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    1. Leprechaun lore

      So to celebrate St. Patricks day this year I decided to watch all 8 Leprechaun movies (each one for the first time, incidentally), and did so over the course of 3 days. While they're still...

      So to celebrate St. Patricks day this year I decided to watch all 8 Leprechaun movies (each one for the first time, incidentally), and did so over the course of 3 days. While they're still somewhat fresh in my mind I wanted to document all of the "lore" from the franchise and how it changes from sequel to sequel because... um... well I don't really know. Fun?

      Leprechaun (1993)

      • Four leaf clovers repel and can harm the Leprechaun (think crosses and vampires). If he eats one he'll explode.
      • Trapping the Leprechaun in a box and putting a four leaf clover on top of it will make it so the Leprechaun can't escape until the clover is removed.
      • The Leprechaun bites at least one person with no ill effect other than a bite wound (this becomes pertinent in a later sequel).
      • Possessing the Leprechaun's gold essentially marks you for death as he will take it back and kill you as revenge for having it in the first place (also becomes pertinent later).
      • The Leprechaun is a cobbler by trade and can't resist the urge to shine dirty shoes (so throwing dirty shoes at him can be used as an effective distraction technique).
      • If you leave tiny vehicles or other cute methods of transportation around the Leprechaun will use them and it will be amazing.

      Leprechaun 2 (1994)

      • Contrary to what was pretty firmly established in the first movie, now if you have a piece of the Leprechaun's gold he can attack you but you can't actually be hurt or killed by him.
      • The Leprechaun can be hurt by weapons, or trapped within containers made of wrought iron (it glows red like it's burning him when he comes into contact with it).
      • If you trap the Leprechaun he has to grant you three wishes, but it's like monkey's paw on steroids. (It's not actually clear to me whether this is true, or if the Leprechaun was just bluffing and playing along with the idea in order to escape. He does "grant" some wishes but basically just used his powers to turn the wishes against his captor.)
      • No mention of four leaf clovers in this one.

      Leprechaun 3 (1995)

      • This is the first appearance of an unexplained gold medallion that will imprison the Leprechaun by turning him into a statue when placed around his neck.
      • Each piece of the Leprechaun's gold now grants its holder one wish, but if you lose possession of that gold piece the wish will backfire (typically resulting in death).
      • It's not clear whether posession of the gold still protects you at all. There's no specific mention of it, but I think in all of the kills the person being killed has already somehow lost possession of the gold piece that granted them a wish.
      • In this one if the Leprechaun bites you, you slowly begin turning into another Leprechaun (think werewolves). This is the only sequel in which this is a thing, it's never brought up again (even though I'm pretty sure the Leprechaun bites more people).
      • Leprechauns are extremely territorial and will fight other Leprechauns if they come across them, even if one of the Leprechauns was created via a bite from the other one.
      • To kill the Leprechaun you must destroy all of his gold.
      • No mention of four leaf clovers in this one that I can remember.

      Leprechaun 4: In Space (1997)

      • The Leprechaun may be an alien? At least he has knowledge of and interactions with other alien races in the galaxy (but humans do too at this point, so it's not really clear whether the Leprechaun was already involved in galactic affairs prior to whenever humans made contact).
      • No mention of clovers, shoes, wishes, the medallion, bites, or for that matter (I think) the Leprechaun's gold at all that I can remember. In fact I don't think anyone even says the word "Leprechaun" throughout the entire movie.
      • The Leprechaun can transfer himself into your body via your urine if you pee on him (or a chunk of him).

      Leprechaun in the Hood (2000)

      • The medallion that can turn the Leprechaun into a statue is back in this one.
      • The Leprechaun possesses a magical flute that makes everyone who hears it blindly follow and adore the person who played it (think pied piper). Once its effects wear off the listeners have no memory of anything that happened while they were under its spell.
      • If the Leprechaun smokes weed laced with four leaf clovers he'll lose his powers and/or pass out for a while.
      • The Leprechaun has the ability to summon "zombie fly girls" from hell who will assist him in fighting and/or escaping from people who stole his gold or trapped him, and also act as backup dancers when he's performing rap numbers. The final sequence actually confuses this a bit, as it shows him turning normal girls into the zombie fly girls by touching them, so it's unclear to me if he actually ever summoned anything from hell or not.
      • As mentioned, in this one the Leprechaun has the ability to mind-control or possess humans by touching them (you can tell when someone is possessed because their eyes glow green).
      • No mention of wishes in this one.

      Leprechaun: Back 2 Tha Hood (2003)

      • Splashing the Leprechaun with holy water laced with four leaf clovers can summon demons that will drag him back to hell (maybe only if you're a priest though). The Leprechaun will only be released from hell if someone finds and takes his gold from wherever he stashed it.
      • In previous films the Leprechaun's gold was always represented by a pot that typically had exactly 100 gold pieces in it (counting it is how the Leprechaun would know someone still has some of his gold). In this one that's been replaced by a small wooden chest that contains essentially unlimited gold pieces because it magically refills itself whenever closed.
      • This is the first one where I don't think the Leprechaun uses any magical powers at all, instead relying purely on physical attacks (except maybe when fighting the witch, I forget now).
      • Shooting the Leprechaun with bullets containing four leaf clovers will hurt him, but not very much.
      • Oh yeah, and witches (or at least humans with magical powers) are real too now, but not really powerful enough to effectively fight the Leprechaun.

      Leprechaun: Origins (2014)

      • The Leprechaun isn't even a Leprechaun anymore, they're more like those things from the cave in The Descent.
      • The Leprechaun(s) will feed on villagers unless they satiate him/them with occasional human sacrifices.
      • The less said about this one the better.

      Leprechaun Returns (2018)

      • This is the kickoff of the Leprechaun Multiverse because it's a direct sequel to the first movie, erasing all the other ones from history (except possibly Leprechaun 4: In Space, since that one occurs in the distant future).
      • Four leaf clovers can hurt the Leprechaun again. He'll explode if he eats them again.
      • The Leprechaun's compulsion to shine dirty shoes is a thing again. To be fair this did come up in some of the other movies too, but only as a gag and never really utilized as a distraction like this since the first movie.
      • I think wrought iron was mentioned again, but I don't recall it actually being used.
      • The Leprechaun's gold is exactly 100 pieces in a pot again.
      • If you leave things that he can ride laying around he'll do that again too.
      • Ghosts are real.
      • The Leprechaun can transfer himself into your body if he can get some of himself into your mouth. I think this is the only time some new lore established in Leprechaun 4: In Space makes an appearance in another movie.

      I'm sure I forgot some things (or possibly even got some wrong), but I find it interesting and entertaining that it seems like other than "the Leprechaun likes his gold and will kill you to get it" there isn't really a single "rule" that sticks across every movie in the franchise (even if you exclude Origins, which basically isn't even a Leprechaun movie at all).

      30 votes
    2. Weekly Israel-Hamas war megathread - week of March 18

      This thread is posted weekly - please try to post all relevant Israel-Hamas war content in here, such as news, updates, opinion articles, etc. Extremely significant events may warrant a separate...

      This thread is posted weekly - please try to post all relevant Israel-Hamas war content in here, such as news, updates, opinion articles, etc. Extremely significant events may warrant a separate topic, but almost all should be posted in here.

      Please try to avoid antagonistic arguments and bickering matches. Comment threads that devolve into unproductive arguments may be removed so that the overall topic is able to continue.

      8 votes
    3. With Yuzu and Citra gone, why is Dolphin seemingly unaffected?

      Given the fact that Yuzu (a Nintendo Switch emulator) and Citra (a Nintendo 3DS emulator) were recently taken down by Nintendo's legal team, is there a reason why Dolphin (an emulator for Gamecube...

      Given the fact that Yuzu (a Nintendo Switch emulator) and Citra (a Nintendo 3DS emulator) were recently taken down by Nintendo's legal team, is there a reason why Dolphin (an emulator for Gamecube and Nintendo Wii) is still going strong? Did Dolphin take any extra steps to protect themselves from lawsuits, or it's just a case of Nintendo taking their time?

      24 votes
    4. What anime do you think could have strong crossover appeal if correctly publicized?

      I'm old enough that I watched the Simpsons, South Park and more recently Bojack Horseman change the perception of animation in the US. I'm only a casual anime fan, who started watching because my...

      I'm old enough that I watched the Simpsons, South Park and more recently Bojack Horseman change the perception of animation in the US. I'm only a casual anime fan, who started watching because my husband studies japanese. However, I think Aggretsuko for example could appeal to fans of the Office. What else is out there in the anime world that is not stereotypical and might appeal to a wider audience?

      18 votes
    5. Steam Spring Sale suggestions

      Steam Sale time again! Post any amazing games or hidden gems you think others would like. I'll start: Mr Shifty is an amazing 2d top-down that's crazy fun (especially for its price!). I'm about to...

      Steam Sale time again! Post any amazing games or hidden gems you think others would like. I'll start: Mr Shifty is an amazing 2d top-down that's crazy fun (especially for its price!). I'm about to get a SteamDeck, so am hunting these style of games in particular.

      42 votes
    6. Took a bike ride yesterday afternoon

      Comment box Scope: personal anecdote, some thoughts Tone: neutral, old man energy, peeved at the world as usual Opinion: yeah Sarcasm/humor: a tad I took a 25 mile or so bike ride yesterday. I...
      Comment box
      • Scope: personal anecdote, some thoughts
      • Tone: neutral, old man energy, peeved at the world as usual
      • Opinion: yeah
      • Sarcasm/humor: a tad

      I took a 25 mile or so bike ride yesterday. I intentionally brought NO technology at all... no phone, no music, no whatever gadgets. No maps either but I knew where I was going (mostly). Was only planning on a short ride but the weather was just perfect and hey, I had my water and I was on a fully-separated trail.

      My thoughts:

      1. I do not have the lungs I used to have. Or the back. Heavens.
      2. It was nice to get out of the busy parts of town. I like the quiet places. Reminds me of being a kid. Saw some nice flowers. Appreciating the temperature for the 2 weeks it's bearable.
      3. It was VERY nice to not have the distraction of my phone at any point during the trip. Also, when I got slightly lost at one point, I was forced to speak to another human to ask for directions. Ah yes, what a concept. Going to do this more often, go places and leave the phone at home, haven't looked at it all day today either... makes a big difference and grounds me a lot better in whatever I'm doing.
      4. I always forget how far you can go on a bike and not realize you went that far. It's so fast. I usually walk places, so that's my speed. On my bike, which I mainly use to buy groceries, I don't usually go more than five miles at a time these days, and I'm in the city so I'm usually stopping at red lights and stuff.
      5. The part of the trail nearest the city was ridiculously overcrowded and the path definitely needed to be widened. Cycling/pedestrian traffic should probably be separated for that section. Just sooo much weaving back and forth right now, hah. I think this might be partially alleviated with the southern extension that's happening soon (I don't know when exactly but there's visible construction progress), as it could maybe slightly spread out the people, but that will also bring in more foot traffic. Well, it will still be nice.
      6. Not so keen on the loooong stretch of trail that is literally 1 foot from vehicles on an arterial road. I have been here plenty of times before, I just don't like how fast the traffic goes and the fact that there are no physical barriers between the "trail" (sidewalk, in that section) and the cars. No driver on there was respecting the speed limit and I think a lane of traffic needs to be taken away to turn into a green buffer zone... ideally with a wall.
      7. Only one obvious mile-long (idk) gap for the distance I traveled. It's a surprisingly well-connected trail. I have no idea how they ought to connect the two current segments, but the infrastructure would be a little expensive no matter what (it would probably require a bridge?), so I understand why it hasn't happened yet. At least it was short.
      8. Parts of the trail I was riding on were blocked off in areas where construction contractors should have made basic effort to install a temporary surface instead of leaving a massive ditch in the ground for literally no reason (and it's been there for months, apparently!). A literal plank of wood would have sufficed. Lazy! Oh well.
      9. A few areas of the boardwalk near the canal were rotted and some thoughtful people had stuck wood poles in the holes and marked them with bright flags for visibility. Helpful. Ought to be repaired though.

      For eastern PA people, this was the Schuylkill River Trail between Christian St in Philadelphia and up to Shawmont or so (just past the Manayunk Canal, but not all the way to Conshohocken), plus some cycling in the city to get to the trail. I thought about going further but decided not to because I did not have a snack.

      The trail does go more or less to Reading and AFAIK is quite continuous most of the way there, but I haven't taken it that far in a single go. Next time I'll bring a granola bar or two.

      Next week I will see how far I can go on the Del & Lehigh canal trail before my heart gives out. Pretty dangerous to get out there as the city has made meh effort to connect the Delaware River Trail downtown to the start of the Canal Trail by Bristol. The suburbs in Bucks Cty past Glen Foerd... even less effort. The East Coast Greenway route has you going on some insanely dangerous roads. State Rd sucks. Might take the train out to Bristol or Yardley instead. Not my favorite activity with a bike. SEPTA regional rail not designed with bikes in mind.

      Been checking out the infrastructure plans for the Del trail, but they are kind of lackluster. Great, and important, but really insufficient. And mostly years out from being anywhere near complete. Unlike the Schuylkill, the Delaware is too industrial to be considered "cute" and therefore has had far less attention downstream of the canal towpath. Extension to Lehigh Ave (map) is planned but has no specific timeframe. Community-approved but land acquisition required. Guessing done by 2025-27? Lehigh to Pulaski, Bridesburg to Tacony, Tacony to Holmesburg, no idea... and dear lord the gap between Holmesburg and Bristol is nuts. Guessing 2035 for some of those, 2050 all the way to Bristol.

      Just unacceptable that both the SRDC and the DWRC have to fight for scraps for ONE single trail (respectively) while govt has no prob spending bazillions on roads for cars. Just nuts. Literally one trail is all I need to escape sometimes. So BRB, going to write to my Councilmember.

      30 votes
    7. Midweek Movie Free Talk

      Warning: this post may contain spoilers

      Have you watched any movies recently you want to discuss? Any films you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here.

      Please just try to provide fair warning of spoilers if you can.

      7 votes
    8. Any friendly entrepreneurship communities that aren't rotten with the whole "grindset," hustle culture stuff?

      I've always been interested in entrepreneurship, and I think I want to get serious about doing something. I checked out the Millionaire Fastlane forums, and it's just completely saturated with the...

      I've always been interested in entrepreneurship, and I think I want to get serious about doing something. I checked out the Millionaire Fastlane forums, and it's just completely saturated with the whole "grindset" BS. I tried reading a couple of threads, and my eyes almost rolled out of my head. 🙄

      I've also hung around on the entrepreneur subreddit, and it just seems like a bunch of people without much experience trading unproven advice and people trying to sell courses.

      Does anyone know of a better community? I'd like to find some friendly, welcoming adults with actual experience to talk with. Are entrepreneurship and hustle culture always a package deal?

      34 votes