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    1. Jreg (Greg Guevara) has recently "toured" his apartment and people are genuinely getting concerned about his mental health and wellbeing

      Admittedly the forcibly neutral headline should probably be changed. The video has been unlisted but this is the link. One important thing to note is that he recently made a video satirizing how...

      Admittedly the forcibly neutral headline should probably be changed.

      The video has been unlisted but this is the link. One important thing to note is that he recently made a video satirizing how people pretend your life condition doesn't affect your mental health implies that wasn't satire, which is incredibly concerning.

      He deleted the comment where he talks about his landlord but it has been screenshotted here. It's also proof that's actually where he lives.

      Someone has unironically compiled how that house violates Canadian/Ontarian legislation

      After the house tour, Jregs patreon has spiked to its highest ever, and he has gotten 52 new patrons and 230$ more a month in two days

      r/jreg is in some mix of meme-ing and genuine concern.

      9 votes