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    1. Username mentions in comments now send notifications

      Another feature update courtesy of open-source contributors - @Celeo was brave and took this complex update on as a first contribution to the Tildes code. Mentioning a username in a comment will...

      Another feature update courtesy of open-source contributors - @Celeo was brave and took this complex update on as a first contribution to the Tildes code.

      Mentioning a username in a comment will now send them a notification. Any of the following formats work:

      It won't send a notification if you mention yourself, or if you mention someone that already would have gotten a notification for the comment anyway (the author of the parent topic/comment).

      Edits should be handled as well, so if you edit in a mention that wasn't there previously it will generate the notification at that point, and if you edit one out it will delete that notification (whether the user has seen it yet or not).

      Please let me know if you notice any issues or strange behavior (and please don't use this maliciously to annoy people).

      85 votes
    2. RSS/Atom feeds for groups?

      Could we have RSS or Atom feeds that correspond to a given view? There could be two kinds of feeds, one that links to the comments page, and one that follows the link itself. The comments feed for...

      Could we have RSS or Atom feeds that correspond to a given view?

      There could be two kinds of feeds, one that links to the comments page, and one that follows the link itself. The comments feed for ~comp could be https://tildes.net/~comp?rss=comments, and the link feed could be https://tildes.net/~comp?rss=link, or something like that. Ideally this could apply to tags as well, so if I just wanted to see posts in ~comp tagged web, I could view https://tildes.net/~comp?tag=web&rss=comments.

      Several similar sites have this ability, so it's nice to be able to browse them all in one place. (On Reddit you can put .rss at the end of a subreddit for a feed, and on Hacker News and Lobsters it's just /rss).

      What do you think?

      15 votes
    3. General plans for the week

      For my fellow Canadians, Happy, uh... Regatta Day / Terry Fox Day / Saskatchewan Day / British Columbia Day / Natal Day / Simcoe Day / New Brunswick Day / Colonel By Day / Heritage Day / Joseph...

      For my fellow Canadians, Happy, uh... Regatta Day / Terry Fox Day / Saskatchewan Day / British Columbia Day / Natal Day / Simcoe Day / New Brunswick Day / Colonel By Day / Heritage Day / Joseph Brant Day / Benjamin Vaughan Day. For everyone else, Happy Monday.

      Here are my overall plans for this week, in no particular order:

      On Friday, your own user page had topics/comments views added, and has been paginated. Sometime in the next few days, I'm intending to extend this to other users' pages. I haven't finished deciding yet which privacy options (if any) will be available as part of this, so feel free to add your input in that thread if you haven't already.

      There are multiple open-source contributions for features in progress, so there should be a few more things coming in shortly from there. I'll make separate changelog posts for anything particularly major, but one that was added over the weekend (contibuted by @what again) was some special appearance/behavior for "nsfw" and "spoiler" tags on topics. They'll stand out more, always be displayed at the start of the tags list, and the "spoiler" tag makes sure that text posts don't have their excerpt displayed in the listing (but can still be clicked to expand).

      @cfabbro did a massive rework and update of the Docs site that I want to get applied this week. There's a ton of new information in there that should help a lot as we keep bringing more people into the site.

      On that note, there's also a new official invite-request thread in /r/tildes on reddit, so we'll probably have a decent number of new registrations this week as that gets worked through. I've also topped everyone back up to 5 invite codes (available here: https://tildes.net/invite), so please feel free to invite people yourselves as well (and as always, if you need more codes, just send me a message and ask).

      I think that should cover the main plans, any extra time I find above that will probably go into various random things on the backlog (and if I have time to work on a major feature, probably basic search).

      Thanks for being here, and please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions.

      42 votes
    4. The first time I have seen a locked post on tildes and frankly Im scared it's the start of the 'reddit-fication' of Tildes

      I just saw this post: NY Times defends hiring of editorial writer after emergence of past racial tweets. Now the article is a whole discussion in itself and just to openly reveal any bias I might...

      I just saw this post: NY Times defends hiring of editorial writer after emergence of past racial tweets. Now the article is a whole discussion in itself and just to openly reveal any bias I might have I personally do think the comments that were made are very much racist as they generalise a large group of people based on their skin colour in a negative light. I also consider myself a centrist (That's in UK terms, very much a supporter of the democrats in the US), although this information isn't crucial and not strictly relevant I feel biases should be known and taken into consideration.

      My issue with the post wasn't with the article that was good and provided good discussion that I feel suites Tildes perfectly, it's a controversial and divisive subject and generally online this would be a atrocious thing to debate. Yet I view Tildes as a place of openness and willingness to debate that doesn't resort to generalisations and sweeping statements. This is the kind of post that would be great for Tildes as it would allow discussion that wasn't a complete mess, it's a rare place where you are able to talk about such topics that are debates not fights.

      11 Hours after the post went live it was locked by Deimos.

      This is frankly shameful and appalling. Now I don't blame Deimos. As far as I'm aware he's the only one currently moderating so I can only imagine the difficulty to moderate such a topic, yet I feel rather disappointed, I don't see any justification or reasoning for the post being locked and in future I would like some statement explaining why. In a perfect world I would prefer no post to be locked but I'm aware that's difficult with lack of moderators. No post should ever just be locked with no reason given.

      Now, I must confess I am unaware of any comments being removed and I must assume there must of been to lead to the post becoming locked which would help be understand as to why it happened, this is purely speculation and would greatly appreciate a direct statement from Deimos explaining why even just a sentence saying there was lots of hate.

      Although I think this is a issue I can understand why this happened in the early days of Tildes, it's still being developed on and I get the vibe he enjoys creating a community and a place for discussion not moderating and removing comments. Later on I do not expect or want this to happen.

      My main issue though arises from the users. Looking in the comments there was a specific comment that stood out as being especially un-Tildes like:

      I think Ms. Jeong's tweets about white people are hilarious. The fact that she annoys conservatives is reason enough to hire her.

      Although the first half I disagree with it's the user expressing their opinion, that's OK. My main issue is the second half "The fact that she annoys conservatives is reason enough to hire her" that one sentence alone infuriates me. It's such a ignorant statement. The comment provides little input into the discussion and just feeds the us vs them mentality of politics which thrives in today's political debates everything is now a black and white issue. I view Tildes as a place that looks past meaningless statements like this, the comment also had 7 votes. Thankfully the response criticising this had 20 votes which does suggest the majority of the community dislike the comment as well.

      Although I selected this comment as I felt it best represented the problem but there were a noticeable presence of low input comments which merely just resulted in people passively aggressively arguing with each others comments and very little comments focusing on the actual article itself.

      Perhaps this is what people want, but it's the first time on Tildes I have seen a noticeable presence of low effort and poor comments. Admittedly maybe I just have the wrong opinion on Tildes and I'm in the minority but to me it felt very much unlike what Tildes should be. It feels there's a growing minority of Reddit like comments. I must acknowledge that a lot of the comments I disagree with had few votes and perhaps there just wasn't enough comments to drown them out, low effort comments are easier to make and more frequent than good quality comments, and maybe once the user base increases so will the high quality comments.

      In summery I think locked posts should be clearly shown why they are locked, perhaps it's time moderation increased to prevent this in the future, this is a whole issue in in itself. More crucially I think we need to keep an eye on users that post low quality comment and call them out on it for being un-tildes like, If nothing is done It's a threat to the quality discussion that tildes is based on.

      33 votes
    5. Is the Tildes section model compatible with injokes and microcultures?

      Something you see frequently on Reddit are subreddits that have developed their own slang, jokes and references. That's part of the reason why Reddit feels like a collection of communities more...

      Something you see frequently on Reddit are subreddits that have developed their own slang, jokes and references. That's part of the reason why Reddit feels like a collection of communities more than one website divided into sections, which is what Tildes look like right now.
      The question is, do we want that sort of stuff here?

      10 votes
    6. Does anybody else find themselves lurking a lot more on Tildes?

      On Reddit I'm a fairly active user, commenting a lot even it it doesn't really need to be commented, but on Tildes I find that a lot of the time I will not comment if it seems like it isn't...

      On Reddit I'm a fairly active user, commenting a lot even it it doesn't really need to be commented, but on Tildes I find that a lot of the time I will not comment if it seems like it isn't needed, and I'll spend time actually reading other comments to see if what I wanted to say has been said before.

      To me it feels like Tildes is a more mature(IMO) and better place for discussion instead of just random quips.

      48 votes
    7. Is there any way to move the text box for topic replies to the top of the page rather than after all the comments?

      It took me a while to find where to post a reply to a post, and it was a little annoying to scroll past all the comments to write my own. On the other hand, it does encourage reading the other...

      It took me a while to find where to post a reply to a post, and it was a little annoying to scroll past all the comments to write my own.

      On the other hand, it does encourage reading the other posts before replying, but I feel like that hopefully won't needed on this site.

      7 votes
    8. Building "Board Culture" for each separate group through scrapping the 'front page' view

      Partially inspired by @Amarok's comment on culture specific to /r/listentothis and some thoughts I've been having: how can we make sure that each group (and sub-, and sub-sub-groups, etc) each...

      Partially inspired by @Amarok's comment on culture specific to /r/listentothis and some thoughts I've been having: how can we make sure that each group (and sub-, and sub-sub-groups, etc) each have a sort of identity of their own? In my own experience and opinion having a cohesive identity as a subgroup helps the content quite a bit, as opposed to "just being a subgroup".

      And I have a suggestion: If we scrap the front page as is, and we don't show all the subgroups' content mixed through each other, but stick to either a "classic" forum view, or like 4chan's view where you have to click through to a subforum, people would be forced to visit just that subgroup, and do so consciously. Thoughts?

      7 votes
    9. Feature Idea - Notify users when a comment which they had interacted with is edited.

      Mockup - see the top item. I would love to be notified when a comment which I had interacted with has been edited. I have seen it mentioned by others a while back as well. My suggested...

      Mockup - see the top item.

      I would love to be notified when a comment which I had interacted with has been edited. I have seen it mentioned by others a while back as well. My suggested implementation is a pretty minor UI change.

      On https://tildes.net/notifications/unread there would be an additional listing type which begins with "Comment was edited on "

      Any comment which the current user has replied to, or has upvoted, and has been edited would appear here.

      I am experimenting with a simple survey below using comments, please upvote the one that best reflects your view. Of course, also feel free to discuss anything further in a normal comment, just trying to keep things organized.

      22 votes
    10. Given our Non-Profit nature, wouldn't having a "Gold" option make sense?

      Forgive me if this has been posted before, I am still pretty new here. Coming here having the option to "Gild" was something I kinda just assumed would be a thing. Obviously it wouldn't need to be...

      Forgive me if this has been posted before, I am still pretty new here.

      Coming here having the option to "Gild" was something I kinda just assumed would be a thing.

      Obviously it wouldn't need to be call "Gold" or "Gilding", those are just terms from some other site that I know all of us will understand.

      I have always liked the idea of users buying made up medals for topics and comments they felt the need to reward. It gives the users a sense of accomplishment/reward and gets the devs little micro donations.

      Currently the most valuable material in existence is antimatter, so maybe a little "AM" medal?

      EDIT: Something I also meant to mention, but forgot, was the badge system on DeviantART.

      dA has always had these little pixel llama badges that I thought were really cool. The basic concept was/is that you can gift someone a little llama if you think they or their art is cool or for any reason you want. These llamas stack on your profile. People can additionally gift gear for existing llamas and the site occasionally gives out rare llamas (and other badges) for milestones, events or promotions.

      I think a hybrid of reddit's gilding system and a badge system (like dA's) could be really cool.

      27 votes
    11. General plans for the week

      As mentioned last week, I've stopped making the official Daily Discussion posts, but I'd still like to have this general weekly one on Mondays to talk a bit about my overall intentions for the...

      As mentioned last week, I've stopped making the official Daily Discussion posts, but I'd still like to have this general weekly one on Mondays to talk a bit about my overall intentions for the upcoming week.

      This week, my main focus is definitely going to be working through more open-source-related tasks, especially reviewing the open merge requests that people have contributed. It's been great to see people diving right in and contributing significant features already, there's some really exciting stuff in there—username notifications, post saving, 2-factor authentication support, and even more. So I want to try to get through reviewing most or all of those in the near future (and deploy some when they're ready).

      Beyond that, there's still a fair amount of documentation and other things related to the open-sourcing that I'd like to do, and (as mentioned last week), I've now got most of the work for user-page pagination done but haven't quite had a chance to finish it up yet. There are also some company-side things that need attention, including looking into applying for some grants that I should be eligible for now that the code has been open-sourced.

      I think we also need to bring in another significant-size group of users fairly soon. Some people have been giving out invites on reddit in /r/tildes and other locations where the site's been brought up, and I expect we'll also do one of the official invite threads this week too (which tends to bring in a lot). To help with that a bit, I've given everyone 5 invite codes again (you can get them here), but if you have some way that you'd like to invite more people through and need more codes, just send me a message and let me know.

      40 votes
    12. Migration of sub-tags/communities

      Was asked to post here about this: Is there a plan for migrating sub-tags (or top-level groups too)? The scenario I'm thinking of is that things may either fork, or change their name unanimously....

      Was asked to post here about this:

      Is there a plan for migrating sub-tags (or top-level groups too)? The scenario I'm thinking of is that things may either fork, or change their name unanimously.

      Let's say a tech product changes its official name from XX to be YY, Would there be a way to migrate
      ~tech.XX.stuff to ~tech.YY.stuff?

      I can't say that this will be a common occurrence, but may affect historical usefulness of the tagging system, as people looking for things in the past won't be able to easily - plus it may divide communities once existing (do they keep posting in the old tag or the new one?).

      For now, this isn't too important as @Deimos (from what it seems?) is in charge of creating new topics and presumably modify them too, but for the future (according to this) we may start having user created groups pop-up.


      3 votes
    13. Two-Factor Auth / Security

      I’m still in awe of what’s happening here and wish I had a crystal ball to see the change this type of community will drive in broader social discourse. If that goal is realized, there will be...

      I’m still in awe of what’s happening here and wish I had a crystal ball to see the change this type of community will drive in broader social discourse. If that goal is realized, there will be very sophisticated folks looking to disrupt that progress.

      As a security guy (especially in light of Reddit’s recent announcement) I had a few questions!

      1.) How open are we to integrating some type of optional 2FA for users? Maybe a simple TOTP integration?
      2.) Are the admins of the site implementing the right amount of fundamental controls for the backend? I’m 100% happy to provide thoughts on this if necessary! The decisions you make now, could impact us 5-6 years from now. And they’re oh-so-easy to change this early :-D.

      16 votes
    14. Reddit's bot ecosystem - Any good lessons for features on Tildes?

      I may be one of the least qualified people here to discuss this topic, but I find two reddit bots pretty useful: https://www.reddit.com/user/autotldr...

      I may be one of the least qualified people here to discuss this topic, but I find two reddit bots pretty useful:


      https://www.reddit.com/user/alternate-source-bot (this is my recent favorite)

      What do you all think features like the two above being integrated into Tildes in some fashion, via bot or otherwise? Are there any other bot behaviors that you like which would have a good impact here, or are bots that produce comments the scourge of Reddit?

      Sorry if this has been discussed before, if so let me know and I will delete this topic.

      22 votes
    15. Saving topics with the ability to add Your Tags

      I see there is an issue open to add a saving feature for topics, which is great! I would like to make a suggestion for this feature. Do you think it would be possible to give users the ability to...

      I see there is an issue open to add a saving feature for topics, which is great! I would like to make a suggestion for this feature.

      Do you think it would be possible to give users the ability to add their own tags to a saved topic?

      A lot of times I search for content related to a project I am working on, and it would be nice if I could tag the topics I find as "project-xyz", as this would allow me find them easily when I come back to reference something. This tag would be useless to anyone else, but having our own personal tags, that only we can see, would be very useful in curating content.

      One way this could be done is by having a new section named "Your Tags" that appears under the existing "Tags" one, in the sidebar for a topic. Then on the Saved page, the sidebar could list all your unique tags, and clicking one would filter the topics.

      Anyway, just throwing out an idea. I can add a comment to that GitLab issue, if this is a possibility and something people are interested in.

      11 votes
    16. Will Tildes ever implement a rule that posts require the OP to start the discussion in the text section?

      I find posts that are just links or simple questions without any additional input from the poster to be low-effort and don't tend to garner meaningful discussion. I've noticed that there are a...

      I find posts that are just links or simple questions without any additional input from the poster to be low-effort and don't tend to garner meaningful discussion. I've noticed that there are a fair amount of those posts on this site although they're definitely the minority. There are some subreddits I follow that have implemented mandatory discussion by the OP as a rule and it really did a lot of good for discussion and thread contribution. Even something as simple as writing why you think the link you're sharing is interesting / important / etc would be enough to kick things off and invite discussion, I think.

      What are you guys' thoughts on this?

      13 votes
    17. Editing "grace period" for comments and topics increased to 5 minutes

      This is an extremely minor change and I don't know if it's even really worth posting about, but I think it's probably good to make people aware: I've just increased the "grace period" for editing...

      This is an extremely minor change and I don't know if it's even really worth posting about, but I think it's probably good to make people aware: I've just increased the "grace period" for editing both comments and topics to 5 minutes (previously it was only 2 minutes). That is, any edits inside the first 5 minutes after it was posted won't mark the post with the (edited ... ago) text.

      Currently, all older posts that were edited between 2-5 minutes after posting will still be marked as edited, but I'll probably go back and un-mark those as well.
      Updated all old posts now as well.

      90 votes
    18. Idea that could change Tildes - Agree/Disagree buttons

      At first I didn't want to post this idea, because its pretty big change, but I think I'll post my idea here, thanks to @kiyoshigawa. Here is my comment that pretty much sums up my idea. My idea...

      At first I didn't want to post this idea, because its pretty big change, but I think I'll post my idea here, thanks to @kiyoshigawa. Here is my comment that pretty much sums up my idea.

      My idea is, that when people read something, and they agree/disagree with it, they want to express their agreement/disagreement (this is covered in this thread). When you want to express disagreement, you have to, because it's no downvote here, comment to disagree with some opinon. But when you want express agreement, and you don't want to comment (or simple 'I agree' wouldn't add anything to the debate), you just hit the upvote button. And that's problem, as the Vote button should serve as "quality content here" indicator, not "popular content" indicator. We've seen it on Reddit, where the effect is even larger because of the downvote button.

      So my idea is - Add agree/disagree buttons. These buttons doesn't have to do something - I even think, that it'll be better if they didn't do anything. But they'll help users express themselves, so when someone agrees with me, but doesn't want to simply say "I agree", he can hit the 'I agree' button - and he won't hit the vote button. This way, popularity won't affect the "quality" score of the post.

      Edit: As @Kat, @Kijafa, and others said, maybe add only agree button - not the disagree one. I think they might be right, disagree button might have negative effect, as now users have to express disagreement via comments.

      Edit 2: Thank you all for discussion. You made me change my mind about disagree buttons, you are right - it'd be used as downvote and would probably suppress discussion. However, I'm still curios about the "I agree" button and if it would decrease of usage Vote button to express agreement.

      28 votes
    19. The ~ character is not in my keyboard. Can you see Tildes expanding when most people can't write the URLs?

      Even if Tildes is an English-only community, I can see how it been "US keyboard layout"-only might stop other users from using the site. I understand that the character is even in the site's icon...

      Even if Tildes is an English-only community, I can see how it been "US keyboard layout"-only might stop other users from using the site. I understand that the character is even in the site's icon and name, and it feels pretty aesthetically and brand-crucial, but I don't think it is related to the main idea of the site/community or its functionality; and being still in alpha is not too late to make a change that could help it expand and get more users (or at the very least, not limite it).

      What do you think?

      28 votes
    20. Quotes should have more contrast (default light theme)

      Quotes serve two purposes: 1) Replying to a specific part of someone else's comment, and 2) introducing new information from an external source. Replying to a specific part When replying to...

      Quotes serve two purposes: 1) Replying to a specific part of someone else's comment, and 2) introducing new information from an external source.

      Replying to a specific part

      When replying to someone, the current low-contrast black-on-gray style makes sense because it's redundant info.

      However, when quoting an external source, my eyes tend to gloss over the quote, which is unfortunate. Current workarounds are: mild editorializing by bolding certain words; or paraphrasing the source, which is often a waste of time or can be misleading if someone misread the original.

      In summary, my inner thoughts say:

      I suggest we make quotes higher contrast, so that the ones introducing new info can add to the conversation, rather than be ignored due to visual de-emphasis.

      Quotes from external sources often imply authority and that their author has given a topic a lot of thought. Therefore they are valuable to include in a conversation and should carry the same weight as text written by any random user.

      Edit: Screenshot of this post using light theme: https://i.imgtc.com/wVdoFN6.png

      3 votes
    21. Four new groups added (and everyone subscribed): ~anime, ~enviro, ~humanities, and ~life

      A couple weeks back, we had a thread for people to propose some new groups, and then I got too involved in open-sourcing and some other tasks to follow up on it properly. Thanks again for all the...

      A couple weeks back, we had a thread for people to propose some new groups, and then I got too involved in open-sourcing and some other tasks to follow up on it properly. Thanks again for all the suggestions and the patience with the long delay - I've finally gotten around to going through the thread now and selected 4 groups from the suggestions to try adding. If I didn't select a group you suggested or were excited about, it doesn't necessarily mean I don't think it was a good idea, I just don't want to add too many groups too quickly, and I think these ones have some interesting possibilities.

      I decided to auto-subscribe everyone to the new groups, but if you're not interested, you can easily unsubscribe from them through the groups page: https://tildes.net/groups

      Here are the new groups:

      • ~anime - this is one that I'm really iffy about from a hierarchy perspective, so I think it'll be interesting to experiment with because of that. It's unusual because it will probably contain posts that technically could have fit into ~tv, ~movies, ~games, and other existing groups, but having the anime subject split across all of those groups doesn't seem great either. There will probably be some interesting possibilities to play with here, like possibly making ~anime.games and ~games.anime basically point to the same "location".
      • ~enviro - we've had a fair number of topics being posted about recycling, alternate energy, and other related topics, so I think this will be a good one to try.
      • ~humanities - this should be able to cover a wide range of the topics that have mostly ended up in ~misc so far (and I'll probably move some previous ones here) - history, ethics, philosophy, etc.
      • ~life - the proposal for this one was named ~personal, but I think that term has some other implications that might be a little off, so I decided to go with ~life. This is intended to be a group for discussing and posting about general life topics - work, school, families/parenting, and those kind of things.

      Let me know what you think, and if any of the names or descriptions of the groups (in the groups page and in their sidebar) are confusing or should be rewritten, I'd appreciate suggestions.

      69 votes
    22. Vetting new users

      Hey guys, Deimos gave me a bunch of invites to give out and I have a post on Reddit where I’ve been giving them out. So far I’m looking at each persons history to make sure they aren’t a troll,...

      Hey guys,

      Deimos gave me a bunch of invites to give out and I have a post on Reddit where I’ve been giving them out.

      So far I’m looking at each persons history to make sure they aren’t a troll, and have posted generally positive and insightful content.

      What do you guys think we should be vetting?

      Since I’m assuming Tildes won’t be Invite-Only forever, is this just delaying the inevitable?

      42 votes
    23. New variant of "open links in new tabs" setting to apply to links inside the text of comments, topics, and messages

      Following up on his original addition of "open links in new tabs", @what has added another sub-option to it, which will make it so that external links in the text of comments, topic, and messages...

      Following up on his original addition of "open links in new tabs", @what has added another sub-option to it, which will make it so that external links in the text of comments, topic, and messages will be opened in new tabs by default.

      This can be enabled on the Settings page, and I enabled it by default for everyone that has the setting enabled for topic links.

      31 votes
    24. New comments column

      One of the more frustrating things about posts that become popular on reddit, is when you get to them several hours later when they have 1000+ comments. You'd love to give input, but know it'll be...

      One of the more frustrating things about posts that become popular on reddit, is when you get to them several hours later when they have 1000+ comments. You'd love to give input, but know it'll be lost in all the traffic. No one ever scrolls to the very bottom to see the newer comments.

      What if the sidebar displayed a handful of newer comments, with the main comment section remaining as it currently is? Think of it being similar to Amazon reviews, where the newest reviews are displayed on the right. This way you get to see both the most popular and newest comments at the same time.

      7 votes
    25. Best way to browse/use Tildes on mobile?

      Hi fellow Tildes Beta users! I primarily do my browsing on an iPad or my iPhone. Currently I'm using Chrome. Until an app is made, what do you all find the best way to browse Tildes is? The...

      Hi fellow Tildes Beta users!

      I primarily do my browsing on an iPad or my iPhone. Currently I'm using Chrome.

      Until an app is made, what do you all find the best way to browse Tildes is? The formatting is a little wonky for me, which is perfectly understandable. It's not exactly a deal breaker, but it would be a lot easier having a more optimized experience.

      I doubt I'm alone, so what're y'alls preferences?

      22 votes
    26. How about /r/all for tildes?

      I finally signed up on tildes, and just as on the other site, I immediately proceeded to unsubscribe from ~news, ~lgbt and ~food, just because I like to focus on my interests most of the times....

      I finally signed up on tildes, and just as on the other site, I immediately proceeded to unsubscribe from ~news, ~lgbt and ~food, just because I like to focus on my interests most of the times. However, when I'm hungry for more content, my limited tastes aren't enough. On reddit, /r/all used to provide a wild west, all-you-can-eat-buffet experience, which I don't find here.

      I understand the site is in early alpha and community is small (which is the main attraction for me right now), so what do you guys think about something like /r/all for tildes?

      21 votes
    27. Posting AMP links in new topics?

      I have a question about AMP links in new topics. I posted this with the AMP link as an experiment. After a few days of life at 2G data speeds I have begun to appreciate the benefits of AMP. Also,...

      I have a question about AMP links in new topics.

      I posted this with the AMP link as an experiment. After a few days of life at 2G data speeds I have begun to appreciate the benefits of AMP. Also, fast load times seem to be in line with light and quick philosophy of Tildes.net.

      One downside of AMP is that it is a mobile layout which is not ideal layout on desktop with high resolution.

      What do you all think of using AMP links in topics?

      12 votes
    28. When subgroups come out, each group should have a .ask or .asktildes subgroup.

      With so many threads asking about what operating system people use, favorite music, favorite tv-shows, etc, I feel like this is a good subgroup for all of the groups (other than maybe tildes and...

      With so many threads asking about what operating system people use, favorite music, favorite tv-shows, etc, I feel like this is a good subgroup for all of the groups (other than maybe tildes and talk).

      8 votes
    29. Inactive/reserved usernames

      Posed this in the weekly thread and it was recommended to pose the question to the broader community. I am a new user of this wonderful community and certainly plan on being active. It was a bit...

      Posed this in the weekly thread and it was recommended to pose the question to the broader community.

      I am a new user of this wonderful community and certainly plan on being active. It was a bit disappointing to see my preferred name registered and fully inactive (minus an introductory post 60 days ago).

      Curious how the community thinks this should be handled, both in Alpha, an on into GA.

      9 votes
    30. Require decluttering clickbaity titles?

      I suggest we require decluttering clickbaity titles. The rule can be: if the title leaves you asking "Which X?", include that X in the title; if it asks you "Why X", change it to "X Because Y". It...

      I suggest we require decluttering clickbaity titles. The rule can be: if the title leaves you asking "Which X?", include that X in the title; if it asks you "Why X", change it to "X Because Y". It can be a spoiler, but I'd rather have an idea of the content than the suspense, which with this sort of articles is almost never really gratifying. What do you think?

      26 votes
    31. How does the comment removing work?

      Someone posted comment, I wrote a response (here), but when I wanted to send it, I got this message: Comment not found (or it was deleted). After I refreshed, the comment was gone, not even...

      Someone posted comment, I wrote a response (here), but when I wanted to send it, I got this message: Comment not found (or it was deleted). After I refreshed, the comment was gone, not even something like [deleted comment].

      Do someone know how the comment removing work?

      9 votes
    32. Daily Tildes discussion - general plans for the week

      It's been a few weeks since I did this, but I'd like to start getting back into the routine of using the Monday post for a general outline of how I'd like to see the week go. So for this week,...

      It's been a few weeks since I did this, but I'd like to start getting back into the routine of using the Monday post for a general outline of how I'd like to see the week go.

      So for this week, here's my general intentions:

      • I added some new groups today, so I'll want to see how those are looking, and think about whether some other adjustments are needed soon.
      • I'm planning to make a proper blog post (on blog.tildes.net) about the site being open-sourced tomorrow morning. This may end up getting a burst of attention for the site again if it gets some traction on HN, programming/open-source subreddits, etc. (but it's hard to predict if that will happen or not)
      • Related to the above, I think it's about time to start actively trying to bring some more people in again. The site's size has been fairly constant for a few weeks now, and it's been pretty stable in terms of activity, so I think bringing in more users is a good idea. The blog post may help with this, but we'll also probably do another official invite thread on /r/tildes or look for some other possibilities.
      • Various work related to the open-sourcing. There are multiple merge requests open for features/fixes that I need to review, and I'd like to put more work into the documentation, filling out the issue tracker, and so on.
      • Get user pages paginated. I think this is my top priority for a feature to implement personally now, and I believe I should be able to do it this week while working on the other items. My current intention is to start out by only allowing users to look through their own full history, and leave that for a few days to allow people to go back and edit/delete anything they want to. After giving a bit of time for that, I intend to enable it for everyone. We can talk a bit more about this, but that's my current plan.

      Feedback and suggestions for those plans (or other ones, if you think I'm prioritizing the wrong things) are welcome, thanks.

      48 votes
    33. Daily Tildes discussion - Just... try to relax a bit

      Today I want to talk about a pattern that seems to keep happening—someone makes a post that's on the low effort end of the scale, and people freak out in response. Multiple users attack the poster...

      Today I want to talk about a pattern that seems to keep happening—someone makes a post that's on the low effort end of the scale, and people freak out in response. Multiple users attack the poster in the thread itself, at least one separate meta post gets made about it, people send me messages concerned about the direction of the site, etc.

      This really isn't necessary. Every instance of a post being a bit outside the lines isn't a harbinger of the site's impending doom. I know that a lot of you are passionate about having a higher-quality community site, but it doesn't mean that everything even slightly outside that goal needs to be viciously suppressed. It's okay to just ignore some posts here and there (or nicely point out that they don't really fit the site's goals), we don't need to try and chase off anyone that dares to post a joke or a cat gif.

      So... just try to relax a bit, it'll be okay. Tildes is still very new, and there's a lot to figure out. The site's got a lot of growth and evolution in its future, and it doesn't need to be run with an iron fist from the very beginning. I promise that there's a solid vision for the site and I'm going to make sure it goes in that direction, but every minor deviation from that goal doesn't need to be destroyed. One of the most important parts of these early stages is to build up a good base culture, and we really don't need the community to feel extremely unwelcoming with people scared to post anything because it might be judged "too low effort".

      148 votes
    34. Can we have a conspirancy/paranormal/fringe discussion group?

      I have an interest in this type of subjects, and it seems this site doesn't have an appropriate space for these matters. Can we have a dedicated group and if not where should I post about this...

      I have an interest in this type of subjects, and it seems this site doesn't have an appropriate space for these matters. Can we have a dedicated group and if not where should I post about this kind of stuff?

      5 votes
    35. What kind of community do you want this to be?

      Choose three words to describe the kind of community you want here, and explain why you chose those words. Diverse More points of view makes for a more in depth, nuanced conversation that brings...

      Choose three words to describe the kind of community you want here, and explain why you chose those words.


      More points of view makes for a more in depth, nuanced conversation that brings viewpoints I may not have considered before. I have plenty of experience as a native woman in Canada, but that isn't the only viewpoint. Much as it pains me to admit, I don't know everything and sometimes I miss layers of conversations that others can point out to me. Those viewpoints are the ones I need to read if I want to continue growing as a person.


      I want a community that isn't full of gatekeepers, who don't arbitrarily decide who should or should not belong before they've even had a chance to contribute. I want to see people given a chance to show who they can be on a new platform, and how they can make this a better place. The last thing we need is to chase away people who might otherwise make valid contributions to the community by being dicks.


      More threads, more topics for discussion, more traffic in general. I want to see dozens of threads I can contribute to or at least read on a daily basis, whatever that topic may be. A new book series, a hobby, a viewpoint on politics. But we're not going to get there without a diverse, welcoming group to keep new people engaged.

      20 votes
    36. Not-so-daily Tildes discussion

      I've already been doing this a little (both deliberately and not), but I'm going to stop specifically finding something to make a Daily Discussion post about every day. I'll definitely still be...

      I've already been doing this a little (both deliberately and not), but I'm going to stop specifically finding something to make a Daily Discussion post about every day. I'll definitely still be asking for input and posting about general site topics often, but I think it'll be good to move to doing it as more of an "on-demand" thing. Part of the reason for doing daily discussions was to try and help boost the site's activity, but I think we've gotten to the point now where it's not really needed any more.

      There's already a pretty good backlog of plans and ideas that we've discussed in the previous posts but I haven't had a chance to implement yet, and I don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves in talking about all sorts of features that may not show up for quite a while. I'll still be making changelog posts whenever a significant update is deployed to get feedback on those, and if there are any features that are being worked on that I'm not completely certain about, I'll post to ask for input on those as well.

      In terms of more formally scheduled posts, as mentioned this Monday I'd like to keep making a post at the beginning of each week with general plans, and I'll probably keep doing an overall feedback/questions/suggestions one every couple of weeks or so as well.

      Other than that, as always please feel free to post in ~tildes with any questions, feedback or suggestions you have, or submit things directly to the issue tracker on GitLab if you're comfortable doing that.

      37 votes
    37. Discussion: fostering inclusiveness on Tildes

      Hi all, I've been thinking about this for a couple days, and since there's another discussion about the alt-right/racism/offensive attitudes, I figured it was a good time to hopefully initiate the...

      Hi all,

      I've been thinking about this for a couple days, and since there's another discussion about the alt-right/racism/offensive attitudes, I figured it was a good time to hopefully initiate the discussion even though I myself don't have much to contribute to it.

      What I'm asking for is ideas to foster inclusiveness on Tildes. I personally haven't noticed much on Reddit that's bad, but then again, I'm a young (well, sorta) white dude. What I have noticed is that, as a man, I am the "default" gender on Reddit. People are always calling me "man" on there, even when I have not given any clues about my gender.

      As for my race, I haven't noticed anything making my whiteness the "default"--people call me "man" all the time, but they don't call me "honky man," after all--but I unfortunately might not notice that. Anyway, I should stop blabbing, because I unfortunately don't have much to add to this discussion.

      My question is, though--and I hope other people agree that it's an important topic to discuss--what can Tildes do to encourage inclusiveness? What can Tildes do to make everyone feel welcome, regardless of their sex/gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and identity in general? If I were a woman and someone called me, "man," I expect that I would feel less welcome.

      Edit: I should clarify that I'm looking for systematic ideas for what to do: if Tildes were as big as Reddit, what policies or structures could be implemented to remind people or encourage them to be more open to everyone? Is there anything that's even possible?

      29 votes
    38. Is there a space for the extremes of "alt right" on Tildes?

      I posted this recently during a discussion on reddit on thread locking and wanted to post it here for discussion as well. There's no room in a decent society for those who advocate for "race...

      I posted this recently during a discussion on reddit on thread locking and wanted to post it here for discussion as well.

      There's no room in a decent society for those who advocate for "race realism", deny the holocaust, or believe women are all mindless whores who can't think for themselves. If that's your (general you) idea of a useful contribution, create your own sub and be as hateful as you want, but I have no obligation to provide a platform for hatred on a sub that's dedicated to, for example, gifs of puppies and kittens.

      Tildes is intended to be a place for insightful, high quality discussion. Can people who advocate for topics like race realism be part of that conversation?

      Note: I am not necessarily suggesting that such topics be banned from tildes, I'd just like to hear opinions on this topic.

      Edit: I posted this same topic, lightly revised, on /r/theoryofreddit to see the difference in responses. It's been enlightening.

      40 votes
    39. Have we talked about alts? Are they OK to have?

      Hi, I have but two accounts on Reddit; one for posting stuff I make, having fun discussions, and maybe small debates about stuff that doesn't matter (games, movies, etc.); and another for...


      I have but two accounts on Reddit; one for posting stuff I make, having fun discussions, and maybe small debates about stuff that doesn't matter (games, movies, etc.); and another for political discussion/debates, because sadly, my progressive views (and admittedly abrasive tendencies when the party I'm talking to is themselves abrasive) tend to get me enough negative attention that I've been doxxed twice (admittedly over the course of 12 years, so not much).

      Are alts allowed? If so, doesn't that just provide me with another 5 invites (that I will totally not abuse on account I've only used but one of the ones I've got/don't know enough friends to care about leaving Reddit)?

      If not, totally understandable-- I'll just avoid posting stuff I make in the event I find myself getting into a political debate.

      Thanks for the time/info either way,

      9 votes
    40. Suggestion: easy button to switch to night mode

      Just wanted to suggest that it would be nice to have a toggle switch button either next to our username or at least on the right in the User Menu after you click your username. Having to go all...

      Just wanted to suggest that it would be nice to have a toggle switch button either next to our username or at least on the right in the User Menu after you click your username.

      Having to go all the way into settings every evening is a bit awkward.

      27 votes
    41. Post state changes aren't propagated particularly well without a reload

      Original title: "Voting on comments on mobile makes them impossible to reply to" I was just reading through and voting on a few comments in a thread that was locked between me loading the page and...

      Original title: "Voting on comments on mobile makes them impossible to reply to"

      I was just reading through and voting on a few comments in a thread that was locked between me loading the page and starting to vote, and every time I clicked "Vote" the reply button on that comment would disappear. I reloaded the page and saw a) all the reply buttons had gone and b) there was a "this thread is locked" banner at the top, but until then I had no idea what was happening.

      It would be really neat if Tildes could cope a little better with things like this happening. Obviously it's not necessarily realistic for every client to keep a connection open with the server so that posts can be locked in real time, but it would be nice if behaviour in situations like this could at least be consistent – either all the reply buttons disappear and the banner appears at the top, or nothing changes at all. It's really disconcerting to have individual buttons disappearing as you're interacting with them!

      I also notice that changes to page state don't get persisted across history navigation; if I click on a post, vote on it, then press back in my browser, the post doesn't appear to be voted for until I refresh the page. Is it possible to fix that too?

      4 votes
    42. On post text in post listings

      I'm going to keep it brief, because there's not a lot to talk about: The font size and lightness makes it really hard to read the text for posts. It could be easier to read by changing these...

      I'm going to keep it brief, because there's not a lot to talk about:

      • The font size and lightness makes it really hard to read the text for posts. It could be easier to read by changing these aspects.

      • Could disabling the inline text for posts be added? I wouldn't mind if I had to view the comments page for a post to read it as I'd read the post if it interested me, so currently I have to scroll past it instead. It makes the post listings harder to skim through, especially because it's hard to read the text on them.

      • It made me think of another point; maybe some kind of middle option where text can be associated with a topic, but there could be another field where a brief summary that's more descriptive than the title is placed, or just truncate the post text and explicitly show that there's more.

      5 votes