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    1. With new groups just being added, is almost impossible to see what you are subscribed to at a quick glance.

      You have to look for the (d) at the end of Subscribe on the Browse The List Of Groups page. Please change the wording to say Unsubscribe, put a dashed box around it, change the color or something....

      You have to look for the (d) at the end of Subscribe on the Browse The List Of Groups page. Please change the wording to say Unsubscribe, put a dashed box around it, change the color or something.

      Edit: Someone in my house mentioned that they are different colors. Please choose a different color as it is not color-blind friendly :)

      10 votes
    2. Absence of geographic or political groups

      The absence of geographic or political groups is notable. Is this because of the early stages of development & growth? Is it a deliberate choice? I'm as keen as anyone for this place to not become...

      The absence of geographic or political groups is notable. Is this because of the early stages of development & growth? Is it a deliberate choice?

      I'm as keen as anyone for this place to not become yet another den of intolerance. Does not having those groups help in avoiding such a descent or does it risk becoming a feel-good but ultimately uninformative echo chamber?

      13 votes
    3. Are noise tags turning into a de facto downvote?

      I'm fairly new to the site as I came in from the hackernews post a fortnight ago. I enjoyed the fact that this site doesn't have downvotes. However, when I am reading through posts I am seeing the...

      I'm fairly new to the site as I came in from the hackernews post a fortnight ago. I enjoyed the fact that this site doesn't have downvotes. However, when I am reading through posts I am seeing the noise tag on multiple posts that don't seem to merit it, with examples linked below. The comments aren't literary masterpieces by any stretch, but they are concerning the topic on hand. The noise tag appears to be getting used as a downvote or "I disagree" button.

      I know the user that was the first ban also used the noise tag this way, but this seems to be a more wide spread issue than one user. We can't prevent a de facto downvote tag from appearing organically everywhere. Eventually sub communities will form around a tilde and adopt a tag as a downvote, the same way all online communities change the meaning of some word or tool they already have. I don't think that we want this to be a standard tildes wide behavior however.

      How should we go about preventing the use of tags as downvotes like this? Stricter moderation? Removing tags with negative connotations? Making tags visible only if they reach a certain threshold?


      46 votes
    4. Minor Suggestion: special @OP user

      It would be neat if typing '@op' inside a topic resulted in a link to the profile of that topic's poster. So, in this topic, @OP and @elf would be equivalent. Also sorry @deimos for spamming...

      It would be neat if typing '@op' inside a topic resulted in a link to the profile of that topic's poster. So, in this topic, @OP and @elf would be equivalent.

      Also sorry @deimos for spamming ~tildes with suggestions (not actually sorry though.)

      20 votes
    5. Suggestion: Special anonymous group

      I think it would be fun to have an ~anon group, with the feature that all topics and replies are shown as being posted by 'anonymous'. It might need more active moderation than other ~groups...

      I think it would be fun to have an ~anon group, with the feature that all topics and replies are shown as being posted by 'anonymous'. It might need more active moderation than other ~groups though, and it would need to develop its own identity so it isn't just an anonymous replica of the rest of ~s.

      16 votes
    6. Suggestion: Keep a list of groups you are subscribed to on the right when looking at a group

      It's kind of awkward to have to go to the main tildes page then click to one of the ~groups to navigate between groups. Either having the home bar under the group bar on the right, or having a...

      It's kind of awkward to have to go to the main tildes page then click to one of the ~groups to navigate between groups. Either having the home bar under the group bar on the right, or having a list of other ~groups on the top (possibly customizable, RES style?) would fix this.

      4 votes
    7. Text formatting: Escaping tildes or ats

      I don't think this is super high priority, but it'd be nice to be able to escape the ~ or @ symbols so that something isn't automatically turned into a link to a group/user. For example, I noticed...

      I don't think this is super high priority, but it'd be nice to be able to escape the ~ or @ symbols so that something isn't automatically turned into a link to a group/user. For example, I noticed in a comment I made that ~ers gets automatically turned into a link to the non-existent 'ers' group. I think if I write \~ers then it should not be linked. (E.g. ~ers)

      12 votes
    8. Two minor design suggestions

      I'll keep it short: Comments box on top of the comments section. I realized that it might put more emphasis on reading before commenting, but sometimes reading can be too tedious. Some of the...

      I'll keep it short:

      1. Comments box on top of the comments section. I realized that it might put more emphasis on reading before commenting, but sometimes reading can be too tedious. Some of the posts here reach 50+ comments, which can be a bit tedious to scroll past. The comments will only increase in number from now on. EDIT: It appear's this is a deliberate design choice for the reason that I guessed. Still hoped we got a choice, though.

      2. Hide all child comments (like RES would allow on Reddit)


      7 votes
    9. Feedback: Confusing tab names

      Adjacent open tildes tabs are confusing to browse. The tab for every group is named Topics of ~group instead of just the name of the group. I've been accused of nitpicking on very minor first...

      Adjacent open tildes tabs are confusing to browse.

      The tab for every group is named Topics of ~group instead of just the name of the group.

      I've been accused of nitpicking on very minor first world problems. I agree. I really like the site, and it's so well-designed that I have no complaints apart from very few minor pet peeves with the design. I'm just discussing the features and enjoying the conversations that stem from my feedback.

      12 votes
    10. Mod tools growing with user 'tools'

      So, new here and looking around but haven't seen this addressed yet (though could be wrong! Happy to be linked if I missed something) One common failure I've seen in online communities of various...

      So, new here and looking around but haven't seen this addressed yet (though could be wrong! Happy to be linked if I missed something)

      One common failure I've seen in online communities of various sorts is that moderation tools don't get grown in parallel with user tools and abilities, rather they lag behind, and are often in the end built by third parties. This is the case with Reddit, but also in a bunch of other areas (e.g. online gaming, admin tools were often built to basically provide functionality that users realised were needed but makers did not).

      I get the impression there are plenty of reddit mods here, so can we discuss what are the key features needed to moderate communities that would be better built in than coming from third party tools (RES, toolbox) . A lot of these aren't needed with 100 users but with a million they become pretty crucial.

      My initial thoughts:

      • Something not dissimilar to the automod
      • Group user tagging (shared tagging visible to all mods, tags can be linked to specific discussions/comments)
      • Ability to reply as a 'tilde' not as an individual
      • Ability to have canned responses/texts (for removals, for replies to user contacts)
      • Some sort of ticket-like system for dealing with user contacts to mods (take inspiration from helpdesk ticket systems)
      • (added) space per tilde for storage (tags, notes, bans, canned text etc) of reasonable size.

      Plenty more to add I am sure but wanted to open the discussion.

      10 votes
    11. RSS Feeds

      One of my favorite features of sites is the ability to grab an RSS feed and plug it into my Outlook at work to keep up with what's happening. Is this something other people do as well?

      8 votes
    12. On the upcoming trust system

      The trust system is something that I'm looking forward to for several reasons. It allows for community moderation that is "decentralized" to a point. It takes pressure off of the admins to police...

      The trust system is something that I'm looking forward to for several reasons. It allows for community moderation that is "decentralized" to a point. It takes pressure off of the admins to police content. The possibility of being able to ensure that quality content remains the core product of this site. There are also negatives like the possibility of creating a "power user" class that is resented by the rest of the user base or the potential for misuse by those with the power. Along with some more complex issues such as disagreements between trusted users about how to interpret and curate content. These are all things that we as a community should iron out before a larger scale rollout of this system.

      What I wanna talk about today is something a little bit different tho. From my experience with other sites that have achievable user class "upgrades", there will, almost no matter what the precautions put in place, be users that will game the system to rise up through the ranks as quickly as possible. From my point of view, as long as there is a system, written or not, about what needs to be done to achieve the "Trusted" status, there will be users that will do their best to get their as quickly as possible. There are a few ways that this can be looked at:

      • It's fine because while they may not be contributing for the "right" reasons, they are still acting in what is seen as a positive manner in the community.
      • Concern that because they are only working towards the status symbol "Trusted" that they are not going to be acting in the best interests of the website, but in the interests of keeping the status.
      • Wanting to keep this kind of behavior to an absolute minimum because want everything should be as ideal as possible.

      While this discussion is had on a fairly regular basis, the consensus seems to be that it is a necessary evil to endure because it would be both too much work to police/figure out who is acting for the right reasons (even standardizing what the "right reasons" are is hard).

      The way this can be combated by having requirements that would be deemed too much work for most of the people who are just in it for the status and not for the site. The issue with this solution is that it can make it very difficult for those who truly care about the site to maintain the position that allows them to curate and keep the site in the condition that we aim for.

      In the end I think that the deteriorating system will solve at least a portion of these problems because those who are just in it for the status symbol are often likely to quit trying after they are achieve the goal they want. This leads to periods of inactivity, and therefore, decay.

      I wanted to post this to see what the greater community had to think about this.

      20 votes
    13. Tree-Based Commenting Systems & Quickly Decaying Threads

      I've been browsing Tildes a bit today and, overall, am enthusiastic about what I've seen. However, while reading a thread, a thought popped into my head that was evocative of an issues Reddit and...

      I've been browsing Tildes a bit today and, overall, am enthusiastic about what I've seen. However, while reading a thread, a thought popped into my head that was evocative of an issues Reddit and other tree-based systems suffer from — thread freshness and activity over time both decay quickly.

      While reading the thread, I thought "I would comment, but there already seem to be a lot of comments here. If I reply to a specific tree, then that limits people who might see it and respond. Even a top-level comment probably won't be likely to get much of a response."

      On Reddit, this leads to repost after repost of the same content in brand new threads, as the activity level of a thread decays and the thread is lost. It looks like one way you intend to combat this is with different sorting methods (Newest, Activity) over various time periods (all time, last 3 days, etc.). Do users feel that this will be effective enough itself, or do they have other ideas to combat this issue?

      The way I generally see it, linear threads often beat out tree threads when it comes to keeping threads alive without users having to read through a lot of crap to figure out what the current topic of discussion is, and where it's taking place. (Linear threading models to think of are phpBB, vBulletin, IP.Board, and their ilk. Tree threading models are sites like Reddit, Slashdot, or Shacknews. There are also hybrids, like Metafilter. Please share other examples and their pros/cons.)

      In a tree system, I've often experienced the following sequence:

      1. Read all top-level replies
      2. Read most sub-level replies
      3. Find where in the tree the most recent discussion is occurring
      4. Realize it's not coherently taking place in one tree
      5. Decide not to reply

      While in a linear threading system:

      1. Read past 2–3 pages of replies to get caught up
      2. Add a reply

      Alternatively, the linear threading sequence can also be:

      1. Read entire thread to see how it's evolved over time
      2. Add a reply

      An added benefit that is usually concomitant to a linear threading system is that threads are easy to "reactivate" (AKA gravedig) — simply add a new reply and the thread gets bumped up the stack for all users. This is not an exclusive benefit of a linear system. It could likely be made to work with a tree system too. The Activity sorting method may be related, though it's unclear how this functions.

      15 votes
    14. User activity

      I am really curious to see how this site grows as time goes on. Is there any way to see the amount of active/total users over the next few months? I like looking at charts lol. Maybe even a...

      I am really curious to see how this site grows as time goes on. Is there any way to see the amount of active/total users over the next few months? I like looking at charts lol. Maybe even a personal chart showing how each users invites branch over time also?

      13 votes
    15. Why the lack of love for mobile apps?

      I am personally a strong proponent/user of mobile apps, there probably aren't any websites that I frequent on a regular basis that I don't use an app for (other than tildes for now), plus there...

      I am personally a strong proponent/user of mobile apps, there probably aren't any websites that I frequent on a regular basis that I don't use an app for (other than tildes for now), plus there are some pretty strong advantages to mobile apps.

      With that said, I'm just wondering why the official standing is against having a mobile app. Is it a resource thing (non-profit donation supported), small footprint thing (only 350 lines of JS), ideological thing (apps are counter intuitive)? Any ideas?

      16 votes
    16. Userstyle issues

      I had a look at the available themes and being a person who is sometimes inclined to rice, decided to port my colourscheme to tildes using the Stylish firefox extension. Unfortunately, Content...

      I had a look at the available themes and being a person who is sometimes inclined to rice, decided to port my colourscheme to tildes using the Stylish firefox extension. Unfortunately,
      Content Security Policy: The page's settings blocked the loading of a resource at self ("style-src")

      comes up in the debugger on every page. How can I work around this?

      5 votes
    17. We're starting to see a lot of repeat questions, so let me make an introduction to Tildes post for everyone just arriving

      It's been an interesting couple of weeks while we all decompress post-reddit and think about the future of democratic online forums. Most of the relevant topics have already been discussed in...

      It's been an interesting couple of weeks while we all decompress post-reddit and think about the future of democratic online forums. Most of the relevant topics have already been discussed in multiple threads, and rather than having repeats, I'd like to invite everyone to comment on these threads themselves - and to read the comments that are already there. You'll find most of the solutions we've been thinking about explained in some detail, and we do want your feedback on these ideas to help make them better.

      I suggest you bookmark this page. This thread is getting a bit lost in the shuffle, and it's really the best nexus of information about tildes we have at the moment. It'll take you quite a while to read all of this, so since we don't have 'save posts' here yet, a bookmark will have to do. We're also updating the links here as new discussions form. If you think a discussion should be added here, please reply to this thread with the link and I'll take care of editing it into the main post. When you see new users asking repeat questions, please link them to this post. Thanks for your patience while we work through all of this. :)

      Let's get started.

      And, of course, our first ban. In fact we're up to two now.

      It's not all serious, though!

      Please do take some time to browse through everything in ~tildes. It's a cross between theoryofreddit, ideasfortheadmins, and announcements. That's where we talk turkey. There's a new discussion there every day.

      I also want to make one important contrast about what this site intends to be.

      Reddit and Voat: Democratic republic based on popularity. 'Free speech' forums.
      Tidles: Democratic meritocracy based on quality. 'Civil speech' forum.

      Enjoy yourselves, post some content, make some new friends. This sweet honeymoon phase won't last forever, and it's one of the best parts of a new site. Remember, as long as you're civil here, you are never going to have any problems.

      60 votes
    18. Mark all as read

      Can we get a "Mark all as read" for notifications? I certainly haven't run into an issue where I need it yet, but I foresee wanting that feature in the future. Also, so far I'm really loving the...

      Can we get a "Mark all as read" for notifications? I certainly haven't run into an issue where I need it yet, but I foresee wanting that feature in the future.

      Also, so far I'm really loving the platform.

      6 votes
    19. Mod tools? Group customizability?

      I'm curious to what extent group mods will be able to customize how groups work. One thing I think is very limited about Reddit is its very limited, constrained format. Some communities might be...

      I'm curious to what extent group mods will be able to customize how groups work. One thing I think is very limited about Reddit is its very limited, constrained format. Some communities might be better served with different options. Is there a doc explaining what is planned?

      4 votes
    20. Something Fishy with Visited (Purple) Links

      It appears that the visited links do not persist between the homepage and individual groups, for example if I click a topic in ~tildes, then go to the home page page and view said topic, it won't...

      It appears that the visited links do not persist between the homepage and individual groups, for example if I click a topic in ~tildes, then go to the home page page and view said topic, it won't be purple, and vice versa.

      5 votes
    21. Saving and searching

      So far, Tildes is creating a lot of good discussion, but it's lacking a way to "retrace your steps" and get back to old threads that were worth remembering. Either a search function, or save...

      So far, Tildes is creating a lot of good discussion, but it's lacking a way to "retrace your steps" and get back to old threads that were worth remembering.

      Either a search function, or save function would come in very handy here.

      I'd like to see the ability to save comments made a first class feature here, rather than an upgrade as it is on Reddit.

      7 votes
    22. Feature Request: Markdown preview

      I'm not sure if it's a vanilla reddit feature or if it comes from RES, but I've become reliant upon the preview that shows up under a comment box that renders your response through markdown so you...

      I'm not sure if it's a vanilla reddit feature or if it comes from RES, but I've become reliant upon the preview that shows up under a comment box that renders your response through markdown so you can see the formatting before you post it. This doesn't need to be real-time, since that would likely detract from the "lightweight" technical goal, but I feel like it might be useful

      11 votes
    23. Sense of Humor

      Having a sense of humor can be very positive for a discussion, but how do we go about that without discussions degrading into reddit-esque meme chains? EDIT: Will users have to tag every single...

      Having a sense of humor can be very positive for a discussion, but how do we go about that without discussions degrading into reddit-esque meme chains?

      EDIT: Will users have to tag every single comment in a chain as a joke? Will all comments in a chain be hidden if the first one has a tag and I filter based in it?

      12 votes
    24. Feature request: "Mark all as read"

      I just recently noticed the "mark as read" link for replies so now I have dozens of old "new replies" and it would be great if I didn't have to go back and click every single one of them.

      12 votes
    25. Hide topic?

      For reddit maniac like me, I'd like to hide posts because I've already seen them. Then the next time I hit F5 I can browser all fresh contents.

      5 votes
    26. Daily Tildes discussion - on civility, political content, and over-extrapolating

      Geez, I said I was hoping to keep these daily discussions a little "lighter" on the weekend, but that's definitely not working out this weekend. Yesterday's thread is getting awfully large, so I...

      Geez, I said I was hoping to keep these daily discussions a little "lighter" on the weekend, but that's definitely not working out this weekend.

      Yesterday's thread is getting awfully large, so I think it will be good to use this one to continue with some specific topics from that one, instead of trying to keep it in there where it's pretty unwieldy (I definitely need to do some work on handling large threads better).

      There are 3 things I want to try to clarify and start discussion on:

      1. Whether someone is civil or not is absolutely not the only factor in whether they're going to be welcome. Multiple people in the other thread seem to be jumping to the conclusion of "this means that as long as someone says it politely, they've got free rein, and we have to treat all their statements as valid!" That's not true at all. So how can we try to make this more clear? Are there particular rules or guidelines that we could put in place to help separate reasonable conversations from "just asking questions"? Are there existing communities that you think handle this well that we can try to emulate?
      2. To be completely honest, I probably haven't been paying enough attention to the political threads that have been posted so far. I'll spend some time today looking through some of the existing ones to see if issues are already coming up. We've talked previously about why political content is difficult—should we consider something like just banning "overly political" threads (at least for now) to prevent the site's culture from getting too adversarial initially? Again, is there anything else specific you think we can do or emulate to help the situation?
      3. Please try not to extrapolate too much immediately. Tildes has "really" been going for a week, I've taken one moderator/admin-like action, and there are people acting like that's already defined the site's entire future. I know everyone here is pretty passionate and excited, but try to relax a bit—the site's brand new, still very tiny, and a lot of things still need to be figured out (both for mechanics and policy). Things like "one user might be getting away with being a troll" doesn't mean that it's doomed to turn into "polite Voat". I'm not going to let that happen, but if you don't believe me that's fine—the only way I can prove it is through what actually happens, and that takes time.

      So... that's pretty scattered, but hopefully it's a decent starting point to talk about some of these topics. Let me know what you think, I definitely appreciate everyone's input so far, and it's going to be important to keep getting it regularly to make sure Tildes can stay on the right track.

      58 votes
    27. Suggestion: Edit Mode

      One of the biggest things I liked about Kuro5hin was the ability for content to initially be posted in edit mode, which encouraged edits and disallowed voting. In this way, it allowed a...

      One of the biggest things I liked about Kuro5hin was the ability for content to initially be posted in edit mode, which encouraged edits and disallowed voting. In this way, it allowed a contributor to publicly draft out a story prior to the story being judged.

      The editable story would go into a separate, opt-in view mode so that people could select whether they wanted to see (and give feedback on) immature stories and then shift (time trigger or manual publish) into the main story feed.

      With Tildes' comment-tagging system, we could probably just tag all comments made during edit mode as "edit" and allow them to be merged (or not) with the mainline commentary. I'd suggest (based on experience 20 years ago :) that the edit mode comments be not initially merged into mainline discussion.

      3 votes
    28. A quick tip for those wanting a mobile solution (at least on Android)

      I basically wanted a full screen, standalone version of the website on mobile but unfortunately Firefox's homescreen shortcuts simply open a new tab, header and all. I found Anker on the Play...

      I basically wanted a full screen, standalone version of the website on mobile but unfortunately Firefox's homescreen shortcuts simply open a new tab, header and all.

      I found Anker on the Play Store which works perfectly. I wasn't able to find anything on F-Droid but I'm sure forking one of those Facebook wrappers would be rather trivial if anyone's up to it.

      For the app icon you can get ~'s favicon here.

      13 votes
    29. Request for spoiler, strike-through and underline formatting for text posts and comments

      My apologies if this has been addressed already. I'd like to have spoiler format available for text posts and comments similar to reddit, where the spoiler part is a black box (white in night...

      My apologies if this has been addressed already. I'd like to have spoiler format available for text posts and comments similar to reddit, where the spoiler part is a black box (white in night mode) that you click on to see what it says. Strike-through and underline (which reddit doesn't have) would be really nice to have also.

      15 votes
    30. Tildes hierarchy structure

      Hi, first post - be gentle. I don't know whether this has been mentioned but I couldn't find it anywhere else. I worked on a hierarchical tree before (for customer support scripts) and after a...

      Hi, first post - be gentle. I don't know whether this has been mentioned but I couldn't find it anywhere else.

      I worked on a hierarchical tree before (for customer support scripts) and after a while the wealth of material became increasingly complex. One problem that presented itself was the difficulty of 'multiple points of entry'. There are many ways of approaching the same topic.

      In the context of Tildes, I would give a simple example of music (since that was used already). If you have a top level called ~music, your next level may be .folk, then say .Macedonia. This is how you categorise the topic.

      However, if I'm in ~Macedonia then I should be able to visit .music and then .folk but arrive at the same discussion group as above.

      By default, any two groups with the same set of identifiers, whatever the order, should point to the same location. In fact, there should be an infinite number of ways to get to any group, in theory.

      Do we want a group called ~history.Renaissance.artists.Italy.LeonardoDaVinci and also have a different group ~science.engineering.history.LeonardoDaVinci, along with 50 others about the same individual? An ability to merge disparate tildes might be useful.

      In addition, I would imagine trying to perfectly map the world of ideas and discussion into a single hierarchy is a Quixotic task, that way madness lies - especially for the nitpicky Reddit crowd. I've seen plenty discussion on this already. If it was a bit looser, we'd get to the discussion quicker, without all the 'meetings to decide on a working group name'.

      Just throwing it out there for discussion. Thanks.

      5 votes
    31. Automatically mark as read when replying

      Automatically* dammit auto-correct! I often use the notifications to reply to comments directly, opening the context link in another tab if needed. I after replying I have to explicitly 'Mark as...

      Automatically* dammit auto-correct!

      I often use the notifications to reply to comments directly, opening the context link in another tab if needed. I after replying I have to explicitly 'Mark as read'. I think it makes sense to automatically mark a notification as read when replying to it.

      If this is a common use I will happily create an issue for it on GitLab.

      6 votes
    32. Communities in other languages?

      I'm new here, so apologies if this question has already been discussed. I was wondering if there were any plans to accommodate groups that are not English-speaking? I do a decent part of my...

      I'm new here, so apologies if this question has already been discussed. I was wondering if there were any plans to accommodate groups that are not English-speaking? I do a decent part of my reditting in french and am wondering if I could eventually move completely to Tildes.

      4 votes
    33. Suggestion for next stage of new groups, ~Advice

      So this is based on experience from Reddit. I see there is ~talk , which is great, but talk is distinct from advice I think, which is more focussed and potentially a bit more serious. You could...

      So this is based on experience from Reddit. I see there is ~talk , which is great, but talk is distinct from advice I think, which is more focussed and potentially a bit more serious. You could consider ~talk.advice but i think you might have a culture/trust clash between them a bit. I think having them distinct allows for ~advice to be given in a safer space while ~talk stays more open and flexible.

      I suspect, from my experience, that you would have different behavioural patterns, conventions and broad rules in the two trees of tildes.

      5 votes
    34. Keep the votes, but lose the vote count?

      I know similar topics have been discussed, but I'd like to talk about removing the vote count OR, having the count appear after you've voted. To be clear, I'd like to keep the voting mechanism...

      I know similar topics have been discussed, but I'd like to talk about removing the vote count OR, having the count appear after you've voted. To be clear, I'd like to keep the voting mechanism as-is, just reduce the visibility of the actual number of votes.

      It's not foolproof, but it might reduce the "bandwagon" voting we're trying to avoid. I realize that vote count could still be guessed based on sorting by "most votes," but I think this is a worthwhile discussion to have.

      *Edit 2: Removed the joke I made about spamming as I think it detracts from the conversation.

      20 votes
    35. Ux: Do you guys think it is hard to navigate comments on mobile?

      Personally I have a small screen and pressing on [-] button is sometimes hard. Would be much easier if pressing on that whole title bar or even better the whole comment collapsed that chain. What...

      Personally I have a small screen and pressing on [-] button is sometimes hard. Would be much easier if pressing on that whole title bar or even better the whole comment collapsed that chain. What do you guys think?

      Edit: On Reddit mobile tapping on next to title collapsed the comments.

      5 votes
    36. Anyone else having issues with themes?

      I can't get a theme to save across sessions for the life of me, and it's bugging me. Am I doing something wrong? Can anyone else get it to work? I'm a vampire, so dark theme is the way to go.

      2 votes