How many songs does a band need to have that you like for you to say you really like them?
I've realized the amount of bands that I'd describe as "really liking them" despite only regularly listening to 3-6 of their songs is pretty high. While I have a fair number of bands that I like...
I've realized the amount of bands that I'd describe as "really liking them" despite only regularly listening to 3-6 of their songs is pretty high. While I have a fair number of bands that I like 10+ songs from, the vast majority of bands I'd recommend have a much smaller pool. I was just listening to LCD Soundsystem, a band I've loved for years, and I realized I only regularly listen to 4 of their songs (All My Friends, Daft Punk is Playing..., Dance Yrself Clean and New York I Love You...). TV on the Radio, another band I've really been trying to get people to listen to lately, I only like 6 of their songs. And with a lot of these bands it's not even that I just haven't listened to a lot of their music. TVotR I've listened to 3/5 albums all the way through, and while there were a lot of songs I maybe sorta enjoyed, only 6 of them were good enough that I actually saved them.
It gets harder for me because there are also a lot of bands out there that I like 3+ of their songs but wouldn't describe myself as a big fan. Eminem, for example, I have like 15 of his songs saved but I'd definitely say I like TV on the Radio more.
I feel like for me it's more about how much I like the songs rather than the quantity. Like on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is barely liking it and 10 is absolutely loving it (so entirely ignoring songs I don't like), Eminem has a lot of like 4-7s whereas all of the TVotR songs I like I'd rate as 9s or 10s.