11 votes
Amid marijuana legalization, a civic problem lingers: that smell
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US President Joe Biden pardons thousands on federal marijuana charges, commutes others
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Oregon launches legal psilocybin access amid high demand and hopes for improved mental health care
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Australia legalises psychedelics for mental health
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Giant California greenhouse signals a big bet on cannabis legalization
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Germany plans to legalise recreational cannabis
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Minnesota lawmakers voted to legalize THC edibles. Some did it accidentally.
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Germany moves ahead with plan to legalize cannabis sales
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"37 Seconds" - Legalize Marijuana - Gary Chambers political ad
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More young kids are getting sick from cannabis edibles
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Malta becomes first EU nation to legalise cannabis for recreational use
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Vihreä liitto become first party in the Finnish Parliament to call for legalisation of cannabis – initiative approved at party conference by narrowest possible majority 183-181
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New York just legalized marijuana. Here are the prime acquisition targets and the types of deals you can expect.
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What separates people that have positive and negative experiences with drugs? Which drugs tend to give people more positive or negative experiences?
(I don't personally have any interest in trying much of anything if anyone interprets this post as such. And yes, 'drugs' is a general/vague and loaded term and I might be asking too much in a...
(I don't personally have any interest in trying much of anything if anyone interprets this post as such. And yes, 'drugs' is a general/vague and loaded term and I might be asking too much in a single topic)
My opinion on drug legalization was generally summed up as pro-legalization, but really because just banning everything doesn't work and generally just understood drugs as bad.
However, I often hear people talking about drugs as giving them new experiences, enhancing sensations and generally being fun.
However, being Brazilian/Latin American, drugs here are often associated with illegal traffic, gangs, poverty, crime, among other bad things and, unlike in the US and Europe, this is generally something that is exterior to us, nor a position held overwhelmingly by social conservatives who rant about "the devil's lettuce", because it affects poor people (although, yes, that's also true in the US).
So back to the title question:
What separates people that have positive and negative experiences with drugs?
The 3 obvious differences are:
The drugs used. Drug gangs traffic stuff like cocaine and areas like [the] Cracolândia are populated by people dependent on crack, while people advocate for legalization of weed or psychedelics which are very different and "weed is no worse than alcohol" is confirmed to be truth and has been for a while. A question I have concerning this is what separates 'good' drugs from 'bad' drugs?
Preparation, since obviously you don't want to be high at work
(or asking for help on a Tildes thread, that happened.)A question I have in that area is what preparations do people take before taking weed or DMT and other drugs.Their motivations for taking drugs, since a lot of the bad examples come from people taking drugs to fill holes in their lives, while good examples are the vast majority of the time recreational (aka, for fun.)
Are there any other differences anyone wants to delineate?
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Oregon legalizes psilocybin mushrooms (for therapeutic purposes) and decriminalizes all drugs
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Family of teen who died from Ecstacy support legalisation
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Israeli election: Far-right, pro-cannabis libertarian may be kingmaker
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Mexican government officials visit Canada to learn about marijuana legalization
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Canada becomes second country to legalise recreational marijuana
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What commercialization is doing to cannabis | Ben Cort
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Medicinal cannabis products to be legalised
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New Vermont legalization law sparks 'gift' delivery service
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How do you guys feel about medical marijuana in the states being legalized?
I've been researching into the topic recently, and I wanted to see how other people felt about it.
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Canada legalises recreational cannabis use
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One party is dreading marijuana legalization: the Marijuana party. They won the very battle it was established to fight. But its leaders insist the resistance continues against ‘prohibition 2.0’
3 votes