Let's say you're planning to move off of VMWare. What should you know before you start a transition to something else?
I’m working on an “advice” blog post for tech people at companies that plan to abandon VMWare. The idea is to give the reader an idea of what to expect and to help them plan their migration. The...
I’m working on an “advice” blog post for tech people at companies that plan to abandon VMWare. The idea is to give the reader an idea of what to expect and to help them plan their migration. The article will be on a vendor site, but I’m writing it with editorial purity. The only promotional component is at the end, where we say, “We can help with that!” and link to a white paper or whatnot.
So, what should I include in this listicle? What advice is important to impart – and why is that important?
References and examples are welcome. Horror stories are good, too. I’m not planning to quote anybody by name so don’t be shy. (I don’t need to explain why they plan to drop VMWare. Nor will there be a discussion about possible replacements. This is a process story that happens before you choose a replacement product/vendor.)