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    1. Reverse-Proxying services both inside and outside of Podman

      Hey all, not-a-networks-guy here. I've currently got an rpi set up running pihole natively (not in a container) for ad and website blocking reasons. (Using port 80, no TLS) I've used the pihole...

      Hey all, not-a-networks-guy here.

      I've currently got an rpi set up running pihole natively (not in a container) for ad and website blocking reasons. (Using port 80, no TLS) I've used the pihole localdns feature to set an internal hostname for that ip (me.lan).

      On the same pi, I have podman "set up" to run FreshRSS, and I'm getting more and more annoyed about using the port # to access it. (me.lan:12345) I'd like to set up a reverse proxy (probably Traefik) in a container to redirect internally, but considering that port 80 is taken (by pihole, outside of podman) I don't see a way to direct traffic from the pihole to Traefik.

      I'd really rather not reconfigure the whole setup to use containers.... I'm lazy, and also prefer my dns resolver to have the least amount of overhead possible. Is configuring the router an option here, or is the only way to achieve what I'm looking for an overhaul of the pi and containers?

      If I've missed any pertinent details, let me know and I'll update here.

      4 votes
    2. [Home networking] Setting my Ruckus APs to DFS channels manually, any chance of running afoul of the FCC?

      Hi everyone, I recently finally setup the Ruckus AP unleased system that came with my townhome. After spending a long night learning how to properly configure the system I finally set it up in a...

      Hi everyone, I recently finally setup the Ruckus AP unleased system that came with my townhome. After spending a long night learning how to properly configure the system I finally set it up in a way that provided me the best speeds/range without interference.

      This was achieved by setting my Ruckus APs to manually sit on the DFS channels (60-140) via the Ruckus configuration app (shown here)

      This has been working great as I'm avoiding the 10~ other wifi networks in the area that are all set to the standard 36-48 and 149-160 channels (wifi analyzer screenshot here) but I'm concerned I may be inadvertently violating FCC guidelines. Note I do not live near any military installations, but I am about 13 miles away from a major airport. Will the Ruckus APs automatically change channels if they detect radar interference or am I causing trouble for someone?

      11 votes
    3. Is National Cinema Day happening this year? I can't get a straight answer online!

      So last year, the day after National Cinema Day, I saw this Tildes thread: https://tildes.net/~movies/19s7/today_is_us_national_cinema_day_what_are_you_going_to_go_see_for_4 Apparently I missed...

      So last year, the day after National Cinema Day, I saw this Tildes thread:

      Apparently I missed out on the year's biggest discount day... No biggie, I'd go next year!

      My phone's calendar said it would be on August 25th 2024, so I set a reminder. I check this morning, and see... normal priced movies?

      I look it up, and I see Regal's website hasn't been updated since 2023, 99% of news articles are still about 2023, and the articles about 2024 say either September or October dates. The subreddit for cinema employees as recently as 11 days ago had no clue when it would be.

      Does anyone on Tildes know what's going on?

      11 votes
    4. [SOLVED] Help me find a website

      I remember seeing a fun website somewhere which was basically an isometric animation of a space station or something like that. It had a lot of tiles with a lot of fun stuff happening on it, it...

      I remember seeing a fun website somewhere which was basically an isometric animation of a space station or something like that. It had a lot of tiles with a lot of fun stuff happening on it, it kinda had a "Where's Waldo" vibe. I think it had a number in it's name, like station42 or something like that. I can't find the website now. Does anyone remember what it is?

      36 votes
    5. [SOLVED] Looking for help getting my VPN to work with Firefox privacy settings

      I recently moved to a new place with a new ISP, and my Mullvad VPN isn't playing nicely with Firefox like it used to. Can any of you networking gurus please help me troubleshoot? When the VPN is...

      I recently moved to a new place with a new ISP, and my Mullvad VPN isn't playing nicely with Firefox like it used to. Can any of you networking gurus please help me troubleshoot?

      When the VPN is enabled, most requests from the browser fail immediately. If I pull up the dev tools Network tab, I can see that these requests fail with an NS_ERROR_FAILURE message before any data is transferred.

      I have Firefox configured to use "strict" Enhanced Tracking Protection. When I reduce it to "standard" my requests go through.

      I'm also trying to use DNS over HTTPS with a custom provider (Mullvad, via https://dns.mullvad.net/dns-query). I'm configuring this in Firefox, using the "Increased Protection" DoH setting. When I do that, Firefox reports the DoH status as "Status: Not active (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)". This happens even when Enhanced Tracking Protection is set to "standard" — in other words, that reduced setting fixed the NS_ERROR_FAILURE for HTTP requests, but not for DoH.

      So how do I fix this so Strict Enhanced Tracking Protection, DNS over HTTPS, and Mullvad all work together? I never had this problem with my old ISP, so I suspect something's being blocked at the WAN level that I need to circumvent.

      • OS: macOS Sonoma 14.5
      • VPN protocol: WireGuard
      • ISP: AT&T Fiber

      I'm just using the official Mullvad client app with mostly default settings. The fiber gateway modem/router came with some default packet filtering firewall rules but I disabled everything in the admin panel. Weirdly, rebooting my machine fixed this temporarily, but the next time I disconnected/reconnected the VPN it broke again. Other browsers (with default settings and no DoH) are working fine when the VPN is connected.

      Edit: Solved! Solution here.

      6 votes
    6. Yarn, React, and Udemy. Help requested.

      My apologies if this kind of content is not allowed here. Mod(s) please feel free to delete it if it is not without any butthurt on my part. I'm new to React Testing, so I am taking an Udemy...

      My apologies if this kind of content is not allowed here. Mod(s) please feel free to delete it if it is not without any butthurt on my part.

      I'm new to React Testing, so I am taking an Udemy course on it. The Udemy course uses yarn, so I would like to stick with that though I do know yarn isn't the top accepted tool in the React community.

      I've posted this question elsewhere, I haven't gotten any responses, so I am posting it here ( costs nothing ).

      I am getting this error when executing yarn build:

      $ yarn build
      yarn run v1.22.22
      $ react-scripts build
      Creating an optimized production build...
      Failed to compile.
      TS2305: Module '"web-vitals"' has no exported member 'ReportHandler'.
        > 1 | import { ReportHandler } from 'web-vitals';
            |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
          2 |
          3 | const reportWebVitals = (onPerfEntry?: ReportHandler) => {   
          4 |   if (onPerfEntry && onPerfEntry instanceof Function) {      
      error Command failed with exit code 1.

      I've tried installing web-vitals over what is already in the modules section, but that hasn't helped.

      Any clues appreciated!

      Update: the tip about ReportHandler being deprecated helped. I ran create react app in a new folder, did NOT run yarn update as the instructor called for,moved my work over, and now everything runs fine.

      7 votes
    7. How frequently does vscode save dirty files?

      trying to settle on a program where I can jot down stuff and have some degree of confidence that it will persist and I can't seem to find any actual documentation from vs code as to: How often...

      trying to settle on a program where I can jot down stuff and have some degree of confidence that it will persist and I can't seem to find any actual documentation from vs code as to:

      1. How often unsaved files are saved so that they can be restored when a session is reopened
      2. if that frequency of how often they are saved can be configured?

      Sidenote: I was going to ask this question on SO but apparently I am at risk of a question ban for not asking "good quality questions". Half my questions on there are from when I was a fresh developer and didn't really know how to articulate my questions well. Really changes my opinion of the openness of SO......

      5 votes
    8. Can I have some advice on the neural net I've been working on?

      Apologies if this isn't an appropriate place to post this. Inspired by a paper I found a while back (https://publications.lib.chalmers.se/records/fulltext/215545/local_215545.pdf), I tried my hand...

      Apologies if this isn't an appropriate place to post this.

      Inspired by a paper I found a while back (https://publications.lib.chalmers.se/records/fulltext/215545/local_215545.pdf), I tried my hand at implementing a program (in C#) to create ASCII art from an image. It works pretty well, but like they observed in the paper, it's pretty slow to compare every tile to 90-some glyphs. In the paper, they make a decision tree to replicate this process at a faster speed.

      Recently, I revisited this. I thought I'd try making a neural net, since I found the idea interesting. I've watched some videos on neural nets, and refreshed myself on my linear algebra, and I think I've gotten pretty close. That said, I feel like there's something I'm missing (especially given the fact that the loss isn't really decreasing). I think my problem is specifically during backpropagation.

      Here is a link to the TrainAsync method in GitHub: https://github.com/bendstein/ImageToASCII/blob/1c2e2260f5d4cfb45443fac8737566141f5eff6e/LibI2A/Converter/NNConverter.cs#L164C59-L164C69. The forward and backward propagation methods are below it.

      If anyone can give me any feedback or advice on what I might be missing, I'd really appreciate it.

      14 votes