What have you been playing, and what do you think of it?
(I really liked the weekly /r/games stickies, would be nice to have similar discussions here) Prey (2017) - Spiritual successor to System Shock 2. An FPS-Survival Horror game with RPG elements. As...
(I really liked the weekly /r/games stickies, would be nice to have similar discussions here)
Prey (2017) - Spiritual successor to System Shock 2. An FPS-Survival Horror game with RPG elements. As a huge fan of the original system shock series, this was quite a treat. I've kept reading that this was the underrated game of that year, and after playing it for a dozen hours, I agree. Bioshock games didn't quite scratch that itch for me: exploration felt very 2-D and linear, environments didn't feel like the spaces they represented (living quarters, public squares, etc.), sometimes too much exposition, and it eschewed the detailed interface for a simpler menu. It's a blast to explore all the hidden nooks and crannies in Prey, sometimes getting more story bits, or just extra ammo; it's tense and and rewarding. Story so far is compelling and the twist at the start was 10/10. Here's hoping the rest of the game holds up.