14 votes
A country music artist navigates an art form altered by America’s poisoned politics
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A Green New Deal for housing
12 votes -
Liberals and Conservatives React in Wildly Different Ways to Repulsive Pictures
8 votes -
A swamp divided: How Donald Trump's arrival turned DC nightlife upside down
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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez releases Green New Deal outline
29 votes -
Thai Princess Ubolratana Mahidol running to be Prime Minister against military candidate
6 votes -
China link possible in cyber attack on Australian Parliament computer system, ABC understands
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#changethestats: A new way of talking about unemployment
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Did you watch the State of the Union? Or the Democratic response? What did you think?
First let me say that I long considered myself an independent until I realized I always voted Democrat a number of years ago because I find they best represent my interests, so that's my POV...
First let me say that I long considered myself an independent until I realized I always voted Democrat a number of years ago because I find they best represent my interests, so that's my POV coming into this. I consider myself generally liberal on most issues with a few exceptions (gun rights, against college for all, etc)
Some observations:
- There was much there to please Republicans regarding the economy, etc
- There was much there that I'm not sure will play well with Trump's base: economic programs for women in other countries (Ivanka's influence?), criminal justice reform, lots of praise and visuals of black Americans including several guests, seeming to waffle a bit on the "wall" - I think he reduced it to fencing, did I get that right?, he stated several times he was in favor of legal immigration (something his actions have indicated otherwise and his base seems to be against)
- We're going to make peace with the Taliban - that was a jaw-dropping moment for me and I could tell from the reaction of the Rs in the crowd that it didn't play well with them
- Democratic women wearing white - smart political move and I didn't catch they did it during his first speech
- Pelosi was great to watch. Calm as a cucumber. She had several little subversive moments where instead of immediately sitting down after clapping she shuffled some papers or pretended to read something, sending a clear message of what she thought of POTUS' remarks
- Trump's anti-immigration push still isn't focusing on any facts...sigh.
- Russia investigation was only mentioned once or twice so he didn't succumb to temptation there
- I thought this was by far his best and most presidential speech
- The Rs at work were not impressed so I thought that was interesting
Regarding Stacy Abrams' response:
- I was totally disappointed
- She completely lacked energy and I had a hard time following along because of it
- Kennedy was 100x better in his response (even with the excessive lip balm)
- I don't have much else to say...it was bland
What did you think?
EDIT: Forgot he announced we're back in a nuclear arms race with Russia and China. And what was up with bringing in all of the Holocaust survivors and WWII vets? Was that a blatant appeal to the oldest members of his base or simply to recall the last "good" war the US fought?
19 votes -
Earth marks fourth hottest year on record as Congress opens climate hearings
10 votes -
Emmeline Pankhurst: The Suffragette who used militant tactics to win women the vote
7 votes -
Trump administration slips a new, narrower definition of domestic violence onto DOJ website
4 votes -
The Davos set are cosying up to the far right – and scared of the left
12 votes -
A first: Women take the majority in Nevada Legislature and Colorado House
9 votes -
Ralph Northam yearbook page shows men in blackface and KKK robe
15 votes -
Zanu-PF wins majority in Zimbabwe parliament elections, officials say
7 votes -
Premier Daniel Andrews has just announced that the Victorian government will ban gay conversion therapy in that state
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UAE’s tolerance embraces faiths, runs up against politics
4 votes -
New Jersey approved LGBTQ-inclusive school curriculum — And it's only the second in the nation
7 votes -
To save the planet, the Green New Deal needs to improve urban land use
6 votes -
Legislative Round-Up: Criminal Justice Reform in the States
3 votes -
Let’s Talk: The hypocrisy of Bell Canada and mental health under capitalism
4 votes -
The US President's $2,614 per minute transport system
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Betsy DeVos Is Fabricating History to Sell a Bad Education Policy
14 votes -
Socrates versus Roger Stone
9 votes -
Australia recognises Juan Guaidó as Venezuela president
6 votes -
Jean Wyllys: Gay Brazil politician will not return over death threats
12 votes -
Angola is the latest African country to decriminalise homosexuality
9 votes -
Ex-Jakarta Governor Ahok, jailed for blasphemy, freed
3 votes -
Stop trusting viral videos
16 votes -
With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Americans finally have a politician who agrees with them about taxes
24 votes -
President Donald Trump directed his attorney Michael Cohen to lie to US Congress about the Moscow Tower project
24 votes -
Kim Stanley Robinson’s lunar revolution
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GOP Rep. Tom Marino resigns from Congress
9 votes -
EU Copyright reform negotiations (Article 11 and Article 13) hit a brick wall in Council
10 votes -
Privacy and Politics
I was thinking about the intersection of internet privacy and politics. You could even say I was having a bit of a mini-crisis. I like to think of myself as being pretty liberal, but I wondering...
I was thinking about the intersection of internet privacy and politics. You could even say I was having a bit of a mini-crisis. I like to think of myself as being pretty liberal, but I wondering how that fits into privacy. I was a little upset when I learned that Obama called Edward Snowden unpatriotic. I was kind of thinking that what he did was patriotic. Wasn't the NSA monitoring US citizens without warrants. That's morally wrong right? I think I would be pretty fine with the government monitoring someone if they had a warrant given to them by a non-secret court. I'm wondering if anyone here can give me some insight on this or if anyone else feels/has felt this way.
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When leaders are bullies
5 votes -
The 2019 geopolitical reading list
8 votes -
These are all the federal HTTPS websites that’ll expire soon because of the US government shutdown
8 votes -
New York passes Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) and legislation banning “conversion therapy”
12 votes -
Transparency-seeking OPEN Government Data Act signed into law
7 votes -
Who owns the internet? (What Big Tech’s monopoly powers mean for our culture.)
11 votes -
Fact: Calling out political furphies works, in Australia at least
An article from the Sydney Morning Herald: Fact: Calling out political furphies works, in Australia at least (with some local flavour) An article from New Scientist: Australians care if...
An article from the Sydney Morning Herald: Fact: Calling out political furphies works, in Australia at least (with some local flavour)
An article from New Scientist: Australians care if politicians tell lies, but people in the US don’t (from a non-Australian point of view)
The study itself in Royal Society Open Science: Does truth matter to voters? The effects of correcting political misinformation in an Australian sample.
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Donald Trump Was Never Vetted
20 votes -
Noam Chomsky - The Right Turn (1986)
9 votes -
Danish government to improve conditions for prostitutes
9 votes -
Build the US wall? It could take at least ten years, even with 10,000 workers.
11 votes -
How an emerging African megacity cut commutes by two hours a day
11 votes -
Ocasio-Cortez’s seventy percent top tax rate is a moderate, evidence-based policy
23 votes