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    1. What are the predominant foreign tv soaps in your country /area and what are the common plots on these shows?

      during the 90s and early 00s we had an overwhelmingly south american supply of tv soaps, their themes most commonly center around money, intrigue, poor vs rich and the evil characters are...

      during the 90s and early 00s we had an overwhelmingly south american supply of tv soaps, their themes most commonly center around money, intrigue, poor vs rich and the evil characters are cartoonishly evil and good characters are the pariahs of pariahs. Today we have Korean​ tv soaps where the theme mostly center on romcom and incredibly lighthearted and often humourous compared to the south american ones. the evil guys are not truly evil, their just the enemy because of the circumstance and the goog characters are not pariahs. my country is the Philippines by the way.

      4 votes
    2. Buffy as a template

      Buffy the Vampire Slayer series is one of my favourite series. And over the years, I can't help but notice Buffy inspirations in other TV shows, sometimes in characters, relationships, plot, and...

      Buffy the Vampire Slayer series is one of my favourite series. And over the years, I can't help but notice Buffy inspirations in other TV shows, sometimes in characters, relationships, plot, and so on.

      For example, (and my sister actually pointed this out to me), Supernatural seems to follow the conflict escalation patterns from Buffy. Both series kind of rollercoaster through the "monster of the week" to "self vs. external" (escalating big bads) to "self vs self" (e.g., addictions).

      Note: I'm not saying people are copying Buffy, just that there are certain storytelling tools that are obviously very useful and effective that Buffy shares with other works.

      What other shows/movies remain you of Buffy? What does Buffy remind you of?

      7 votes
    3. Older shows to resurrect and binge

      Over the past couple weeks I’ve gone and binged The Dick Van Dyke show on Netflix. Turns out, it’s fantastic! The writing is great and there’s all kinds of content that has been reused for modern...

      Over the past couple weeks I’ve gone and binged The Dick Van Dyke show on Netflix. Turns out, it’s fantastic! The writing is great and there’s all kinds of content that has been reused for modern sitcoms.

      What are some other older shows that folks recommend to watch and enjoy?

      18 votes
    4. Let's talk Buffy! Once More, With Spoilers.

      Inspired by an earlier thread in this post I'd love to hear what other Buffy fans think about the show. What season is best and why? What elements of the show did you love, or hate? What did the...

      Inspired by an earlier thread in this post I'd love to hear what other Buffy fans think about the show. What season is best and why? What elements of the show did you love, or hate? What did the show mean to you? Angel or Spike?

      17 votes
    5. The Expanse season finale discussion thread

      I've read the books up until Cibola Burn, so my impression comes from comparing my experience watching the story to reading it as told in print. Season 3 was incredibly rushed through and little...

      I've read the books up until Cibola Burn, so my impression comes from comparing my experience watching the story to reading it as told in print.

      Season 3 was incredibly rushed through and little of any character's motivations or thought are clarified as they still make more or less the same decisions. Two noteworthy characters (Pa, Bull) combined into one character (Drummer) whose actress only does one vocal and facial expression, which I happen to mirror every time she gets air time.

      Show Ashford, an arguably much more sensible and intelligent man than Book Ashford, is unreasonably suddenly deemed necessary to reflect Book Ashford without any clear change in motivation.

      So many things are done weirdly on the show that didn't need be done. Those are a few examples off the top of my head. What do you think?

      12 votes
    6. What are some of your favourite anime?

      Just wanted to start talking about anime in general see what people like, share some of our favourite titles and such. I propose we link to MAL or AniList since Tildes doesn't necessarily have a...

      Just wanted to start talking about anime in general see what people like, share some of our favourite titles and such. I propose we link to MAL or AniList since Tildes doesn't necessarily have a bot that would do that automatically. I'll start!

      • Shaman King was probably one of the first anime I watched alongside Pokemon back before I knew what anime was. It's a very nostalgic show for me and the english opening still gives me shivers.
      • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is something I've gotten to appreciate much more since I watched it later down the line when rediscovering anime for myself and starting to really get into it. It's one of the highest rated shows on MAL and it definitely deserves every bit of praise it gets.
      • Spirited Away and The Wind Rises. If we are talking movies, these two would probably be my picks. The former brings forward very nostalgic memories and the latter I happened to see in the theaters and I loved every second of it. I feel like most of Miyazaki's works are going to end up on a lot of people's favourites lists.

      I'd love to discuss each one deeper if people are into it but I want everyone to feel free and share as much as they'd like, including personal stories and anecdotes.

      edit: Amazed to see so many people sharing their favourite shows in detail, and also glad that there are so many people on tildes who share one of my favourite pastimes. :)

      23 votes
    7. Are you following Westworld? What did you think of the way they tied up the second season?

      Just finished watching Westworld S02 Finale, and while it creates more questions than it answers I found the whole experience exhilarating. It's been an amazing ride all the way from S01E01 and to...

      Just finished watching Westworld S02 Finale, and while it creates more questions than it answers I found the whole experience exhilarating. It's been an amazing ride all the way from S01E01 and to the post-credits scene in the finale. I'm glad they left room for another season (or 2, or more who knows) because an AI story shouldn't end when all the fun is just beginning.

      There are a ton of things and references to explore and I'd love to hear what all of you have to say while waiting for that Alt+Shift+X video to drop to clear everything up.

      16 votes
    8. Would you visit Westworld?

      Westworld Season 2 is in full swing and I love it so far, but would you live in Westworld if you could? A world with no consequences other than its own societal pressures seems pretty enticing...

      Westworld Season 2 is in full swing and I love it so far, but would you live in Westworld if you could? A world with no consequences other than its own societal pressures seems pretty enticing...

      10 votes
    9. [Pilot] Condor

      The show premiered on Audience Network a couple of weeks ago. Seems to be a classical CIA show, more in line with 24 than Homeland, I think. So if you miss the CTU, you might like this. It's not...

      The show premiered on Audience Network a couple of weeks ago.

      Seems to be a classical CIA show, more in line with 24 than Homeland, I think. So if you miss the CTU, you might like this. It's not as fast-paced so far though.

      Dialogue is acceptable and acting is generally good. Nothing spectacular visually.

      There was some amount of conflict and the tension builds up during the episode, with the mandatory cliffhanger ending.

      Nothing disruptive in general, but entertaining and with maybe some potential.

      The main character is too much of a hero (too much of a good guy) to be able to achieve some depth, IMO. He's too smart, too honest, too humble, too attractive, etc. That's my biggest grip once I accepted the show doesn't seem to want to create anything new, but was certainly watchable. I'm gonna watch the second episode now and see if it gets better

      I'd say 7/10, but maybe it's just because I usually enjoy the genre. So maybe 6/10 trying to be more objective.

      3 votes
    10. "The ABC is an indulgence we can no longer afford"

      There's been a bit of a fuss about the Australian Broadcasting Commission over the past week or so, since the Federal Council of the Liberal Party passed a (non-binding) resolution that the ABC...

      There's been a bit of a fuss about the Australian Broadcasting Commission over the past week or so, since the Federal Council of the Liberal Party passed a (non-binding) resolution that the ABC should be privatised.

      In this context, I found this opinion piece by the President of the Young Liberals, explaining why he thinks "the ABC is an indulgence we can no longer afford", and thought it was an interesting read.

      6 votes
    11. If you've seen all five to completion, rank and share your thoughts on the finales of The Leftovers, The Shield, Six Feet Under, The Wire, and LOST

      These are my favorite series finales that I've seen. I know LOST is more of a controversial pick as there's really no lukewarm on the ending there. It's pretty much either pure love or absolute...

      These are my favorite series finales that I've seen. I know LOST is more of a controversial pick as there's really no lukewarm on the ending there. It's pretty much either pure love or absolute loathing. The remaining shows' finales, however, are more or less universally loved by all who have seen them.

      Whatever the small cross-section of the 1600 users here who have seen all five and want to comment, what are your thoughts on the five endings and how would you rank them?

      5 votes
    12. Brockmire

      I just discovered IFC’s Brockmire. Anybody else watching this? For those who are not, it’s based around a character created and played by Hank Azaria. He plays a hilarious whoring and drug addled...

      I just discovered IFC’s Brockmire. Anybody else watching this?

      For those who are not, it’s based around a character created and played by Hank Azaria. He plays a hilarious whoring and drug addled baseball announcer. It’s worth watching if you are into dark comedies.

      5 votes
    13. [Pilot] Pose

      Pose (imdb) Airing on FX since June 6. Centered around a group of mostly black LGBT people in NYC, towards the end of 1980s. Main themes seem to be social acceptance, underground culture and...

      Pose (imdb)
      Airing on FX since June 6.

      Centered around a group of mostly black LGBT people in NYC, towards the end of 1980s.

      Main themes seem to be social acceptance, underground culture and pursuing one's dreams.

      Nothing is terribly new, there's a bit of Billy Eliot and a lot of RuPaul's Drag Race, especially at the beginning (but all throughout). It is however pretty dynamic and entertaining. Seems to have a good mixture of fun, drama and social discussion.

      Characters are well presented and generally likable, they seem real enough although a bit exaggerated, but I guess that's part of the setting. Cinematography is good, nice shots, I think I can see some of Feud's style as well.

      There are some intimate moments and character development through unsaid actions, which is always nice. Some of the poignant moments were a bit cliché though.

      All in all, good start, interesting enough, will keep watching for now. I'd say 7/10 for the pilot.

      4 votes
    14. Dietland

      So I'm not really sure about this one. It's AMC. I had read something about it several weeks ago, and I expected more. It's, apparently, the story of this overweight woman working as a writer for...

      So I'm not really sure about this one. It's AMC.

      I had read something about it several weeks ago, and I expected more. It's, apparently, the story of this overweight woman working as a writer for a fashion magazine. She's very dissatisfied with her appearance and doing whatever she can to lose weight. She seems more resigned than depressed.

      It looks like the main topics are self deprecation, self empowering, fat shaming, the-beauty-inside and I guess feminism. There is a second plot regarding a mystery that will surely be developed in later episodes.

      All in all, for a 2-episode premiere, I thought it was pretty slow and felt like not a lot happened. The characters were a bit flat and stereotypical for my taste and dialogues weren't brilliant. I think there were probably some good insights here and there, but nothing really engaging for me. There wasn't a lot of tension and I can't really point any algid moment. There was just a funny line I think, and the dramatic scenes were very soft key.

      I might give the next episode a chance, but probably only when I have nothing else to watch.

      I'd say 5/10.

      8 votes
    15. What are some TV shows you find yourself constant rewatching?

      For me it's definitely The Office and Parks and Rec. I've probably seen both of those series about a half dozen times all the way through and whenever I find myself not wanting to make a decision...

      For me it's definitely The Office and Parks and Rec. I've probably seen both of those series about a half dozen times all the way through and whenever I find myself not wanting to make a decision on a new show I just start it back up again.

      What are some infinitely rewatchable shows y'all find yourself defaulting to regularly?

      33 votes