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  • Showing only topics with the tag "meat". Back to normal view
    1. Recipes for chicken thighs

      I am looking for ideas or recipes to make with chicken thighs. I bought some for a barbecue chicken recipe that I really liked, but no one else in my family enjoyed. It seemed to be the different...

      I am looking for ideas or recipes to make with chicken thighs. I bought some for a barbecue chicken recipe that I really liked, but no one else in my family enjoyed. It seemed to be the different texture of the dark meat. Now I have several pounds in the freezer I eventually need to use for something.

      I have been looking online, and most chicken thigh recipes are some variation of cooked chicken thighs whole, baked or fried, with some kind of sauce on them.

      I am wondering if anyone has recipes that use them in a way that the texture of the meat is less obvious or maybe ways of preparing them that would make them less chewy. I love the richness of them, and they are cheap, so I hope I can find ways to keep making them.

      18 votes
    2. Christmas dinner recommendations for beef cuts

      I've offered to cook Christmas Dinner for my husband's side of the family, but have one problem. While my husband and I aren't the biggest beef eaters nor big fans of steak, my in-laws are. I...

      I've offered to cook Christmas Dinner for my husband's side of the family, but have one problem. While my husband and I aren't the biggest beef eaters nor big fans of steak, my in-laws are. I don't mind cooking for their requests and find it a fun challenge to cook a different type of meat, but here's the concern: due to not regularly cooking it, I'm not as well versed in the methods or approaches.

      They would prefer either a prime rib roast or beef tenderloin; both cuts I have never worked with. While there are a number of recipes out there, I would like see if anyone on Tildes has a recommendation on how to cook either cut or another of similar quality. My mother-in-law does not like a lot of pink appearing in her steaks as well, so I'm having to consider how to handle that while also not over cooking the meat. I was already considering dry brining it overnight, but after that I'm unsure what direction i would go.

      Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated!

      13 votes
    3. I got a 2.5 lbs roast beef I need to do something with prior to this Thursday

      So usually every couple weeks I make a pot roast on the weekend, however my crock pot broke I discovered, just prior to making it. My girlfriend and I need to eat it prior to leaving town this...

      So usually every couple weeks I make a pot roast on the weekend, however my crock pot broke I discovered, just prior to making it. My girlfriend and I need to eat it prior to leaving town this Thursday after work. As I have work all week, I don't have time to make an 8 hour pot roast, so I need an idea of what I can do with this thing.

      12 votes
    4. Can anyone suggest favorite sauce recipes to serve with roast duck, or favorite ways to use leftovers? Soup is already planned.

      My husband and I will be alone this Thanksgiving, so we decided to cook a smaller bird than a turkey, specifically a duck. I like duck and frequently order it at restaurants where available, but...

      My husband and I will be alone this Thanksgiving, so we decided to cook a smaller bird than a turkey, specifically a duck. I like duck and frequently order it at restaurants where available, but don't have much experience. I found a low slow roasting recipe that looks promising. I'm already familiar with soup making.

      What advice do you have re sauces and meals using leftovers?

      14 votes
    5. Why is Popeyes so good?

      I love fried chicken sandwiches. I have loads of fast food options as well as one off restaurants around me that offer fried chicken sandwiches, some that it is their claim to fame. It doesn’t...

      I love fried chicken sandwiches. I have loads of fast food options as well as one off restaurants around me that offer fried chicken sandwiches, some that it is their claim to fame. It doesn’t seem to matter where I go in search of the best fried chicken sandwiches, or how much money I spend, Popeyes is always the best.

      Two topics to start discussion:

      1. What is your favourite fried chicken place where you live? Bonus points if you live around Vancouver, BC, Canada and can introduce me to a new favourite chicken place.

      2. What does Popeyes do to get such consistency across all locations, and why the heck is it so good?

      30 votes
    6. Meat eaters of Tildes - what have you tried to make use more ethical?

      I'm going to start with three questions but feel free to propose your own: What if anything have you tried around finding and using more ethical sources of meat? What cooking methods and recipes...

      I'm going to start with three questions but feel free to propose your own:

      1. What if anything have you tried around finding and using more ethical sources of meat?

      2. What cooking methods and recipes do you use that reduce the amount of meat you eat in a meal?

      3. What vegetarian protein sources do you find palatable and tasty?

      45 votes
    7. My own dry rub for meats

      Sweet Smokey Rub Ingredients 1 Cup Brown Sugar 1 Package Onion Soup Mix 1/3 Cup Smoked Paprika Method Place in the blender and blend on high until all of the onion bits are fully powderized. Using...

      Sweet Smokey Rub


      • 1 Cup Brown Sugar
      • 1 Package Onion Soup Mix
      • 1/3 Cup Smoked Paprika


      Place in the blender and blend on high until all of the onion bits are fully powderized.


      Dip your meat in oil then in the dry rub.
      As it cooks the sugar melts and creates a nice crispy coating.

      18 votes