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  • Showing only topics with the tag "photography". Back to normal view
    1. I found a hobby

      For years people have been telling me I should get a hobby, something to occupy my mind with, something I enjoy. I finally found one. I've always enjoyed aimlessly wondering about, seeing what I...

      For years people have been telling me I should get a hobby, something to occupy my mind with, something I enjoy.

      I finally found one. I've always enjoyed aimlessly wondering about, seeing what I can see along the way, and now I have something specific to look out for on my aimless wanderings. It also helps document an aspect of our past that is rapidly disappearing as gentrification and redevelopment continues apace in all our urban and industrial areas.

      The entry barrier is low as well. All you need is mobility of some form, and a camera capable of taking reasonably good images, something most smartphones have these days


      35 votes
    2. What’s a good place to see and share photography?

      I miss photography subreddits. I don’t miss Reddit as a whole at all though, and I think smaller forums like Tildes and a couple Discord servers have helped bridge the gap in a lot of other areas....

      I miss photography subreddits. I don’t miss Reddit as a whole at all though, and I think smaller forums like Tildes and a couple Discord servers have helped bridge the gap in a lot of other areas. But I just have not found a good replacement for r/analog in seeing other hobbyists’ film photography and share my own. Where should I be looking?

      19 votes
    3. Photographs from ISS not of Earth?

      This random late-night thought that hopefully someone can quickly point me to (my Google-fu is weak tonight). I'd like to see some pictures of space from the ISS that don't include Earth. I live...

      This random late-night thought that hopefully someone can quickly point me to (my Google-fu is weak tonight). I'd like to see some pictures of space from the ISS that don't include Earth. I live in an area that is heavily light polluted so my nightsky view is terrible and I've seen amazing images from other places on Earth that look stunning - I figured a view from the ISS would be even more amazing.

      Some of the ones I've quickly found on google appear to be photoshopped - as I'll find the same scene with only a few stars, another seemingly showing the entire Milky Way and then another plain black highlighting the earth.

      Many Thanks!

      12 votes
    4. Help with choosing my first camera

      Hello ~hobbies, I've come to you in hopes of getting some guidance as a newbie. I have never owned a camera before and am afraid of choosing the wrong one for my use case, so I was hoping some...

      Hello ~hobbies, I've come to you in hopes of getting some guidance as a newbie.

      I have never owned a camera before and am afraid of choosing the wrong one for my use case, so I was hoping some people could enlighten me, if not with model suggestions, then with what I should be looking for.

      My main goal is to shoot video, not take photos (though of course I want it to take good photos but the primary use will be shooting videos wherever I go). And specifically 4k 60fps video. I have a 65 inch TV where I want to play these videos so that resolution is a must, as any picture quality flaws will be noticed.

      I have a gimbal, a hohem iSteady MT2, which I use with my phone and would like to use with the camera, so whatever camera I get can't go above its 1.2kg payload limit. I really don't want to pay for a separate gimbal for the camera.

      I plan on using a separate mic, probably the sennheiser mke 200 based on reviews I saw, so the camera must also be able to support external mics.

      And lastly, the budget is roughly 1000€.

      There are so many brands and models I really don't know where exactly to turn to. I've mostly been leaning towards cameras like the Sony ZV-E10L and similar as they seem geared towards vloggers and that's more or less the type of video I'll be making (not content creation though, these are just personal videos), but I'm wondering if I'm falling into a trap as the price is so much lower than say an A7 III.

      Any advice, pointers, or recommendations would be greatly appreciated as I really don't know much about the world of cameras. I'm frankly not even sure what type of camera (DSLR, point and shoot, etc.) I should even be looking at so yeah.

      19 votes
    5. App or workflow suggestion for viewing and selecting photos on PC

      As an amateur photographer, I'm looking for recommendations to improve my process for reviewing and selecting the best photos from my albums. Currently, it goes something like this: (after I copy...

      As an amateur photographer, I'm looking for recommendations to improve my process for reviewing and selecting the best photos from my albums.

      Currently, it goes something like this:

      • (after I copy the photos to my PC) I open the folder containing the album
      • I open the first photo and start looking at the pictures using the default photo viewing app
      • I note mentally, on paper, or in a digital notepad the names of the files that I like the most
      • manually select the files that I noted down

      My ideal workflow would be something like:

      • open the folder, open first photo, look through them all
      • each time I see a picture that I like, hit space or some other simple shortcut, which adds the picture to the current selection
      • after I am done viewing, I have all the files that I want already selected to do with as I please

      I have tried multiple apps over the years but I haven't come across anything that had something similar, or I was too stupid to figure out how to do it. The workflow I described is using windows/linux, on macOS it's even more cumbersome (since one needs to select all photos in a folder before previewing them).

      Do you have any recommendations for an app that has functionality like this, or if not, on how I can make my workflow better?


      5 votes
    6. Guidance on using my camera

      Hello, I have had the Sony ZV-1 for a while, and i was wondering if anyone had any experience with it - namely video stabilization. I feel like even with Active SteadyShot turned on in the...


      I have had the Sony ZV-1 for a while, and i was wondering if anyone had any experience with it - namely video stabilization.

      I feel like even with Active SteadyShot turned on in the settings, the footage is relatively shaky, and I like to think I have a relatively stable hand. Would using a gimbal of some sorts eliminate most of the shakiness of the footage without having to apply the in-camera stabilization?

      10 votes
    7. Advice on cataloging antique historic photos

      Hey all! (If this is the wrong place for this, please feel free to reassign) During the winter months I can't get out to do much photography, but I love darkroom printing. Last winter I started...

      Hey all!

      (If this is the wrong place for this, please feel free to reassign)

      During the winter months I can't get out to do much photography, but I love darkroom printing. Last winter I started buying antique photo negatives on ebay to have something to print.

      It's been amazing! Many are from the 20's, 30's and 40's, with one set (of glass plates) having been manufactured pre-20th century!

      I don't know how many I have, but it must be somewhere around 300-500 negatives. Currently they are stored in their original envelopes from the labs that developed them nearly 90 years ago, but that's not a good long term option. I love history, and I want to do this right, but I feel a bit overwhelmed with the volume.

      Data I'd like to keep track of:

      • The name of the person on the envelope the negative came from
      • The date on the envelope
      • The approximate date taken (if known)
      • Ideally the specific envelope it came from

      I'm going to try and store these in a binder of some sort, though that presents it's own challenges since it won't be possible to find sheets with sleeves that are the right size for the negatives. But that's a problem for me to solve haha. I've never had to index/catalog physical media before, so I'm pretty clueless on where to start.

      More than anything it's really important to me to preserve this history in a safe way. For many of the people these pictures may be the only trace on earth that they ever existed, and I want to respect that.

      9 votes
    8. Photography: Next lens after nifty fifty?

      Beginner amateur photographer here (emphasis on the amateur - zero desire to monetize my photos or start a business). Several months ago I bought a Sony A6000 after doing some research on cameras...

      Beginner amateur photographer here (emphasis on the amateur - zero desire to monetize my photos or start a business). Several months ago I bought a Sony A6000 after doing some research on cameras for beginners. The camera was fine but to completely honest I wasn't very enthused with the pictures coming out.

      Then I bought a 50 mm prime lens, and what a difference! Compared to the kit lenses, my photos started coming out the way I envisioned them. They say you should never blame the gear and while I agree with the general sentiment, photography became a lot more fun after acquiring my nifty fifty.

      My question to all the photographers out there is, what next? For context, I mostly enjoy shooting people from close distances (1-5 m) away. However, a lot of my shots are of groups of people doing sports-like activities so when there's more than two people I have trouble capturing it all with my current setup. Any recommendations are much appreciated!

      13 votes
    9. Where do you share your art with the world?

      Where do you share the art that you make with the world? Do you use a social media site? A personal website? Do you keep it all to yourself? Is your art something that can't be shared online so...

      Where do you share the art that you make with the world? Do you use a social media site? A personal website? Do you keep it all to yourself? Is your art something that can't be shared online so easily?

      35 votes
    10. Quasar hunting in amateur astrophotography

      I'm not sure how big the astrophotography community, if any, is on ~tildes but I'd figure I'd open a topic up and see! Astrophotography is one of my hobbies, and it was brought to my attention...

      I'm not sure how big the astrophotography community, if any, is on ~tildes but I'd figure I'd open a topic up and see! Astrophotography is one of my hobbies, and it was brought to my attention (see link for two quasars near the M3 globular cluster) that it's actually pretty easy to photograph quasars. The same are visible in my attempt at photographing M3. Anyway, my question here is does anybody know of any particular interesting or distant quasars to photograph? I assume most will just be "dots" but it still sounds like fun since they're among the most distant objects you can see. I assume most quasars would be broad spectrum, so no filters are really needed, but I'm also curious if there's any bright yet redshifted objects you'd need infrared to capture.

      My setup is an Astro-Tech AT80EDT 80mm Refractor f/6. I just got the f/0.8 reducer which I'm excited to take for a spin. It's a chonky piece of glass. My camera is a ZWO ASI585MC which does decent enough for deep sky.

      Edit: To add, using something like http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/ is great for finding interesting objects once I've already taken a photo, but it's less helpful to plan my shots.

      13 votes
    11. Calling all analog photographers and cinematographers of Tildes

      As a hobbyist, I do digital and film photography, but I tend towards film unless the situation calls for it (like doing motorsports photography, for example). I'm curious how many of this smaller...

      As a hobbyist, I do digital and film photography, but I tend towards film unless the situation calls for it (like doing motorsports photography, for example).

      I'm curious how many of this smaller community shoot film, and what everyone's relationship with film is. Do you shoot casually? Professionally? Part of this post is trying to gauge how much interest there could be in the occasional discussion of analog photography subjects. Would love to hear anything you have to say on the subject, be it film itself, gear (liking or collecting gear is not a bad thing!), or the process of shooting on analog formats.

      If anyone is in the CA Bay Area there is a film group (organized through the Meetup app) that does semi-regular meets that we'd love to have more participants in.

      Feel free to drop a link to wherever you post your work, if you do. I've really been enjoying posting on Glass for the last 6 months. It's paid but sure as hell beats Instagram, in my opinion.

      26 votes