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    1. Daily thread for news/updates/discussion of George Floyd protests - June 15

      This thread is posted daily - please try to post relevant content in here, such as news, updates, opinion articles, etc. Especially significant updates may warrant a separate topic, but most...

      This thread is posted daily - please try to post relevant content in here, such as news, updates, opinion articles, etc. Especially significant updates may warrant a separate topic, but most should be posted here.

      14 votes
    2. Let's do a deep dive into the itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality together!

      The Bundle itch.io's Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality is a collection of indie media content offered up as a fundraiser for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and Community Bail...

      The Bundle

      itch.io's Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality is a collection of indie media content offered up as a fundraiser for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and Community Bail Fund. The minimum purchase is $5 which gains you access to 1637 items from 1304 different creators. The bundle has raised over $5 million dollars so far and is a genuinely incredible show of support and solidarity from the gaming community for the Black Lives Matter movement.

      Here is the previous Tildes topic about it, here is a subreddit for it, and here is a community spreadsheet cataloging its contents.

      The Content

      The bundle is primarily video games, but it also has tabletop games, game assets, books, music, and tools. It is an intimidatingly large amount of content, and much attention has been called to some of the collection's highlights and standout titles: 1 2 3 4 (if you find other lists, let me know and I'll link them here).

      I'm thinking it would be neat for us on Tildes to explore and highlight some of its less well-known content. The people who have made their creations available in this bundle have done so generously and in support of a great cause, so this is a way that we can show some appreciation for them by bringing some attention to their work. It is also possible to re-purchase games that you already own on itch.io and add tips to that purchase, so you can also monetarily support any devs you choose should you feel inclined to do so.

      The Event

      Using whatever selection methods or criteria you like, dive into an item/multiple items from the bundle and then report back here about it. There is a handy website that lets you filter the whole set of items, and it also has a very useful "pick a game" button that selects a game at random from the batch.

      However you choose something, let us know what you've chosen, what it was, what your experience was like with it, and whether or not you recommend it. Format your entries however you like but please Bold the Titles of Items so people can scan the thread more easily!

      Feel free to submit multiple entries to the topic as you explore the bundle. I'm thinking that with a few of us doing this over a couple of days, we can cover a lot of ground and surface some interesting and easily overlooked content.

      Our Selections

      I'll keep a table of the highly recommended things we surface here. To select something to be included here, mention in your writeup that it qualifies for "Tildes' Choice" status, and I'll add it to the list!

      Title Creator Type Recommender
      Us Lovely Corpses d Marie Visual novel kfwyre
      Cardinal Chains Daniel Nora Pure puzzle game kfwyre
      25 votes
    3. What are you reading these days?

      What are you reading currently? Fiction or non-fiction or poetry, any genre, any language! Tell us what you're reading, and talk about it a bit. Previous topics Previous topics are listed in the wiki.

      16 votes
    4. Are there any good tools for "one-off" file encryption?

      Sorry if this is a silly question, but I keep running into situations where a small CLI or GUI tool that could be handed a single file and hand me back an encrypted version would be useful. I've...

      Sorry if this is a silly question, but I keep running into situations where a small CLI or GUI tool that could be handed a single file and hand me back an encrypted version would be useful. I've done some googling, but all I typically turn up is blogspam about random Windows-only tools that seem to be of dubious quality.

      Anyone know of a good tool for this type of thing?

      9 votes
    5. Helping or harming? The effect of trigger warnings on individuals with trauma histories.

      Publication: Helping or Harming? The Effect of Trigger Warnings on Individuals with Trauma Histories. Pre-print version (for people, like me, who don't have access to the published version):...

      Publication: Helping or Harming? The Effect of Trigger Warnings on Individuals with Trauma Histories.

      Pre-print version (for people, like me, who don't have access to the published version): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334380654_Helping_or_Harming_The_Effect_of_Trigger_Warnings_on_Individuals_with_Trauma_Histories

      11 votes
    6. What blogs/newsletters do you subscribe to and why?

      Back in the day I was a hardcore Google Reader (RIP) user, and following that I continued to use https://feedly.com/ for many years, but eventually I found myself falling behind on all my feeds...

      Back in the day I was a hardcore Google Reader (RIP) user, and following that I continued to use https://feedly.com/ for many years, but eventually I found myself falling behind on all my feeds and stopped checking it.

      Recently, I signed for Inoreader and I've started reading more blogs again. It also has the nice feature of letting you subscribe to email newsletters too, which is quite nice since I find them annoying to deal with in my email inbox but convenient in the feed reader.

      I'm wondering what blogs and newsletters folks on Tildes subscribe to.

      Here are a few of my favorites:



      This is just a slice. I can share my entire list if people are interested. But I'm curious about what feeds others enjoy, on anything from film and furniture to "movie-set" urbanism. What are you reading?

      20 votes
    7. What are some examples of "unrelated siblings"?

      This question isn't about people so much as it is about anything else. It's hard to explain outright, so I'll use an example: A few months ago I read Emily St. John Mandel's Station Eleven. I just...

      This question isn't about people so much as it is about anything else. It's hard to explain outright, so I'll use an example:

      A few months ago I read Emily St. John Mandel's Station Eleven. I just finished with Ling Ma's Severance. The two books are completely unrelated but feel very, very close to one another. There are a lot of topical similarities: both portray a global pandemic, a lead female character, and narrative shifts between pre- and post-societal collapse, etc. However, more than that, both feel very tonally similar. I couldn't read Severance without constantly thinking of and comparing it to Station Eleven, and I think I liked both books better together than I did either of them on their own. Even though they're clearly different and written by different people, they very much feel like they come from the same family -- like they're unrelated siblings.

      I'm curious as to what other examples people can come up with, in whatever category you consider: media, historical events, languages, etc. Anything goes as long as they have a familial resemblance.

      9 votes
    8. Looking for career switching advice from Film/Business to Software Engineering

      I have a few weeks left before I finish my MBA and I turn 26. I decided to spend the free time I have since my cancelled finance internship learning how to program. I enjoy it a lot and could...

      I have a few weeks left before I finish my MBA and I turn 26. I decided to spend the free time I have since my cancelled finance internship learning how to program. I enjoy it a lot and could easily see myself working as a Software Engineer. Prior to my MBA and the finance internships I did, I was a video editor and colorist with a film production bachelors.

      I started with App Academy's Introduction to Ruby I and II courses but I quickly realized that even if a boot camp would work out for me, that specific one would not work out due to geographic location. There is a Hack Reactor branch close to my parents house in Los Angeles, however I feel like if I choose to enroll in a boot camp I should learn as much as I can on my own first; doing it now seems like I would be subjecting myself to financial peril, especially in light of COVID-19.

      I am now taking the edX MIT 6.00.1 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python course. One of my friends gave me access to a udemy MTA Networking Fundamentals course and I was considering working through that alongside the MIT one. The MIT course only takes around 15 hours per week, so I need more classes/projects to help fill what is ideally a 50 hour work week in order for me to really grasp these concepts. I know at some point I have to begin to build projects, but I do not believe my fundamentals are quite there. If I'm wrong, I would love some pointers as to how to begin.

      If anyone is able, I would really appreciate some guidance in three main areas. First, is my timetable realistic? I have enough overhead and family help to last me to December before I start looking for work OR enroll in a boot camp, the latter of which would require some additional help. I feel that if I diligently study from now until then my family would be willing to help me out a little bit.

      Second, would a boot camp actually be worth it? I realize that a solid portfolio is the #1 thing that will get my foot in the door somewhere but I'm not sure if I would have one that is as fleshed out as I might need by December. Some alumni from my school went through Hack Reactor, but the amount of CS students currently working as SWE far outnumbers the two folks I have found so far that pivoted from Economics and Film Production into SWE. I see the boot camp as serving two purposes: demonstrating that I have what it takes to commit to something and see it through (similar to my two degrees, just for programming) and helping add a few items to my body of work. The financial obligation is a bit concerning, but if I truly was able to find a job at the end of it the ISA would feel worth it.

      Finally, how can my lesson plan be improved? I intend to finish this MITx course over the next six weeks (I'm working through week 2 right now). Is the MTA Networking Fundamentals course a good compliment? Are there other courses that might be better? I own the book Programming Principles and Practice using C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup and have read that it is a solid introduction to both C++ and programming fundamentals, similar to the MITx course. I intend on starting and finishing a Version Control with Git coursera class this coming week. What more could I add, are these the right things to focus on, and is this even a realistic endeavor for me?

      My interests are web development, app development, and data analytics. I feel each of these would be its own path, but if someone could help me narrow this list down to one that best suits my past experience, has complimentary skills, and seems like it would be a good fit it would be much appreciated.

      Any advice helps!

      15 votes