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    1. [SOLVED] Looking for help linking to a specific comment on Reddit

      Hi, Thanks for looking at this. There is a specific comment in a reddit conversation that I want to share in a few different places. It's important to me. I tried this a few years ago when I...


      Thanks for looking at this. There is a specific comment in a reddit conversation that I want to share in a few different places. It's important to me.

      I tried this a few years ago when I wanted to participate in r/bestof and I could not make sense of the instructions that they provided.

      I am not a technologically skilled person but I have learned a few tricks using markdown while participating here on tildes.

      Can someone please give advice and possibly help me troubleshoot ? I will be returning to my computer and hopefully trying out suggestions about four hours from the time stamp on this post.

      8 votes
    2. Reddit won't allow me to delete my comments

      I have, despite my better judgement, gone back on reddit in a limited way after exiting completely for a few months. I decided to anonymize myself as much as possible and was using Redact to cover...

      I have, despite my better judgement, gone back on reddit in a limited way after exiting completely for a few months. I decided to anonymize myself as much as possible and was using Redact to cover my history. It overwrites comments with random words plus a short message that the comment has been anonymized and deleted with Redact. It's been working great for quite a few months.

      Today I logged on for the first time in a few days and my comments have ALL been restored, right back to when I opened a new account a few months ago after closing my ten year old account. Everything is there again.

      Not sure reddit's point in restoring them, other than a stark reminder that comments and personal info mining is the point of reddit, not community engagement, just like all the other social media.

      Curious if anyone has any idea on how to permanently delete comment history?

      33 votes
    3. I made a mistake, I started using Reddit again

      ...and within a few weeks I was banned from r/iphone for "ban evasion", which I most definitely did not do. I've had the same reddit account for over 16 years and other than a surprisingly HUGE...

      ...and within a few weeks I was banned from r/iphone for "ban evasion", which I most definitely did not do.

      I've had the same reddit account for over 16 years and other than a surprisingly HUGE number of deleted comments and posts (according to sites that track that) that seem perfectly benign to me (mostly deleted for stupidly trivial technicalities), I've never had any problems on the site. Sure, a few unpopular opinions here and there that get downvoted a little but, but nothing offensive, no trolling, etc.

      So, I tried to respond, and here's how the conversation went:

      Hello. I’m very confused by this ban notification. The only recent activity that I’ve had on this subreddit is to answer somebody’s question, and I cannot imagine how that answer in any way violated the rules. Can you please help me to at least understand what led to this?

      ...to which the mod replied:

      Ban evasion not that hard to get

      ...and I responded:

      I honestly do not know what you're talking about. It appears that you think that I have been posting with multiple accounts, but I have not. I've been using this same account for over 16 years without ever being accused of such a thing. I'd appreciate it if you could take a look and reconsider.

      ...to which I got:

      No the system detects ban evader like you automatically


      I'm sorry that you think that I have done such a thing, but I have not. I even co-moderate another subreddit that is a very serious one with its fair share of trolls to deal with, so I get it, but I honestly did not try to evade any prior bans.

      ... and the only response I get back is:


      I'm so sick and tired of that site, I don't know why I went back after doing so well avoiding it after the somewhat recent events that caused me to uninstall all of the apps and stop using the site. The mods there are abusive and power-hungry and it's a toxic place to be. It's a shame because my account is over 16 years old and I remember the old days when it was nothing like it is now. :(

      So, hopefully this time I'll stop using the site for good, this was the reminder that I needed. I've avoided Facebook and other social media due to the toxicity, I don't know why I expected reddit to be any better; please stay above the fray, Tildes!

      77 votes
    4. Looking for help scraping and deleting a Reddit account

      I have a couple of old Reddit accounts I’d like to delete as fully as possible. However one of them dates back to my teenage years and it’s some of the only writings I have from that time. Any...

      I have a couple of old Reddit accounts I’d like to delete as fully as possible. However one of them dates back to my teenage years and it’s some of the only writings I have from that time. Any recommendations on good simple ways to scrape all the comments off of it and save them? Then what’s the best way to completely erase a Reddit footprint these days?

      Looking for as simple a solution as possible, I’m not tech illiterate by any means but it’s also not a real strong suit for me.

      18 votes
    5. What will prevent this site from becoming Reddit 2.0?

      And I don’t mean that in a good way. In just a few years, Reddit has devolved from a place to find relevant and quirky information, to basically a platform pushing outrage porn, political...

      And I don’t mean that in a good way. In just a few years, Reddit has devolved from a place to find relevant and quirky information, to basically a platform pushing outrage porn, political divisiveness, and mindless memes, with occasional humor sprinkled in.

      The outrage porn is the worst, just exhausting and tiresome. The voting mechanics are mostly to blame for this. Since outrage draws the most engagement, the more people who interact with the site, then the more this type of material will surface and thrive.

      The political divisiveness germinates similarly, with the added impetus of state actors throwing fuel on the flames.

      The memes are seemingly harmless, but are no substitutes for actual dialogue.

      I would just like to see a platform that places a premium on meaningful social dialogue for the future betterment of all involved.

      15 votes