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    1. The mask of humanity fall from capital

      snuffed out like meaningless leaves and ashes one fell moment and it's all gone only the suffering remains and you see, you see it at that moment all that talk about prosperity, humanity, kindness...

      snuffed out
      like meaningless leaves and ashes
      one fell moment and it's all gone
      only the suffering remains
      and you see, you see it at that moment
      all that talk about prosperity, humanity, kindness
      it was all a ruse
      the only truth was capital and power
      the only things that mattered to them

      the statesmen and the masters
      they had convened together
      built the looming and dark tombs of delusion
      and they did not give a damn about to-be-corpses
      they still do not

      over fifty thousand
      they were killed, butchered, murdered
      they are still unmourned to this day
      they are still forgotten
      many of them are still lost in the rubbles
      millions more made to wander
      suffering at the mercy of the monster

      do they not deserve avenging
      shouldn't their pain be inflicted thousandfold on the usurpers
      the throne makers and takers of the rich and the corrupt
      their blood does not belong to them
      not anymore

      gods of the new world
      here's a declaration
      you are not infallible
      but our hatred is everlasting
      as long as you exist
      the spectre will never vanish
      even if it takes millenia
      we are going to make people forget you were ever human
      you shall not be any more than ancient evils of dust
      your memory shall be one of a joke, a bygone idiocy
      and whatever you built, it will come falling down
      much harder than the tombs you raised
      the blood you spilt will haunt you down to nothing
      and in that moment
      when the last memory of you is forgotten
      when everything you created is ashes
      the void shall truly embrace you
      remember this promise for the rest of your life
      in your most intimate, safest moments
      feel this cold breath of the cosmos on your neck
      it is ours, for we are the harbingers

      14 votes
    2. Mythos

      Mythos A tree unwatched does soundless fall Without an eye its crash to mark And starborn light in vain does call While hearts incline instead to dark So natural course unseen dictates The wave of...


      A tree unwatched does soundless fall

      Without an eye its crash to mark

      And starborn light in vain does call

      While hearts incline instead to dark

      So natural course unseen dictates

      The wave of time as life begins

      Nor, in our barques asea in fate

      Ken we the source of distant winds

      Now blown to gale, now to 'phoon —

      We strike our sail, but none can dock

      Our crafts beset do founder soon

      For to the hours we're firmly nocked

      In time's swift drifts all 'twined we are

      Yet each must pass the stellar door

      Through deep'ning age pass on afar

      And thus return to astral moor

      12 votes
    3. gaze of the sun

      burn away the rot burn away the festering burn away the power that grip your heart burn ’em all the gaze of your sun shall make you invincible they shall fear your conviction for they are the...

      burn away the rot
      burn away the festering
      burn away the power
      that grip your heart
      burn ’em all

      the gaze of your sun
      shall make you invincible
      they shall fear your conviction
      for they are the immovable object
      you become the unstoppable force
      and you are one of many

      you refuse the dying of the dream
      and that shall become your sun

      8 votes
    4. antediluvian

      gusts of wind pick up in pace and oaken leaves they make to shake. chirps and flaps as birds make haste and hooves all trample in escape. above, the clouds, they morph and move bearing an ocean in...

      gusts of wind pick up in pace
      and oaken leaves they make to shake.
      chirps and flaps as birds make haste
      and hooves all trample in escape.

      above, the clouds, they morph and move
      bearing an ocean in their womb.
      forest florals stare in rue;
      effulgence dims as darkness blooms.

      the rumbling clouds envelope all.
      a drip, a drop. and the rain falls.
      and though the canopy may stall,
      a dribble starts and rends the wall.

      a torrent soars towards the floor.
      the land, to sea, returns once more.
      in time, the green but will restore.
      in time, the clouds but will reform.

      i wrote this at a creative writing workshop with the following three randomly generated words as the prompt: frequency, dribble, oak.

      9 votes
    5. how gods are born

      we enshrine our lords do we not call them Lord? the lords giveth and taketh they are the amalgamation the supreme product of history that is why they are sacred why their divinity is everlasting...

      we enshrine our lords
      do we not call them Lord?
      the lords giveth and taketh
      they are the amalgamation
      the supreme product of history
      that is why they are sacred
      why their divinity is everlasting
      or so it is thought

      gods are born, gods are killed
      the only truth in them is order
      and to the ordinary that is divine
      their dreams start and end within
      the lord's domain breaths life
      it dictates what is allowed to be
      it cuts the branches off

      young dreamer, knowing this
      do you still desire The Dream-God?
      is it not past time its death?
      shouldn't its corpse nourish life?
      and the many branches-to-be?

      18 votes
    6. Multiauthor poetry anthology recommendations

      I've recently finished Mary Oliver's A Poetry Handbook and have begun writing my own poems (just for fun). I feel though that I may be limited by my having read little poetry. So, I'm searching...

      I've recently finished Mary Oliver's A Poetry Handbook and have begun writing my own poems (just for fun). I feel though that I may be limited by my having read little poetry. So, I'm searching for anthology recommendations to get some inspiration.

      I'm not really looking for collections of "classics," just a large collection of poems generally considered to be "very good," and maybe leaning more towards contemporary (late 19th century onwards?). But I'd welcome recommendations outside of these guidelines too if anyone feels particularly strongly about some collection.

      3 votes
    7. we pay

      we pay for the violence of others blood yearns for blood to hurt the warped spreads the scarlet the horizons and the cliffs are rife i endure for i bear the deep song update: v2

      6 votes
    8. Pebbles

      I walk by the stony brook a path of pebbles at my feet. I bend to pick one up and it is lovely. Alas! They number far too many to read each one's story. But I will try.

      15 votes
    9. Love

      © 2014 u/ebonGavia Love Love's sweetly poisoned darts Are wasted on this heart Inerrant though they fly My shielding gives them lie These centuries-builded walls The keenest edge forestall Thus...

      © 2014 u/ebonGavia


      Love's sweetly poisoned darts

      Are wasted on this heart

      Inerrant though they fly

      My shielding gives them lie

      These centuries-builded walls

      The keenest edge forestall

      Thus armored sit I here

      At siren's call do sneer

      By hours, years do toll

      And cold becomes my soul

      That blackguard, Love, I spurn

      From treach'rous Hope I turn

      At length my vigil wanes

      Naught but ennui remains

      With apathetic sigh

      And dry, half-lidded eye

      My senses, weak, are dulled

      To fitful sleep are lulled

      Thus primed for artifice

      Undone by artlessness

      A 'doring glance unlocks

      My bitter heart. A shock —

      A shining word, a koan —

      The fatal shot is flown

      Each quick'ning touch, now soft

      Our scales, forgotten, doffed

      Bewitched by winsome eyes

      We don our honeyed ties

      Yet venom's stings presage

      Our bittersweet malaise

      But how is it that we

      Bemoan this malady?

      In love — by Love, lovesick

      Yet, healed, we poison pick

      No Cupid bends a string

      We prick ourselves, willing.

      7 votes
    10. I Reject My Humanity

      Born in the wrong family It left me a gaping void Stole from me my charity Burdened me with worry Born in the wrong district It showed me the savagery Darkness that lurks within men To untrust the...

      Born in the wrong family
      It left me a gaping void
      Stole from me my charity
      Burdened me with worry

      Born in the wrong district
      It showed me the savagery
      Darkness that lurks within men
      To untrust the ones of normalcy

      Born in the wrong city
      Filled my soul with mundanity
      The unbearable banale
      Empty of all wonder and beauty

      Born in the wrong culture
      Learned to hide my reality
      Lest I be killed or maimed
      In the rein of traditionality

      Born in the wrong country
      Flayed from me my future
      Gutted sense of commonality
      It branded on me misery

      Born in the wrong system
      Chained me to slavery
      Feeding some malevolence
      Corrupted my destiny

      Born in the wrong time
      Hurled into moment of history
      Trapped within rotting remnants
      Couldn't do away with the elderly

      Hereby I declare to all
      I reject my humanity
      For no matter the causality
      But only in a handul few
      I see nothing worthy

      19 votes
    11. recycled foundations

      we recycle our emotions the foundations dread, despair, the nothing the isolation of it all these are all mine and anger poured on top disgust inbetween told by soil to extinguish sealed them all...

      we recycle our emotions
      the foundations

      dread, despair, the nothing
      the isolation of it all
      these are all mine
      and anger poured on top
      disgust inbetween

      told by soil to extinguish
      sealed them all away
      left adrift and devoid
      unable to feel the whole
      afraid that it would crush

      despairing everything
      i fed the void
      it bloated and festered
      putrid without a voice
      it would swallow all
      so i bestow it mouth

      eight-pointed star
      the father-mother
      bear my witness
      i am heartsore
      and loathe the creators

      we recycle our emotions
      i accept it all, the

      4 votes
    12. companionship

      denied your own tragedy fun and cheery held back by ancient rites good sport and jolly these unspoken wounds banter along all day festered and putrid dish it out and take it marred by shallow's...

      denied your own tragedy
      fun and cheery
      held back by ancient rites
      good sport and jolly
      these unspoken wounds
      banter along all day
      festered and putrid
      dish it out and take it
      marred by shallow's tyranny
      here's to another round

      15 votes
    13. Random thoughts at daybreak

      In shadows cast, a serpent sleek, With bands of black and white. In self-encircling, fate draws near, A moment tense, a future unclear. Yet, ere the bite, a raptor bold, Descends with grace, a...

      In shadows cast, a serpent sleek,
      With bands of black and white.
      In self-encircling, fate draws near,
      A moment tense, a future unclear.

      Yet, ere the bite, a raptor bold,
      Descends with grace, a tale unfolds.
      Its talons clasp the serpent’s plight,
      A dance of choices in the fading light.

      Two paths converge, in present’s hold,
      Humanity’s tale, a story bold.
      Betwixt self-will and forces unseen,
      The dance of fate, on history’s screen.

      17 votes
    14. The great advantage of being alive

      I desire more poetry on this site. So here is more poetry! I believe this is Cummings due to the style and some cursory internet searches but I was unable to find an authoritative source. If...

      I desire more poetry on this site. So here is more poetry!

      I believe this is Cummings due to the style and some cursory internet searches but I was unable to find an authoritative source. If anyone has one I'll edit it in! The formatting is taken from a book (I discovered this in a photo online).

      the great advantage of being alive
      (instead of undying)is not so much
      that mind no more can disprove than prove
      what heart may feel and soul may touch
      --the great(my darling) happens to be
      that love are in we,that love are in we

      and here is a secret they will never share
      for whom create is less than have
      or one times one than when times where--
      that we are in love,that we are in love
      with us they've nothing times nothing to do
      (for love are in we am in i am in you)

      this world(as timorous itsters all
      to call their cowardice quite agree)
      shall never discover our touch and feel
      --for love are in we are in love are in we;
      for you are and i am and we are(above
      and under all possible worlds)in love

      a billion brains may coax undeath
      from fancied fact and spaceful time--
      no heart can leap,no soul can breathe
      but by the sizeless truth of a dream
      whose sleep is the sky and the earth and the sea.
      For love are in you am in i are in we

      23 votes
    15. Looking for sources related to "The Repetitive Nature of Human Tribulations"

      Hello everyone :) I write as a hobby and have had an article in my drafts for a long, long time. In essence, I'd like to discuss the "repetitive nature of human tribulations/suffering/life", that...

      Hello everyone :)

      I write as a hobby and have had an article in my drafts for a long, long time. In essence, I'd like to discuss the "repetitive nature of human tribulations/suffering/life", that is, the fact that regardless of superficial characteristics we all are confronted with extremely similar circumstances throughout our lives.

      Whether it's 10 years into our lives or 40, there's joy, heartbreak, loss, a need to belong, some desire for freedom, a need for a purpose, lack of direction, obsession with a newly found direction, etc.

      I'd love to come across poets, philosophers, psychologists, etc who have touched upon this subject: we are not defined by our circumstances, as they are, in very broad strokes, largely the same, but by how we are able to adapt and reinvent ourselves amidst those same circumstances.

      Looking forward for your answers :)


      7 votes
    16. Does anyone here enjoy poetry? If yes, what are your gateway drug poems and what are your hidden gems?

      So as an American whose love of poetry started in early childhood with A A Milne and Lewis Carroll, I have a theory that the teaching of poetry in typical schools (at least for my generation which...

      So as an American whose love of poetry started in early childhood with A A Milne and Lewis Carroll, I have a theory that the teaching of poetry in typical schools (at least for my generation which may be 30 years out of date re what happens now) that poetry as taught is almost tailor made to destroy any interest in poetry. I like to compare it to introducing music by teaching music theory.

      So, if anyone here reads poetry and is willing to talk about it, what poems would you use if you wanted to come up with a gateway drug. They should be easy to appreciate. And on the flip side, if you met someone who said they were really into poetry, are there sophisticated poems that you think are just cool and insightful and moving and impressive in some way? Please feel free to explain your choices or to talk about your experience with poetry in or outside of education.

      36 votes
    17. Poetry Machine (project)

      The concept It's a box that contains a receipt printer and an interface with several buttons. A user would press a button that reflects their emotional state (happy, sad, anxious, etc.), then the...

      The concept

      It's a box that contains a receipt printer and an interface with several buttons. A user would press a button that reflects their emotional state (happy, sad, anxious, etc.), then the machine prints out a more-or-less appropriate poem on a receipt printer, beautifully formatted and embellished with simple artwork.

      It could be occasionally repurposed for certain themes, like Pride Month to print out queer poems.

      I want to place it someplace public and well-trafficked, like Dolores Park or on Castro Street.


      I like poetry. The idea of a (free) vending machine that gives me a poem to uplift my day excites me. But I wonder if this appeals to others enough to be worth fully realizing. I don't want to spend time and money building something that'll go totally unloved.

      Also curious about anti-vandalism measures or ideas. I'm sure some jerk will try graffiti-ing it or peeing on it.

      Lastly, anyone interested in collaborating?

      7 votes
    18. An Ode to Undies

      T'was picking fruit down under, where I learned the truth of underwear Davenport made the best boxer costed more but last forever At first my junk was hanging loose no more briefs snuggling like a...

      T'was picking fruit down under, where
      I learned the truth of underwear
      Davenport made the best boxer
      costed more but last forever

      At first my junk was hanging loose
      no more briefs snuggling like a noose
      but soon I loved it hanging free
      it's quicker when you have to pee

      Decade later holes not in sight
      Bought some more in case they might
      Thought they'd be with me till the end
      Thirty years they've been my friend

      Now I'm down to last seven pair
      Out of business they went I fear
      Brought down low by cheap knock offs
      Where oh where is my Undie Guru now?

      12 votes
    19. I sang her name in words forgotten

      I sang her name in words forgotten Rough bellows of lost yearning A hurt hound without path A sorrow meaning without an end I heard the rain, heard the ocean Lick the sand without defect The...

      I sang her name in words forgotten
      Rough bellows of lost yearning
      A hurt hound without path
      A sorrow meaning without an end

      I heard the rain, heard the ocean
      Lick the sand without defect
      The water, where it falls
      Is always beautiful all the same

      I saw, my God, that you made her
      Carefully crooked, imperfect
      And inside her deep mournful eyes
      The tears that I could never shed

      9 votes