
      • CTC: Crush, Tear, Curl
      • FTGFOP: Finest Tippy Golder Flowery Orange Pekoe
      • FTGFOP1: Finest Tippy Golder Flowery Orange Pekoe (1st grade)
      • SFTGFOP1: Superior Finest Tippy Golder Flowery Orange Pekoe (1st grade)
      10 votes
    4. Trying to become healthier

      Hey everyone. I keep a pretty rigorous watch on my calories and I am a vegetarian, so a lot of my meals consist of just vegetables. I am mostly healthy, but I have the hardest time kicking my only...

      Hey everyone. I keep a pretty rigorous watch on my calories and I am a vegetarian, so a lot of my meals consist of just vegetables. I am mostly healthy, but I have the hardest time kicking my only real vice: soda. I love it, and I may even be addicted. I gave it up last year for lent, but after my 40 days I immediately started drinking it again. I'm trying to cut back my sugar intake, and I keep finding ways to rationalize drinking it. Anyone out there with tips on how I can kick it for good?

      12 votes
    5. What’s your desert island beer?

      You probably know the drill, but in case not - you get an unlimited supply of one specific beer to drink when marooned on an island - presumably til death. I love California blondes. I want to try...

      You probably know the drill, but in case not - you get an unlimited supply of one specific beer to drink when marooned on an island - presumably til death.

      I love California blondes. I want to try some others that ~ loves, and thought other folks might like to do the same.

      Firestone Walker 805 for me. You?

      edit: just to say, oops, not dessert...desert.

      11 votes
    6. "In Bloom" Puer Tea of Jingmai, Yunnan, China - by Bitterleaf Teas

      Any other puer tea fans? This is a 250g beeng ("cake") of pressed sheng puer tea by Bitterleaf Teas from the Jingmai area of Yunnan, produced last spring, so it has settled into itself quite...

      Any other puer tea fans?

      This is a 250g beeng ("cake") of pressed sheng puer tea by Bitterleaf Teas from the Jingmai area of Yunnan, produced last spring, so it has settled into itself quite nicely.

      Don't know what puer is? Puer tea is a Yunnan, China specific tea that is very unique. It is processed differently than the more common white, green, oolong, and black teas. It is valued for its capacity to be aged for years (to decades) transforming through oxidation and fermentation into something much darker, earthier, smoother, and funkier. It is also consumed young for its fresh, floral, fruity, pungent, bitter, vegetal, and/or pleasantly musky green tea-like qualities. Traditionally, this type of tea was pressed into these cakes for ease of transport, and that tradition has held up (also makes it easier for modern shipping due to the dramatically reduced volume of the tea upon pressing). I use a letter opener to pry away several grams of the tea, and brew using gongfu methods. ( If you're curious, I posted more about this over here on the creative tilde )

      This is a very nice tea packed with floral aroma (hence the name "In Bloom"). Great tea from a great producer. I can't say enough good things about Bitterleaf. They can be a bit pricey, but its because of their dedication to producing teas from high quality material.

      7 votes