Reddit releases their new content policy along with banning hundreds of subreddits, including /r/The_Donald and /r/ChapoTrapHouse ~tech social media Link 85 votes
Ask Historians: How did Lincoln's political agenda on slavery change before and during the war? ~humanities.history Link 8 votes
Several subreddits have posted a open letter "Open Letter to Steve Huffman and the Board of Directors of Reddit, Inc– If you believe in standing up to hate and supporting black lives, you need to act" ~tech social media Link 38 votes
Will all this fiscal and monetary stimulus lead to excessive inflation? (No.) ~finance economics Link 5 votes
Doom Eternal reverses course, will remove Denuvo Anti-Cheat with the next update ~games Link 25 votes
Indie GameDev provides an interesting insight of how their seemingly popular game performed poorly on launch ~games Link 13 votes
Open letter from id Software's Executive Producer Marty Stratton about the DOOM Eternal soundtrack controversy ~games Link 13 votes
Tory Bruno—CEO of United Launch Alliance—discusses rocket reusability, SpaceX, and the economics of operating a space launch business ~space rocketry spaceflight Link 10 votes
Are "immunity certificates" actually feasible? Thoughts from an expert on viral antibodies ~health Link 6 votes
New Covid findings from the report of the World Health Organization expert commission after nine days in China (Reddit Summary) ~health Link 10 votes
Redbox is selling off its video game stock at steep discounts (COD:MW - $29.99, Death Stranding - $24.99) ~games Link 12 votes
Some Reddit comments are being hidden by default as "potentially toxic content" (i.e. a swear filter) ~tech social media Link 38 votes
Tutorial on how to enable RCS on any carrier/device with Android Messages ~tech android google Link 7 votes
Chinese-British citizen posts detailed explanation of reasoning behind Chinese views on Hong Kong/China/Blizzard situation ~games Link 20 votes
Reddit is moving forward with their Community Points ("donuts" in /r/ethtrader) experiment, including moving them onto the Ethereum blockchain ~tech social media Link 26 votes
Reddit user requested all the personal info Epic Games has on him and Epic sent that info to a random person ~games Link 20 votes
The OpenAI team are holding an AMA on /r/Dota2, after their bots defeated the current champion team of the game ~tech Link 13 votes
I made a thoughtful-discussion-based subreddit to talk about web browsers ~tech browsers.web Link 7 votes
All flags of Africa redesigned, based on national emblems and coat of arms - by Reddit user Smiix ~design Link 11 votes
Discord just added a forced-arbitration clause to their Terms of Service (Discord staff response in comments) ~tech Link 39 votes
Reddit servers breached; full backup from 2007 (including hashed+salted passwords) obtained by attackers ~tech security social media Link 77 votes
Browns fan paints his house using local paint and proper colors. Is this crazy, or just part of being a Browns fan? ~sports.american_football Image 7 votes