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    1. Let's talk about that annoying thing we all don't want to think about: funding.

      Tildes does have bills to pay. The donations are open, but I'd like to go beyond the basic donations for a moment. Right now, tildes has server costs, and also the lead developer (Deimos) is...

      Tildes does have bills to pay. The donations are open, but I'd like to go beyond the basic donations for a moment.

      Right now, tildes has server costs, and also the lead developer (Deimos) is donating his full time to the project rather than working for someone else. He can't do that forever, so if we want him full time, we need to get him paid by the non-profit. In the future, that cost is probably going to expand to larger server costs, multiple developers, possibly community managers and other staff - though nothing ridiculous like reddit with 300 people doing marketing.

      When we talked about funding, we wondered if we could get all users to toss in one dollar a month, and if there were enough users (millions) even reduce that to one dollar a year. Now that we have a lot of new people here, I'd like to ask what everyone thinks of those funding ideas, and if they have any other good ideas on how to raise money to pay for whatever tildes' costs are.

      66 votes
    2. Two bugs: "Keep Me Logged In" doesn't work, and Read Replies still show as "New"

      #Edit: OK, I am terribly unaware of the "Mark as Read" option. Thank you to @Spel for pointing this out. I feel so dumb right now, so please accept my apology for being unaware. I just thought...

      #Edit: OK, I am terribly unaware of the "Mark as Read" option. Thank you to @Spel for pointing this out. I feel so dumb right now, so please accept my apology for being unaware. I just thought that reading the messages would mark them as read, so please forgive me. :( However, the other thing definitely doesn't work for me.

      As the title suggests, no matter whether I come back to the site from desktop or mobile, every single time I have to login in again.. even if I had just been on the site five minutes prior. It's not too much of an inconvenience, but it's not working for me.

      I don't know how to post my Chrome details, but I am on Win 10 with the latest Chrome build. As for mobile, I am accessing it from Android 7.0 through the latest Chrome on there.. I've already cleared my cache to see if maybe that would fix it, but sadly it did not.

      I hope it doesn't come off as me complaining, but I just wanted to let your team know of the issue I've been having.

      11 votes
    3. Daily Tildes discussion - time to slow down a bit and figure some things out

      It's now been almost exactly a week since Tildes got its first "real" attention on Hacker News, and it's been a great week. We're going to have over 1000 users registered today, which is awesome...

      It's now been almost exactly a week since Tildes got its first "real" attention on Hacker News, and it's been a great week. We're going to have over 1000 users registered today, which is awesome and incredibly encouraging for me to see so much excitement this quickly. I'm also extremely glad that I decided to start out invite-only, because with the attention Tildes has been getting in various threads on reddit already, I think we could have easily had 20,000 or more users right now, and that would have been far too fast to grow.

      On that note, I think it's good to try to slow down for at least a few days at around this size while we get some things sorted out and improved. So at least for now, please don't go out of your way to post about Tildes in any major reddit threads or anything (I'm looking at you, @Vibe, you're too good at finding places to mention it). You don't have to hide it and are still welcome to mention it to friends and such (and send me a message if you need some invite codes), but it would be nice to try to avoid major public attention for a few days so we can catch our breath.

      As for what we should figure out while we're trying to pause the growth a bit, here are a few things from my perspective, but please let me know if you have any other suggestions:

      • Comment tags - I think I may just disable these entirely for now. They don't really do anything useful for the moment anyway, and I think the system for them needs some work so they're more likely to work as intended.
      • More groups - we could probably use a few more groups. A food/drink one has been suggested a few times and I think that's a good idea, any suggestions for the name? Other than that, any other ones you think we need urgently?
      • Various minor convenience improvements - there are a lot of little things that need tweaking, that weren't as obviously needed when the site was less active. For example, easier ways to find new comments in large threads, since we're already getting ones with hundreds of comments. I'd like to get some of that kind of stuff in place before it gets even worse as the activity keeps increasing, so please let me know also any specific ones that you think are urgent. Once the code is open-source I expect user contributions to help a lot with this kind of stuff.

      Thanks again for being here, it's pretty amazing to already be worrying about growing too quickly.

      83 votes
    4. I think I fixed what was causing some people to be unable to stay logged in

      One of the main complaints so far has been that some people have been having trouble staying logged in (until randomly it just seems to work for no apparent reason). Examples: Here and here and...

      One of the main complaints so far has been that some people have been having trouble staying logged in (until randomly it just seems to work for no apparent reason). Examples: Here and here and here and here and probably even more.

      I think I've figured out (and fixed) the issue now, so if you get unexpectedly logged out again after your next login, please let me know. I think the existing sessions may still have the issue, so I'm not totally sure if it will be fixed until after a new login (and even then, I'm still not totally sure).

      42 votes
    5. About content editing

      I was just thinking about something that I've noticed being an issue in a few cases on reddit. If you accidentally post something that's wrong or misleading, you might decide to edit the...

      I was just thinking about something that I've noticed being an issue in a few cases on reddit. If you accidentally post something that's wrong or misleading, you might decide to edit the comment/post to be more accurate, once something was pointed out to you.

      But lets say that you posted some tidbit like "David Firth is demonetized from youtube.. god i hate youtubes recent trend", which was along the lines of the things I'm talking about. But then weren't fully up to date on the story anymore as Firth had been re-instated.

      With the post getting 90% of its upvotes before the "e: he's reinstated now", it's rife for accidental victimless misinformation. And once you make the correction (let's not make it 100%), you cant really go pm'ing everyone because that's annoying, and not everyone that saw it commented on it.

      I'm not actually sure how much of an issue anyone else thinks this is so I'd be glad to hear if you've got a perspective on it.

      The best thing I can think of is to give a little notification to people who have interacted with the post (or viewed it in the last certain amount of time?) so that you can evaluate the comment again. This isn't ideal because you'll be clued into everyone's spelling corrections.

      A friend suggested a edit "pull request" thing where anyone could propose an edit, and then empowered users could approve the changes. Perhaps, if this is actually an issue and not just an over-caution, this could be rolled into that. If an empowered user thinks that it's worth pinging everyone that interacted with that post directly (vote/tag/comment) once the edit is pushed.

      8 votes
    6. Tagging users RES style

      Would there be any way to tag users so people you've interected with would pop out a bit more in a thread as their name would have a teg beside them or you could tag your friends so even if you...

      Would there be any way to tag users so people you've interected with would pop out a bit more in a thread as their name would have a teg beside them or you could tag your friends so even if you forget their name it could pop up somewhere and you'd know it.

      18 votes
    7. Shills

      Getting a little late to the party, but are there any plans to control or filter shill users?, something that is pretty common on many subs on Reddit.

      7 votes
    8. Current tilde defaults promote controversy

      The default "activity" sorting means that topics which lead to a lot of conversation tend to get bumped to the top. It seems like, in the long run, controversial topics will end up drowning out...

      The default "activity" sorting means that topics which lead to a lot of conversation tend to get bumped to the top. It seems like, in the long run, controversial topics will end up drowning out topics where the link itself is interesting but doesn't provoke people to react with a comment. I find that a lot of the most interesting links for me on other sites are the ones with the fewest comments.

      I think it could be worthwhile to experiment with different default sorting, or even different mechanics. For example, Everything2 has a feature where, at a certain rank, users are able to add pages to a "Cool User Picks!" sidebar.

      The current solution, custom sort ordering, doesn't seem like it will scale very well. People will tend to vote on the posts they see; if most people sort by activity, most of the votes will go to the most active posts anyway.

      Anyway, just food for thought. I don't think this is super urgent, but it seems like something that would be good to think hard about and get right in the long term.

      15 votes
    9. Context on reply notifications

      On Reddit, the reply notifications come with a "context" button, which will bring you to the topic and show a limited set of replies, to establish the context in which the new comment was made....

      On Reddit, the reply notifications come with a "context" button, which will bring you to the topic and show a limited set of replies, to establish the context in which the new comment was made. From what I can see, there's no such feature on Tildes (yet). I'd like it if we could get a feature like that so I can easily read back what someone replied to, so I can understand the context behind it, and possibly reply again.

      9 votes
    10. Inviting other users

      I managed to stumble upon https://tildes.net/invite today, but it doesn't seem like it works. The page itself says that I can generate invite codes, but it doesn't seem like there is anything on...

      I managed to stumble upon https://tildes.net/invite today, but it doesn't seem like it works. The page itself says that I can generate invite codes, but it doesn't seem like there is anything on the page that I can interact with to invite other users. Is this intentional?

      11 votes
    11. Automatically archiving posts

      Tildes seems to promote older threads much more than Reddit (which I like). With that said, will there be a feature similar to Reddit where after X length of time, the post is archived and can no...

      Tildes seems to promote older threads much more than Reddit (which I like). With that said, will there be a feature similar to Reddit where after X length of time, the post is archived and can no longer be commented/voted on?

      7 votes
    12. Mark All As Read?

      Having notifications only go away when clicking Mark As Read is a really cool feature. However, once you start to get a large amount of these notifications, this can become a pain. Could a 'Mark...

      Having notifications only go away when clicking Mark As Read is a really cool feature. However, once you start to get a large amount of these notifications, this can become a pain.

      Could a 'Mark All As Read' button be added that solves this feature?

      6 votes
    13. Moving post comments to the top

      For smaller threads, this isn't much of an issue, but once a thread reaches ~30 or so comments you have to scroll to the bottom before posting a comment. As tildes begins to grow this problem will...

      For smaller threads, this isn't much of an issue, but once a thread reaches ~30 or so comments you have to scroll to the bottom before posting a comment. As tildes begins to grow this problem will only get worse and worse.

      Is there any way this could be moved to the top of a thread? This would fix this problem.

      6 votes
    14. Can we get a ∼enviro

      To post things like zero waste, recycling, anticonsumption, and such. Just things we as individuals can do to improve our footprint.

      8 votes
    15. Regarding making design choices understandable

      Programmers write documentation for their software which serves as a resource for why critical chioces were made and why they were chosen over other options. Would it be an idea for Tildes to...

      Programmers write documentation for their software which serves as a resource for why critical chioces were made and why they were chosen over other options. Would it be an idea for Tildes to reference to the best arguments for features implemented like the discussion we had on anonymitity some days ago? That way all the users can read why a choice made it into the site and see the process behind the choice.

      7 votes
    16. The future of moderation on Tildes

      It seems like a large percentage of us that are also moderators on Reddit-- myself included. It seems that there's a generally negative attitude toward moderators on Reddit, which I totally get....

      It seems like a large percentage of us that are also moderators on Reddit-- myself included.

      It seems that there's a generally negative attitude toward moderators on Reddit, which I totally get. Moderation on Reddit is flawed. Community members feel a sense of ownership in the community (which they should have), but bad moderators can ruin that. How do you guys think moderation should be handled here?

      Here's a link from the docs that describes current plans: https://docs.tildes.net/mechanics-future

      It highlights plans for a reputation system, which I think is the right way to go.

      I also just realized that the same discussion was posted 18 days ago, but perhaps discussion with some of the newer users is worthwhile nonetheless:

      31 votes
    17. So thinking ahead... how do we stop bots?

      They've ruined reddit and Facebook for me. I can't help but to double guess every divisive or snarky comment on those platforms. I've heard as much as 1/3 of Twitter are bots. Does Tildes foresee...

      They've ruined reddit and Facebook for me. I can't help but to double guess every divisive or snarky comment on those platforms. I've heard as much as 1/3 of Twitter are bots.

      Does Tildes foresee an API (or does one exist already)? I honestly don't know much about how bots operate but figured APIs were the obvious route.

      29 votes
    18. Alts?

      So at the moment I'm guessing most people probably have just a single account, but eventually people are going to start wanting multiple accounts. How is this going to work? Only when public...

      So at the moment I'm guessing most people probably have just a single account, but eventually people are going to start wanting multiple accounts. How is this going to work? Only when public signups are allowed or can we use our invitations to invite ourselves in as it is? (since they're specifically allowed in the Terms of Service, but there's currently no way to get them except by invitation)? Are we going to require a certain amount of reputation to allow alts? Or will we introduce a nicknames or "identities" feature on top of a single account?

      13 votes
    19. Suggestion: show a "this tilde doesn't exist yet" page instead of a 404

      (Apologies if this has already come up) If I click on a link to a non-existent tilde e.g. https://tildes.net/~photography it shows a plain 404 "not found" page. Instead there should be a more...

      (Apologies if this has already come up)

      If I click on a link to a non-existent tilde e.g. https://tildes.net/~photography it shows a plain 404 "not found" page. Instead there should be a more informative page which says something like "this tilde doesn't exist yet".

      This could eventually be used for a mechanism for users to vote for/suggest a new tilde.

      18 votes
    20. Password reset

      I don't need to reset my password, and I really appreciate the way that it is done to maximize anonymity. However, I think there is a bit of a problem with how it is done in terms of users getting...

      I don't need to reset my password, and I really appreciate the way that it is done to maximize anonymity. However, I think there is a bit of a problem with how it is done in terms of users getting locked out.

      If you're locked out, as far as I can tell, there is no way to view the email hint associated with your account. It seems a bit counter intuitive to me that in order to see the hint for how to regain access to your account, you have to already have that access! I also think that it won't work in the case that someone has been away for a few months and has forgotten their password. I'm not sure what a good way of displaying the hint would be, however, since if it is done by username anyone who has seen your posts can look at your password hint.

      Hopefully with a bit of discussion we can cook something up that can solve this catch 22!

      11 votes
    21. Rename the groups after Geocities neighborhoods and please never allow a user to add a group. There has to be limits, and limits create communities.

      To me one of the biggest problems on the internet is the lack of a "hub" or somewhere it sort of centralizes. In my opinion the current "staleness" of the internet is due to a lack of central hub....

      To me one of the biggest problems on the internet is the lack of a "hub" or somewhere it sort of centralizes. In my opinion the current "staleness" of the internet is due to a lack of central hub.

      So i thought about how I could solve this problem. You see without a central hub, starting anything is a problem.

      Imagine I am a new user on the web, and I want to learn 3D modeling. Where do I go? This is a problem I am facing right now, like which site do I goto to be part of a community. I don't want to make an account on facebook and join ragtag groups with no real activity. There is no sense of community or anything, just random noise. All I can do is google, and youtube videos to learn 3d modeling. If I goto forums, they are all very stale or "dead" and I leave cause I don't know what to do there.

      I basically wanted to have a starting point where I knew for a fact that everyone knows this place and starts here and belong to a community. Two months, and I still have the same problem. I don't belong to a community within 3d modeling or feel like I belong there. Just hardly any chitchat, irc channels barely anyone speaks. Days go by without a new thread.

      The biggest problem I notice is that everyone is spread apart, some devs on twitter only, some on that certain site only. No one is really connected or rather there is no central hub. Still using 3d modeling as an example, I noticed that without a central hub, there is no real "right" way to do something. I mean this, no one has any idea on what software to use. I keep asking myself am I using the right software, what is he using, what are they using. It turns out they all have this question, I'm still not sure. NO ONE IS. So if no one is sure, then the communities unintentionally keep closing themselves off.

      But There is one rule that must be set

      YOU CANNOT EVER ALLOW A USER TO CREATE A GROUP. Do not make this mistake.

      Have Things constant at times, I'm tired of unlimited everything. A limit creates a sense of belonging.


      Reddit's biggest flaw and strength is the subreddits and it made a mistake when it allowed anyone to create one and you are seeing the cascading effects now. When you can make a new group, you are no longer a tight nit community with set focus. You are separating the community on a large scale, right off the bat and as you can see on reddit, subbreddits clash which leads to drama and ultimately the destruction of the site from within.

      So what am I getting at?

      We go back to a tried and true method and something that we know everyone will like. Something that Appeals To Everyone ish.


      Have 29 Groups, or let the community decide the # of groups and lets start naming them. No petsburgh please

      Simple Short Descriptions. and the name creates an INSTANT connection with someone who might have an interest in that group.

      The Only Time You Add A Group is every 6 months to a year and ONLY THE OWNER CAN. Community Decides the name.

      YOU HAVE TO HAVE A SET # OF GROUPS. This creates unique culture.

      List of IDEAS:

      1: Add a count for the amount of posts in the group list if you can, might be database heavy.

      2: Everyone is subscribed to all the groups but can unsubscribe.

      3: A list of trending "topics" or call them "marks" or "underscores". (Suck it twitter)

      6 votes
    22. Scoping of meta-discussion

      We currently have ~tildes for meta topics. What about a similar mechanism for meta-discussion, scoped to specific group hierarchies? I imagine something like ~tildes.gaming or...

      We currently have ~tildes for meta topics. What about a similar mechanism for meta-discussion, scoped to specific group hierarchies? I imagine something like ~tildes.gaming or ~tildes.gaming.leagueoflegends, mirroring the structure of the groups itself. This draws a little bit from how StackExchange does it, if anyone is familiar with that, but they do not have any nesting. They just have a "meta" site for every regular one for discussing the site itself.

      An alternative would be to discuss those things in the group itself. This might be reasonable as well, but since we already separate it out for the top-level, that approach seems somewhat inconsistent.

      9 votes
    23. Security flaws / bounties

      Hi! Something I've been wondering, is Tilde planned to eventually have a bug bounty program or something like that for security flaws in the future? Edit: RIP, forgot to separate those tags with...

      Hi! Something I've been wondering, is Tilde planned to eventually have a bug bounty program or something like that for security flaws in the future?

      Edit: RIP, forgot to separate those tags with commas...

      7 votes
    24. Suggestion: Thread link in notifications

      I noticed when opening my notifications that they are missing a link to the originating thread. EDIT: just discovered that the # at the end of the header line is a link back to the topic. Maybe...

      I noticed when opening my notifications that they are missing a link to the originating thread.

      EDIT: just discovered that the # at the end of the header line is a link back to the topic. Maybe making that a bit more obvious then?

      7 votes
    25. Tildes Technical Map

      Having just joined recently and made my way though the (technical goals documentation)[https://docs.tildes.net/technical-goals], I am interested in the lower-level stuff. How scaling is being...

      Having just joined recently and made my way though the (technical goals documentation)[https://docs.tildes.net/technical-goals], I am interested in the lower-level stuff. How scaling is being considered, off-loading static content to CDNs, fault-tolerance etc... As well as code testing, deployments, etc...

      I guess this will be a bit clearer when Tildes goes Open, but I think a discussion on it could also be helpful for roadmapping and growth if possible.

      5 votes
    26. Possible bug: using the ~ character preceding a word within inline preformatted text.

      In preformatted text blocks (three back ticks), group syntax with ~ doesn't get rendered as a hyperlink, but it does with inline preformatted text e.g. ~group. This seems like it would be...

      In preformatted text blocks (three back ticks), group syntax with ~ doesn't get rendered as a hyperlink, but it does with inline preformatted text e.g. ~group.

      This seems like it would be undesirable and unintended behavior. That being said, I'd rather have this verified before opening an issue on gitlab.

      Is this a bug or a feature?

      7 votes
    27. Bug report (a minor one, where minor is written bold)

      Sorry, I skimmed the sidebar and announcement posts and whatsoever, but didn't find anything where to post. Found a simple bug, which may also be a feature:p If you delete a comment, you can't...

      Sorry, I skimmed the sidebar and announcement posts and whatsoever, but didn't find anything where to post.

      Found a simple bug, which may also be a feature:p

      If you delete a comment, you can't press reply on that same comment again, where you previously deleted your reply from. If I vote that comment after deleting my comment reply is again clickable.

      Thanks for your attention. Have a great day. :P

      I'm using a phone, with webview browser. (Entering into Google search and using that view instead of a browser)

      7 votes
    28. Can we create ~s?

      Hello! I am loving this interface, but I am wondering if we can create our own tilde-doms or if that feature is not yet implemented.

      3 votes
    29. Staff tag?

      Can we get a tag next to usernames for Tildes staff? Kind of like an admin tag, but might as well just call it staff or whatever you prefer. For example in that donations thread I was unsure if...

      Can we get a tag next to usernames for Tildes staff? Kind of like an admin tag, but might as well just call it staff or whatever you prefer. For example in that donations thread I was unsure if it's an admin posting that or not at first glance. Would apply to comments too.

      (Are red titles from staff? But that doesn't apply to comments I guess)

      13 votes
    30. Confusion with when I've voted

      My biggest problem with this format thus far has been with the placement of the "Vote" button. I currently use the Solarized Dark theme (I enjoy the color scheme) and I find I keep unvoting things...

      My biggest problem with this format thus far has been with the placement of the "Vote" button. I currently use the Solarized Dark theme (I enjoy the color scheme) and I find I keep unvoting things I've already voted up when checking through older posts. My eyes are left reading the headline, I forget I may have voted for it, and I go to unclick my vote.

      I feel the vote button would be better if it was situated closer to where my eyes are for reading headlines. I spend a lot of time micromanaging ui placement in my mmos, so maybe I'm just pickier than others, but I don't like my eyes needing to jump all over the monitor when browsing through things.

      Moving these elements closer together would be really helpful. I also wouldn't mind the Solarized Dark themes "Vote" and "Voted" colour having a little more contrast

      14 votes
    31. Simple "read notifications" page added

      This is definitely just a stop-gap until I get some time to work on properly paginating it, but quite a few people have asked about a page to view old notifications again after marking them read,...

      This is definitely just a stop-gap until I get some time to work on properly paginating it, but quite a few people have asked about a page to view old notifications again after marking them read, so I put a quick one together that's linked in the sidebar of your user page as "Previously read", at https://tildes.net/notifications

      For now it doesn't paginate at all and will just show your most recent notifications (up to 100) that were marked read, and doesn't include the unread ones. It's not great in a lot of ways, but hopefully better than not having any way to view the read notifications at all.

      22 votes
    32. Tildes CSS Changes

      There were a few things that I was a bit uncomfortable with, so I created a few css styles to improve some aspects of the experience. Reddit like theme I'm used to Reddit, so I created a quick...

      There were a few things that I was a bit uncomfortable with, so I created a few css styles to improve some aspects of the experience.

      Reddit like theme
      I'm used to Reddit, so I created a quick theme to make Tildes a bit more like Reddit: https://pastebin.com/1rMhbFMF

      Hidden tags
      Seeing a [Joke] tag can sometimes ruin a joke, so I created a snippet that hides tags unless you hover over them: https://pastebin.com/Bzvr3Vmp

      Moved the submit a comment box
      I made a snippet to move the comment box to the top of the page: https://pastebin.com/WCqv3Mr2

      11 votes
    33. Are we going to be able to make our own groups?

      This was one of the biggest appeals of reddit. There was a subreddit for everything and you could use your subs for way more than just a group of like-minded individuals. But yeah. We should be...

      This was one of the biggest appeals of reddit. There was a subreddit for everything and you could use your subs for way more than just a group of like-minded individuals.

      But yeah. We should be able to make our own groups.

      9 votes
    34. We should have more actionable entity for tags

      To give you an example list: Everyone should be able to add tags to topics, not just OP in creation Tags are useful but only if they are correct. OP could not get the right tags but the community...

      To give you an example list:

      • Everyone should be able to add tags to topics, not just OP in creation
        Tags are useful but only if they are correct.
        OP could not get the right tags but the community as a whole could fix it over time. That would help browsing tags that actually reflect the content of the topics.
      • I should be able to tag my own comments. Sometimes you know you're posting off-topic or just a joke.
      9 votes
    35. Daily Tildes discussion - general impressions/annoyances + thoughts on changing the default sort?

      Hey everyone, thanks for being here. It's really exciting to see so many people on the site now, and hopefully we can keep the momentum up. I even have about 50 more invite request emails from...

      Hey everyone, thanks for being here. It's really exciting to see so many people on the site now, and hopefully we can keep the momentum up. I even have about 50 more invite request emails from overnight that I haven't gone through yet.

      As I've said before, I think keeping these daily discussions a little less serious on the weekend is a good idea, so I'll stick to that for today. Two main questions/focuses:

      1. Obviously, there are a lot of people new to the site in the last day or two. For all those people (and previous users too) - what are your early impressions? Anything you really like? Anything that's driving you nuts that I should try to fix very soon?
      2. What do you think of changing the site's default sort to "Activity"? I've found myself using it almost exclusively since I added it, so I like it a lot, but I'm not sure if everyone else feels the same way. Ideally I'd like to make it customizable so people can set their own default sort (even separately for each individual group and the home page), but that probably won't be for a little while yet.
      45 votes
    36. Daily Tildes discussion - suggestions for expansions/additions to Docs (and how you can help)

      Today I want to talk about expanding the information available on the Tildes Docs site. There's some info there, but there should be a lot more. Eventually, I'd like that site to include...

      Today I want to talk about expanding the information available on the Tildes Docs site. There's some info there, but there should be a lot more. Eventually, I'd like that site to include information about the site's goals, mechanics and so on, as well as things closer to standard "documentation", such as how the post formatting works, details on the tagging systems, etc.

      One specific thing that I know I'd like to add before long is kind of a "FAQ for mechanics" that can have answers for the common questions that keep coming up, like "why is the comment box at the bottom instead of the top?".

      To help with this, I've now open-sourced the files for both the Tildes Docs site and the Blog here now, so you can contribute to them directly if you'd like to: https://gitlab.com/tildes/tildes-static-sites/

      @flaque has already written a page to help with Markdown formatting that I'll add soon (but I wanted to see if he'd like to do it as a proper merge request so he gets credit as a contributor). Anyone else is welcome to contribute to the Docs as well, and I'd appreciate the help. However, if you're not sure if it's something that I'd want to add it might be best to ask first before you start writing.

      Outside of that, I'm open for suggestions about what you think would be good to include, or things that are already there that need work. Thanks!

      20 votes
    37. Extended Scripts for Tildes Alpha

      So, after a rather clunky script to open comment's link in a new tab with the left click, I got inspired by the idea of @kalebo and wrote also a script to quickly jump to new comments in a topic....

      So, after a rather clunky script to open comment's link in a new tab with the left click, I got inspired by the idea of @kalebo and wrote also a script to quickly jump to new comments in a topic.

      I thought about writing a dedicated script but felt like it was going to become overly complicated for a user to import different script.

      These script are all meant to give the community some QoL while lightening the pressure on @deimos so he can work without too much stress from all the requests. As soon as the feature are implemented you should get rid of those script that in some parts felt like bad hacks to me that I was writing it.

      I know the button to scroll to new messages is in a quite bad position (top center of your browser page) but I couldn't bear to deal with tampermonkey issue and its GM_AddStyle meta not working properly so I had to use the basic CSS provided by spectre already loaded in tildes.net.

      If someone knows how to figure out that goddamn meta, let me know.

      ========= UPDATE ============

      Edit: So apparently tampermonkey has issues with styles that are not yet fixed and firefox has some issue in general with script that inject stuff in the page (understandably).

      For tampermonkey the solution is simple. Use violentmonkey instead. you can just copy the script and it will work.

      For Firefox it's a little more dirty unfortunately but I cannot find other solutions. You need to open the internal URL about:config. Then search security.csp.enable and double click to disable it. After this the script will work.
      Firefox has a very strict policy and the only real solution would be to write an extension and I don't think it's worth the effort in the current state of development.
      For full description of what that policy does, check the official doc from mozilla: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP#Threats

      12 votes
    38. Minor updates to Privacy Policy and Terms of Use... for minors

      As I mentioned in the post on Monday, I've spent some time this week trying to make sure that I should be in good shape for the GDPR (which takes effect tomorrow). In the end, the change in...

      As I mentioned in the post on Monday, I've spent some time this week trying to make sure that I should be in good shape for the GDPR (which takes effect tomorrow).

      In the end, the change in minimum age for some EU member states seemed to be the only issue, so I've just updated the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use to account for that. You can see the exact changes that I made here, on GitLab.

      And on that note, now that the Docs pages are open-source, I added a "view history" link that shows at the top of pages on the Docs/Blog if they've been edited, so that people can click to see the full edit history of the relevant page on GitLab.

      Because of these changes, if you're older than 13 but below the minimum age in your country (for example, in Germany and France it's 16), you'll have to stop using Tildes now. At this point, it's unlikely that anyone is affected by this. As a side note, if anyone knows of a comprehensive, updated list of what the minimum age is for different countries, please let me know. I'd love to link to a list so that people can easily check if they don't know what their country's minimum age is, but I wasn't able to find one.

      17 votes
    39. Feature request: Title editing

      Now I know editing titles is a slippery slope, but hear me out. One of the most annoying things from Reddit is that you make a typo in the title and it's there forever. It would be nice if on...

      Now I know editing titles is a slippery slope, but hear me out.

      One of the most annoying things from Reddit is that you make a typo in the title and it's there forever. It would be nice if on Tildes you could edit a certain amount of a title - say 1-2 characters. Then you could fix most typos without opening the doors to people trolling by completely changing titles.

      I'm not sure if this is possible, but it would be a nice thing to consider down the road.

      14 votes